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Volume 1 The Forest Knight Chapter 104 Grimble the Horse Dealer (3)

After Balian finished speaking, he saw that the three of them were deep in thought, sitting on the horse without speaking. He smiled and said quickly: "Okay, after listening to a sad story, let's not fall into inexplicable sadness.

"Nothing in the world can be perfect, as long as we do our best and try our best to help the people around us."

Balian's words pulled them out of their doubts about the world. Indeed, how can people only focus on bad things? Look forward positively and dare to face difficulties.

On the morning of the third day, Balian led Huck and Bran to the house of the Sheriff, Baron Nxima, with 10,000 silver coins, a set of painted pottery products and five bars of soap.

Due to a prior appointment, Baron Nxima was already waiting in the living room of his official residence. After the butler led Balian and the three of them to the living room, Baron Nxima gave Balian a warm hug. After all, he was here to give money.


Although Balian was reluctant to hug a strange middle-aged uncle, he had no choice but to pretend to be very enthusiastic and hugged Baron Nxima, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

After the hug, a young and beautiful maid brought Balian a glass of honey water. Balian originally thought that Baron Enxima lived in such a nice house, but why was he so careless about food and drink? He only used honey water to entertain guests. This

It's too shabby, Balian wouldn't be so picky and swishy.

But Balian also thought about it. Could it be that Baron Nxima was humiliating him? However, this was completely unnecessary. He came here to give him a gift. There was nothing special between the two of them. Baron Nxima could not do this.

When Balian brought the gilded copper cup in front of him, he smelled a special fragrance. Balian was shocked. He knew this smell. He had tasted it once when he was in Valombre, but Balian

Leon couldn't believe that Baron Nxima would entertain him with such valuable things.

Bellian quickly took a sip. After the liquid entered his mouth, he could clearly feel the softness and smoothness on his lips and tongue, and a rich taste experience bloomed on his taste buds. It made people feel very comfortable because of these rich layers of taste.

, although there are many, they are not cluttered, just like a harmonious quartet.

After Balian took a sip, he put the cup aside. He smiled and said to Baron Nxima: "My respected Baron Nxima, you really think highly of me. You actually use this purple gold rose dew that is more expensive than gold to entertain me."

I, Balion Tucker, am really flattered."

This purple-gold rose is a rare flower produced deep in the Misty Mountains. It is named for its purple petals and the golden light it emits in the sun.

After making the petals of the purple gold rose into flower dew, mix it with honey and put it in warm water to drink. It will feel like nectar. It is not only delicious, but also very good for the human body. The world calls it the rose of the god of fire.

, which shows how valuable it is.

Since purple gold roses cannot be cultivated artificially and can only be picked from the wild, during the flowering season every year, bold hunters will team up to go to the depths of the Misty Mountains to find purple gold roses and sell them to the Flower Dew Chamber of Commerce.

, to earn a higher income than hunting.

These hunters are known as purple and gold rose hunters. They often take higher risks than hunting bears and wolves to find purple and gold roses, because this rare flower only grows in inaccessible and harsh places.

Not only are the environments in these places poor, there are also many ferocious beasts and poisonous insects and snakes. Basically, every time a purple gold rose is found, a hunter will be killed or injured. This is why its price is very expensive.

A fresh purple gold rose, regardless of size, must cost at least three times the same weight of gold coins before those hunters are willing to sell it.

Ten purple gold roses can make a portion of flower dew, and the price starts at fifty gold coins. Usually people say it is worth more than gold, but it is wrong because it is worth more than gold.

It is precisely because of this that Balian is so surprised that Baron Nxima entertained him with such valuable things. You must know that even Count Grie's family would not casually entertain unimportant guests with purple and gold rose dew.


Baron Nxima burst out laughing when he saw that Balian knew the goods. He originally thought that Balian, the second son of a low-level knight family and the lord of the desolate forest and grassland, had never drank purple gold rose dew. Unexpectedly, this boy actually drank it.


So Baron Nxima laughed to cover up his expression of playing tricks, and said: "Expensive things are used to entertain distinguished guests. Sir Balian, of course you belong to my distinguished guests here. It should be used to entertain you."


Balian secretly cursed the old fox in his heart. He knew that although Baron Nxima had the intention of bringing the two of them closer by entertaining him grandly, the way he just stared at him drinking water clearly made up his mind.

Show off in front of yourself, openly and secretly mock yourself as a country bumpkin.

However, when Balian was on duty at the court of Lord Valombre, he and Eomer secretly tasted the bottle of purple and gold rose water collected by the Lord Knight Haol twice, and they knew the taste.

This Baron Nxima is speaking beautifully now, but the more he does this, the more Balian feels that this guy is a complete villain.

After the small confrontation between the two, Baron Nxima knew that it would be too ungraceful for him to play tricks again, and it would also affect his plan to make friends with Balian.

At this time, Balian asked Bran and Harker to deliver the money box and gifts to Baron Nxima and open them for him to see.

After seeing the money and gifts, Baron Enxima was very happy, "Oh, Sir Balian, you are so polite. Even if you pay the fine, you still give me such a good gift. Let me tell you, this

Painted pottery and soap, my wife also bought a set at Madame Mirabeau's salon the day before yesterday."

With that said, Baron Nxima looked at Balian meaningfully. Could Balian not understand what he meant? This guy should have already known that Mrs. Mirabeau promoted the output of Fort Noland for Balian.

Take the initiative to make friends with yourself.

