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Chapter 5

That night, Balian was at the Minister of Public Security's house. He didn't dare to drink too much for fear of losing his temper when he was drunk. In addition, he was eating with an old leader and kept speaking cautiously. He was really tired. He didn't drink for long before Balian took his leave and left.

When he returned to his uncle's house, Balian gave him a brief introduction, but he only said that he had given him a gold-plated bronze statue of a knight, and did not mention the silver coins. After all, the less people knew about this windfall, the better.

The next morning, shortly after Balian got up, he saw his uncle entering the house with a man dressed as a knight. Balian walked up to take a look and greeted him warmly, "Ser Tully, how did you find this place?"

Sir Rudy brought this person to him, who was none other than the eldest son of Knight Logan. He had been working in Rolf Castle, the palace minister's territory, for a long time, but because of his father's relationship, he had known Balian for many years.

Ser Tully took a package off his horse and handed it to Balian, "I went to Wallonburg to look for you, but you weren't there. But luckily I met Ser Rudy on the street and knew you were at his house, so I followed.

Come here, by the way, here are father's full-body chainmail and his face-covering helmet, given to you."

Balian was about to refuse, but Ser Tully patted his shoulder with his hand and said, "I give it to you, firstly, because you risked your life to bring back my father's body, which is something our family should be grateful for; secondly,

, my father said when he was still alive that as long as the knight attendants he led were awarded the title of knight, we would give a gift. I heard Sir Rudy say, you only have one piece of leather armor, and you have been wearing it for several years.

, the investiture ceremony will be held the day after tomorrow, how can we do it without a decent set of armor."

After Balian came to this world, he was moved by people from this plane for the first time. No matter how backward the social development is, friendship is priceless. The Logan Knights and his son are indeed good knights with kindness and kindness.

Balian didn't refuse any more and took it away. He opened it and saw that the visor had been polished by a craftsman, and the damaged parts of the chainmail had been repaired. He suddenly felt very warm in his heart, "Sir Tully, thank you for this."

I, Balion Tucker, will always remember your kindness."

Ser Tully smiled and said, "I am the one who should say thank you. Besides, there is no need to be polite between us."

Balian and Ser Rudy both laughed after hearing this. Balian originally wanted to stay with Ser Tully for a meal, but Ser Tully said that he had to rush to the palace to meet the Prime Minister, so he left.

Before, he reminded Balian to buy a decent knight's sword on the street. After all, he has become a knight with a fiefdom, and he can no longer use the old sword with a broken scabbard from when he was a knight's squire.

After seeing off Sir Tully, Balian got on his horse and went out, planning to follow Sir Tully's advice and buy a decent knight's sword. Balian came to the largest blacksmith's shop on Workshop Street and was responsible for welcoming the guests' horses.

Tong hurriedly ran over, bowed deeply to Balian, and then said: "Dear Sir, are you here to buy armor or weapons? Our Thresh Smith Workshop is definitely the best in the Principality of Brick.

A good armor maker, wearing the armor we make will ensure that you will not be cut by the enemy's sword on the battlefield, and using our weapons will ensure that you can kill an enemy with one sword."

Balian looked at the stable boy in front of him with great interest, but at the age of eleven or twelve, he was really eloquent. It seemed that the owner of this shop was really good at training him. Balian got off his horse and handed the reins to him, "

I'm here to buy a knight's sword. You go and feed my horse some fodder and water. These two sloes are a reward for you." Balian said, handing two copper coins into his hands, and then Balian

I walked into this blacksmith shop with the stable boy's gratitude.

As soon as he came in, a blacksmith who heard Balian talking to the stable boy hurriedly greeted Balian. He guided Balian to the shelves. The entire wall of shelves was filled with various swords. The blacksmith introduced them endlessly.

At the same time, he would take off a handful from time to time and let Balian try his hand.

After trying a few swords, Balian was not satisfied, so he said to the blacksmith: "These swords are either not smooth, like the one you just gave me, and the center of gravity is unstable; or they are too fancy and not suitable for actual combat.

I’m not even satisfied. Is there anything better?”

Seeing that Balian knew his stuff, the blacksmith first asked: "Sir Sir, how many dinars do you plan to buy a sword for?"

When Balian heard this, he sneered in his heart. He had worked in sales for a few years in his previous life, so he tried this trick on me and responded: "It was not my plan."

