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Chapter 38 Coincidence


With a call, the boat shook slightly, and Xia Houyi fell behind Xia Houshu like a feather. His snow-white clothes made him look as elegant as a god descending to earth.

Xia Houyi prefers white clothes. There are many clothes in his wardrobe, with different fabrics, different styles, and different patterns, but the color is always as white as a pear blossom. And Xia Houyi's skin is fair and smooth, so the plain color is

It made his face look like a crown jewel.

Xia Houshu sighed irritably, turned around and looked at Xia Houyi, then looked behind him, and then looked around. All he could see was fog except water.

Although it is close to the shore, it is not the ferry that Old Man Luo mentioned. Where did he get on the boat?

But this was not Xia Houshu's biggest concern at the moment. She stared at her brother closely and asked, "Were you the only one just now?"

"Why, you made an appointment with someone else?" Xia Houyi was stunned for a moment and looked into the cabin.

There was no one in the cabin, except for the incense on the table which was about to burn out.

"Of course not." Xia Houshu replied, but felt a little disappointed in his heart.

Maybe I was just blinded, there was no one else on the lake at all.

But even if she was dazzled, how could she think it was the man in purple?

Xia Houshu couldn't help but touch his left arm. The wound there had not yet fully recovered.

Perhaps it was like a person dreaming, thinking about things day by day and dreaming at night, and she had been thinking about the wound on her arm and could not forget the origin of the wound, so she was dazzled, and even subconsciously saw the cold face.

And a distant face.

Xia Houyi did not doubt that he was there. He patted the raindrops on his body and asked again: "What were you looking for just now?"

When Xia Houshu looked at Xia Houyi again, there was a teasing smile in his eyes: "I just want to see if there are any people with noble interests like us in this world. It's really ridiculous to go out to swim in the lake in such a windy and rainy weather.

The spirit is commendable!”

Xia Houyi ignored his sister's sarcasm and walked straight into the cabin, pouring himself a cup of tea. His hair, which was soaked by the rain, fell quietly on his shoulders, looking a bit messy, but he didn't care at all.


Yun Xi, who was cooking tea at the other end of the boat, heard the sound and immediately walked in with a pot of hot tea. When she saw Xia Houyi sitting there, her eyes were bright, and when she saw the moisture all over his body, she was surprised and said:

"Second Young Master, how long have you been in the rain? Why are you so wet?"

As she spoke, she placed the teapot on the small table and quickly took out a handkerchief to wipe the water from his hair.

Xia Houyi moved aside slightly. Except for Xie Ying and Xie Fang, who had been serving him in food and clothing all year round, he was not used to other maids touching him.

Yunxi took back the handkerchief in a hesitant manner. She had long been used to Xia Houyi's aloof attitude, and she didn't feel too wronged or embarrassed. She turned around and diligently replaced the warm tea that was almost finished on the small table, and pointed to the white porcelain plate.

He said to Xia Houyi: "Second Young Master, are you hungry? These are the snacks I just made this morning. I specially put less sugar in them. Please try them quickly and see if they suit your appetite."

Hearing this, Xia Houyi glanced at the refreshments on the small table and seemed dissatisfied. Finally, he reluctantly picked a piece and put it in his mouth to taste it.

Yun Xi looked at him expectantly: "How about it, Second Young Master, do you still like it?"

"It's acceptable." Xia Houyi said it tactfully. Before Yunxi could persuade him to try another piece, he waved his hands and said, "You go to the back first and don't let the boatman come in. I have something to say with Shu'er."

Want to say."

Yun Xi was recognized and went out happily carrying the replaced teapot.

Xia Houshu, who had been watching with a cold eye, watched Yun Xi go out, and then he came closer and joked sourly: "Sometimes I am really glad that you are my brother, otherwise you would just look at the people in my room.

Everyone would make me mad to death if they focus on you."

Xia Houyi automatically ignored his sister's teasing and drank tea calmly.

Xia Houshu glared at him silently, then sat cross-legged opposite him and returned to the topic: "Where have you been this morning?"

Xia Houyi smiled and said nothing.

Because of their special status, the brother and sister once made an agreement that if they encountered something inconvenient to tell each other, they would just laugh it off.

Xia Houshu immediately understood that Xia Houyi could not tell her what he had to do in the morning.

In this case, she didn't ask shamelessly, so she had to ask from a different angle: "How are things going? Is it going well?"

Xia Houyi thought about this question seriously. If he answered it, it would not be a violation of the agreement.

He thought for a long time before saying: "It's a bit tricky."

A little... tricky?

Xia Houshu's eyes lit up after hearing this, he immediately cheered up and stared at his brother with burning eyes.

Xia Houyi, who usually seems to be omnipotent, never changes his expression when meeting beautiful women. With this expression on his face now, he must have encountered something really difficult.

What could it be?

Perhaps it was because both of her brothers were too outstanding and well-known. When Xia Houyi grew up under such a halo, he would inevitably feel pressure, so he was always a little curious and gloating about things that gave Xia Houyi a headache. But she

Always remembering that Xia Houyi treated her well and didn't want to show it too obviously, she cleared her throat and pretended to be nonchalant and asked: "Can I help you?"

"You? Want to help me?" Xia Houyi looked at his sister in disbelief, as if he had been greatly frightened, and his mind immediately recalled the situation when Xia Houshu was incompetent but kept forcing him to submit.

