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Volume 1 Forest Knight Chapter 98 Also an Old Acquaintance

This guy with a bald head and a beard has really good skills. He knocked these five mercenaries to the ground with three punches and two kicks. Although he was bare-handed, he could still be called a strong mercenary when he fought against them.

It's like an adult hitting a child.

When these people rushed up, he first raised his foot and kicked away a mercenary who was rushing forward. Then he quickly rushed forward, raised his fist and smashed the other mercenary in the face.

, the mercenary couldn't dodge and received a solid punch in the face.

"Ah..." Everyone heard a scream, and the mercenary who was punched in the face covered his face and fell to the ground, rolling around. Looking at him, he must have broken his nose.


When the remaining three people saw how powerful this guy was, they immediately wanted to retreat. However, with so many people watching, and having injured two people, they couldn't do anything to this bald man with a beard, so they would definitely not be able to deal with him back home.

They had no choice but to go up and fight with him, but this small-scale fight on the street was different from fighting on the battlefield. It was a comparison of personal martial arts. The three of them were all knocked to the ground in three to five breaths.

The five people who were showing off their power just now are now lying on the street shouting "Ouch!" and being ridiculed by the onlookers around. It is really embarrassing and humiliating.

At this time, a rapid whistle sounded, and it turned out that the security team was coming. The people watching around were like hiding from wild animals, and they hurriedly avoided these wolves and tigers.

After the ten-person security team arrived at the scene, they surrounded the six people who were fighting. The captain of the security team cursed and said: "You are a bunch of life-threatening idiots! How dare you do anything to the police officer?"

There is a commotion at the door of your property, I am so impatient to live!

Tie up all these stupid pigs and send them to the dock to work as coolies for a few months, and see if they dare to be so arrogant."

The captain gave the order, and of course the others obeyed the order. They pulled out ropes on the spot to tie them up.

At this time, the leader of the mercenaries quickly struggled to get up. He came to the security captain with a flattering smile, handed a money bag to his hand without leaving a trace, and whispered a few words in his ear.


Then the security captain looked like he suddenly understood. He quickly asked his men to stop, "Hey, stop quickly, how can we catch our own people? Let me catch this bald man who is stuck here like a wooden stake."

, put him in jail."

The subordinates just obeyed orders and did whatever their superiors asked them to do. Immediately, two members of the security team stepped forward and were about to tie up the bald and bearded guy.

But this tough man would not be willing to be tied up by the security team like a pig or a dog, so he directly pushed the two security team members away.

The security captain saw this scene and was very angry in his heart. He walked up to the bald man with a beard and angrily, reached out and slapped him directly in the face.

After the slap, the security captain was still not satisfied. He cursed angrily: "Where did you come from, a bastard, and you dare to cause trouble in the city of Yangweixuo? Are you really not afraid of death?"

Brothers! Take out all the sticks in your hands, beat this idiot hard, subdue him, and then put him in prison."

After receiving the money, the security captain was indeed different. He targeted the bald and bearded man everywhere, and even ordered his men to beat him severely on the street in front of everyone. It was not just as simple as bullying, but also

Extremely insulting.

Sure enough, after hearing the security captain's order, the bald man with a beard looked like he was about to spit fire in his eyes. He stared straight at the security captain, as if a violent bear was about to tear the intruder apart immediately.

Like broken pieces.

The security captain also felt the anger of this strong man, but he was not afraid. Although this guy looked strong, he had no weapons in his hands. He would be beaten up by a group of security team members with sticks later.

Just be honest.

But things didn't go as he expected. His group of security team members could bully small businessmen and homeless people in the city on a daily basis, but when it came to a real fight, the nine of them were armed with short sticks as high as their eyebrows.

They couldn't beat this bare-handed, bald, bearded man.

In just a short time, the nine security team members who rushed up fell to the ground and screamed. They fell to the ground faster than the mercenaries just now.

At this time, the security captain's face was already pale with fright. He did not expect that this bald and bearded guy's fighting ability was so terrifying. If he had known better, he would not have gone into this muddy water. However, the money has been collected, so he could only

Grit your teeth and hold on till the end.

"You...you..." the security captain stammered nervously, "You are so brave! You dare to openly confront the security team. What are you going to do?"

Let me tell you, this is Yangweixuo City, under the rule of Lord Earl Gri. If you dare to resist again, even if you knock me down, you won't be able to escape.

We still have two hundred members of the security team, as well as soldiers from the city defense battalion, as well as the Earl's inner knights. If you dare to confront us, you are destined to have only one end, and that is death!"

After hearing what the security captain said, the bald and bearded man burst into laughter. He looked at the security captain with contempt and said: "You are a pig and a dog, you just bully ordinary people every day."

, since you have caused trouble for me today, I will never let you go!

Before your brothers in the security team kill me, I will first kill you, the beast, and that stupid guy next to you! Since you don’t want me to live, then I won’t live!”

As he said that, he rushed towards the two of them, frightening them both.

"Stop it, Orome!" A loud voice was heard. The bald and bearded man named Orome immediately stopped, and the security captain and the leader of the mercenaries also gasped.

He breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that his life could be saved.

