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Volume 1 The Forest Knight Chapter 107 Grimble the Horse Dealer (6)

When Grimbor heard this, his face darkened. He looked at Balian with wide eyes and smiled coldly, "Do you think I'm a fool? You, a knight less than twenty years old, lead the troops. What can we do on the front line? How many soldiers and horses do you have in hand? They are just dozens of peasant soldiers who can’t hold their spears firmly. What can such a team do on the battlefield?"

Rohir also looked at Balian with a complicated expression. He thought this was too funny! A knight whose territory had been inhabited for less than a year actually wanted to participate in a national war and fight with a commander. At least a viscount with a battle group of 500 people is fighting. This is simply a big joke.

Balian looked at the two of them expressionlessly and said, "You think I'm joking, right? Am I teasing you?

Hum! Before the battle to regain Maple Leaf Manor, everyone thought so too; before the three major gangs on the south bank of the Carr River were wiped out, everyone also thought so.

But what about the result? What about those Toba pirates who are famous for their ferocity? Weren’t they still wiped out by me?

How about the Blood Wolf Bandit, Hound Bandit, and Grizzly Bear Bandit on the south bank of the Carr River? For more than ten years, the county soldiers and the leading knights have been on the south bank of the Carr River and have made repeated attempts to suppress them without success. Isn't it easy for me to wipe them out?

In a war, we fight for strength and wisdom, not just for the title and the number of people. If we really fight for these things, Grimbor, can you attack that bastard Melkor's family castle? Now I have it in my hands. There is not only an infantry regiment of 100 men, but also no less than 500 well-trained militiamen, why can't we go to fight a battle?"

Balian made some words, causing both of them to fall silent and fell into deep thought.

Rohir thought, indeed, Sir Balian was able to win so many battles in one year at such a young age with soldiers who had barely trained for a long time, and he was also a company soldier, a leader known for his proficiency in fighting. It's a tough battle that even gives soldiers and knights a headache. It's certainly not an exaggeration.

From starting out as a horse trader to becoming a mercenary over the years, Rothschild understood that the combat effectiveness of a pack of five or six wolves is definitely different from that of a flock of hundreds of sheep. This wolf A flock can easily defeat a flock of sheep dozens of times its size.

This is the advantage of elite combat power. In front of an elite force, as long as the difference in numbers is not astronomical, they have the opportunity to defeat opponents several times their size, and they can often do so easily.

Just as Rohir was lost in thought, Grimbor raised his head, looked at Balian and said: "You are right, but I still find it hard to believe that the soldiers in your hands are so elite? You lead the army In less than a year, even if you, the God of War, are reincarnated, how can you train these ordinary people?"

Balian nodded and said with a smile: "You have to see everything with your own eyes before you can believe it. This is human nature and I can understand it.

Let's do this, Rothschild and Greenberg, let's have a game, and if you win, I won't ask you to follow me, and I'll give you another five thousand dinars as bonus; and if I win, I won't ask you to follow me. You two must bring your men to be loyal to me.

The game is also very simple. It's just a competition between the twenty or so of you and my personal guard. My personal guard is twenty-five people. We have the same number of people on the field. Let's see who is better, the soldiers I have led for half a year, or you. These battle-hardened people are awesome."

"Okay! Just give it a try!" Greenberg stood up and agreed decisively.

Rohirr, who was on the side, shook his head helplessly, and had no choice but to agree: "Okay, Sir Balian, let's give it a try, and make them convinced to follow you."

"Yeah." Balian nodded, "I'll arrange the venue, you guys wait until I notify you." After saying that, Balian left with Bran and Huck.

Two days later, in that human-animal fighting arena, Balian's bodyguards and Rohirrim's mercenaries entered the arena for a duel with the same number of people.

The rules of the game are very simple, that is, according to the battle mode, both sides see who can defeat whom. The game is a best-of-three game. The first game is an individual match, where the combat effectiveness of individual soldiers is competed; the second game is a group match, with each side having five

Individual groups conduct confrontational competitions; the third game is a small team competition, with twenty-five people from each side taking the field to simulate a battlefield confrontation and compete in a confrontational competition.

Through Gamgee, Balian learned that the arena was closed today and was not open to spectators. Therefore, Balian asked Gamgee to help rent the arena for the competition between them.

After Rohirr and the others put on their armor, they held the wooden swords, wooden sticks, etc. provided in the arena. These weapons were used for fighting training in the arena to avoid hurting people. After all, Balian was against

They are still kind and there is no need to use real weapons.

