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Chapter 08 The Enemy's Enemy

The sky is getting later and later, and the layers of bamboo leaves almost block out the afterglow of the setting sun. The smell of blood in the bamboo forest gradually becomes stronger, and the air is full of falling bamboo leaves, as if there is a rare rain of bamboo leaves.


They fought for more than ten rounds, and the outcome was hard to decide.

Xia Houshu had always had a clear understanding of her own strength and did not dare to underestimate the enemy. Facing the fierce attacks of the men in black, she gradually realized that continuing to entangle would only consume her physical strength. Even if she had unparalleled power,

In the end, there is no bargain to be gained.

In such an awkward situation, Xia Houshu had to concentrate on planning for himself.

The reason why she was involved in this killing was entirely because of her damn curiosity, but those men in black did not know the truth of the matter, and would not give her any chance to defend themselves, let alone treat her.

Suddenly appeared and turned a blind eye.

Now that the misunderstanding has arisen and the killing has begun, she is not naive enough to think that she can explain it in a few words and get out.

When necessary, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

At least at this moment, she and the two men under siege share a common goal, which happens to be the basis of their alliance.

After thinking about this, she decided to unite the front with the two besieged men.

As the saying goes, one chopstick is easy to break, but one chopstick is not easy to break. Although there are only three of them, one more person will give them more help. Firstly, they can take care of each other, and secondly, they can work together to fight back and end this fight as soon as possible.

Fatal oolong.

After making up his mind, Xia Houshu took advantage of the fight with the men in black to slowly approach the two besieged men bit by bit, trying not to put himself at a disadvantage when being attacked from both sides.

The man in Tsing Yi was also a smart man. He quickly saw through Xia Houshu's intentions. Instead of rejecting her joining, he took the initiative to clear an obstacle for her.

Soon, the targets of the siege became three people.

The clanging sound of swords clashing could be heard endlessly, especially sharp and crisp in this deep dusk.

The fight was long and exhausting, and both groups of people tried their best. There were bamboo leaves flying everywhere, and the air was mixed with the turbid smell of dust and blood. It was exciting and exhausting, but they just

Like a prey in a cage, it can't fly except by trying its best to win or lose.

Taking advantage of the break where the man in black was resting and setting up his formation, Xia Houshu looked to the side. Except for the change in his expression when he was first injured, he has been showing a kingly attitude since then and looked down on the man in purple who looked like a hero. He couldn't help but have endless reveries in his heart.

This man was too calm, as calm as a clay statue of Bodhisattva. Xia Houshu even doubted whether he could feel pain, joy, anger, and sorrow.

In this situation, even a person like Xia Houshu who has practiced martial arts will worry about his own safety. How can a person like him who relies on the protection of others be so calm?

Xia Houshu couldn't help but ask kindly: "How is your injury?"

The clay-sculpted man in purple looked slowly at her upon hearing this, his eyes so cold that they seemed to freeze, but he said nothing.

"It seems I'm worrying too much!" Xia Houshu was shocked and immediately understood the indifference and alienation conveyed in the other person's eyes. He secretly blamed himself for being so troublesome and so thankless, and he couldn't help feeling a little confused.

In a daze, she remembered the conversation between the two little girls in the monastery. At first, she thought it was the slanderous words of the two girls who were asking for trouble. Now thinking about it, she couldn't help but sigh with emotion. He is indeed not a good person! This man is obviously not a good person.

He doesn't even know martial arts, yet he is still so arrogant and arrogant, rejecting people thousands of miles away, and is completely inhumane.

There was still no big change in the expression on the face of the man in purple, but his eyes looked at Xia Houshu a little more confused, as if he was doubting her motives for helping.

Xia Houshu felt chilled for a while, and this dissatisfaction and loss gradually manifested into a sneer on his face. She could understand that they would inevitably be at war when they were attacked from both sides, but she had already helped for this purpose, couldn't she still prove her sincerity?

You are too wary!

Under such gaze, the man in purple could not help but frown and began to reflect on himself.

Xia Houshu, however, didn't bother to talk to him anymore, turned around and blocked an attack briskly.

Xia Houshu's weapon was a dagger usually used for self-defense. Although she had already used it with ease, she was somewhat disadvantaged by the long blade of the man in black. In addition, the opponent was outnumbered, and the longer the fight lasted, the more exhausted she became.

