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Chapter 80 Can't hide

Xia Houshu had already guessed that something unexpected had happened later, otherwise Yingyue would not have entered the Qunfang Club and become a pawn for others, let alone be reduced to selling her body and soul in this land of fireworks. But she still couldn't help it.

I asked "What's the pity?"

"I got separated from them." Yingyue said calmly, as if she was caught up in that unbearable memory, "It was really too cold that winter. It was covered with ice and snow everywhere, and a lot of animals in the mountains froze to death.

As a result, Uncle Yu had not hunted a prey for a long time, and his life became more and more difficult. Later, they decided to move to the city, saying that they would learn to do some medicine business, and they agreed to take me with them. I thought I would have a

It’s a real home, no need to be homeless anymore.”

"It snowed heavily that night, and the goose feathers were flying like feathers, making it difficult to see the road ahead. We found a local temple to rest, and a few men with knives came from behind. They stared at us as soon as they came.

I brought a few pieces of animal skins with me. Uncle Yu was cautious and overheard them discussing privately about killing people and taking the skins, so he escaped with us. Unexpectedly, the big men discovered it soon and chased after them.

I accidentally fell down the hillside..."

So later Yingyue also became a member of Qunfang Club.

Qunfang Society, like the dead men of Changqing Sect, accommodates homeless orphans or street children. In such an environment, Yingyue must have endured a lot of hardships that ordinary people cannot bear if she can survive until now.

Xia Houshu couldn't imagine what support Yingyue relied on to survive. Just when he was about to ask again, Yingyue stood up and bowed to them, saying in a cold tone: "I have told you everything you want to know. Now, you

You can go."

Xia Houshu still had unsolved doubts, so naturally he would not be dismissed by her so easily. She pointed to the peach blossom jade tablet on the table and asked, "Does the girl know the secret behind this jade tablet?"

Yingyue's face was full of astonishment: "How can I know, but what if I don't know?"

"Then I'll assume you know it." Xia Houshu refused to follow her, "Since you know what it means, why do you still give it to Yu Xiuyuan?"

But Yingyue laughed until she burst into tears, then she said, "I didn't give it to him, he took it from me."

Xia Houshu was stunned. It seemed reasonable that Yu Xiuyuan wanted to pick something affordable as a token for Sun Jiarou when he was in poverty.

But he picked up the wrong one again.

Yun Xi was also surprised, but he still didn't forget that he was playing Sun Jiarou, and immediately retorted: "Impossible! Yu Lang is not that kind of person!"

But Yingyue said: "You don't have to act anymore, I know who you are."

Xia Houshu and Yun Xi both looked surprised, but there seemed to be no explanation for this. The two exchanged glances with each other and looked at Ying Yue warily, guessing what she would say next.

Yingyue smiled and said, "Actually, I noticed you the first day you entered Shuyu Pavilion. I asked Aunt Lu to stop you. I didn't expect you to be so persistent."

Her words made Xia Houshu feel defeated. Her first reaction was that the people in Qunfang Club were really scary. First it was the Bai Shao sisters, and then Ying Yue. They were all humble women who looked weak, but they had seen through it.

With her talent for people's hearts and her quiet composure, you will never guess what secrets she hides, nor do you know how true or false her every word and deed, every frown and smile is. Even their hands are stained.

It’s impossible to tell how much blood was stained.

Xia Houshu said in confusion: "Even if we are struggling hard, you can still choose to turn a blind eye, but why did you finally see us?"

Yingyue glanced out the window with confused eyes, and then said, "I can't hide from you."

Xia Houshu was confused. She admitted that she was somewhat capable of stalking. Even if Yingyue still refused to meet, she would find other ways. But when Yingyue said "there is no way to avoid it"

Her tone and eyes didn't seem to be completely talking about this matter. It felt like there was something else besides her harassment that she couldn't avoid. As for what it was, Xia Houshu couldn't tell for a while.

Yingyue withdrew her gaze, and faintly glanced at the master and servant in front of her again, and finally picked up the peach blossom jade tablet and held it in her hand, and said slowly: "You go, just pretend that you have never been here."

"As for the Sun girl..." Yingyue said with a long sigh, "She is a good girl. She shouldn't be here. Just think that we can't forgive her."

"You?" Xia Houshu asked immediately, "You mean you and Yu Xiuyuan?"

Could it be that she and Yu Xiuyuan really have an affair? Then what does it mean that Sun Jiarou is causing such trouble?

Xia Houshu was confused and angry, and felt unworthy of Sun Jiarou.

Ying Yue did not answer, even her eyes were hidden in the shadows. She waved her hands and urged them over and over again: "Let's go, let's go quickly."

Even though Xia Houshu still had a lot of doubts in her heart, when she heard that Yingyue issued an order to expel guests, she couldn't continue to ask further questions, so she pulled Yunxi and stood up to leave.

The master and servant came out of Shuyu Pavilion in an anxious mood, and met Ziyi Qinan and Qingyi cold-faced god on the street at the entrance, and their destination was Shuyu Pavilion. Although they had changed their appearance and put on fake

Despite his beard, Xia Houshu subconsciously covered his face with his hands and quickly pulled Yun Xi aside, secretly praying that Qin Nan didn't recognize him.