As for Balian, in addition to the wooden swords, wooden knives, and wooden sticks provided in the competition arena, Balian also asked Gamgee to find a carpenter to make five wooden halberds, and the five archers in the Guards,

Since there is no need to use bows and arrows, they all become sword and shield wielders. Anyway, they usually have training in this area. They are quite proficient in using these individual combat weapons. In addition, with the guidance of Balian, a master swordsman, their martial arts skills are still good.

That makes sense.

The match between the bodyguards of Balian, the winner of the trial by combat, and the mercenaries aroused the interest of the owner of the combat arena and his fighting warriors. Originally, today was a rest day. After receiving the news, they did not go back to their residence to rest.

Come to see the fun.

In addition to the people in the competition arena, the mercenaries and caravan guards who came here to rent the venue for training also climbed to the stands to watch this exciting competition.

After both parties entered the venue, Balian asked Bran to put a money box on a large wooden box that was used as a stand. Balian stepped forward to open it, and said to his guards with a smile: "Brothers, today we

You have to compete with the mercenaries on the opposite side. If you lose, the five thousand dinars will be given to them.

If you win, not only will I not have to spend money, they will also follow me, work for me, and fight for me!

Brothers! Are you willing to disgrace the people of Nolandenburg and make me lose five thousand dinars? Or are you willing to defeat them and make them loyal to me?"

"Must win!"

"Must win!"

"Must win!"

Balian's twenty-five Guards soldiers shouted "Victory!" three times in unison, expressing their attitude and shocking Rochiel and others on the opposite side. At the same time, they also gained the number of people in the stands.

The small audience gave applause and cheers.

"Okay! I believe in you. You are all good men of Norlandenburg, my good brothers. There is no enemy that you cannot defeat! There is no difficulty that you cannot overcome! Victory belongs to the people of Norlandenburg.

The God of Fire will bless you!" Balian encouraged.

"Bang, bang, bang." The soldiers of Balian Guards used this silent banging sound to express their belief that they would win this battle.

Those who were armed with weapons and shields struck their shields with their weapons, and those without shields slapped their chests with one hand. Although there were only twenty-five of them, they showed the heroic aura of thousands of troops.

Rohir, Grimbor, and Orome, looking at the momentum of the Balian Guards soldiers, felt very unconfident. After all, it was obvious whether they were elite soldiers or not.

The twenty-five Guards soldiers of Balian stood there neatly, motionless, like stone statues. Military discipline must be very strict.

Such a team, when facing the enemy on the battlefield, will be like the solid rocks on the seashore, firmly guarding there. No matter how many enemies rush up, they will be like the solid rocks on the seashore that shatter the waves, crushing the enemy's

The offensive was shattered.

But as their boss, Rohir cannot be like his subordinates who have no confidence before fighting. Although he firmly follows Balian, this is a competition after all. Any man with blood will have to fight.

Be a winner and don’t want to be a loser.

Rohir took a deep breath and walked to the front of the team. He looked at his brothers and shouted loudly: "One by one, what's going on? Are you so frustrated before the fight has started? We are facing

Have you ever been afraid of brutal robbers? When we fought against brutal wandering knights, weren’t we all brave enough to die?

Across the way, there are all new recruits that Sir Balian has recruited for about half a year. Don’t we have the confidence to fight against them?"

Rohir asked several questions in succession, making his brothers look ashamed. They didn't understand what happened to them just now. They had been fighting for so many years, and they were afraid that these might look a little bit...

The imposing new recruit is so useless.

At this time, Greenberg shouted: "Guys who don't have handles in their crotches can get out. Men with handles, please cheer up, beat them, and share the money!"




These mercenaries roared three times in unison, and their momentum suddenly increased. They were completely different from the dejected look just now, and they looked like elite soldiers.

Balian also looked at them with a look of relief, and was very happy in his heart. He was also worried that among these people, except for a few warriors such as Rohir, Grimbor, and Oromi, the others were just soy sauce.

Unexpectedly, this team can really be regarded as elite soldiers.

Although they all dismounted and fought on foot, Balian had no doubt that after encountering such a cavalry unit on the battlefield, Balian's personal guards would definitely be wiped out. An equal number of elite cavalry fighting infantry would not be the best, sir.

Beat the children.

At this time, Rohir called Balian and asked if the game could start. Balian nodded, and the referee who paid for the tournament announced that the game had officially begun.

The first battle was a one-on-one fight. Rohirr and the others were facing Orome, a strong man with terrifying fighting prowess. Balian saw with his own eyes that he defeated five tax merchant mercenaries without any effort.

After knocking down ten more security guards armed with sticks, Rohir sent the monster Orome on the field, clearly intending to win the first game.

This chapter has been completed!
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