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Volume Two: The Iron-Blooded Baron Chapter 116: There Are Thieves Coming from the Sea (2)

"Yes, yes, miss, let's wait peacefully. The pirates should not dare to attack the city. After a while, it will be winter and they will naturally retreat," Puli said.

While Jesses and Puli were muttering here, Count Yang Weixuo was roaring in the meeting hall. He angrily scolded the leading knight who was responsible for the defense of Yang Weixuo Bay Pier, while the person involved was kneeling on the ground tremblingly, with a big smile on his face.

Sweat pours.

"Shameless fool! Incompetent fool! Come on, pull this guy out and chop him up for abandoning his duties and losing his position!" The angry Earl Grie shouted that he wanted to execute him.

When the knight heard this, he quickly cried and begged: "Sir, please spare me this time. I have worked hard for you for more than ten years, and I made this mistake, mainly because the pirates are too powerful.

Thousands of them suddenly gathered around.

Although my brothers and I resisted desperately, we couldn't stop them at all. You see, my body was covered with wounds. If I had no other choice, I wouldn't have fled back to the city to report the news.

Sir, I beg you to give me a chance to make meritorious service. I would rather die on the front line fighting the pirates than die under the sword of one of my own people."

After the knight begged for mercy, other nobles in the meeting hall also begged for him. After all, no one had made a mistake yet. Besides, there was a big battle with the pirates soon. Everyone might lose. This time, I helped.

He and everyone will do the same to help him next time.

Moreover, this knight who is responsible for defending the dock usually accepts a lot of bribes from merchants, but he is also considered to be a good man, and he is good at managing things up and down. Naturally, he has won over many people to stand on his side. This is how he puts his efforts to use.

In terms of ordinary benefits, if you do it daily, it will be effective at critical moments.

Seeing that everyone was interceding for him, and that most of his anger had subsided, Count Grie agreed to everyone's request, but the death penalty could be avoided, and the living penalty was difficult to forgive. Count Grie fined him to pay 20,000 dinars.

In exchange for his fine, he was also sent to serve in the city defense camp.

After this incident passed, Earl Gerry discussed with everyone how to deal with the pirates. The pirates' raid last night was fast and sudden, and everyone was caught off guard.

This morning, a leading knight led dozens of infantrymen under him to fight a group of pirates. However, these pirates were too powerful. Just under the city of Yang Weixuo, there were only twenty people in this group.

The pirate team defeated the leading knight's team of more than 60 people and fled in all directions. If there was not another leading knight who led the troops to respond, I am afraid that the leading knight would also die in the battle of the pirates.

Under the axe.

It is precisely because of this precedent that the viscounts, barons, and leading knights sitting here generally do not have enough confidence in defeating the pirates. In fact, Count Gerry also lacks confidence in defeating the pirates.

In this way, after a group of people with low confidence chatted here for a long time, everyone's stomachs were growling with hunger. Finally, Count Grie decided to stick to the city of Yangwei Shuo until winter came, and the pirates

It will naturally recede.

The noble lords have well-defended cities and castles, but the ordinary people outside do not have these. If you run fast, you can hide in before the castle is blocked. Although you may be short of food and clothing after entering, you can at least save your life.

And most of the people who failed to hide in the castle in time were in misfortune. If they ran faster, they could still leave their homes and hide in the mountains and forests. If they ran slower, they could only be tortured and killed by the pirates.


Although Balian didn't know what was going on in the distance, he could guess the response strategy of nobles like Earl Grie. It was nothing more than to wait until winter, after the first snow fell, and the pirates living on the warm islands in the south would

It will naturally recede.

As for the life and death of ordinary people, the aristocrats do not care. In their eyes, these ordinary people who create wealth for them are like weeds on the roadside. After one crop is cut, there will be another crop. Their lives are basically at stake.

Not worth the money.

Balian now has no ability to change the world in this different time and space. All he can do is protect the people in his territory and provide good shelter for his people.

"Da da da." The crisp sound of horse hooves on the concrete road broke the tranquility of the border post of Fort Norland. The two soldiers who changed guard in the middle of the night and were on duty until dawn quickly looked into the distance and saw only a thirty-year-old soldier.

A cavalry unit with many people, followed by several four-wheeled carriages, was moving quickly along the cement avenue.

One of the soldiers quickly rang the alarm bell on the sentry tower. The alarm sounded. The soldiers who were sleeping in the two rooms below the sentry tower quickly picked up their weapons, got up and came outside. The three of them stood in Juma

Behind them, they were ready.

The sound of horse hooves got closer and closer, and the light from the morning sun rising in the east became brighter and brighter. They finally saw clearly the people coming from the other side. It was Balian and his personal guards who had left Fort Nolandenburg for nearly two months.


In order to rush back quickly, Balian temporarily bought a few four-wheeled carriages in Sisi Town and loaded all the infantry of the Guards into them. In this way, the cavalry plus the vehicle-borne infantry could travel twice as fast as before.

As soon as the sentry saw the double-headed eagle flag, he knew that it was Balian and his friends who had returned, and he was very happy.

They quickly moved away their horses and let the lord's team pass. They saw these cavalry coming to a stop in front of the outpost. Then Balian rode up to the sentries and asked: "This outpost?"

When was it fixed?”

"It's been almost half a month since it was repaired. Butler Mark ordered it to be built," the sentry replied.

"Yeah, good!" Balian nodded in approval, then raised his whip and left quickly.

After returning to the small wooden house by the lake where he had been away for two months, Balian took advantage of everyone's opportunity to take a rest and quickly caught up on his sleep. In the past few days, while he was rushing to travel, Balian was also thinking about how he would deal with the war next.

, and how to maximize your benefits in the next war.

