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Volume Two: The Iron-Blooded Baron Chapter 130 The Battle of Nolandenburg (4)

However, they thought very well, but the soldiers of Fort Nolanden had prepared a rich night program. How could it be so easy for them to just fall asleep like this? Just let these pirates fall asleep and be full of energy tomorrow.

Coming all over the place to beat yourself up is not in line with the way of hospitality in Norlandenburg.

"Dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong." Not long after Asedan lay down, deafening drums and gongs sounded around the camp. He had been driving all day and was so tired that he wanted to take a good rest.

Arsedan was so angry that he stood up, took the ax and walked out of the tent. When he came outside, he saw that his men were standing outside as angry as he was.

As soon as he saw Asedan coming out, a pirate said: "Dad, what's going on here? It's late at night and no one is allowed to sleep."

Arsedan looked stern. He looked at the bright mountain top in the distance, which was the location of Fort Noland, and then replied: "Huh! This Brick bastard doesn't want us to have a good sleep, so that we can't do it tomorrow."

We are in good condition to attack their castle."

"Hahaha!" The pirates laughed after hearing this.

One of the pirates smiled and said: "Dad, these Brick bastards are so funny. If we don't sleep tonight, we will beat them tomorrow."

"Yes, beat the shit out of them."

"Yes, that's right, piss them off!"

"We must let them take a good look at our methods tomorrow!"

Other pirates echoed that pirate's statement. In their opinion, attacking Fort Noland was as simple as eating and sleeping.

But just when they left the tent and vented their anger here, they heard the sound of "Peng Peng Peng" bowstrings breaking through the air, and then countless fire points appeared in the sky and quickly attacked their camp.

"Hide! It's a rocket!" an experienced Tuba pirate shouted to remind everyone.

This group of mostly young pirates obviously rarely dealt with night attacks. They hurried to get their shields in a panic, while some experienced pirates hurriedly found a shelter to hide.

"Ah!" First there was a scream, and then there were many screams. Although the number of these rounds of rockets was not too many, there were still fifty or sixty of them. Although the projectiles were not accurate, because the pirates were all gathered at the time

Together, and most of them were not wearing armor or carrying shields, the Nolandenburg soldiers still achieved considerable results.

When this round of rockets came down, seven or eight of the Tuba pirates were shot dead on the spot, and more than a dozen were injured. In addition, these rockets set several tents in the camp on fire. Fortunately, they usually have a lot of people on board.

With good fire prevention awareness, when camping on the shore, I also prepared buckets near the tent to prevent the fire from spreading.

At this time, Asedan gripped the handle of his battle ax angrily. He looked at the two fires still burning in the forest not far away, and immediately ordered two teams of men to attack the group of clothmen who dared to sneak attack them.

Rick people.

When the two groups of men were about to go out, a leader advised Asedan: "Dad, in the dark forest outside, we don't know what ambushes the enemy has, so it's better not to go."

Asedan shook his head and responded: "We have to go and let them know that we have the courage to go out and fight back, so they don't dare to be arrogant. Otherwise, they will approach our camp and set off rockets. When the time comes, we won't be able to do anything."

If you say sleep, I'm afraid it will be difficult to even get on the boat."

"But, dad..." The pirate leader wanted to say something more, but Asedan waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need to say anything, so he had to shut up.

"Don't say any more. Am I the wolf master, or are you the wolf master? Just obey." Asedan's flat tone sounded threatening.

The pirate leader quickly said: "Okay, Dad, I understand."

I saw these two groups of people fully armed setting off from the camp. Under the bright moonlight, without lighting torches, they entered the forest directly. They divided into two groups and cautiously approached the two fires.

Just when a pair of people were twenty or thirty steps away from the bonfire, suddenly there was a sound, and then the fire went out. This scared the pirates to death. They saw with their own eyes that there was no one near the fire, but

This burning fire was extinguished out of thin air right under my nose. This was incredible.

Fortunately, the leader of the team was more calm and steady. He ordered: "Quick! Form a circle with me as the center."

It has to be said that when encountering unknown dangers, this leader did the right thing. Everyone formed a circle. No matter where the enemy attacked from, it would not pose much threat to them, and the person responsible for the night attack

The number of people is definitely small, so there is nothing to worry about. Just wait for the movements of the ambush people.

But how did these pirates know that the people at Fort Noland had already predicted their response and prepared a "big surprise" for them.

I saw the pair of pirates forming a circle on the spot. They clenched the bucklers in their hands and stared at the surroundings vigilantly, preparing to fight this group of insidious Bricks. The surroundings were quiet, and they only listened.

Get each other's breathing and heartbeats.

Their nerves were tense like this for a long time. They all thought that these Brick people who were hiding in the dark and only knew how to use insidious methods were gone. Their tense nerves relaxed and they no longer acted like they did at the beginning.

The whole mind is on alert.

But at this moment, this group of Tuba pirates only heard a loud shout from above, "Go to hell! Tuba wild dogs!"

Then six throwing spears were thrown down from above. These five-foot-long and powerful and heavy throwing spears were thrown down from above. The force and damage were unimaginable to these pirates. Hunters usually use this to hunt wild boars.

Throwing a gun.

Of these six throwing spears, except for two that missed, the remaining four hit four targets perfectly. One of the powerful and heavy throwing spears penetrated a pirate's chest and tore his double-layered leather armor directly like paper.

It was broken into pieces, and then stuck diagonally on the ground. The pirate also hung on the throwing gun in a special posture, just like lowering his waist, but he didn't go down.

The four pirates who were hit by the spears were wailing in pain. The remaining five or six people, under the call of the leader, quickly gathered together and raised their shields above their heads to prevent the enemy from attacking from above.

This chapter has been completed!
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