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Volume 1 Forest Knight Chapter 96 Recruitment Failure

After the brown bear fell to the ground, the fighting warrior swung the sword in his hand and slashed at the brown bear's body, cutting the brown bear's body until it was bloody and bloody, and he continued to chop there.

He didn’t know how long he had been cutting. The fighting warrior lost his strength and sat down on the ground. He looked at the sky and laughed. The sword in his hand was also full of gaps and was completely chopped to pieces.


At this time, the spectators in the surrounding stands stood up and applauded, and burst into deafening cheers. They cheered for the only remaining warrior.

After the competition ended, the host reappeared and said in a deep voice: "Honorable God of Fire, I have never seen such a wonderful human-animal fight. It's so thrilling. Do you think it's good to watch? My distinguished friends?"

"Good looking!" The audience in the stands responded to the host in unison.

"Since it looks good, let us once again give applause and cheers to the warriors in the competition field. They are all great warriors!" The host's call was echoed again by everyone.

The only remaining fighting warrior was helped up by the people in the arena and walked out. Then some servants came in with carts and disturbed the arena. They picked up flesh, blood, weapons, etc., and threw the white sand stained red with blood.

After being poached, the competition ground soon returned to a peaceful appearance.

The human-animal fighting match ended at noon, and Gamgee was very happy to take Balian and the others to eat something good, because when he placed the bet just now, he followed Balian and did not bet on the first team of fighting warriors, but

I bet on the second team of fighting warriors.

Each of them bet 500 dinars, with five times the odds. The two of them won a total of 5,000 dinars. This made Ganji very excited. These two times he bet with Balian, the total result was

He was able to win, and he also won a lot of money, so of course he actively invited Balian to dinner.

"Gamji, I still want to meet the fighting warrior who helped us win money. Can you meet him?" Balian still wants to meet the only remaining fighting warrior. After all, he still admires this team of people.

Yes, I still have some thoughts of recruiting them.

After hearing this, Gamgee thought for a moment and asked Balian to wait here while he went to meet the owner of the fighting arena and come back later to tell Balian the result.

Balian didn't wait long, Gamgee came back happily, "Brother Balian, let's go, the fighting warrior can meet us now.

The owner of the competition venue is also one of my business partners, and we are relatively familiar with each other. He would not agree to such a request from anyone else. After all, fighting warriors who have just experienced thrilling battles are often reluctant to meet others.

I want to be quiet for a while.”

"Hahaha! Brother Ganmuji, you still have face, let's go, let's go." Balian saw Ganmuji showing off his connections, so he complimented him.

Balian, who has been a man for two generations, understands a very important principle of dealing with people, that is, do not be stingy in praising others. After all, most people are unwilling to be criticized. This is human nature. Most of the time, you only need to be willing to praise more.

With two sentences, the resistance to doing things will be much smaller, so why not do it.

Under the leadership of a strong guard, Balian and Gamgee came to the fighting warrior's lounge. The fighting warrior who crawled back from the line of death alone was sitting there slumped, holding a large wine bottle, talking from time to time.

Give yourself a sip.

After Balian and the others entered the room, the fighting warrior didn't even look at him. He was still drinking by himself. The guard approached him and whispered a few words before he knew the identity of the visitor. He was a

A prestigious nobleman.

At this time, he stood up slowly, and then saluted Balian. After saluting and standing up, he also burped loudly.

The guard looked at Balian and Gamgee, smiled awkwardly, then withdrew and waited at the door so that Balian and Gamgee could have a good chat with the fighting warrior.

Balian and Gamgee found two chairs and sat down. The fighting warrior continued to sit there slumped, holding the wine bottle.

The room was quiet for a while. Balian was the first to break the awkward silence and asked: "My friend, I saw the heroic battle of you and your brothers and was very moved. So I want to meet you. I have no other intention.

I just want to have a chat with you, warriors like you are really rare."

"Haha!" The fighting warrior sneered, "What kind of warrior am I? Sir, you are praising me. I am just a coward who was protected by my brothers and survived. A real warrior has become

There’s food in the brown bear’s belly.”

It seems that after he experienced a bloody battle, especially when all the good brothers around him were killed, this had a great impact on his emotions, and his words were very excited and disappointed.

Seeing him like this, Balian knew that now was indeed not the right time to chat. He had come here somewhat ill-considered, but since he was here, he still had to ask some questions, otherwise his visit would be in vain.

"Where are you from? From the looks of it, you have at least served as soldiers. How come you come to the fighting arena to compete?" Balian asked.

Hearing Balian's question, the fighting warrior had a look of impatience on his face, and he asked: "Why should I answer you? Now I just want to be alone."

Balian took out a money bag and threw it on the table in front of him, and then said: "Do you want to live like this for the rest of your life? Be a fighting warrior who can die at any time, or be a caravan guard? Don't you want to be stable?

Do you want to be with your family and have your own farmland?"

"Of course I do! Who doesn't? It's just that not everyone is as lucky as you nobles. We are born poor and lowly, so we are destined to have a hard and miserable life." After listening to Balian's three consecutive questions, the fighting warrior's whole body changed.

