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Volume Two: The Iron-Blooded Baron Chapter 125: There Are Thieves Coming (11)

Balian, who was woken up in a haze, immediately jumped out of bed when he heard the news. He quickly grabbed Bess and asked: "How many people are there in this bunch of scumbags? Where are they? How long does it take to arrive?


Bess, who received Balian's desperate questions, rubbed his head, smiled awkwardly and said: "I knew that there were more than two hundred ships, large and small. The spy sent by Bahrain to deliver the message was in the study. I brought him over directly.

, I haven’t had time to ask carefully.”

Balian stretched out his hand to grab a piece of clothing, and walked out while putting it on. After arriving at the study, after listening to the sentry's report, Balian and Bess had a basic judgment on the strength of this group of invading enemies.

The invading Tuba pirates had more than 200 large and small ships, of which more than half were small and medium-sized ships. Therefore, it can be roughly estimated that the number of enemies was around 1,500. When the sentry came to report, they had already arrived at Raven.

In the area near the ridge, even though the boat will not sail very fast against the wind and current, it will reach the junction of the Karl River and the Forest Lake at noon at the latest.

After Balian listened to what the sentry said, he stood up and opened the window of the study, and put himself in single clothes and only one robe into the cool autumn wind in the morning. The fresh air and the cold temperature made Balian

Shaking off his lack of sleep, he took a deep breath and ordered: "Let Mark come over and let's prepare to retreat. With so many people, we will only end up losing both personally and locally. According to plan two

, prepare to retreat!

The pirates didn't bring a few horses with them. The women, children and baggage could escape quickly in the carriage, and the young men could run away. The pirates couldn't catch up. We people also brought good things and prepared to get into the stag forest.


After giving the order, after Bess and the sentinel left, Balian slumped down on a soft chair in the study. He actually hoped that there would not be many invading enemies, so that he would not have to lose the newly built castle and village.

It was ruined by the Toba pirates, but the situation is stronger than the people. Even if Fengyunding can hold on to the fifteen hundred Toba pirates, the castle has limited space and most civilians still can't get in. Do they have to be like other lords?

, let the pirates torture and kill the people under their rule?

Of course Balian couldn't do it. Whether it was himself in the previous life or himself in this time and space, their principles of life and work required that they could not do such a thing.

I don't know how long it took, but Balian heard a knock on the door. He cheered up and said in a hoarse voice: "Come in!"

After the door opened, Mark and Bess came in, the two people he relied on as his right-hand men. After Mark came in, he sat down in front of Balian and said softly: "Fortunately, we made a plan before, otherwise we would have to evacuate immediately at this time."

It’s too late, I estimate that within an hour, everyone can pack up their things and set off on the road.”

Balian nodded and smiled bitterly, "Hey! After a year of hard work, you have nothing at the end. Don't you feel very disappointed?"

"Sir, what are you talking about? In this year, we have trained a team of hundreds of elite soldiers, cultivated farmland, built villages and castles, how can we say that we have nothing? Wait until the pirates withdraw.

If you leave, we can still get it back." Bess said comfortingly.

Mark also said: "Master, you told us not to be afraid of breaking some bottles and cans, and to settle big accounts instead of small ones. We have to take a long-term view."

Just when the two of them were thinking about how to continue to comfort Balian, the study door was suddenly knocked open. Before the person could see his face clearly, his loud words reached everyone's ears first.

"Sir, we can't retreat! We absolutely can't retreat! The Tuba pirates have divided their forces, and there are only five or six hundred people coming towards Linjian Lake!" the man shouted loudly.

After hearing this, Balian's eyes immediately regained his composure. He quickly asked the visitor to sit down, "Bahrain, sit down quickly and tell me what's going on?"

This person was none other than Bahrain, the leader of the reconnaissance team. He came over to report the enemy's situation in person. Out of breath, he grabbed the kettle on the coffee table, took a big gulp of cold water, then wiped his mouth and said, "Sir, I want to

The pirates' movements became clearer, so they disguised themselves and crawled to the shore where they stopped to rest. The pirates also wanted to have breakfast.

I understand Singalese, and I listened to the conversation between several pirates who looked like leaders. I learned that they were going to divide their forces. And, just in case the news was wrong, I moved to two more places, and the news I heard was the same.


This group of tow pirates will be divided into two teams. Their leader, Count Escalade, will lead a thousand people to continue to advance. After landing at Waterside Town, they will attack the city of Amondine. They will capture the city of Amondine and

Bloodbath this city to avenge Maple Leaf Manor.

At the same time, Arthedan, one of the three wolf lords under Keret, led five hundred people to attack Nolandenburg and also wanted to bloodbath Nolandenburg in memory of the pirates we killed.

When I sent a sentry to report the news in the morning, I guessed that you would choose to order a retreat because there were too many pirates. So after I learned the news that the pirates were going to divide their forces, I immediately rushed back and there was no need for us to retreat.

Let’s get rid of these slutty wild dogs right here in Fort Noland!”

After listening to Bahrain's impassioned speech, everyone drank in unison. Balian gave Bahrain a hug excitedly. He smiled and punched Bahrain on the shoulder, "That's great, brother Bahrain, you

I don’t know, but after I gave the order to retreat, I felt really sad for a long time.”

Balin laughed loudly when he heard this and said: "Sir, I was afraid of this. After finding out the situation, I came back immediately. This journey almost exhausted me to death."

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed in unison again.

After everyone's laughter stopped, Balian ordered: "Mark, you immediately stop everyone from moving. All personnel enter the enclosure or castle according to their belongings. Anyone who disobeys the order will be executed on the spot!"

