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Chapter 7 Humiliated by the Second Generation

The next day, Balian and Eomer took the list they made and followed Sir Rudy to the Salted Fish Market in Wallombre City. As the name suggests, the Salted Fish Market is where you buy pickled fish, shrimps and live fish.

This is because south of the city of Valombre is Lake St. Martin, the largest inland lake west of the Blue Mountains. The fish and shrimps taken out of the lake by fishermen are sold here to traders, who process them into salted fish and sell them.

Over time, it became known as Salted Fish Street.

As soon as the three of them entered the place, they smelled a strong smell of fish. The ground was extremely muddy. Rotten fish and shrimps were scattered everywhere. Wild dogs and rats were scurrying around. Balian looked at the messy scene in front of him.

, couldn't help but frown.

But Sir Rudy seemed to be used to it, and people would say hello to him from time to time. Seeing Balian's appearance, Sir Rudy smiled, "That's why the Salted Fish Market is so dirty and messy. There are usually patrols by the city defense camp and the security team."

No one is willing to come, which makes this place a paradise for criminals. If I hadn't brought you in, you would have been stolen."

Eomer laughed playfully, nudged his horse, and marched alongside Sir Rudy. He asked: "Sir Rudy, do you usually come here to trade? Otherwise, how would they know you?"

"They know me because I have been the security captain in Wallombre City for eight years, and now I have been an officer in the city defense battalion for half a month. Most of them have dealt with me before, and they have even been in my hands.

"I've carried it, now you have to look at my face to get in and out of the city gate." Sir Rudy replied.

"Then they usually respect you a lot, right? Didn't they give all their money to aunt? Hahaha!" Balian said to his uncle with a smile.

Sir Rudy took the riding crop and whipped it at Balian, but Balian dodged it. He laughed and scolded, "Even though you are a knight now, you are still my nephew. Don't make fun of your uncle."

The three of them walked to a yard talking and laughing. A strong man at the door saw Sir Rudy coming and hurriedly came over to lead the horse. "Respected Sir Rudy, what do you want to do with us? If you need us to do anything, please send

A soldier can come over and tell us, why bother going there in person?"

Sir Rudy gave him a false kick and said with a smile: "Dick the old man, I brought my nephew Sir Balian and his attendants here today to find your leader and give him a piece of business.

, he should be inside, right?"

"Yes, Sir Rudy, you and Master Balian can just go in directly, and leave the horses to me." Big-eared Dick continued to say humbly.

After Balian and Eomer followed Sir Rudy into the yard, they walked straight to the two-story building. Before they reached the door, Sir Rudy shouted: "Dur, what are you doing? I'm here.

, if you don’t even come out to pick it up, are you trying to take care of your dick hair?”

Sir Rudy has been dealing with these low-level gangsters for a long time, and his words have become vulgar. As soon as he finished shouting, a middle-aged man with a lean body and brown hair came out. He asked in surprise: "Sir Rudy

, why are you here? Come on, please come inside, I'll invite the three of you to try the cider I brewed."

"I don't have time to taste your sour stuff. I'm here to ask you to buy something." Sir Rudy said, handing him the list in Balian's hand and simply said:

He looked at the list, thought for a while and said: "I won't be able to get it all until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest. In terms of money, with so many things, five carts and five strong draft horses will cost at least a thousand

Five hundred dinars.”

Sir Rudy held his shoulders, pulled him aside, whispered a few words, and then the two came back. The man named Durr wanted seven hundred dinars and promised to have them all before dark tomorrow.

these items.

Balian didn't know what method his uncle used to get him to give him so much less money, but he bought so many things at a low price. Balian happily took out seven gold coins from his arms and gave them to Du

I told him the address of the farm and asked him to deliver the things directly there tomorrow.

Then they said goodbye to Duer and left. After Balian walked out of the salted fish market, he curiously asked Sir Rudy: "Uncle, how did you get him so much cheaper? I also roughly calculated the purchase of these supplies.

, it is impossible to buy without three thousand dinars. Although they are a black market, the price is not so low."

