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Volume 1 Forest Knight Chapter 110 Grimble the Horse Dealer (9)

After the three of them laughed wildly for a while, Balian calmed down and said to Oromi: "Oulomi, my good brother, I know that you think I have such great kindness to you, but you are beating me.

You feel guilty when you show no mercy to the SS soldiers.

But there is no need to think this way, because a battle is a battle. When you go to the competition field, you have to compete. As long as no one is hurt, it is within a reasonable range.

These soldiers who followed me here from Fort Norland will not think you are going too far. Instead, they will think you are humiliating them because you do not fight seriously."

After saying this, Balian walked into Oromi, put his arm around his shoulders and said: "Good brother, what I want is someone who dares to fight, can fight, and fights without risking his life, rather than someone who wants to fight because of some personal emotional issues.

A timid guy.

You are not that kind of person, and I appreciate this very much, so please stop thinking nonsense. If you really feel uncomfortable, have a few drinks with the brothers you injured at dinner time.

They also admire warriors. As long as you are loyal to me and have no martial arts skills to speak of, they will treat you as their brother."

After listening to Balian's comfort, Oromie grinned stupidly, "Sir, with your words, I feel relieved. From now on, I will definitely follow Brother Rohirr and Brother Greenberg, and follow them well."

You do it."

After saying this, he scratched his head and added: "And your soldiers at Fort Nolandenburg. Although their personal combat skills are not that high, their team combat capabilities are still very strong. I

I admire you very much.”

"Hahaha!" Balian smiled and patted Oromi's shoulder, and said: "They just have a short training time. In another year and a half, their personal fighting abilities will also improve. By then, you can follow

If they fight each other, they will feel trouble."

"But I feel that natural conditions are more important. When I fight with others, I mainly rely on my own brute strength and the experience accumulated in these years of fighting." Oromi said.

Balian looked at Oromi, a guy who was a bit taller than him, touched his smooth chin, and said: "In single combat, physical fitness is definitely important, but it does not account for all, fighting skills

Also very important.

An ordinary person who has mastered superb fighting skills can also defeat someone who is much stronger than him. Relying on brute force alone is not a complete solution."

Having said this, Balian smiled slightly and continued: "Oluomi, everyone is resting now, are you interested in fighting with me? We won't really fight, just to verify whether what I just said is correct.


When Oromi heard this, he was really excited. As a person who licks blood at the tip of a knife, he still has a competitive spirit in personal martial arts. He also wanted to try Balian, the winner of the trial by combat, and everyone

How strong is the fighting ability of the young man who is praised as a god?

"Of course! My Sir Balian, I want to compete with you." Orommi said a little excitedly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Rohird slapped him on the thick back. At the same time as the slap came, Rohild scolded him, "Oluomi, you are fooling around! With Bei

Sir Lyon fights for whatever reason, I am just here to educate you, not to really fight with you, you idiot, just stand aside."

After scolding Orome, Rohir looked at Balian sheepishly, "Sir Balian, are you kidding? How can you compete with a reckless guy like Orome? It's okay to hurt him, but if

How can I explain to your father, Sir Orry, that I have hurt you?"

"Uncle Luo Xier, don't worry. He and I are really just trying, and we won't really do anything. I'm measured, don't worry.

Besides, that religious knight is taller and stronger than Orome, and he can be defeated by me with three punches and two kicks, so what do you have to worry about?" Balian explained to Rohir with a smile.

"That's it! That's it!" Orome, who had been beaten and scolded repeatedly, muttered to the side in aggrieved tone, "Now that everyone is resting, I will compete with Sir Balian, not only for the entertainment of the brothers, but also for

Let’s all learn and learn.”

Seeing that there was nothing that could be done to stop the contest, Rohirr walked up to Orome with a serious face and whispered a few words to him, asking him to be careful not to hurt Sir Balian.

Seeing that Rohirr was so serious, Oromie also patted his chest and reassured Rohirr that Sir Balian could beat him as he pleased, but he would never actually fight Sir Balian.

Balian saw where the two of them were muttering, and naturally knew what was going on. He understood that Rohirr definitely did not believe that he could defeat Oromi with his bare hands. After all, the difference in size and strength between the two was too big.

Balian had seen a big monster like Orome defeat ten security guards with sticks and five mercenaries in the street with his bare hands. The fighting power was indeed terrifying. If he had gone up there himself, he would probably have done it.

You have to suffer some injuries and fight while escaping to achieve such a result, but Oromi, a big monster, managed to do it with his own brute strength, so it is naturally not easy to deal with.

After Balian and Oromi stood in the center of the fighting field, the soldiers on both sides also gathered around to watch. The dozens of spectators in the surrounding stands were about to leave. At this time, they continued to return to their positions and continued to watch.


Orommi and Balian smiled at each other, and then they kept a certain distance apart. Balian stood there, waiting for Orommi to take action, and Orommi shook his head and rubbed his fists,

Decisively rush forward and attack.

When Orommi rushed to Balian, he waved his thick fist and was about to hit Balian. At this time, Rohir who was watching on the side turned green with anger and cursed in his heart, Orommi

This scumbag took what I just said and his own chest-beating assurance as farts. If he dares to hurt Balian, I will have to break his legs.