He calmed down, waved his hand and said without mercy: "That's not necessary, you will only become more helpful."

"Don't mistake your good intentions for donkey's liver and lungs!" Xia Houshu gave him a hard look.

Although she just asked politely, with a bit of joking, she felt a little unconvinced when she got such a reply, and then said angrily: "Don't underestimate me. I think at the beginning, although I was relying on you to fake

Although I lost my identity, I passed the assessment later on based on my true ability."

"I don't dare to underestimate you. As for your ability..." Xia Houyi tried hard to think of what words to use to describe it. After thinking for a while, he said the four words "different people have different opinions", and did not forget to remind him, "It's important."

Don't forget your identity."

Xia Houyi's words just now have two meanings. The first is to let Xia Houshu not forget that she is a girl and a noble girl from the Xiahou family. Behind her, the Duke of Yue's Palace and Prince Gong's Palace are implicated, and her every move is attracting attention.

, don’t forget your identity when you get carried away and put yourself in danger. The other level is to tactfully remind Xia Houshu not to overstep his rank. After all, Yin Jie is only the lowest-level spy in the Evergreen Sect, and the things he investigates are also trivial.

Small information is inconspicuous at all. But he, Xia Houyi, is the future successor of the Evergreen Sect. It is self-evident who has the right to speak.

Xia Houshu was noncommittal about the first meaning, but she just wanted to laugh when she heard Xia Houyi's advice not to leapfrog.

In fact, Xia Houyi himself doesn't abide by this rule very much. To be precise, he often does things that demote him. For example, he often secretly assists Xia Houshu in investigating cases or gathering intelligence, paving the way for her to gain a firm foothold in the Evergreens.

A broad road.

Of course, Xia Houshu was not an ignorant person. She had no way to refute her brother's warning, and she did not want to make a meaningless argument, so she put aside Xia Houyi's doubts about her strength and nodded obediently: "Don't worry, I


"If I'm not wrong, you have another mission." Xia Houyi took a sip of tea and suddenly changed the topic, looking like he understood everything.

Xia Houshu was stunned for a moment, feeling suspicious in his heart. Although Xia Houyi had begun to take over some of the affairs of the Evergreen Sect with the support of his uncle Zhong Zan, the real person in power was still Zhong Zan, so not everything in the Evergreen Sect was

Xia Houyi knew everything.

"Can you read minds?" Xia Houshu said, taking out the piece of cloth he had seen before from his sleeve and handing it to Xia Houyi, intending to test whether he really knew.

This is a new mission sent by the carrier pigeon yesterday. It only says "Prime Minister's Mansion Yi Wu" in five small characters.

The way Evergreen Gate assigns tasks is like guessing the Chinese charade during the Lantern Festival. It gives you a puzzle, and then you must find the answer within the specified time. It doesn’t matter about the process, only the result.

Xia Houyi took the cloth and was startled when he saw the small words on it. The familiar handwriting was indeed written by their uncle Zhong Zan, but the meaning behind these five words surprised him. If his uncle knew that the person who took on this task was

Will my niece regret it?

Xia Houyi's expression soon returned to calm, and he casually returned the cloth and said, "It seems this time is still a big task."

Xia Houshu took in all the subtle expressions on his brother's face and determined that this mission was sent by his uncle Zhong Zan, and Xia Houyi probably didn't know about it either.

In fact, she had already thought about it carefully after receiving this task, but she still had no idea where to start.

At that time, the Prime Minister Wang Chonghou was a capital official and the head of the civil service. He had close relations with the vassal kings. Wouldn't it be a big task to investigate his affairs, as Xia Houyi said?

Thinking of this, Xia Houshu looked at Xia Houyi with evil intentions. Over the years, he has been paying attention to the movements of vassal kings in various places. He knows how much they know about their family secrets, and he will definitely know something. If he can still get his help this time

, then you will save yourself a lot of trouble.

After making up his mind, Xia Houshu smiled even more earnestly: "In recent years, you have been exposed to many people and things related to the Prime Minister's Mansion. How much do you know about the Prime Minister's Mansion?"

"No more, no more." Xia Houyi said modestly, "I heard that a beloved concubine died not long ago."

"Beloved concubine?" Xia Houshu was filled with doubts and shock.

There are so many dignitaries in the capital, and there are so many families with three wives and four concubines. One day is full of glory, and tomorrow the spring breeze is full of flowers, but the person who takes charge is still the mistress of the house. So the Prime Minister's house is so big that it is a favorite.

Concubine is not a big deal at all, but even Xia Houyi noticed it, there must be something fishy.

Xia Houshu looked at his piece of cloth carefully again, suddenly an idea came to him and asked: "What is the name of that concubine?"

"What a coincidence." Xia Houyi pointed to the piece of cloth in her hand, "It happens to be called Yi Wu."

"Yi Wu is dead?" Xia Houshu looked shocked again.

Xia Houyi nodded calmly.

"How could it be such a coincidence?" Xia Houshu murmured, and then looked at his brother to confirm again, "So you are asking me to find out the cause of Yi Wu's death this time?"

"Is there any problem?" Xia Houyi asked.

"No..." Xia Houshu sorted out his thoughts, "Second brother, I am neither a monk nor a member of Dali Temple. Why are you asking me to investigate the cause of death of a person I have never met?"

Xia Houyi shrugged: "You will know if you go and check."
This chapter has been completed!
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