Sir Rudy smiled mysteriously, "The market price is three thousand dinars, and they are often sold at half the price on the black market."

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, In this way, these people who resell items on the black market are still very profitable, so I directly asked him to sell them to one thousand dinars. Although he made five hundred dinars less, it gave me a big face after all.

I will not embarrass him in the future."

"Then why did I only pay him seven hundred dinars? Uncle, did you pay part of it for me?" Balian asked in surprise.

Sir Rudy nodded and said: "Yes, I just gave him three gold coins. After you became a knight, as your uncle, I didn't give you any gifts. These three hundred dinars are my gift to you as a knight."

Congratulations on being crowned a knight, we finally have a second knight in the Tucker family."

Hearing this, Balian quickly reined in his horse and said to Sir Rudy: "Uncle, I can't spend your money. You just bought a three-hundred-acre farm last year and have your own land. I know what you have on hand."

If you don't have enough money, I'll give you the money." Then he went to get the money bag from his arms.

Sir Rudy stopped him, "Although I don't have much money, I have received salary for so many years. You can't have no money now. When you get the territory, there will be more places to spend money. You'd better keep it and wait.

When you are rich, tell me more."

Eomer also helped Sir Rudy and said: "Bairion, please don't refuse Sir Rudy's wishes. When we make the territory rich and prosperous, we can return double the amount to Sir Rudy."

"Hahaha!" The three of them smiled at each other and continued to move forward. Since they had to train the peasant soldiers first, Balian and Eomer went directly to live in the farm today, and the three of them separated at the city gate.

Three days later, on the road from Wallombre City to Dragon Castle, a team was slowly moving forward. There were forty-two people in the team, led by a knight wearing full-body chainmail.

There was a blouse embroidered with a double-headed eagle, and he was followed by a sturdy young attendant wearing the same heraldic blouse, following the knight on horseback.

There were five large carts in the rear team, all of which were fully loaded. Five coachmen and five young men drove five carriages respectively. On each side of the team were five men wearing hard leather armor and iron helmets.

Soldiers wearing double-headed eagle heraldic cloaks, carrying spears, and fighting axes hanging from their waists, and five sword and shield soldiers wearing iron helmets and leather armor followed the team.

There are also ten young and strong women in the team. This is Balian's team. Balian is going to go to his father's territory - Frondo first. First, he will tell his family that he has become a knight and has a hereditary fief. Second, he plans to start from his father's territory.

Recruit some people and follow you to the north.

After three days of good food and drink at the farm, as well as brand-new cotton clothes that could keep out the cold, the physical condition and spirit of these serfs improved a lot. Balian also gave each of the peasants and soldiers fifty fifty per week.

Thori's salary allowed them to concentrate on being good guards, and promised that they would be free as long as they achieved more than three military exploits. It was only after doing this that Balian could safely distribute weapons and armor to these peasant soldiers.

You don't have to worry about them running away or trying to kill you.

On the first night of departure, Balian led everyone to camp near the cave where he was captured. Eomer led everyone to set up the camp, and the women and children in the team helped prepare food.

After Ou Mo, he led the three horses and left the camp, heading to the cave under the bright moonlight.

After Balian arrived near the cave, he first carefully checked. Except for the footprints of some animals, there were no other traces. The branches used to block the entrance of the cave had not been moved. After confirming, Balian carefully moved the branches and removed them.

Bury the trap, light the torch and walk into the cave.

Balian put all the coins in a box, locked it, wrapped it with a piece of sheepskin, and hung it on the horse. The armor was also wrapped in leather and hung on the horse. As for the weapons, except

Apart from the spear, everything else was easy to take away. Balian thought for a moment and only took off the spear head. After all, the gun shaft was easy to find and easy to replenish. After loading these things, the three horses were almost full. Balian rode

When we got to the horse with the lightest load, we hurried back to the camp under the moonlight.

After returning to the camp, Eomer was still awake. Balian had already told him the purpose of his trip. After seeing so many weapons and armors with his own eyes, he was extremely excited. However, Balian did not tell him the specific amount of money.

