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Volume 1 Forest Knight Chapter 94 Rampage Behemoth (4)

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Balian saw the remaining four fighting warriors in the stands. With a partner dying tragically in front of his eyes, facing such a powerful and ferocious bear, instead of being intimidated like the previous wave of fighting warriors, they were

The will to fight is stronger.

Seeing the performance of these four people, Balian couldn't help but show admiration. He looked at the four people in the contest and said to Ganji: "Brother Ganji, if these four people can kill these four people intact,

A violent giant beast, I want to recruit them, you can't snatch them from me."

Ganmoji chuckled, "Okay, I promise you, don't worry! However, I think the four of them have no hope of survival. After all, this beast is too ferocious, and it is also very smart.

Just playing a trick and setting a trap."

Balian did not respond to him, but stared closely into the arena, watching what was happening now.

When the violent giant beast saw that the remaining four people were not intimidated, they leaned closer together and let out a roar that hurt their eardrums. The eyes they looked at themselves were full of ferocity.

Everything has spirituality, especially the brown bear that has lived in the Misty Mountains for almost ten years and grown into such a big body. It realized that the four people in front of it were not that easy to deal with.

But having just slaughtered six fighting warriors, the brown bear still despised the fighting power of humans. He just felt that the remaining four people were not that easy to deal with, but he did not think that the four of them could defeat him.

I saw the brown bear roaring angrily at the four people. At this time, the four people, instead of being frightened by the violent roar of the brown bear, pressed closely together and strode towards the violent beast.

As they approached, the archer at the rear hid behind the spearman and shot a very accurate arrow. This arrow hit the brown bear's left eye. It seemed that after eating too much,

It really made this brown bear careless.

The brown bear, which had been shot in the left eye, roared violently. It slapped its left eye with its paw, and after breaking the arrow shaft, the arrow pierced deeper.

The brown bear's eyeball, which had already been hit by an arrow, burst open and red and white flowed out, staining the brown bear's already blood-red face even more horrifyingly.

If this one-eyed violent bear were a human being, he would be deeply annoyed and regretful of his carelessness at this time, but after all, it is not a human being, it is just a beast.

The brown bear, which had one eye blinded by an arrow, now fully recovered its alertness and composure when hunting in the misty mountains. It seems that this arrow was not a meaningless one.

However, this is really not a good thing for the four fighting warriors currently in the arena.

The violent brown bear is easy to make mistakes. Although it is very dangerous for them to deal with it, there is still hope in the end. Now this brown bear has completely recovered into a top jungle predator.

If you go against it, how can you end up with a good outcome? After all, this is where the natural racial advantages and disadvantages lie, and you can't compare with these beasts in terms of strength and speed.

However, the reason why people are human and the reason why they can become the species at the top of the food chain does not depend on strength and speed, but on wisdom and unity.

One person is very small and easily defeated. But a group of people, especially a group of people with weapons that can penetrate the fur of wild beasts, can hunt all the wild beasts in a land and turn these top predators into

Food, clothing, bedding, etc. for yourself and your family.

This is the greatness of human beings, an intelligent species. The reason why humans, unlike orangutans and monkeys, have evolved civilizations is probably the same. After all, these close relatives of humans have also lived for so many years, but they are still in an era dominated by animal nature.

This angry brown bear regained its posture as a top predator. Although it was blind in one eye, it moved more quickly.

I saw it pretending to pounce on the two spearmen directly in front. The two fighting warriors holding spears fell into the trap. They quickly raised their spears to stab the violent bear.

However, they never expected that the brown bear's action was completely a feint to confuse them. When it was about to pounce, the brown bear suddenly jumped to the left, and then pounced on the man carrying Lucerne.

Hammer fighting warrior.

The fighting warrior was startled, but he knew that he must not retreat. He roared and hit the brown bear with a hammer. At the same time, the archer's second arrow also shot out and went straight to this place.

The face of a violent bear.

The arrow was dodged by the violent bear, but due to the close distance, the brown bear was still unable to dodge. The arrow scratched a wound on the side of its nose, and it immediately began to bleed.

Although it was only a small wound, it was enough to make this violent beast completely go berserk, and the brown bear howled loudly.

It opened its big mouth and let out such a loud roar, which stunned the audience in the stands and shocked the four fighting warriors, especially at such a close distance. The four of them could smell the fishy smell in the brown bear's mouth.


The furious brown bear didn't care how the fighting warrior holding the Lucerne Hammer tried to defend himself by swinging the hammer. Based on the principle of killing one at a time, it stared at the risk of being hit by the hammer or poked by the gun, and slammed into the hammer.


For a moment, the scene became quiet, and everyone could only hear their own heartbeats.

Just when the archer shot the third arrow, the brown bear rushed in front of the hammerer. The fighting warrior was no longer panicking. He swung the Lucerne hammer and smashed it at the violent bear.


However, just as he swung the hammer, the brown bear's bloody mouth had already arrived and bit the fighting warrior's right arm that was holding the Lucerne hammer. At this time, the feather arrow also hit the brown bear's back.


