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Chapter 39 The Prince of Mausoleum

Xia Houshu followed Aunt Lu up to the second floor, took several turns along the revolving corridor, and finally stopped in front of a door. She looked up and saw a carved wooden sign hanging on the door, which read

The word "Qin Xin" is hung with red silk and flowers next to it. This is the rule of Shuyu Pavilion. Flowers mean that someone is already in the room, and others are not allowed to enter without permission.

Aunt Lu turned to look at Xia Houshu and lowered her voice and said, "Girl, that's all I can help you with. It's not convenient for me to go inside, but you have to remember your promise and don't affect my business."

Aunt Lu had done her best to bring her here in person, and Xiahou Shu was not an unreasonable person. Since she promised not to cause trouble to Shuyu Pavilion, she would not go back on her word. Besides, this is the capital, where dignitaries gather,

If a commotion breaks out, there is no guarantee that someone will not recognize it. Xia Houshu patted his chest and assured Aunt Lu again: "Don't worry, even if you lend me ten courages, I won't dare to cause trouble here. And you also know

What good will it do to me if my identity becomes too big?"

"I hope you will do what you say." Aunt Lu nodded in agreement, but she was still dubious about Xia Houshu's identity.

Aunt Lu has been crawling around in the entertainment field for more than ten years and has seen as many people as stars. Just by looking at a person's clothes, behavior and conversation, she can roughly guess the identity of the person. However, facing Xia Houshu, who is disguised as a man,

But she couldn't figure out her true identity. Just listening to Xia Houshu's words, Aunt Lu guessed that she might be a confidant around Princess Xuanhe, who was responsible for keeping an eye on Xia Houyi's whereabouts. But there was something different between the clothes she was wearing and the way she moved.

The demeanor she displayed did not look like that of a maid. If she was said to be a girl from the Duke of Yue's palace, she found it impossible. She had heard that there were only three girls in the Duke of Yue's palace, and only the ones in Beijing were

The eldest daughter of the house happens to be the daughter of Princess Xuanhe. But what kind of person is Princess Xuanhe? How could she let her own daughter spy on her own son?

Xia Houshu was preoccupied with thinking about what to say when he went in, and did not notice the endless thoughts in Aunt Lu's mind. She stared at Aunt Lu and reminded: "Leave the next matter to me, in order to avoid getting involved.

You, please stay away for the time being."

Aunt Lu understood and said nothing more, turned around and left.

Xia Houshu watched Aunt Lu disappear from sight, then took a deep breath and pushed the door in. Unexpectedly, Aunt Lu quickly went downstairs, then waved a thug over, and ordered him to go upstairs and stare at him from a distance.

, once you hear anything unusual in the room where Xia Houyi is, handle it properly immediately.

The room is filled with heavy gauze, the smoke from the incense burner is lingering, and the aroma is thick, like entering a fairyland. Behind the crystal clear bead curtain, two graceful women are dancing barefoot, with their delicate bodies wrapped in scarlet thin clothes looming.

, the silver bells tied with red thread on their smooth ankles jingled with their movements, and the sound was harmonious. In front of the screen embroidered with huge lotus flowers, there was a woman in green sitting quietly on a soft couch playing the piano, and the sound of the piano was melodious.

, her voice was like weeping and complaining, and looked somewhat elegant from a distance. Xia Houshu guessed that she must be Yingyue, the courtesan whom Auntie Lao Lu praised so much.

Speaking of it, Yingyue's appearance is not that of a country-dweller, and it is not even as beautiful as Yi Wu's charm. However, although she is a newly promoted oiran lady, she does not have the slightest aura of prostitution in her body. Instead, she has an air that is incompatible with Shuyu Pavilion.

Fresh and refined, just like the lotus behind her, emerging from the mud but unstained. Coupled with her exquisite piano skills, she looks even more elegant and elegant, but cannot be played with from a distance.

Perhaps Xia Houshu's sudden appearance ruined their fun. Everyone on the table looked up in shock. Even the two dancing girls stopped and looked at the new uninvited guest in confusion, except Ying Ying.

He was stroking the piano as if there was no one around him, as if he was outside.

This state of mind is somewhat like that of an oiran lady.

But even so, she is still a brothel girl, which is not good for Xia Houyi's reputation.

At the moment, Xia Houshu was not interested in Yingyue. Instead, he was very curious about the prince of Prince Ling mentioned by Aunt Lu. She glanced at the several richly dressed aristocratic princes sitting on the seats, and finally set her sights on Lan, who was sitting in the first seat.

Looking at Mr. Yi, we can see that his face is as clear-cut as a sculpture, with sharp edges and corners, and his moderately thick red lips are showing a dazzling smile, raising two large dimples on both sides, which were originally a pair of dimples.

