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Chapter 90

Naturally, Xiahou Shu didn't know what kind of dispute Xiahoumei and her son had, and she didn't care what their plans were after they returned. With her parents' support, she wasn't worried at all about her aunt coming to visit her again.

The weather in summer is always sunny, the white clouds are leisurely, and the breeze is blowing. I don’t know when a cicada fell on the old sycamore tree against the wall in the yard. It called cicadas for a long time, but no one came to respond.

, probably because he was tired, and his voice gradually became smaller.

Several banana plants in the courtyard have just sprouted new leaves, which are very fresh and green. Each one is graceful and graceful, with large light yellow flowers emerging from the leaves, which are set against the several green bamboos next to it. The owner of the greenhouse

Grandma seemed to only love bananas. While tending to the flowers and plants, she and Xia Houshu would enumerate the various functions of bananas. Xiahou Shu listened intently and would occasionally ask a few questions. She originally thought that bananas looked ordinary, but she never thought of them.

The roots, stems, leaves and even fruits are used both as medicine and food. They have the effects of clearing away heat and removing blood stasis, reducing swelling and relieving pain, and are quite exciting.

A little maid walked quickly from the other end of the corridor. Shi Shiran saluted Xia Houshu and said that the Duke of Guo invited her to discuss something in the study.

Xia Houshu was stunned for a while, and the joy on his face gradually subsided. He repeatedly confirmed that he was going to the study before dropping the banana leaf in his hand and heading there.

Xia Houyuan's study is an important place in the palace and is heavily guarded. No one is allowed to approach it unless there is any important matter. Even Xia Houshu and Xia Houyi, brothers and sisters, do not dare to make trouble without being summoned.

The last time she was called to the study, it was because Xia Houyi told her uncle and parents that she was the secret envoy of the Evergreen Sect, and he also made her lose her status as the secret envoy and was punished. This matter should be considered over.

Now that she was asked to go, could it be that something big happened that she didn't know about?

What could it be? Could it be that my aunt really found where my father was?

The mother had clearly said that the father did not agree to betroth him to Xu Ruoqian, so it would be inappropriate to ask her, the daughter, to question him in person about this matter, right?

Xia Houshu went to the study room with his mind full of doubts. He saw no one else in the elegantly decorated study room. Only Xia Houyuan was sitting upright behind the desk, holding a volume of military books in his hand, but his eyes were fixed on something, quite a bit.


Xia Houshu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, walked over, bowed to Xia Houyuan, and called "Father" softly, and Xia Houyuan came back to his senses.

The window sash in the study was specially covered with a layer of light-proof paper, so that the light coming in was not as strong and dazzling as outside, but it also blocked a green shade. Xia Houyuan's figure was as tall and strong as ever, but his expression looked a bit a bit...

Dealing with worry and fatigue is like dealing with a protracted battle.

Xia Houyuan signaled Xia Houshu to sit down first and put down the military book in his hand, but said nothing. He just looked at Xia Houshu with a strange expression, as if he was exploring how to enter the enemy camp, nodding his head sometimes and sighing again.

As soon as he came back from the camp in the western suburbs, his wife told him that his eldest sister came to ask for marriage with her son. Fortunately, they had discussed it in advance, so the matter was ignored. But after all, his daughter was old enough to discuss marriage.

After rejecting the Xu family today, there is no guarantee that there will be Zhang family, Li family, and Wang family tomorrow... Since he said that he will be the one to decide on his daughter's marriage, he must keep his word. But the question is, who is there in Beijing?

Can the son of the family be worthy of her precious daughter, and can he control her?

When other families marry their daughters, they all hope that the daughter will be strong-willed in her husband's family, so that she will not be easily bullied. @ essence\/书馆*First update~~ But for his daughter, he has never worried about her not being strong-willed, he is afraid that she will be too strong-willed.

My husband's family can't bear it.

It’s so sad!

Xia Houshu was already very uneasy about his father's sudden summons. Looking at his father's expression again, he couldn't help but begin to deeply reflect on his recent behavior.

Since she was banned, it has been a long time since she acted wildly and caused trouble in the house. First, she lost her identity as the secret envoy of the Evergreen Sect and has nothing to worry about; second, she knows that there are many people in the house who are watching her, and she does not dare to do anything.

It was too eye-catching and attracted people's attention. These days, she stayed at home and kept to herself. She even rarely went to Muchunyuan and Longqiuyuan, so as not to be caught by her father.

She thought hard for a long time but couldn't come up with any results. Finally, she couldn't stand her father's demanding gaze and asked directly: "Father, what do you want to see me for?"

However, Xia Houyuan still didn't speak and just kept sighing. It's also his fault that he spent a lot of time in the military camp and still hasn't. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 90 The big girl is getting married

I couldn't find a suitable son-in-law candidate.

That day Xiahou Mei brought his son to marry him, but he failed to get married. He also heard about the incident where his nephew was injured on the way back. Normally, he would not dare to express his anger in front of Xiahou Mei, but Xu Shangyu, who was devoted to practicing Taoism, saw his son being injured.

His head was filled with rage. After a few quarrels with his wife, he rode directly to the western suburbs camp to complain to his brother-in-law. Fortunately, Xu Shangyu was quite sensible and did not dare to mention marrying Xia Houshu.

Things about Rong'an Hou's Mansion.

It was also on that day that Xia Houyuan realized that given his family's status in the court, if his daughter's marriage was not finalized for a long time, there might be trouble in the future.

Xia Houshu thought that her father was a straightforward person, and his speech and behavior were always neat and tidy. He was never vague or sloppy. This behavior was really weird. She looked at her father's expression carefully and couldn't help but said suspiciously: "Father, you don't know how to do it."