After sleeping until the afternoon, Balian got up, washed up, changed into new clothes, and rushed to the meeting hall of the castle. He had told Mark in the morning to summon all the military and political officials in the territory to come for a meeting.

Putting on the clothes made by Miss Jesse, Balian looked at himself in the bronze mirror and smiled stupidly. He was more confident in himself now.

This time Balian rode directly to the castle on the top of the wind and cloud. This castle in the true sense has been completely built and can be moved in. According to Balian's instructions to Liano, the lord's hall used for holding banquets and ceremonies was done on both sides.

There are independent rooms such as council halls, conference rooms, guest lounges, and waiters' lounges.

Because Balian is really not used to the place where he eats and holds ceremonies, and the place where meetings are held, it can easily cause people to feel confused. Meetings to discuss such serious and rational things can also easily become improper.

Not having time to walk around the castle, Balian just walked around the Lord's Hall, which has a super high ceiling, and then entered the largest meeting hall.

The Lord's Hall has now been decorated. Balian's double-headed eagle emblem, flag and tapestry have been hung in the most eye-catching position. At the same time, crossed swords, antlers and other decorations are hung on both sides of the hall.

Balian's exclusive lord's chair was made by Liano, an architect who was good at carving, by his own hands. After polishing the fine stone, he carved out the parts one by one and then assembled them.

The back of this stone lord's chair is a stone slab carved into the shape of a double-headed eagle. The front part of the handle of the chair is carved into a dog's head and a wolf's head. The feet below are carved into a stone statue of a violent bear, which symbolizes the destruction of Balian.

There are three major gangs on the south bank of the Carr River, the Grizzly Bear Band, the Blood Wolf Band and the Hound Bandit.

The Grizzly Bear Bandit was completely wiped out and could be stepped on, but the members of the Hound Bandit and the Blood Wolf Bandit had taken refuge in Balian, so naturally they could still serve as their right and left handlers, implying their allegiance to the noble Sir Balian.

Balian looked at the chair that Liano made with great care, smiled, and thought to himself, a person can only reach that position, you don't have to worry about anything, the people below will worry about you, they will consider it for you.

It's more detailed and thoughtful than what you think about yourself.

Perhaps this is human nature. No wonder everyone wants to be a master. Once you reach that position, you can naturally experience benefits that ordinary people cannot.

After sighing for a while, Balian shook his head, then got down from the high platform where the lord's chair was placed, turned around and headed to the meeting hall. After opening the door, Balian's main subordinates were separated.

The military and government officials sat apart, and when Balian pushed the door open and walked in, they were whispering there.

After everyone saw Balian coming in, they quickly stood up and saluted Balian, "Your loyal subordinate, so-and-so, meets your lord/master."

Balian waved his hand to indicate that everyone did not need to be polite, then he pulled out his chair and sat down, and then everyone else in the meeting room also sat down.

This long table in the large conference hall was made by Hama and a group of carpenters with a lot of effort. It can accommodate twenty people attending the meeting at the same time. If more people attend the meeting,

I could only sit on the chair at the back and put the notebook on my lap to take notes.

After Balian sat down, he looked to his left. There were officers led by Eomer, Eomer, Bess, Balin, Barrett, Daoke, Gu Huiyang, and the newly joined Rohir.

, Greenberg, Olome.

On the right is the civil service system headed by Mark, Mark, Lal, Hama, Riano, Gamlin, and the newly joined bard Drew, but after he came, he stopped being a bard.

, Balian appointed someone as the chief teacher of Castle Greyhawk School, responsible for teaching children how to read and write.

The three attendants, Bran and Harker, were responsible for serving everyone tea and water and other miscellaneous things. Fortunately, they were young and had no complaints about doing these things. As the captain of Balian's personal guard, Tur was sitting on Balian.

On the other side is responsible for recording meeting minutes.

Even though Toure became a mercenary at a young age, his mother, who was born in a noble family, taught him how to read and write when he was very young. Not only did he become proficient in reading and writing, but he could also write beautiful cursive calligraphy.

It is also true that Tour is the one with the highest level of education among Balian's three attendants, and Balian can safely leave the matter of recording the meeting minutes to him.

Everyone sat there quietly, looking at Balian, waiting for Balian to speak. Balian also looked at everyone and felt very emotional.

"I remember that after receiving this territory, when I came here from my hometown of Frondo, I told Mark that we would be able to have a real castle in no more than three years.

As my chief steward, he sat beside me and listened to my plans for the development of Fort Nolandenburg in the next period of time.

In less than a year now, we have achieved it. I still remember that when we first came here, our place was a wasteland with only a lonely wooden outpost. It was really touching!" Nolandenburg was built from scratch.

Until now, Balian felt a lot of emotions in his heart.

Mark's eyes were wet after listening to what Balian had said. He stood up and said: "I also remember what the master said. At that time, if these words were told to outsiders, they might think it was a joke, but in the eyes of the master,

Here, everything you say can be done."

Balian waved his hand, asked him to sit down, and continued: "Brothers, the purpose of my sentiments just now is not to recall the painful experiences in the past, or to exaggerate my achievements. What I want to tell you is that as long as you treat me

Be loyal, follow me and work hard, I will not treat you badly, and I will definitely be able to fulfill the promise I made to you, do you believe it?"

"Believe! Believe! Believe!" everyone replied in unison.

"Okay, I also believe in you. With you here, Nolandenburg will definitely develop and grow, and this day will not be far away!" Balian said to everyone with a smile.

"We believe adults!"

"Follow the adults, you must be right!"

"Sir, I am determined to follow you for the rest of my life!"

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another, and Balian was very moved when he saw these good brothers who were loyal to him.

This chapter has been completed!
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