Zhang Gangyi's face has a pair of slender peach blossom eyes, which are passionate and enchanting, as if he will fall into them accidentally if he takes one more look.

Presumably this is the rumored to be the dashing prince Yu Wenke of Prince Ling.

It is said that after Princess Zhaoyun, the first wife of King Yuwensheng of the Ling Dynasty, became a monk, the King of Ling Dynasty handed over the housekeeping power to his favorite concubine, Mrs.

A few months after Ke was made the crown prince, he was sent to the capital to be a hostage.

Yu Wenke was separated from his parents when he was young. He neglected discipline for a long time and developed a arrogant and extravagant temper. He spent all day either hanging around the Qin Tower or the Chu Pavilion, or molesting the female relatives at banquets. There were even more concubines in the house, and extravagance became common.

Yu Wenke was so far away from his wife that no one from a high family was willing to marry his daughter to him even if he was old and weak. However, Yu Wenke turned a deaf ear to those disdainful remarks and often made appointments with three or five dandy boys to have fun, hugging beauties and listening to music.

Son, while drinking happily, life was very happy.

Even so, Xia Houshu was still extremely vigilant and cautious about this person. As the saying goes, a tiger father has no dog son. Yu Wenke looked bohemian on the outside, but the inadvertent glint in his eyes should not be underestimated.

"Why are you here?" Xia Houyi was the first to react, and quickly stood up to greet Xia Houshu, winking at her secretly, trying to get her to leave quickly.

Xia Houshu had never seen Xia Houyi so nervous, which further aroused her curiosity. She turned a blind eye to her brother's hint and scanned everyone in the room again. Without exception, they were all well-known dandies in the capital.

A master of eating, drinking and having fun, thanks to the achievements of his ancestors and fathers.

Even though she knew that Xia Houyi never made friends with others casually, especially those who lived and drank all day long, Xia Houshu felt very uncomfortable when she thought of her amiable and respectable brother hanging out with such people and drinking wine. She tried her best to suppress her heart.

Feeling unhappy, he half-truthfully said, "Brother is really unkind. He found such a good place but didn't take me with him." Then he looked at Yu Wenke and asked, knowingly, "I guess this is the Crown Prince Ling, right?


Before Yu Wenke could answer, Xia Houshu found a seat next to Xia Houyi and continued to look up at Yu Wenke. He thought to himself that Yu Wenke looked like a human, but he just acted like this.

I'm really sorry for his beautiful appearance. Then she turned her gaze to Xia Houyi next to her and pointedly said: "Since my brother has made an appointment with the crown prince, he didn't tell me in advance and made me wait for so long. Is that right?"

Shouldn’t I punish myself with three drinks?”

"Who is your Excellency?" Yu Wenke was confused, his eyes wandering back and forth between Xia Houshu and Xia Houyi. When he saw Xia Houshu coming in, he thought that there was some new program in Shuyu Pavilion, and he wanted to give it to him It was a surprise, after all, he was a regular visitor here. But the person who came here looked calm. Not only did he not mean to perform, but he kept staring at him strangely, asking about his identity, and finally sat down without any rules. Since Xia Houyi knew him, so he had to give an explanation.

Xia Houyi knew that he could not send away the great god Xia Houshu, so he had to explain: "This person, Mo Zhen, is a distant cousin of mine." After saying this, he looked embarrassed and said, "I feel ashamed to say it. I originally made an appointment. We were drinking together today. Unexpectedly, I was in a hurry to go out and forgot about him. I felt a little unhappy when I saw him, so I found him, which made the prince laugh. "

"That's it." Yu Wenke nodded, "Brother Xiahou said something serious. Since he is Brother Xiahou's cousin, he is also Xiao Wang's friend. It is Xiao Wang's honor to meet him today." Then he looked at Xia Houshu. , "Brother Mo, you gave me a surprise when we first met. Xiao Wang was even happy. I hope Brother Mo will appreciate you for having a banquet and visiting the garden in the future."

Who doesn't know how to speak decent words? Xia Houshu simply walked down the steps and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, I love you so much." As she said that, she looked at Xia Houyi and said, "Your Majesty has a distinguished status. To be favored by him today is because he is favored by your elder brother." of light.”

Yu Wenke nodded helpfully and motioned to the waiter next to him to add a new set of wine cups, bowls and chopsticks.

Xia Houshu took a bite of the dish on the new tableware without any courtesy, acting rudely and calmly, as if he was one of the guests at the banquet. Several other people at the banquet couldn't help but whisper to each other when they saw this.