You want your daughter to come see you and sigh, right?"

Xia Houyuan looked as if he was facing an extremely unbearable fact. Finally, he looked at Xia Houshu and sighed: "Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, you are already fifteen..."

A woman is considered an adult when she is fifteen years old and has hairpins, and can marry freely. If she is still unable to marry by the age of twenty, she will become an old aunt. Because of this, the elders seem to be particularly keen on arranging the marriage of their children, regardless of whether the children are married or not.

Yes. For example, her aunt.

Speaking of aunt...it seems that my father is really interested in this matter.

Xia Houshu's heart suddenly became clear. Based on her understanding of her father, and recalling the incident that day at Huguo Temple when her mother insisted on asking her to ask for a marriage lottery, she probably knew what her father was going to say next.

Although Xia Houshu had no plans to get married at the moment, he still secretly searched all the marriageable men in the homes of his father's colleagues. Those with titles and those without titles could go out to a certain place based on their own abilities.

There were all kinds of people, including those who were part-time officials or idle at home, tall, short, fat, thin, talented and martial artists. According to the concept of family status, she thought that her parents would at least choose a family in the capital worthy of being the lintel of the Duke of Yue, but in the capital

The most indispensable thing in the family is the rich and noble. In terms of family status, there are too many such families, and she can't guess which one her father likes.

Xia Houyuan also looked at his daughter's expression carefully, and suddenly said: "Shur, have you found someone you like?"

After saying that, he stared at his daughter closely, fearing to miss any little look from her.

"The one you like?" Xia Houshu was stunned. Why did his father ask that? Did he already have a candidate and wanted to test her tone first? Or did he not have a candidate at all and just asked casually?

So should she have it, or shouldn't she have it?

What if it does? What if it doesn’t?

Xia Houshu looked at his father's ambiguous expression suspiciously for a while, then asked tentatively: "Father, you don't really plan to marry me off, do you?"

After hearing this, Xia Houyuan frowned and said, "The men should get married when they are college students, and the women should get married when they are college students. What's wrong with that?"

Xia Houshu recalled that her mother had said that her father would make the final decision on her marriage. If this was the case, then her father would be much easier to deceive than her mother.

At least that's what she thought.

"Father -" Xia Houshu deliberately dragged out the last word and said coquettishly, "The elders and younger ones are in order. The second brother is not married yet, and the daughter is still young. There is no rush for marriage.                                                                                                                                                  "Father," Xia Houshu said coquettishly, dragging out the end of his voice for a long time.

Xia Houyuan was not affected at all and said solemnly: "Yier has not yet reached the age of crown. As a father, he will pay attention to his marriage. Now I am thinking about your marriage."

"Why?" Xia Houshu didn't understand his father's intention. His sister-in-law hadn't even married yet, so she wanted to marry him off first? Is this because she was afraid that they would have conflicts between sister-in-law and sister-in-law in the future?

"Marriage matters are decided by the parents. How can there be so many reasons?" Xia Houyuan said seriously, "Although our family does not have a rule for daughters to marry young, we can decide on the marriage first and wait until two years later when we are older. You can

The two sisters above me are both like this."

Xia Houshu thought about it and realized it was true.

The two cousins ​​of the second uncle's family were engaged as soon as they were young, although the eldest sister did not marry the person she was originally engaged to. Speaking of which, the second sister's wedding date seems to be approaching...

But these are not the point. The point is that she does not want to get engaged so early. If she gets engaged, she will have more constraints in the future, and she will have to learn more rules and learn how to be with her husband. (This chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 90 The big girl is getting married

How to get along, how to serve the parents-in-law, how to educate the children, how to manage the housework... She doesn't have that free time!

Xia Houshu thought for a while, then devalued himself and said: "Father, don't you always say that your daughter has not learned the rules well? No one would dare to marry a daughter like this. Why don't you let your daughter stay at home to accompany you and your mother?

Listen to the teachings and you will not disgrace the reputation of the Duke of Yue in the future."

"Nonsense! Who dares to say no to me, the daughter of Duke Yue?" Xia Houyuan looked majestic when he spoke, as if if anyone dared to refuse him, he would be executed immediately.

Turning around to see his daughter's shocked face, he added: "I am an enlightened person, and I want to ask what you mean. Since you don't have the right person, you can only follow the orders of your parents and the advice of your matchmaker."

So after talking for a long time, my father actually didn’t even have a choice?

Xia Houshu couldn't help but whisper: "Then if you have a grudge against someone, marry me to that person."

Xia Houyuan was thinking about something just now, but happened to not hear his daughter's murmur. He frowned and asked, "What are you mumbling about again?"

"No, it's nothing." Xia Houshu hurriedly responded, thinking that her father's attitude should be to inform her in advance that if she really wanted to get married, it would take some time to find a candidate.

The longer time goes by, the greater the changes, and she needs to have a countermeasure.

Xia Houyuan stroked his beard and said thoughtfully: "In that case...then your mother and I will handle this matter."

When Xia Houshu heard this, he immediately said loudly without thinking: "No!"

She thought that her father had specially called her here today because he felt that it was time for her to propose marriage at her age, so he gave her a heads up to prepare her mentally. However, she did not expect that her father seemed to have been hardened by a weight and was obsessed with everything.

She looked like she wanted to marry her off. She didn't care about her daughter's family's reserve, and boldly spoke her mind: "Father, I want to make my own decision about my daughter's marriage.".@精品\/书馆*First update


Chapter 90 The big girl is getting married
This chapter has been completed!
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