I saw a sturdy middle-aged man walking out of the microscopic crowd. He stepped forward, pulled Oroluo aside, then looked at the two people coldly and said, "You guys are bullying someone like this."

Kind-hearted ordinary people, it would be nice not to be beaten to death. I hope you will take care of yourself!"

After saying that, he grabbed Oromi's arm and wanted to leave, but at this moment, he heard the sound of armor clashing, and saw more than 20 heavy infantry surrounding them, and five or six more.

Archers also took up positions on the surrounding high points.

At this time, a group of people came out of the tavern, and one of them, who was surrounded by everyone and looked aristocratic, slowly walked up to the security captain.

When the security captain saw this, he was so frightened that he knelt down on the spot. The nobleman didn't say much. He flew up and kicked the security captain in the chest. The force of this kick was so strong that the nobleman was stunned on the spot.

He vomited blood.

However, the noble seemed to feel that it was not enough. He stepped forward and kicked the security captain several times. While kicking, he cursed: "Trash! Incompetent trash! Stupid! Stupid fool! Ten people."

If you can't even defeat one of them, what's the use of raising you!"

After the nobleman vented his anger, a man wearing a knight's uniform came forward and pulled him. This man was none other than Sir Sandyman, the knight of the house whom Earl Gerry valued highly.

After Sir Sandiman comforted the nobleman, he felt relieved. Then he simply arranged his robes and came to Orome and the others. He looked at the two people with playful eyes and said: "

You two said, what should we do if we beat up the people from the security team?"

The guy named Oromi was about to say something, but the companion who had just stopped him from killing him grabbed him and stopped him from speaking. Instead, he communicated with the noble himself.

"Lohir, tell me how you want to solve it." It seems that this nobleman knows him.

After hearing the name Rohirr, Balian's eyes lit up, and he found this person named Rohirr in his memories.

Balian thought just now why this man named Rohir looked so familiar. It turned out to be someone he had known before.

Rochiel's expression was solemn. He thought for a moment and replied hesitantly: "Your Majesty the Sheriff, we are willing to compensate these nine injured members of the security team. In addition, we can also subscribe to you a fine of one thousand dinars.

,May I?"

"Hahaha, you really treat our Lord Sheriff, Baron Nxima, as a beggar. One thousand dinars? Hahaha, I heard you right!" Beside Sir Sandyman, a well-dressed man

The young nobleman began to sneer.

Sheriff Baron Nxima looked at Rochiel calmly and said, "Lochiel, do you think I will agree to your conditions?"

Rohir gritted his teeth, struggled for a while, and said loudly: "Five thousand dinars, I will give it to you within three days. This is our limit."

Baron Nxima raised the corner of his mouth and gave a contemptuous sneer, and then said: "Arrest these two people and take them to the prison. If they dare to resist, they will be killed on the spot!"

The Sheriff gave an order, and the more than twenty heavy infantrymen strode forward with weapons in hand. The archers also drew their bows and aimed arrows at Rohir and Oromi. They were unarmed and faced heavy soldiers.

Surrounded, the only option is to surrender without mercy.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Sheriff." After everyone heard this crisp call to stop, they all looked towards the source of the sound.

I saw a young knight wearing a knight's uniform walking out from the crowd of onlookers. This knight was none other than Balian.

"Oh, it turns out to be Sir Balian. What, you want to get involved in this matter?" Baron Nxima asked, staring at Balian warily.

Balian smiled and responded eagerly: "Lord Baron, you have misunderstood. How can I dare to challenge your authority? I just want to ask you to give me a favor."

After speaking, Balian looked meaningfully at the Sheriff Baron Nxima, and the two communicated with their eyes.

"Hahaha, Sir Balian, what's going on today? What's going on?" Sir Sandyman, an acquaintance beside the Sheriff, said with a smile.

"This is not the place to talk. Let's go in and talk, don't you think? My Lord Baron." Balian respectfully asked Baron Nxima to handle the matter privately.

Baron Nxima nodded and said: "Okay, no problem. Sir Balian has said so. There must be no problem here. But what should I do with these two people?"

As he said this, the Sheriff of Yang Weixuo City raised his hand and pointed at Rohir and Oromi who were standing in the middle of the street in front of the tavern.

Balian also nodded. He walked up to Rohir and Orome, looked at Rohir's confused look, and said, "Uncle Rohir, I am Balian, the son of Sir Orui of Frondo Town."

, when I was a child, you taught me how to ride a horse."

When Rohir heard this, he was stunned on the spot. He opened his mouth in surprise and looked at Balian.

"God of Fire, is this little Balion? He's already so tall and has become a knight." Rohirr said in surprise.

Balian smiled slightly, came closer to him, and lowered his voice and said: "I am now the lord of the direct county of Norandenburg, and also the deputy sheriff of the direct county. Now I also know Earl Gerry. In a moment, you guys listen

As long as it’s mine, don’t start arguing with them again.”

Rohir nodded. The bald and bearded man named Oromi looked at Balian and murmured to himself: "So he is the winner of the trial by combat."

Rohir slapped him, and he regained consciousness. He smiled and nodded, agreeing to Balian's request.

This chapter has been completed!
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