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How many dinars should I spend on it? It’s about whether you have a sword here that’s worth spending all the money in my wallet to buy.”

After hearing what Balian said, the blacksmith knew that he had met a master today. This young knight was not easy to fool, so he quickly asked Balian to enter the workshop at the back from the store on the street. The place was in full swing, with dozens of people working there.

The blacksmiths and their apprentices were hammering with hammers. Being able to hire so many blacksmiths at once, it seems that the strength of this family is quite good. You must know that in this era, blacksmiths are very valuable technicians.

In the territory, everyone is directly employed by the lord. After all, whether it is making weapons, armor, or building castles, blacksmiths are indispensable.

After passing through the hot stove, Balian was taken to a small house. The swords inside were indeed different from those outside. They were actually prepared for combatants. Not only were they easy to use, but they also used good materials.

It is a pity that quenching and steelmaking technology has not yet appeared in this era, otherwise better weapons could be built. Thinking of this, Balian felt that it was necessary to dig a few blacksmiths from here in the future and let them experiment with quenching and steelmaking technology.

If this happens, it will not only be a matter of wealth, but also a well-equipped army.

Balian spent a long time choosing, and finally selected a knight's sword that he wanted. The scabbard was made of cooked cowhide with copper edges, and there were some carved patterns. It was simple but elegant. The length of the sword was just right, and it could be used with both hands.

It was very easy to hold. After chopping a roll of straw mats, Balian also verified the sharpness of this sword and chose to buy it.

Since I saw how difficult Balian was to deal with when I tried the sword just now, I didn't play too many tricks when negotiating the price. In the end, after some haggling, Balian won the price of one hundred and fifty dinars.

A sword.

Just when Balian was about to go out, he suddenly heard a noise. Balian turned his head and looked inside. He didn't see anything clearly. The middle-aged man in charge of collecting money said: "My lord, there is a man from the palace inside."

Guards, I don’t know what happened, and I wanted to pawn my armor and sword. Maybe I felt that the price offered by our boss was too low, so I yelled a few times."

After hearing this, Balian felt that he needed to go and take a look. The guards in the palace basically lived and ate together, and everyone was familiar with them. If anyone really encountered difficulties, Balian could help within his ability.


Balian was about to get closer to listen to whose voice it was, but the palace guard came out angrily. Balian saw that it was none other than Eomer, who was in the same dormitory with him. Balian hurried

Stopping him, "Eomer, what's wrong? You're so angry."

As soon as Eomer saw Balion, his anger immediately calmed down. He sighed and said, "Hey! I am in urgent need of money and want to pawn my armor and sword. Unexpectedly, this profiteer is only willing to pay a hundred

Dinar, you really took advantage of the situation, you know, this set of iron-lined leather armor alone costs more than that, my father spent two hundred dinars to have someone make it for me."

Seeing him talking, Balian became excited again, and hurriedly said to him: "This is not the place to talk. Let's go to the Wine Street to find a tavern to drink and chat." Balian said as he pulled him out.

I found a tavern in the Wine Street and ordered an apple pie, a piece of bacon, and two large glasses of ale. Eomer first picked up the wine glass, congratulated Balian and celebrated his becoming a knight, and then began to tell his story.

, "When you were going to suppress the bandits, the child of a relative of the Grand Knight Commander came to the palace to become a guard and knight attendant. This guy is a dandy. Not only does he not know martial arts, but he does not participate in training all day long. He even takes turns.

When he was on duty in the palace, he dared to leave his post without permission. As the captain of the palace guard, how could I tolerate such a thing? I gave him twenty lashes, which offended him and the great knight.


Balian knew that his friend's personal martial arts skills were definitely one of the best among the palace guards of the Principality of Brick. He was a top-notch fighter in both horse and foot combat. Although he was only eighteen years old, he was still able to compete with the palace guards.

Many senior knights competed with each other, and they won more than they lost. But he has a big shortcoming in his character, that is, he has a bad temper and is rigid in his work. This kind of character is really not suitable for mixing in a palace with complicated relationships, and it is also right.

In this way, he usually offended many nobles and businessmen who had mixed seniority in the palace guard team.

"If you hit him, you'll hit him. He can't violate the rules.

