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Volume 1 Forest Knight Chapter 93 Rampage Behemoth (3)

But at that moment, the door on one side suddenly opened, and five fighting warriors rushed out. Among the five of them, two held spears and long shields, one held a double-edged axe, one held a Lucerne hammer, and another


The appearance of these five people stopped the brown bear's culling process. It looked at these five people with vigilance. At this time, the brown bear, which had eaten 70% full, was no longer as hungry as when it entered the field. It completely restored its normal state as a jungle animal.

The vigilance of an apex predator.

After these five people entered the field, they immediately formed a tight formation. The two pikemen were in front, the axemen and hammermen were on both sides of the pikemen, and the archers were in the center. This small formation of five people had no

Configuration to prevent later attacks.

Although this is somewhat similar to the five-man formation of Balian's Fort Norandenburg Infantry Regiment, it is still different.

In the Norlandenburg Infantry Regiment, there are five people in groups. When encountering a battle, two pikemen holding round cane shields, one in front and one in the back, sword and shield soldiers and halberdiers standing on the left and right, and crossbowmen.

In the center.

Such a formation can take into account the four sides, and at the same time, it can be quickly converted into a pursuit formation with pikemen in the front and other arms in the back, or a retreat formation with pikemen in the back and other arms in the front.

However, the quality of the infantry displayed by these five people is much better than the quality of most infantry that Balian has seen in this time and space. Even the top mercenary Black Mountain Regiment's combat effectiveness is estimated to be about the same as them.

After all, this is an era when heavy cavalry is king. Who cares about these lowly infantry?

After these five people stood still in the competition arena, the remaining fighting warrior from the first fight wanted to go out. After all, the door was already open.

However, the two guards guarding the door did not let him go out at all. Instead, they handed him a sword and a shield and asked him to continue fighting. They also told him that he could either choose to die in battle or wait until the game was over to be killed.

People were beaten to death with whips.

Upon hearing this, the fighting warrior gritted his teeth angrily. He picked up his sword and shield, turned around and entered the competition field. He wanted to join the formation of the five people, but the brown bear did not give him a chance.

Just as he turned around from the gate and took a few steps, the brown bear that had just been confronting the five men suddenly ran quickly, jumped up, and then faced the fighting warrior with its thick bear paws.

A heavy blow.

The violent behemoth's palm hit the fighting warrior's neck directly. The force was so great that it knocked off his head. The body without the head spurted out blood, and then fell to the ground unsteadily.


The arena floor covered with white sand was dyed red by the gushing blood. Snow white and blood red intertwined to form a picture of death drawn with five human lives. This painting made the onlookers

A hoarse shout broke out again.

After this brown bear wiped out the five fighting warriors in the first battle, it leisurely enjoyed the flesh and blood of this cowardly fighting warrior.

At this time, it was not too hungry anymore, but it became picky when it came to eating meat. He opened up the fighting warrior's belly and only ate the heart, liver, kidneys, and other internal organs such as the intestines and stomach.

They were all pulled aside on the white sand ground.

Seeing this violent beast eating five people freely there, the kind-hearted Bran and Huck, who had been living at the bottom, felt their moods change from excitement and excitement at the beginning to sadness and anger now.

The five people who had just been eaten by the brown bear didn't know whose son, whose brother, whose husband, or whose father. They just threw their lives here for freedom or a high bonus.

In the competition arena.

No one remembers their names, and no one remembers their faces under the iron helmets. Only the blood on the ground and the pieces of meat and bones scattered everywhere prove that five people have been here, and only once.

That's it. Balian looked at the arena with a dark expression. His mood was similar to that of Bran and Harker, but he couldn't say anything more now.

A person's ability is limited. When you are unable to change the world, you should first try to change yourself, change the people around you, and try to make yourself stronger. As long as you have enough power, you will be able to change the world.

At this time, the five people in the competition field were tightly forming a tight formation, waiting for the brown bear to attack. They saw the power and brutality of this brown bear, and they couldn't help but tremble. Dealing with such a beast was really difficult.

It's not that easy.

However, the boss of the tournament just raised the bounty to 3,000 dinars. If they can win the game, everyone can get 600 dinars, which is already a considerable sum for ordinary people.

of wealth.

It was precisely because of the temptation of these bonuses that they dared to risk death from the bear's mouth, enter the competition arena, and participate in the human-animal fight. Before they entered the arena, they knew that this brown bear would be difficult to deal with, but at such a close range,

After seeing a brown bear slap a man's head away in front of them.

They were even more aware that this brown bear, known as a violent beast, was very difficult to deal with, and they were afraid that they might all end up here.

After eating the fighting warrior, the brown bear stood up, gave a big yawn, then got down on all fours, lay on the ground, and fell asleep lazily.

This beast, which had been extremely violent, killing people and eating people like crazy, was lying there like a cat, motionless, just sleeping on the ground with its eyes closed.

I feel so full and warm that I want to sleep. This man is no different from an animal.