"Yes! Master." Mark took the order and hurried out. He sent his subordinates to tell everyone to stop packing their things and prepare to surround the house to welcome the pirates' attack.

In the study, Balian said to Bess and Bahrain: "We can proceed according to the first set of combat plans! Brother Bahrain, I have to work hard for you to continue to investigate the news of this group of pirates led by Asedan. At the same time, you send

I will ride on my fast horse and go to the city of Amondin to report the news, so that Viscount Merry, Sir Pippin and my uncle can all be prepared."

Balin clenched his fists on his chest and said, "I will definitely fulfill my mission!" Then he turned and left.

After Bess discussed and decided on some things with Balian, he left quickly. The war was about to begin. As a general, he was very busy. There were many things waiting for him to make decisions.

After everyone left, Balian stood in front of the study window, looking at the stag forest in the distance, and fell into deep thought.

Admittedly, Balian had to admit that although he had tried his best to prepare for this battle, when the real thing came, he was still a little panicked, and his will even became weak. After giving the order to retreat, he turned out to be like a

Just like a woman, she hides in her room, secretly depressed and troubled.

Moreover, the judgment of the battlefield information was not clear. He should wait for the second wave of news before making a decision. At that time, when I heard that the number of pirates was about 1,500, I was a little scared on the spot, and I hurriedly gave the order to retreat.

, causing his subordinates and the people below to suffer avoidable hardships.

However, real war is like this. It will not be like the cool novels I saw in my previous life. The protagonist can predict the enemy first and win easily. Real war is a contest between strength and strength, a competition between luck and luck. No one can win.

Be sure to win every battle.

Now Balian can finally understand why in the movies about the three major battles he watched in his previous life, the commanders of the army always paid attention to the intelligence before the war and hesitated to make the final decision because of the battlefield.

The changes are too fast, there will be new changes every second, and it is impossible for the enemy to fight exactly as you expected.

Therefore, this requires a qualified commander. You must collect sufficient intelligence before the war, and after repeated consideration, formulate an accurate plan, and then make up your mind to let the troops carry it out.

Before the war begins, you can hesitate, but once the war begins, the commander must tense up and cannot relax for a moment, because the battlefield changes too fast. As a commander, he must make quick and correct judgments at the first time according to changes in the enemy's situation, and

When giving orders to the soldiers, you must be cautious, wise and quick, otherwise you will lose the whole game with one careless move.

After this somewhat painful episode, Balian has grown up as a person. He is now completely confident that he can defeat these dragoon pirates, because he has formulated a perfect plan. What awaits these five hundred pirates will be

A wonderful journey from heaven to hell.

On the Karl River, Count Escalade led a large fleet and sailed toward the town of Bangshui. There, Balian's old enemy Sir Thorg had already fought with the leader of the Tuba pirates.

He is willing to surrender to Count Escalade and become his loyal subject, as long as Count Escalade can help him kill Balian, Viscount Merry and other people who have brought shame on him and his enemies.

After Sir Sog came back from being injured in the competition in Yang Weichuo, he was completely crippled. As a knight who was famous for his superb martial arts in the Principality of Brick, he was beaten into a disability. It is conceivable that

Sir Thorg must be in so much pain in his heart. His hatred for Balian completely went to his head.

Sir Sog actually listened to the advice of the spies sent by the Valenti people, gave up his title as the leading knight of the Principality of Brick, and turned his allegiance to Count Keled, becoming a new wolf master under him, and followed Keled after the war.

Earl Red went to settle on Toba Island.

Sir Thorg did this not only because of his hatred for Balian, although this accounted for most of the reasons. His wife and son despised him for losing honor and left him, which also devastated him. Moreover, now in the north of Brick

Those who once admired Sir Sog have turned their fans against him after learning of his despicable behavior at the Yang Weixuo Arena.

No matter how high everyone praised you at the beginning, they will trample you as hard as they do now. Sir Sog was praised as high as the God of War by everyone because of his achievements. Now, everyone's disdain for him is nothing more than disgust.

Pretty much smelly shit.

Failure in his career, his body being destroyed, his relatives abandoning him, and everyone's cold eyes and ridicule, all these have made Sir Sog, a previously extremely proud nobleman, become extremely dark in his heart. His motivation for living now is revenge, and he wants to kill

All the people who caused him pain, including his wife and children.

It is precisely because of this that he actively cooperated with the Toba pirates, became their leader, and led these ferocious pirates to massacre his former people, friends, and lovers...

Not only that, he also recruited a group of bandits who had fled elsewhere because of Balian's bandit suppression operations. Sir Sog recruited these fierce and vicious guys and asked them to join the pirates to burn, kill and loot, doing evil things.

The more the better, and the more people you kill, the better. Only in this way will Sir Sog be happy.

As for the wolf lord Arthedain under Count Escalade, although he does not have any deep hatred for Balian like Sir Thorg, his hatred for Balian is not small, because in Maple Leaf Manor, the pirates who were killed were killed.

The leader, Ham, is his youngest son. This youngest son is his favorite child and the one who is most like him.

Because Ham did not have the right to inherit, Arthedan fought for him to have this opportunity to make great contributions, hoping that he would be further appreciated by Count Escalade and thus obtain a fief. As a father, he also had an explanation for his son.

However, Arthedain never expected that his beloved son would die tragically at the hands of the Bric people. After being shot to death by random arrows, his body was hung outside the city of Amundine and was eaten by crows.

Every time he thought of this, the wolf lord Arthedain couldn't help crying. The biggest enemy who killed his son was Balian, and he vowed to use Balian's skull as a bowl.

This chapter has been completed!
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