As we all know, the Xiahou family has many in-laws, and it is not surprising that a few poor relatives came to join them. However, they could not guess for a moment that the person named Mo Zhen in front of them was a relative of the Xiahou family from which house and generation. He was so bold that he even dared to barge into the banquet of Prince Ling.

Xia Houyi's expression was extremely ugly as he listened to the words that came to his ears from time to time. He knew very well that his sister had a stubborn ass-like temperament. Once she believed something or suspected something, she would do whatever it took to verify it. But at the moment But this was not the time to let her fool around, and Yu Wenke was not the person she should contact. He sat down next to her and asked in a low voice: "How did you know I was here?"

"Brother, why do you ask questions knowingly?" Xia Houshu swallowed a mouthful of food, smiled slightly, and then deliberately raised his voice, "Brother made friends with the Crown Prince Ling, and went out to have fun on his own, but he didn't allow me to come. What's the truth? Is it true? Do you think I was born in a lowly position and am not worthy of sharing the seat with Prince Ling?"

What a loud tone! All the onlookers looked at Xia Houshu in surprise, with a bit of disdain in their confusion.

"Don't be rude!" Xia Houyi's face became even more ugly.

"Brother Mo is outspoken, and Xiao Wang is very happy!" But Yu Wenke smiled as if nothing happened, which in Xia Houshu's eyes was called a smile hiding a knife. He poured the wine himself, invited him from afar, and said modestly: "Today is also Xiao Wang's. No, I have to invite Brother Xiahou to drink and reminisce about old times. Xiao Wang would like to apologize to you and ask Brother Mo for a favor."

Reminiscing about old times? It means they have known each other for a long time?

Xia Houshu looked surprised, his eyes wandering between the two of them. Xia Houyi had never mentioned it before. But after thinking about it, with Xia Houyi's behavior and reputation outside, it seemed reasonable to get to know the bohemian Yu Wenke.

After thinking about this, Xia Houshu reluctantly accepted Yu Wenke's drink as a favor to Xia Houyi. Then everyone sat down to drink and listen to music.

The Yingyue girl is indeed excellent at playing the piano, and her mind is as calm as water, not affected by external objects at all. Even if the audience is already engaged in a heated exchange of words, she still concentrates on her music as if no one else is around, and even Xia Houshu is deeply moved.

I was so impressed that I couldn’t help but praise him a few times.

At the end of the song, Miss Yingyue walked to the middle and bowed to salute. Yuwenke put down the wine glass and motioned for her to come to him. Then he took out an exquisite jade pendant from his arms and handed it to Yingyue, saying that it was for her. Yingyue was surprised and surprised.

I was so happy that I thanked him profusely and expressed my willingness to play another song for Yu Wenke.

Xia Houshu noticed that the style of the jade pendant was like a peach blossom, with pure and flawless texture, excellent water quality, and exquisite carving, which was considered to be of the highest quality. She knew that the palace of Prince Ling was as rich as the country, but this Yu Wenke was too generous, so good

He gave away the things casually. However, looking at Xia Houyi's expression, it seemed that he was no longer surprised by Yu Wenke's handiwork and had become accustomed to it.

As expected of a famous Fengyue master, he is generous in his actions!

Seeing that Miss Yingyue's second piece of music was about to be played, Xia Houshu deliberately raised his voice and said to Xia Houyi: "Brother, I think this Miss Yingyue's piano skills are extraordinary. She reminds me of my little cousin in the house.

My little cousin’s piano skills are so impressive that I can’t stop hearing them for three days.”

Xia Houyi knew that the little cousin Xia Houshu was talking about was herself, but he didn't understand why Xia Houshu was so jealous here. He glanced at Xia Houshu with a complicated expression and said displeased: "Well, why are you mentioning her?


Xia Houshu ignored his accusation and continued: "Brother, don't worry too much. I just want to know, according to my brother's opinion, how is my little cousin's piano skills compared to this Yingyue girl?"

Yu Wenke also seemed to be interested in the content of their conversation, and said: "Brother Mo, if you don't tell me, I forgot. I have long heard that there is a sister with excellent piano skills in Brother Xiahou's house. I wonder if Brother Xiahou can introduce her to her?"

"My sister-in-law is not very good at studying, so she doesn't dare to dirty the prince's ears. It's better to listen to this girl Yingyue's piano skills and have fun while drinking." Xia Houyi said calmly.

It was obviously a polite refusal, and Yu Wenke did not continue to ask for trouble. He picked up his wine glass and drank with Xia Houyi.

Xia Houshu glared at Xia Houyi fiercely, and dared to say that she was not good at studying! Then he poured himself a glass of wine and drank it all in one gulp.
This chapter has been completed!
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