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Volume 2 The Iron Baron Chapter 148 The Battle of Nolandenburg (22)

As for Bahrain, after they fled into the forest with the remaining eighteen people, they all ran back to the reconnaissance team's camp deep in the forest. They were all exhausted and paralyzed.

At this time, Bahrain, who had no time to bandage his wounds, panted and looked at the soldiers of the reconnaissance team who had survived the disaster, with tears streaming down his face. He cried not only for his luck after a lucky escape, but also for the loss of half of his men in the battle.

of sadness.

The soldiers of the reconnaissance team were all sitting around the bonfire in the center of the camp. A group of militia soldiers who were responsible for staying in the camp bandaged the wounds of the wounded and brought some drinks and food to everyone. Everyone was eating and drinking there in silence, and no one was there.

People talk.

Balin looked at his soldiers who were covered in blood, and thought of the dozen or so people who fell in the encirclement. He felt very painful. This feeling was just like when he led the hunting team in the first year, when they were surrounded by wolves.

One of his young men failed to escape and was eaten by hungry wolves.

After he went back, it took him a full month before he dared to meet the young man's family. During this month, he sat there in a daze all day, like a fool. Finally, he was enlightened by an old hunter.

Only then did I pass this hurdle in my heart.

This time, he was also surrounded, but more than a dozen young men lost their lives. Bahrain didn't know if he dared to face their parents, wives, and children. These dozen living lives were lost because of his carelessness.

If they throw it away, their families will probably hate them to death.

The more Bahrain thought about it, the more depressed he became. He who was still sitting on the ground simply lay down. He raised his eyes and looked at the night sky. At this time, the moon was falling, and the stars of the autumn night appeared. The stars were shining brightly. In Bahrain's eyes, they seemed like

It's telling something. Maybe the brothers who died in the battle will enter the kingdom of heaven and become one of the stars.

At this time, I suddenly heard a rustling of footsteps, and then Balian's attendant Huck appeared with three or four people. He came straight to Balin, knelt down and said to him: "Brother Balin, sir, let me

Please go over, and your brothers will also go over, my lord is waiting for you in Green Hill Village."

After hearing this, Bahrain struggled to stand up and asked: "I'll go with you. The blame for the defeat this time is mine, not these brothers!"

At this time, the soldiers of the reconnaissance team who were sitting around the bonfire also struggled to stand up. They said emotionally: "Brother Bahrain, if you want to go, let's go together. If you are going to be punished, we will be punished together!"

Balin looked at these brothers and burst into tears. He was about to say something, but Huck directly pulled out his arm and signaled him not to speak.

Then, Huck said loudly: "Brother Bahrain, warriors of the reconnaissance team, my Lord asked me to tell you that he knows that you fought bravely. Although you fell into the enemy's trick, he is aware of your brave performance.

This time, let me take you to Green Qiu Village, firstly to praise you, and secondly, to allow you to better heal your injuries. I hope you will play a big role in the next big battle!"

"Hahaha! I knew that our adults would not blame our reconnaissance team." A young reconnaissance team soldier said happily after hearing what Huck said.

"Yes, yes, our Lord is wise and wise, how could he not be considerate of our group of people who have made many military exploits recently." Another soldier from the reconnaissance team also agreed.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Baron Balian is the wisest. God of Fire, may you always bless him." A soldier from the reconnaissance team next to Huck said.

In this way, Bahrain, moved by shock, and his brothers, led by Huck, came to Green Hill Village and entered a courtyard, where several simple tables had been set up.

Food and drinks were placed on it.

After seeing them coming, Balian, Mark, Bess, and Eomer stood up to greet them. Balian walked in front, gave Balin a hug first, and then said to him with a smile: "As long as you can come back alive, don't cry anymore."


Balin was just moved at first, but after seeing that Balian had no intention of blaming him, he felt even more ashamed and remorseful. Balin fell to his knees with a plop and then burst into tears. While crying, he said: "My lord.

, I'm sorry for you, I failed to live up to your hopes; I'm even more sorry for the brothers who died. We defeated the three major gangs and regained Maple Leaf Manor, but we have never suffered such a big loss, but I, a careless guy, actually let ten

Many good brothers died on the soil of my hometown, I deserve to die!"

The moment he fell to his knees, Balian quickly reached out to pull him, but it was still a step too late. When Balin was kneeling on the ground and crying, Balian quickly helped him up. After patiently listening to what he said, he took out

He brought a linen handkerchief and wiped his tears. After wiping, he put the handkerchief directly into his hand.

Balian glanced at the soldiers of the reconnaissance team who had escaped death, then patted Bahrain on the shoulder, and patted the shoulders of every member of the reconnaissance team. This slap made Bahrain stop crying, and also made Bahrain stop crying.

The soldiers of the reconnaissance team who experienced a huge defeat found their backbone.

Their panicked eyes and pounding heartbeats all returned to Zhengcha, especially everyone's eyes, which became determined again. They stood there with their chests raised, waiting for Balian's lecture.

After Balian patted everyone on the shoulders, he turned to the front and stood on the stone pier in the yard. He looked at Bahrain and the others and said: "Brothers, from yesterday to now, we have killed more than sixty Toba pirates.

, Counting the battle you just fought in front of the wooden castle, you should have killed more than seventy people, and nearly half of them were contributed by your reconnaissance team. Tell me, are you powerful or not?"

After Balian finished speaking, everyone in the investigation team, including Bahrain, laughed. They all laughed and scratched their heads in embarrassment, turning out to be a little shy.

Balian looked at their looks and felt funny, so he smiled and said to them: "You are great. In this battle between us and the Toba pirates, you fought the first battle and made the first contribution. You

They are all warriors of Norlandenburg, they are all people worthy of our respect, and they are all heroes in the hearts of the people of Norlandenburg!"

Hearing the Lord lord commenting on them like this, Balin and his men stood taller and straighter. With tears in their eyes, they felt that they had no regrets even if they had died in battle just now. They had such high recognition from the Lord lord.

Yes, who made us the heroes of Nolandenburg!

"Brothers, it doesn't matter if we lose the battle, especially when we have won several times, losing once is not a big deal!

Tonight you were ambushed. In the final analysis, it was me, the lord, who did not take all the dangers into consideration, and allowed you to step into the enemy's trap. The one who is sorry for the death of your brothers is me, Balion Tucker!"

Leon said loudly.

Hearing that his lord placed the responsibility for the defeat on himself, Bahrain burst into tears. He wanted to say something, but he was choked with sobs and could not speak.

This chapter has been completed!
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