, and gradually neglected to take precautions.

A sharp pain came from her left arm, and the pain instantly penetrated her cerebral cortex like an electric shock. Xia Houshu grunted in pain, frowned and glanced at the injury. The red clothes became darker after being stained with blood.


The pain was sobering. She didn't dare to slack off or take any chances, and looked at the enemy with a bit more hatred.

The man in black tasted the sweetness, became very interested, and took advantage of the situation to come again with his sword.

Xia Houshu gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. He tightened his grip on the dagger, and instantly gained strength. She saw the right moment, quickly dodged her body, successfully avoided the frontal attack of the man in black, and went around to

On the right side of the man in black, he quickly responded with his own treatment.


The man in black screamed, and the long sword stained with blood in his hand fell to the ground. Blood suddenly flowed from his wrist. It is estimated that he can only consider holding the sword with his left hand in this life.

If he still lives.

The education that Xia Houshu received since she was a child is to be a kind and good person, to know how to advance and retreat appropriately, and to know how to repay kindness. As she gets older, she has seen more and more people and experienced more things.

, she understood another truth, that is, if you have a grudge, you must finally avenge it in person!

After avenging herself, Xia Houshu did not dare to take any chances. She continued to fight with the men in black who surrounded her while thinking about their intentions.

They have been fighting for so long, and the target of the man in black has never left the man in purple in the middle. However, the man in purple seems to have no self-defense skills at all, and he always has an arrogant face. In order to protect him, the man in green,

It can be said that no effort was spared.

Being surrounded by so many people, how much hatred and resentment is there?

Xia Houshu was very curious and began to think about this question seriously. His eyes drifted towards the man in purple unconsciously. Among the chaotic crowd, he saw the man in purple standing proudly like an immortal, looking at the surroundings with an indifferent and quiet expression.

fight, as if he was just an outsider, or that everything was under his control.

Xia Houshu is not stupid. She knows that a person with such courage and determination must not have a simple identity. Even she herself, who has been practicing martial arts for so many years, is still unable to remain calm in the face of danger. When encountering such a fight,

I will also break into a cold sweat for myself.

So who is this person? Why was he assassinated?

And it is still in the famous Huguo Temple.

A dazzling white light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes. Xia Houshu came to his senses in an instant. Just as he yelled "Be careful behind you!", he quickly swooped over involuntarily, knocked down the man in purple and rolled them together under the bamboo beside him.

Successfully avoided a fatal attack.

The man in black failed in his sneak attack and stabbed him with his sword again, but was killed by the man in green who flew towards him with a sword.

The man in green had quick eyesight and quick hands. Seeing that the man in purple was not in danger, he quickly concentrated his energy and neatly dealt with another man in black who rushed up.


Xia Houshu's waist happened to be pressed against an exposed bamboo root, which hurt him so much that he couldn't help but cry out in pain.

It hurts! It hurts so much!

Xia Houshu felt that all the nerves in his body were stimulated and wrapped in pain. Looking at the man in purple with half of his body pressed against him, he felt as if he had been hit by a huge boulder falling from somewhere, and his internal organs were about to burst.

Come, there was a soreness in my eyes, I didn't even have the strength to shout out the pain, I just frowned and pushed as hard as I could.

The man in purple immediately reacted, changed his indifferent attitude, stood up quickly, and gently helped Xia Houshu up. Seeing Xia Houshu grimacing in pain, he couldn't help but feel a little dazed. Then his eyes moved down unconsciously, and finally fell

On her injured arm, she suddenly said: "You are injured."

In an indifferent and calm tone, I couldn't tell whether he was surprised or concerned.

Xia Houshu's injury did not just happen at this moment, and it was no longer strange. She ignored the other party and only focused on restraining her emotions.

The fall just now not only hit her waist, but also tore the wound on her arm. At this moment, she felt like a stream of heat was about to burst out of her eyes.

She was afraid of nothing in her life, only fear of death and pain.

Because pain means that you have been hurt or lost, and it is difficult to heal; and death will make everything return to zero, and there will be nothing.

After all, she is still a little girl who has just grown hair.