After Oromi rushed forward, Balian leaned back to keep his upper body away from Oromi's horizontal left fist. While doing this, his right foot quickly bounced up and struck Oromi.

Kicked in the crotch.

When Oromé saw that Balion was about to cut off his descendants, he quickly slipped and dodged backwards, screaming secretly. He really didn't expect that Balion, a noble lord, would kill a man with his first move.

/Gen/zi, this is too insidious.

Orome was secretly glad. If she hadn't reacted quickly, she would have been kicked by Balian's right foot, which would have been a disaster.

But before Oromi had time to rejoice, Balian's right foot that failed to attack and quickly withdrew, when it was halfway back, quickly bounced up and changed into a kicking posture, and kicked Oromi's chest. Although it didn't

He used too much force, but after Olomi was kicked, he felt a sudden tightness in his chest and almost couldn't breathe.

But this was not the end. Just when he was about to fly back and kick back, Balian landed his right foot, turned his body back to the left, and kicked Oromi directly in the head by swinging his legs left and right.

But this kick did not actually kick, but stopped next to Oromé's cheek. Then Balian stood up with his legs closed. He smiled and asked Oromi, "How is it? Is that kick okay?"

"Hehe! Cough...cough..." Although Olomi coughed a little, he still smiled and seemed not to be injured much. He replied: "What's the big deal? Sir, you didn't use any force on this kick. If it is really

I tried my best, I think I might have to hold my breath."

As he spoke, he patted the footprints on his chest, and then bowed respectfully to Balian, "Sir, I am really convinced. Not only can you lead troops, but your personal martial arts are also so high. Orommi will definitely follow you in this life."

You are welcome."

Balian accepted it calmly and said to him with a smile: "After you go to Nolandenburg, I believe that your confidence in making this choice will be stronger."

At this time, everyone on the periphery just thought that Orome had lost sincerely, and they all applauded and cheered, especially the soldiers of Fort Noland, who cheered even more enthusiastically. After all, Balian rarely showed off like this in front of them.

Killing skills.

After everyone's cheers stopped, Balian loudly said to the people on both sides: "The competition between Oromi and I is over, and you have also seen the results. I think before the competition, you must not believe that I can defeat Oromi."

Such a big monster, isn't it, Uncle Rochiel?"

Rohirr scratched the back of his head and replied sheepishly: "Yes, Sir Balian, based on my more than ten years of fighting experience, it is almost impossible to defeat a monster like Orome with bare hands.

It’s impossible.”

"But I did do it. Do you want to know why?" Balian asked loudly.

"Think about it!"

"Of course I do!"

"I really want to know!"

"Sir, please tell us quickly!"

So Balian took Oromi, used him as a tool, and explained to everyone his actions in the battle just now.

In fact, there is nothing magical about this three-legged chain kick. In the era of Balian's previous life, this move was included in the instructional videos of many street fighting masters because it is simple, practical and easy to learn.

Sure enough, after Balian finished his demonstration, everyone exclaimed: "It turns out it's that simple!"

Hearing what everyone said, Olomi's face looked bad, and he shouted loudly: "Hey! Hey! Hey! It's easy, give it a try! See if you can do it."

After Oromi finished speaking, some of the mercenaries on the Rohirrim side and the Guardsmen of Balian tried it. Although this action was simple, it was indeed not that easy to use in practice.

Balian saw everyone trying in twos and twos there, and thought that there would be no results in trying like this, so he stopped everyone and explained the basic knowledge of fighting to everyone. Although this knowledge, some of the powerful people in this time and space

All fighting masters know it, but few are willing to teach it to others, especially if it is used to train ordinary soldiers. After all, in the eyes of the nobles, these cannon fodder soldiers are consumables that can be replenished at any time.

Balian took the three-legged chain kick just now as an example. He kicked the spring leg to the side, kicked the chest, and swept the head from a high position. After demonstrating it to everyone again, he asked: "Everyone, what are the kicks I just performed?

Isn’t it easy?”

Seeing everyone nodding, he asked his second question, "Since it's so easy, why can't you master it quickly and use it in battle?"

Looking at everyone who was silent, Balian smiled and said, "It's easy, mainly because of my proficiency; I can use it in battle and be effective because I have enough strength and speed."

After saying that, Balian performed another swift side kick. He quickly raised his foot and kicked a wooden stake next to him, breaking the wooden stake directly.

Balian's show of skill at the teaching site made everyone very excited. They could see that if Balian's kick hit the opponent's calf, it would definitely break the opponent's calf.

Balian looked at the more attentive group of people and explained with a smile: "Everyone knows how to fight. Which of us men doesn't start fighting with bare buttocks?

But fighting is different from fighting. Fighting is a joke, but fighting is a matter of life and death, especially for those of us who go to the battlefield. If we don’t practice our fighting skills well, we will most likely die tragically on the battlefield.

Fighting skills are just a formality. If you call a child and let him practice for a day, he will be able to practice well, but he will not be lethal in actual combat. Why?

Because personal strength, explosive power and anti-hit ability are the foundation and core. Only when these are practiced well can those skills be effective."

This chapter has been completed!
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