How much, Eomer was too wise to ask. After all, the fewer people who know about money, the better. But Balion asked him to take a good look at the money box and told him that it was

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Eomer patted his chest and said that he would protect the initial capital for the construction of the territory, so Balion could rest assured.

Early the next morning, everyone continued their journey after a simple breakfast. By noon, they were not far from Frondo. According to their traveling speed, they could reach it before sunset. There was a road next to the forest on the roadside.

At the creek, Balian asked everyone to leave the road and go to the creek to rest for a while, and then set off on the road after lunch.

While everyone was resting, Eomer, who couldn't rest, wanted to try the crossbow that Balion asked for from the fat butler, so he took a few peasant soldiers to the forest to catch some prey. Balion nodded.

He agreed. After all, Eomer was the commander-in-chief of the peasants and soldiers. He was not tired himself and was willing to take people hunting to improve food for everyone, so let him go.

There was some trouble last night. Balian took advantage of the noon period to prepare for a short rest. After all, he was going to meet his parents and brother in this time and space in the afternoon. Balian didn't want them to see him looking tired, so he lay down and took a piece of it.

I spread the wool blanket on a stone, lay down and fell asleep.

I don’t know how long he slept for, but Balian was woken up by a peasant soldier. After Balian woke up, the peasant soldier said that several people dressed as knights came to the camp. After the peasant soldiers informed them of their identities, they asked Balian to

Come out and meet them.

Balian felt uncomfortable having his dream disturbed, but he had no choice. He got up and walked to the front of the camp. He saw five knights wearing full chainmail. After Balian walked out, they all got off their horses, and one of the leaders

He walked up to Balian and showed his identity: "I am the Lord of Budaburg, the son of the palace baron Raul, the heir of Lidaborg, and a palace knight. You can call me Sir Yellen. These four are knights loyal to my family.

Attendant." This man spoke with deep affection and arrogance.

Balian also introduced himself, "I am Lord Norlandenburg, Palace Knight, Deputy Sheriff of the County Directly under my Command, and Beheader, Balian Tucker."

After Balian said his name, Sir Yellen's originally arrogant expression became even more arrogant. He looked at Balian contemptuously, "It turns out he is the Forest Knight."

When he heard the words "Forest Knight", Balian had no reaction, because he had already heard about it in the city of Valombre. Many nobles took it as a joke that Balian only received a forest for his meritorious service.

Balian didn't care, after all, it was better than nothing. But after Yellen's four knights heard this, they immediately laughed and laughed at Balian with their master.

When walking outside, more troubles are worse than less troubles, not to mention that the other party is the heir of a palace baron. Balian will not offend if he can. He looked at the five people opposite and said coldly: "Sir Yellen, I miss you. The purpose of coming to see me is probably not to make fun of me."

Yellen and his men stopped laughing wildly and responded: "Sir Balian, you have invaded my family's territory, so I came to inquire."

"Your family's territory? This is just an open space next to the avenue. Anyone can rest here." Balian pointed to the open space beside the creek and said.

Sir Yellen raised his arrogant head and said without even looking at Balian: "But this is the jurisdiction of Lidaburg, and the Duke has granted our family the power to collect taxes on traveling caravans."

"But I am not a caravan!" Balian was almost irritated by the knight in front of him who was only a few years older than him.

"Oops, I forgot, you are a noble, a noble with a hereditary fief!" Yellen deliberately pronounced the words "noble" and "hereditary fief" very harshly, just to ridicule Balian.

Balian suppressed his anger and sneered, "In that case, please ask Sir Yellen to leave. My team will leave here soon."

Yellen and his four men turned around and left like a winning rooster at this moment. Balian felt angry in his heart. Looking at their leaving figures, he couldn't help but gnashed his teeth.

At this moment, Eomer came back, and he shouted excitedly to Balion: "Belion, I killed a little wild boar, and everyone will be happy at noon today."

Hearing his words, Balian couldn't help but frown. This is someone else's territory. Even if your title is higher than his, as long as you are not the monarch of the country or his lord, you cannot hunt in his territory.

.I just beat him secretly, but now my master is here.

(End of chapter)

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