But this brown bear's impudent behavior naturally humiliated the five fighting warriors who had just entered the arena. It seemed that in the eyes of the brown bear, the five of them were nothing, and it could not even look at them.

At this time, the spectators who were watching the fun and not taking it too seriously made all kinds of sarcastic remarks, just to force the five people to come forward to provoke the violent beast and let the five of them fight with the brown bear.

To satisfy their thirst for thrilling and exciting programs.

The audience has always been like this. They will not sympathize with the pain and sadness of the people on the show. As long as they are happy, they only care about their own feelings. After all, they spent money to enter the arena. The show in the competition arena is not exciting enough, so what can they do?

Will you be satisfied?

As expected, these five fighting warriors could not withstand the cynicism and scolding of the audience in the end. They slowly moved towards the violent beast, although in their hearts they absolutely did not want to disturb the violent bear's sleep.


But when you enter the competition arena and enter the stage of life-and-death combat, there is no personal will to speak of. You can only keep charging and killing. If you kill all the enemies in front of you, you will naturally be the biggest winner and win a large bonus.


At this time, the brown bear lying on its stomach and sleeping soundly in the field seemed not to notice anything. It lay there sleeping quietly, as if it did not realize that the danger was approaching.

At this time, the five fighting warriors had moved to a place only four or five steps away from the brown bear. They stopped here and moved to this position. The brown bear had not responded at all. It seemed that this stupid bear from the Misty Mountains

Really fell asleep.

The boss of the five fighting warriors thought so, and so did his four brothers. The five of them murmured in a low voice, and asked the bravest fighting warrior with a double-edged giant ax to step forward and take a look.


If the brown bear really fell asleep, then he would just use his double-edged giant ax to chop off the head of the brown bear. The five of them would have gotten three thousand dinas without any effort.

Your bounty.

The fighting warrior came to the brown bear cautiously. He was very careful at first and only dared to touch the violent beast lightly with the head of his axe. He was afraid that the violent bear was actually awake.

This sleep is just pretending to sleep.

But after touching it with the ax several times and confirming that the brown bear was really asleep, he felt relieved. He reached out and touched the brown bear's hair.

However, the hair of this violent beast was definitely not as shiny and smooth as the cats and dogs raised at home. It was covered with dirt and blood. However, the fighting warrior touched it excitedly and waved to the stands.

The audience signaled.

After all, no one dared to touch a violent bear that had just killed five fighting warriors. Therefore, after the audience in the stands saw the bold action of this fighting warrior, they still gave this brave guy warm applause and cheers.


But just when the applause and cheers rang out from the stands, the violent bear who had been sleeping soundly just now suddenly opened his eyes, and then suddenly got up from the ground.

This violent giant beast that just pretended to be asleep opened its huge mouth and bit the fighting warrior who just touched its fur and poked him with the tip of an axe.

And after shaking it several times, he threw aside the fighting warrior whose body had been bitten to pieces.

The fighting warrior's body was thrown out like an offline kite. Along with the traces of being thrown out, the blood spurted out in a graceful arc in the air before landing heavily on the sand.

No matter how beautiful the arc is, it is also the beauty of death. Seeing the brother who was suddenly attacked and killed by a brown bear, the remaining four people roared loudly with hatred.

And the brown bear wasn't used to their problems. If you call me, won't you call me? The brown bear gathered its strength and roared violently, directly suppressing the momentum of the four people on the spot.

At this time, the audience's applause and cheers rang out again. Of course, this was for the winner. As the winner of the vocal competition just now, the Grizzlies were absolutely qualified to enjoy these applause and cheers.

The five people standing in the competition arena were a bit embarrassed. Just like the five fighting warriors who had just been wiped out by the group, they were abandoned by the audience not long after they entered the arena.

But the leader among the five was not discouraged. He encouraged his brothers and said, "Brothers, we are just beasts! We have killed wild wolves, hunted wild boars, and fought bandits. What enemy can

Are you afraid of us?"

After saying these words, seeing that the brothers were all cheering up, he continued to add: "Should I live a miserable life of eating wheat porridge every day, or should I give it a try and become a small farmer who can afford to eat every week?

You think about it yourself.

A man with great ambition will never give up, so you put your hand under your crotch, touch it, and tell me what it is?"

After the leader asked the question, the remaining three people stretched their hands between their legs, which puzzled the audience. Are these three people some kind of heretics? They actually did this kind of thing.

Dirty actions.

After the remaining three people touched it, they loudly told the leader: "As for the boss, there are two balls in our crotches."

"Hahaha!" The leader, who everyone called the boss, laughed, "Just know that you still have balls. Only people without balls have no spine and dare not fight this violent bear face to face!

Entering the competition arena, it is impossible for us to get out until this violent bear dies. This is the rule of human-animal fighting!

Brothers! Do you dare to follow me and kill this brown bear that killed our brothers?"

"Yes!" After hearing the boss's question, the remaining three people answered loudly in unison.

This chapter has been completed!
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