When they passed each other, Qinan glanced at them intentionally or unintentionally.

It wasn't until he was far away that Xia Houshu stopped, turned around and looked back, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't find Qin Nan following him.

Yun Xi also patted his chest with lingering fear, and said, "I forgot to ask about the unpleasantness last time. The girl said that the man named Qin Nan owed you a favor. When did he owe you a favor? I follow the girl every day.

, I don’t even know.”

Xia Houshu felt that Qin Nan and Leng Mian Shen were not people she could offend, so she had the obligation to warn Yun Xi to prevent her from having any unrealistic fantasies. She thought about it and said, "Do you remember last time?

Was I injured at Huguoji Temple?"

"The memory is still fresh!" Yun Xi nodded fiercely and said while gesturing with his hands, "It was such a big cut and there was a lot of blood!" She paused and immediately reacted, "You mean...

Are you hurt because of him?"

"Yeah." Xia Houshu nodded.

"But..." Yun Xi was confused again, "You said you met a bad guy at the time, could it be that he scratched you?... This is not okay! We have to avoid him in the future! Otherwise, we should tell the Duke.

Come on! Let the Duke check his identity... It would be great if the second young master was in the capital!"

When the incident first happened, Xia Houshu didn't even think about telling her elders. Now that it's been so long, she didn't want her parents to know. And when asked, how would she explain what happened that night? Xia Houyi knew about it, but

He is now in Mianxiang Mountain, and water from afar cannot save him from thirst.

"It's gone—"

Suddenly, a shout came from nowhere, breaking the silence between their master and servant. Xia Houshu instinctively looked around and saw thick smoke billowing from the once magnificent Shuyu Pavilion, and the flames looked like a ferocious beast.

The humans who looked at Zhang Huang's escape smiled mercilessly.

The fire spread from the back kitchen and the second floor of Shuyu Pavilion. The raging flames waved its claws arrogantly, bringing thick smoke and heat, mixed with wanton whistling sounds, and the rapid suffocating gas.

The burning "sizzling" sound flew everywhere with the wind, devouring everything unscrupulously. For a time, there were cries, shouts, explosions, and shouts to put out the fire... all the noisy sounds were distorted in the fire.

As a result, people's tension and fear are infinitely magnified. It's like purgatory on earth.

How could a good place suddenly catch fire?

Xia Houshu's first thought was that Yingyue was still inside, and her room happened to be on the second floor!

Although she had only met Yingyue twice, after hearing about Yingyue's life experience, she felt that Yingyue was just a poor person, and she fell back uncontrollably.

Yunxi, who had been stunned by the sudden fire, finally realized what he was doing. He quickly chased after Xia Houshu and said loudly: "Girl, what do you want to do?"

"Yingyue is still inside!" Xia Houshu explained, "We have to save her!"

Hearing this, Yun Xi grabbed Xia Houshu harder and persuaded, "I know you want to save Miss Yingyue, but the fire is so strong and everyone inside is fleeing, we can't save her!"

Xia Houshu was stunned

I was stunned. When I looked at Shuyu Pavilion again, I saw that the entire Shuyu Pavilion was surrounded by fire. The nearby neighbors and passers-by filled various containers with water and poured it on the door of Shuyu Pavilion, hoping that the water inside would be filled with water.

There is a way for people to live.

As Yun Xi said, the fire was too strong and she couldn't save Ying Yue!

When Xia Houshu realized that she was powerless, reason suddenly returned to her body. She looked around and saw that Qinan and Leng Mian Shen, who were about to go to Shuyu Pavilion, had already disappeared into the crowd. She didn't know where they ended up.

Did she go in? At the same time, she thought of another question, which was why Shuyu Pavilion suddenly caught fire, and the fire was almost imminent.

Xia Houshu quickly grabbed Yunxi with his backhand, turned around and walked in the opposite direction of Shuyu Pavilion. After walking a few steps, he heard a loud "bang" sound behind him, as if something fell from a high altitude and hit the ground instantly.

the sound made.

As a tragic scream came from the crowd fighting the fire, Xia Houshu stopped again. She thought that the fire must have burned the beam on the door and it fell, scaring people. However, when she turned around, she saw someone leaving.

A few steps away from her, there was a person in light green clothes lying on the stone road. There was a bright red liquid flowing out of her body, spreading to the surroundings, like a slowly blooming Manzhu Shahua.

, or like newly bleached and dyed silk satin. A pair of beautiful eyes looked in a certain direction aimlessly, unable to tell whether it was hope, despair, or something else. And she held a white peach blossom jade tablet tightly in her hand.

Her appearance could still be vaguely recognized on her face stained with blood.

It’s the waxing moon!

After falling from such a high place, was it to survive or to die?

Why did Shuyu Pavilion suddenly catch fire?

Is all this a coincidence, or is it done deliberately? What is the purpose?

Xia Houshu felt like something was exploding in his head, and he screamed inwardly. He quickly pulled Yunxi and ran away from the crowd that was gradually surrounding her - she had to leave this place of right and wrong quickly.
This chapter has been completed!
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