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Chapter 21

Do not marry if you are not a minister, and do not marry if you are not a prince.

Those crazy men and women in the play who were so in love with each other that the world was shattered seemed to have promised each other in this way. But later on, some of them lived forever and grew old together, while others fell in love with each other but did not know each other until they became strangers.

Most men and women in the world marry blindly, and a parent's order or a matchmaker's words determine countless people's marriages and the joys and sorrows of the rest of their lives. If they can treat each other with respect and live in harmony after marriage, then it is considered good luck, but if you encounter

He is not a human being, so he can only resign himself to fate, having his teeth knocked out and blood swallowed. It is rare to meet a person with good looks and mutual love, so naturally he cannot give up easily.

Xia Houshu immediately understood why Sun Jiarou was so melancholy and tenacious. If it were her, she would definitely not let it go.

Because of Sun Jiarou's tenacity, Xia Houshu decided to support her and fight for herself, otherwise there would be no chance of success. But words of encouragement could not be said from her mouth, a stranger who had only met each other, because that

It's too futile and has no real help.

"Although I want to help my sister, I don't have much experience in matters between men and women. If I say something wrong, I will mislead my sister." Xia Houshu thought for a while and simply adapted and beautified Zhong Lufu's story.

Later, he used it as a positive example to encourage her, "I have a distant cousin who also caused a big fuss at home because she was dissatisfied with the marriage arranged by her parents. Although she failed to marry the person she wanted in the end, she made others

After knowing her sincerity, I began to pay attention to her thoughts. Even if she wants to marry another person in the future, one day when she looks back, she won't have too many regrets." After that, she looked at the steps hidden in the bamboo forest and said, "Yes.

He said that he would be at the top of the mountain and have a panoramic view of all the mountains. It’s rare to go out today, how about your sister following me up the mountain?"

At this time, they were already halfway up the mountain. There were tall and graceful green bamboos on both sides. The wind blew through the bamboo forest, making the bamboo leaves rustle.

Sun Jiarou looked at the stone steps that stretched up the mountain. It seemed that they would never end. She gasped and asked: "Sister Xiahou, do we still want to go up?"

"Is my sister going to give up halfway?" Xia Houshu asked rhetorically.

Secretly, Xia Houshu hopes to continue walking up, so that she can continue to use the excuse of climbing to go to the place where the fight was held. Even if she sees something she shouldn't see, she can pretend that she was passing by by accident.

. However, looking at Sun Jiarou, who was already sweating and pale from exhaustion, she didn't know whether to persuade her to continue climbing up, so she could only say vaguely: "The road up the mountain is indeed difficult and tiring.

We don’t even know what is on the mountain. It may be a fragrant meadow with flowers blooming and butterflies flying, which is so beautiful. Or it may still be just a bamboo forest, unremarkable, no different from here. But we have already climbed halfway up the mountain.

It's only a thousand steps away from the top of the mountain. Whether you want to continue walking up or not depends on whether you are willing or not."

Sun Jiarou looked at Xia Houshu steadily, as if she understood the meaning behind her words. Yes, she had already gone halfway, suffered hardships, and was tired, so why should she give up halfway?

Sun Jiarou thought for a while, then suddenly looked up at the stone steps going up the mountain, her eyes becoming firm and decisive. She said: "I am willing. No matter what is ahead, I am willing to give it a try, even if it is just a bamboo forest in the end, I

I have to go and see for myself, so that I can live up to the burden I have suffered today." Then he looked at Xia Houshu gratefully and said, "Sister Xiahou, thank you!"

Yunzhi and Guizhi looked at each other inexplicably upon hearing this, looking embarrassed and puzzled, but they did not dare to interrupt in front of their master.

In fact, the back mountain is not very high. Compared with the difficulty of climbing from the foot of Canaan Mountain to Huguo Temple, it is simply dwarfed and not worth mentioning. It’s just that everyone is a boudoir, and they are used to being pampered on weekdays. A little exercise will help

It will feel strenuous. Especially for someone like Sun Jiarou, who is as delicate and weak as a breath, it will be even more miserable.

Xia Houshu was pretentious and had long forgotten the fatigue and pain on his body. He led Sun Jiarou from the mountainside to the top of the mountain almost in one breath.

Sun Jiarou's face turned pale from exhaustion, but she gritted her teeth stubbornly and followed suit.

Yunzhi and Guizhi were very surprised. They had not seen their young lady in such high spirits for a long time, as if she had been given a shot of chicken blood, as if she had returned to a year ago.

At that time, Sun Jiarou had a gentle and bright smile, she was pure and kind. When the cat in her house fell and got injured, she would cry for several days and even go to ask a doctor for treatment. The doctor hurried over and saw that it was a cat and was very angry.

He scolded her for being ridiculous and left angrily. But she didn't know why, and continued to order people to call a doctor, until someone finally got the idea and called a veterinarian. The maids and wives in the house were all secretly guessing which young master would be lucky enough to marry her in the future.

Such a lovely lady.

But since that incident, Sun Jiarou seemed to be a different person. She no longer smiled, and she didn't care much about things around her. Even when her cat died, she had no reaction.