He shouted excitedly.

Balian also raised his voice and said loudly to him: "I can let you live such a life, are you willing to follow me?"

The fighting warrior was stunned for a moment. After being silent for a while, he shook his head. He smiled bitterly and said, "How is it possible? Why would you help me like this? It's impossible."

"Why is it impossible? You are so brave. As long as you can recruit people like those who fight alongside you, I can fulfill my promise." Balian stared into his eyes and said seriously.

The fighting warrior was silent for a while, but he still shook his head and rejected Balian, "Sir, I won the game this time. The fighting field gave me three thousand dinars, and each of the five of us received six hundred dinars.

Well, it’s enough to return to your hometown and live the life of a rich farmer.

I have spent my life in battles since I was a teenager. My brothers around me fell one by one, and now I am the only one left. I am tired of the days of swords and swords, and now I just want to go home.

I just want to live like this when I buy dozens of acres of land, plant wheat, raise a few goats and pigs, and sit in the yard every evening and drink a glass of beer."

It seems that he is really tired of fighting, so there is no need to recruit him. It is understandable that he wants to return to his hometown and live a stable life.

Balian nodded, "Very good, it's really a good day like this. In that case, I won't bother you. You have a good rest."

After saying that, Balian turned around and was about to leave, but the fighting warrior stopped Balian. He pointed to the money bag on the table and said, "My lord, your money bag is still here."

Balian smiled, "I bet on your team to win, and I was right. I won a sum of money. This hundred dinars is my reward for your brave battle. It can also be regarded as my funding for you to go home."

travel expenses.

In the future, if you no longer want to farm at home, or if you want to return to fighting life, you can come to me at Fort Nolandenburg, a county directly under the jurisdiction, and just give this money bag to the guards."

"Okay, thank you for your generosity, Lord Balian. In the future, if it is really like what you said, I will definitely go to Nolandenburg to join you." The fighting warrior said.

Balian then left. When he just stepped out of the door, the fighting warrior added: "Lord Balian, my name is Nyak. My brothers and I are from Gondez Province and are farmers at the foot of the Blue Mountains.

and the hunters."

"Okay, Nyak, I wish your farmer's life will be as leisurely and happy as you dreamed of." Balian responded.

The fighting warrior also expressed his thanks and sent his blessing to Balian, "Thank you, Lord Balian, and I wish you a happy life."

After leaving the fighting arena, Gamgee said to Balian with some regret: "It's a pity, brother Balian, you spent money but didn't recruit anyone. It's such a pity. Not only was the money wasted, but such a brave man

It would be a pity for a soldier to become a farmer."

"Hahaha!" Balian put his arm around Gamgee's shoulders and laughed, "My brother Gamgee, they helped us earn these five thousand dinars, giving them one hundred dinars is already very stingy.


Besides, it’s normal for him to not want to live such a precarious life again after having experienced such a thrilling battle. It’s no pity. There is a high probability that he will go to Norlandenburg to join me in the future.”

Ganmoji looked in disbelief and asked, "Why are you so confident? He has already gone back to live a life of a rich farmer, so how can he come out and continue to be a soldier?"

"Because, the era of war is coming, and you and I are clearly aware of this. When the war breaks out, he will not be able to be a farmer even if he wants to." Balian said with emotion.

Gamgee smiled bitterly and nodded, "Yes, from the invasion of the northern interior by the Toba pirates, to Duke Valenti's desire to become king, to the confrontation between the two noble forces in the north and south of Brick, I am also optimistic about the future.

The situation is not very promising."

"No matter how bad the future is, it is still in the future. What we have to do now is to fill our stomachs quickly and then recruit caravan guards in the afternoon." Balian patted his shoulder and said.

Ganmuji chuckled, "What you're saying is, I know a restaurant that sells particularly delicious roast lamb. Let's go eat it. Let me tell you, their lamb is really delicious."

We choose lamb that is about three months old. The meat is very tender. After it is thoroughly marinated with a secret marinade, it is then brushed with honey and grilled. The taste is so delicious that after eating it for the first time, you will want to try it again.”

Talking about the food, Gamgee couldn't stop talking. It seems that the food in this pub is really good. If Gamgee, who is very picky about food, can comment like this, then it is really good.

You know, the famous dishes such as pheasant braised in red wine in the tavern where Huck's mother used to work were considered fair in Gamgee's eyes, although Balian, Bran and Drew all thought they were very delicious.

This tavern was not far from the fighting arena, nor was it far from the mule and horse market. They rode their horses and arrived not long after.

The size of this pub is obviously larger. In this era of low-rise buildings in the city, it is actually a six-story brick and wood mixed building, and it occupies a quite large area.

Balian, who was used to seeing high-rise buildings in his previous life, certainly didn't think this six-story building was that strange. As a local, Huck was not surprised either. But for Bran, who had lived in the small town of Amundine since he was a child, this six-story building was nothing special.

The tall building with several floors really opened his eyes. After all, given the technical conditions of this time and space, the cost of building such a building was very high.

This chapter has been completed!
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