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If you hurt him, I'll ask you to pay for the medical expenses. Besides, the Grand Knight Commander won't be so unreasonable." Balian comforted him.

"The direct reason is not this. The day before yesterday, the Grand Knight Commander bought a batch of new war horses. You know, I like horses very much. When I saw the new war horses coming, I was very excited, so I secretly took out a few and tried them.

We had done this often before and nothing had happened, but this time there happened to be a rabbit hole in the ground, and a horse's leg got stuck in it, causing it to break. I originally wanted to hide this matter and collect the money to buy it.

I just need to send a new horse in, as long as the number is enough. As a result, the next day, the Grand Knight Commander found out that it was the guy I beat who informed me. The Grand Knight Commander not only dismissed me as the squad leader, but also made me the captain.

I was expelled from the palace guard team and asked to pay double the market price for the damage. If I can't afford the compensation, I will have to work in the horse breeding team for five years." Eomer said frustratedly about his experience.

When a person is unlucky, his teeth are choked when he drinks cold water. This refers to Eomer's current state, but Balion could not make fun of his friend. He asked: "How much money do you have left now?"

When it came to money, Eomer became even more frustrated, "It's a big difference. The palace asked me to pay eight hundred dinars. Now I only have two hundred dinars, and I'm still short of six hundred."

Balian knew that Eomer's father was just an apprentice knight whose title could not be hereditary, and his territory was a three-hundred-acre farm passed down from his ancestors. In order for Eomer and his younger brother to serve as guards in the palace, he

His father has already borrowed money to buy armor and equipment. Now it is impossible for him to have more money to help Eomer. This is also the reason for Eomer's pain. He simply cannot raise so much money. I am afraid he can only support him.

The horse team is doing hard work. However, if you let a descendant of a knight and a person with outstanding martial arts raise horses, it is better to kill him.

Balian took out a money bag from his arms, took out six gold coins from it, and put it in front of Eomer. Eomer looked at Balian in surprise, "Bailian, you are going to lend me money."


Balian nodded, "Yes, I'll lend it to you. I don't want to watch my good friend feed the horse."

Eomer stared at the gold coins in front of him for a while, then shook his head resolutely, "Belion, I can't take it, because I can't afford it. I still get paid for being on duty in the palace. Now I have nothing, just

I can work as a caravan guard or a mercenary, but I don’t know when I can pay you back."

Balian knew Eomer well and knew that he would say this, so he smiled and explained: "Since you don't have many options to make money now, can you be hired by me? The Minister of Public Security appointed me as the deputy sheriff of the direct county, responsible for

To suppress the bandits, they did not provide me with soldiers and horses. I could only recruit people to complete the tasks assigned to me by the palace. I trust your martial arts and character. We have known each other for many years and know everything about you. Come and follow me. First, learn from the instructor.

, starting from a position like captain, once you have achieved military exploits, I will ask you for merit again, and maybe I can get you a trainee knight, or even the title of knight. I have just solved the problem of not having good subordinates."

After hearing this, Eomer's frown relaxed and he said with a smile: "Okay, Sir Balian, Eomer will be your subordinate from today on! But forget about the salary, you will take care of food, food, housing, and so on.

Just drink." He said, picking up the wine glass.

"Hahaha, okay, enough wine." Balian said, clinking a drink with him.

Then the two drank for a while. After learning that Eomer had been kicked out of the Palace Guards and had no place to live, Balian asked the owner of the tavern to arrange a room and gave Eomer five extra

Ten dinars, asking him to pay for room fees, food, etc., and telling Eomer to stay well in the past two days and not go out to cause trouble. After Balian was knighted the day after tomorrow, the two of them left the city of Valombre.

In the blink of an eye, the next day came, Sir Rudy woke Balian up early in the morning, asked him to bathe and change clothes, and after putting on his armor, he took him to Wallon Castle, where the palace is located, where Balian will be here today.

After receiving the teachings of several senior knights and completing the task of keeping vigil, Balian can be officially knighted tomorrow.

Although this set of rituals is extremely cumbersome, I have to admit that it has a sense of ritual. Bellion remembers what he said in "The Little Prince" he watched in his previous life: "The sense of ritual is to make one day different from other days, and to make one moment different from other moments."

." It is this difference that makes people feel that this day and this moment are worth remembering for life.

(End of chapter)

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