However, this brown bear had rough skin and thick flesh, and it acted as if nothing had happened after being hit by an arrow in the back. It continued to use force, biting off the arm of the fighting warrior, holding it in its mouth, and ran to the side to plot.

Next round of attack.

When the brown bear ran away, the two spearmen stabbed the brown bear's buttocks and abdomen respectively. Although they did not cause much damage to the rough and thick-skinned violent bear, they also played a role in bleeding.


At this time, the fighting warrior whose right arm was bitten off by the brown bear kept screaming while covering the wound that was bleeding continuously.

The archer used a dagger to cut off the hem of his coat, bandaged him briefly, said a few words of comfort, and then dragged him behind him, leaving him to take care of him.

At this time, both the three fighting warriors who were still capable of fighting and the brown bear with blood flowing from his body and one blind eye already hated each other extremely. They faced each other and tried not to kill each other.

If you are clean, you will never give up.

Such a wonderful battle naturally made the spectators in the surrounding stands excited. Many people shouted at the top of their lungs. Some cheered for these heroic fighting warriors, and some cheered for the violent giant beast.

At this time, the four fighting warriors still alive in the competition field made a decision after discussion. They were determined not to be passively beaten there anymore, but to take the initiative to attack.

I saw two spearmen in front, slowly moving towards the brown bear, while the archers shot an arrow at the brown bear from time to time to harass the brown bear there.

At this time, the brown bear could only try to prevent itself from being hit in the face by the arrow, but it could not take care of other parts of its body. Although it tried its best to hide, the distance between the two parties was getting closer and its physical strength was reduced due to blood loss.

The brown bear's reaction speed was no longer as fast as before. In a short time, the brown bear was hit by four or five arrows. Although its skin was rough and fleshy, it was sore from mosquito bites.

At this time, the brown bear, feeling pain all over his body and in danger of death, was no longer as calm as he was in the first game. He was very tired and extremely angry.

As an apex predator living a leisurely life in the Misty Mountains, it has never worried about survival since it was a child. Now it was brought to this strange place, left to starve, and found someone to follow it.


Although these little things don't pose much of a threat to themselves, they provoke themselves repeatedly and cause themselves to be covered with injuries. It no longer wants to survive, it just wants to happily kill the people in front of it, or be killed by them.


The death struggle of any living being in a battle is extremely tragic in the eyes of the audience, and there is even a kind of perverted beauty in it, but to both parties involved, it is not very beautiful.

One side is desperate for life and crazy, and the other side has to withstand crazy attacks. Both sides are scarred and exhausted physically and mentally, but no one dares to relax.

At this time, the crazy brown bear no longer cared about his own injuries or the arrows that were shot at him. He roared and rushed straight over.

Seeing the brown bear's desperate posture, the two spearmen quickly stood on the spot, leaning against each other, thrusting their spears straight ahead, waiting for the brown bear to hit them.

But although this brown bear was crazy, it was not a fool. When it was close to the spear head, it suddenly straightened up, then clapped its palms, pressed the two spears to the ground, and then jerked forward.

He pounced and knocked the two spearmen to the ground.

Seeing that this violent beast was about to kill the two spearmen, the fighting warrior whose right arm was bitten off suddenly pulled out his dagger with his left hand and pounced on the brown bear.

He shouted, jumped deep on the brown bear, and then stabbed the brown bear's right eye with a dagger, but the brown bear had already discovered it in advance, and it suddenly fell down and knocked the fighting warrior

Fell down.

Then it raised its wide bear paw and was about to slap the desperate fighting warrior. But he didn't know that this fighting warrior was already determined to die. He was now trying to wrap his arms around the beast and give it to his companions.

Buy time.

Anyway, he would definitely not survive. Even if he survived, he would still be a useless person with a broken arm. It would be better to die on the fighting field like this, consuming the strength of this brown bear and letting his friends kill him to avenge him.

I saw him rolling on the ground, and then slashed the brown bear's other leg with the dagger, directly cutting a large gash in the leg, and there was a lot of blood on the spot.

"Ouch!" The brown bear screamed in pain. It didn't expect that this little thing could cause it so much harm. In a short time, its leg was useless.

And at this time, the two spearmen who escaped, one holding a long spear and the other holding a double-edged giant ax, rushed over. The archer emptied his quiver at this time. He picked up the Lucerne hammer on the ground and also

Rushed up.

When the battle reached this point, only the brave and unafraid side could win the final victory. It was precisely because of this that no one of them dared to hold back and they all rushed forward.

This violent behemoth used its remaining right eye to see that others were about to rush forward, and it knew that it had no time to tangle with this man with a broken arm.

I saw this brown bear raising another bear paw as if to shoot him. Sure enough, this fighting warrior fell into the trap. He followed the successful experience last time and wanted to roll on the spot again, but this time the brown bear's main offensive weapon

It's a bloody mouth.

The brown bear bit the fighting warrior's neck in one fell swoop, killing the heroic fighting warrior on the spot.

However, when he was about to die, the fighting warrior stabbed the brown bear with a dagger. Although the wound was not very serious, he really fought until the last moment.

This chapter has been completed!
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