Now, they were grateful to Xia Houshu for motivating Sun Jiarou with just a few words, but they were also afraid that something might happen if Sun Jiarou forced herself to climb the mountain.

Seeing that he was about to reach the place where the fight would be that day, Xia Houshu suddenly stopped, turned around and looked at Sun Jiarou, and said: "I think we have almost reached the top, why not take a rest first?"

Xia Houshu seemed to be asking for Sun Jiarou's opinion, but in fact he was telling her to stop for the time being.

The reason why Xia Houshu chose to stop here was to leave an escape route for herself. Although she deliberately tricked Sun Jiarou into climbing the mountain today, what happened that night was too shocking, and she didn't want Sun Jiarou to really see anything. After all,

Sun Jiarou had just experienced a heartbreaking and heartbreaking incident. If she was frightened into something terrible, she would not be able to explain it to her elders.

Sun Jiarou, a daughter of a civil servant who had never left home, could not withstand such a torment. She was already exhausted and unable to do anything. At this moment, Xia Houshu's proposal was exactly what she wanted. She nodded when she heard the words, and then held her hand.

Rest your feet on a bamboo next to it.

Yunzhi and Guizhi felt like they were greatly favored. They quickly helped Sun Jiarou and asked her if she was feeling unwell.

Sun Jiarou was in a particularly happy mood, and her attitude towards Yunzhi and Guizhi also softened a lot. She said with a smile that her whole body had not felt so smooth for a long time.

Sun Jiarou smiled lightly, and even her face turned rosy.

Seeing Sun Jiarou as happy as a child, Xia Houshu was also happy for her from the bottom of his heart, and couldn't bear to let her see the bloody scene. She winked at Yun Xi who was aside, and then said to Sun Jiarou's master and servant: "

You guys take a rest right where you are, and I'll explore the way ahead."

Yunxi understood and followed her closely.

Xia Houshu pulled Yunxi forward less than two hundred meters and arrived at the place where the fight took place the night before. Surprisingly, the place was clean, with only sparse weeds and bamboos and fallen leaves all over the ground.

There were no traces of blood on the exposed bamboo roots, not to mention the corpse...

This...what happened?

Xia Houshu was so surprised that there was a loud thunder above his head, and his heart skipped a beat. Was she dazzled? Or did she remember the wrong place?

Xia Houshu looked at everything in front of him in disbelief. He was stunned for a long time before he began to identify it carefully. The neat and smooth knife marks on the broken bamboo and the trampled weeds showed that this was the place where the fight took place the night before. But other than that, she

No evidence can be found to prove that a life-and-death struggle took place here, and more than a dozen people died.

Although it has rained heavily in the past two days and may have washed away some traces, it will not cause more than a dozen corpses to disappear.

Unless someone cleans it up afterward!

However, given the current road conditions at Huguo Temple, it is definitely not possible for ordinary people to transport more than a dozen corpses away guiltlessly and silently in just one day, and clean up the scene so cleanly!

The two men involved were the only people who could accomplish this without saying a word. However, Huguo Temple was a royal temple, and ordinary people would definitely not be able to direct it. Although she had no feelings for Huguo Temple,

, but I don’t believe that they would do such a thing. Then it could only be those two men. But who are they? Why can they be in a deserted place in Huguo Temple?

Xia Houshu wanted to go back to that night and ask everything clearly before they left.

"Girl, what's wrong?" Yun Xi noticed something was wrong with Xia Houshu, and couldn't help but feel a little worried. Then thinking of the inexplicable injuries she had sustained, she quickly asked, "Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

"I'm fine." Xia Houshu waved his hands to express that he was fine.

As expected, Yun Xi had followed Xia Houshu for six or seven years. He understood immediately and hurriedly asked: "The girl was attacked the day before yesterday. Could it be that she was here?"

Xia Houshu nodded, but did not explain much. Her mood was very complicated now, as if a stone that was weighing on her heart had finally fallen, but another huge stone was pressed on it, so heavy that she could not breathe.

But she didn't dare to think too much, and she didn't want to think about the impact this matter would have on herself if it got bigger. She just had a vague premonition that something bad was going to happen, like a flash flood, and she had nowhere to escape.


The wind on the mountain is very cool, and if there is a lingering feeling that seems to be nothing, it will not feel cold when it blows on your face.

"Let's go back. Don't keep Sister Jiarou waiting too long, so as not to arouse suspicion." Xia Houshu quickly regained his composure, took a deep breath, and walked back as if nothing had happened.

Seeing the innocent and simple Sun Jiarou, Xia Houshu didn't know what to say for a moment, so he regretfully told her that this was already the top of the mountain, and there was still a bamboo forest in front. There was nothing to see, so it was better to go down the mountain early.

Sun Jiarou had not been out for a long time and was really tired. When she heard that there was no special scenery in front of her, a trace of disappointment appeared on her face. But she immediately put on a light smile and nodded in agreement, and then she was supported by two maids.

Go down the mountain.

There were still morning bells and evening drums in the temple, people were coming and going, and incense was lingering. Everything was no different from any ordinary day in the past. No one paid attention to where they went, and no one knew what happened in the back mountain.

If it weren't for the injury on his arm, Xia Houshu would probably have suspected that he was just dreaming.

This chapter has been completed!
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