Seeing the look in his eyes asking for confirmation, Balian made up his mind. Since Madam Mirabeau wanted to cooperate with him for a long time, why not use her and Count Grie's names? It would be a big deal anyway.

Only if you have a flag can you do business easily.

"Oh, that's right. I'm really grateful to Madam Mirabeau. This distinguished lady promised to help me recommend these two special products of Fort Nolanden to everyone. I didn't expect it to happen so quickly. Your Majesty the Sheriff, your home

It's already there." Balian said with a surprised look on his face.

Hearing what Balian said, Baron Nxima's eyes shrank, and then returned to normal. He said with a smile: "Who in the whole north doesn't know that Mrs. Mirabeau is Count Gerry's heart, you can ask for her

Her help is really amazing.”

"Hahaha, Count Grie's family and Madam Mirabeau are all very kind to me. Their kindness to me will always be remembered by Balian." Balian smiled and said the name of Count Grie as a hint.

your relationship with them.

At this time, Baron Nxima already had a suspicion in his mind that Balian was the illegitimate son of a certain big shot in the palace.

Because in this time and space, there was a situation where a great nobleman handed over his illegitimate son to his subordinates to raise him. When the child came of age, the biological father who held an important position would arrange a title and territory for his child.

At the same time, he will also tell his friends who are also in high positions to ask them to take care of their children. After all, they will do this to each other and help each other.

Balian was not yet twenty years old, but he had become the deputy sheriff of a county and the lord of a territory. This was already jaw-dropping.

Now, he can win the favor of the top dignitaries in the Brick Principality just by relying on his superb martial arts. There must be a different relationship in it.

Therefore, Baron Nxima was certain that Balian was the illegitimate son of a certain big shot. His original plan to extort some more money from Balian was gone. After all, it made him unhappy, as well as the big shots above him.


When the time comes, if Balian says a few bad words casually, this little baron will probably suffer.

At this time, Balian was still immersed in the aroma and taste of the purple and gold rose water. He was enjoying such a precious drink intoxicatedly. He had no idea that his performance just now made others regard him as a big shot.

had an illegitimate child.

If he knew that Baron Nxima regarded him as the illegitimate son of a certain big shot, he would definitely be furious.

"Oh, to be appreciated by Earl Gerry, Sir Balian is really not an ordinary person. In fact, I saw it when you defeated Sir Sogg. You are not an ordinary person." Baron Nxima is now flattering Balian.


At this time, Balian only thought that Baron Enxima was shocked by the banner he pulled, and he quickly laughed and said: "Your Excellency, Sheriff, you are flattering. Balian is just a little knight under twenty years old.

There are many places where excellent knights like you still need to learn."

After Baron Nxima saw Balian last time, he knew that although this boy was not very old, he was very good at sitting around and talking nonsense. He spoke softly and politely. When discussing issues, he never expressed his opinions directly.

He doesn't express his support even if he offends someone, and when it comes to important things, he always avoids the important and ignores the trivial, trying not to get involved in anything.

"Sir Balian, you are the popular man in front of Earl Gerry, so I can't collect your ransom in the normal way. Let me keep the painted pottery and soap, half of the money in the box, and the rest.

You take them all away." Baron Nxima thought about it again and again, and decided that he should just give up half of the proceeds and build a good relationship with Balian.

When Balian heard what Baron Nxima said, he naturally understood what this guy was thinking, but he knew that if he really took away the five thousand dinars today, even though Baron Nxima would look very happy on his lips and face,

But it’s also psychologically unpleasant.

"My Lord Sheriff, how can this be done? In any case, I brought this money, and there is absolutely no reason to take it away. If you really want to give me some benefits, I will go to your tavern to eat and stay in the future.

Just give it cheaper." Balian said with a smile.

"Hahaha!" Baron Enxima laughed while clasping his hands. He looked at this young man, Balian, and felt more and more that Balian might be able to do great things in the future, so he smiled and said: "Okay.

Well, in that case, I will serve you. From now on, if you go to the tavern under my name to eat, you don’t have to pay for it if it’s less than fifty dinars, and if you eat more than fifty dinars, you’ll get a 50% discount."

Baron Nxima's gesture was quite generous, and Balian quickly thanked him. Later, Baron Nxima happily stayed with Balian for lunch. He told Balian that the cook in his private house was better than the cook in the tavern.

If you want to be up to par, Balian must give it a try, otherwise today will be in vain.

Respect is worse than obeying orders. Balian thought to himself, he spent ten thousand dinars, it would be a waste to go back empty-handed. Let's just have a high-priced meal. A meal of ten thousand dinars is really heartbreaking. ah.

But, fortunately, the taste of this meal is indeed higher than that of the tavern. It seems that no matter that era, it is not that there is no delicious food, but that the middle and lower class people have no access to these delicious foods. Therefore, future historical researchers can only focus on the middle and lower class people.

The conclusion drawn from the recipes is that people in the Middle Ages generally had a poor diet.

Just as they were eating, a guard suddenly came in. He handed an envelope stamped with the coat of arms of a certain nobleman to Baron Nxima. There were still two feathers on the envelope.

Leon knew this meant something important and urgent.

Baron Nxima opened the letter, read it, his face changed drastically, and he said in surprise: "The Valenti people are going to go to war with us!"

Balian was confused and was about to ask him when Baron Ensima said: "Viscount Melkor of Valenti crossed the Blue Mountains and plundered several villages in the Alpine Province."

This chapter has been completed!
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