But in order to maintain her glorious image of being brave and courageous, she hurriedly turned her face away, tried her best to pretend as if nothing had happened, waved her hands and said boldly: "A little injury is nothing."

"Small injury?" The man in purple was obviously confused by Xia Houshu's change of attitude. He was obviously very enthusiastic before. He paused and asked again: "Is everything okay?"

"If I say something is wrong, what will you do?" Xia Houshu asked back, with a very disdainful tone.

Her wound was on her arm, and it was bleeding at the moment. There were so many people vying for their lives in the deserted mountains and mountains here. Could he immediately use a spell to turn those killers away? Or could he make them go away?

Turn back time and let her leave quickly when she realizes the danger and completely separate herself from this dispute?

The man in purple was stopped by the question, and he lowered his head and looked at her silently.

When he asked, he was just polite and caring. He really didn't think about what he would do if the other party answered something wrong. He just suddenly felt that this question seemed interesting.

A petite little girl who looked either rich or noble in her clothes, but she had a temperament that couldn't bear to suffer at all, and her skills were also good. Faced with such a scene, other women would have fainted, but she,

Not only was he not afraid, but he was also able to ridicule and ridicule him while resisting. It was really interesting.

"You should take care of yourself first." Xia Houshu took a deep breath. At this time, useless nonsense is the most annoying. After she confirmed that no suspicious emotions would be revealed, she looked at the person who was still talking to Hei.

A man in Tsing Yi fighting with others.

After the man in purple was injured, the man in green became more ruthless than before. With Xia Houshu's help, he no longer had any worries. With the sword in his hand, people kept falling.

Although more than half of the men in black have been wiped out, the battle is still stalemate. At this time, the remaining men in black all risked their lives, and their attack methods became more ruthless and even more desperate for their lives.

Xia Houshu knew very well that if it hadn't been for the good skills of the man in green, none of the three of them would have been able to leave alive today. Thinking of this, she finally couldn't help asking her doubts: "The tricks these people use are extremely sinister.

Fatal, I’m afraid it’s not just ordinary revenge, right?”

The man in purple looked at her, his expression became alienated and strange, but he said nothing.

If he hadn't heard him speak just now, Xia Houshu would have almost doubted whether he was mute.

Xia Houshu has never been a person who is good at considering others in everything, and he has no intention of taking into account the other person's mood. Seeing that the other person was ignoring him again, he deliberately mocked: "There is no such thing as hatred for no reason in this world, a man

A true man, if you dare to do something, you must dare to do it. Since you have done something wrong, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, let alone implicating others. I still have to save my life to see all things in this world, but I don't want to end up here for no reason!"

The man in purple stared at Xia Houshu with burning eyes, repeatedly considering the meaning of her words.

After a long time, he suddenly asked: "Miss, do you recognize me?"

Xia Houshu was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the other party to ask such an irrelevant question after being silent for a long time, and he didn't understand the other party's intention.

Does she know him?

The answer is obvious, she doesn't know it.

If she had known him, she would not have foolishly waded into this muddy water. But when she stared at the man in purple, she didn't know if it was an illusion, but she found that the man in purple looked at her with a bit more vigilance.

Thinking that he had disregarded his own safety and worked desperately to earn such suspicion, Xia Houshu felt a little colder in his heart.

There is no harm without comparison. Compared to the He mother and son who tried every means to ask her to tell her name during the day and wanted to repay her life-saving grace in every word, the performance of the man in purple was completely different.

She smiled self-deprecatingly and said, "I'm just here to help you when we see an injustice. If I had known it would be thankless, I wouldn't have bothered to get involved. But at least I saved your life. This is how you treat yourself."

His savior?"

After hearing this, the man in purple curled up his lips. He couldn't tell whether it was ridicule or relief.

Just think he was laughing, Xia Houshu comforted himself.

This man is really too stingy with his smile.

Now that the man in purple had responded, she was not going to let go of this opportunity to tease him, and deliberately said: "As the saying goes, a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. The grace of saving a life is not an ordinary small favor. Tell me, what are your plans?"

How can you repay me?"

The man in purple seemed to become interested after hearing this. He continued to look directly at Xia Houshu and said with a smile: "How do you want me to repay you, miss?"
This chapter has been completed!
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