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Chapter 10 The Angry Brother

Eomer took off the cowhide gloves on his hands and took out a pair of chain mail gloves from his arms. This was Sir Logan's eighteenth birthday gift to Eomer, because Eomer had joined the palace guard since then.

After that, he served in Logan Knight's squadron and was very popular with him.

Eomer put on his gloves, came to the yard, pulled out his sword, held the handle of the sword with his right hand near the weight ball, and his left hand near the guard. The sword was placed diagonally on his shoulders, and his legs were staggered and spread out. This is

When learning a two-handed sword, it is an entry-level training posture. Eomer uses this move as a starting point. It is not that he does not pay attention to his opponent or that he is not good at learning, but the more basic and simple the thing, the more effective it will be when masters use it.

As expected, Balian saw that Bass on the opposite side was also using the same move.

Eomer and Bess maintained their postures, and after looking at each other for a while, they quickly rushed forward with swords. When the swords collided, they both quickly turned around, and then fought together again. From the beginning of the fight between the two

Judging from the situation, their swordsmanship level is about the same. It can even be said that Bess is stronger because of his richer fighting experience. However, Eomer is not at a disadvantage as he fights step by step and fights steadily.

Just when Balian and Mark were worried and entangled, a new situation occurred. Bess took advantage of Eomer's turning and suddenly stabbed Eomer's body with his sword. I saw Eomer suddenly lowered his waist and fell in front of him.

While avoiding Bess's sword edge, he held the sword in his right hand and stabbed backwards diagonally. Then he straightened up and stuck Bess's sword and the sword-holding right hand on his body. Then he didn't give Bess any reaction.

Time, quickly turned forward and hit Bess's nose with his head. Bess couldn't dodge and was hit. He immediately closed his eyes in pain, and Eomer also took the opportunity to twist Bess's right arm and snatch it away.

of sword.

Eomer wiped Bess's nosebleed from his forehead, smiled and said to Bess: "You lose, my friend."

Bess covered his nose and laughed wildly and said: "The Sword of Dawn is indeed worthy of its reputation. I am convinced. Our uncle and nephew are willing to follow Sir Balian."

After subduing such a top fighting force, Balian felt very happy. When Bess stopped bleeding from his nose, Balian chatted with his uncle and nephew.

It turns out that Bess was once a knight in the Principality of Valenti. Because he offended a powerful man, he was deprived of his knighthood. Because his humiliated family also removed him from the family, in order to survive, he had to become a servant.

A soldier, he participated in nearly a hundred battles in the two countries of Orion and Brick for more than ten years, and became a powerful squadron leader of his mercenary team.

Now he is nearly forty years old, and he is tired of the days of licking blood from the tip of a knife. This injury also gave him an opportunity to rest and recuperate, so he simply lived in Frondo Castle, and his life was ordinary, which was fine.

Tull was the son of a long-time friend of his in the Free Company. After his friend died in battle, he entrusted the child to him. After Bess quit the Free Company, Tull also quit and lived with his uncle.

Although Tour is young, only fifteen years old, he is also a good player after being taught by Bess and having rich practical experience.

After a frank talk, Balian gave the uncle and nephew ten dinars, which was considered the first week's salary, and asked them to pack up their things, move to the camp, and then set off with the group.

Balian was satisfied with recruiting these two good men. He took Eomer and Mark directly back to the castle, met with his father, told him everything about today, and asked him to sell him five

Serf families. After hearing this, Sir Orui agreed to Balian's request and asked the steward to accompany Balian to select serfs without mentioning money. Balian chose five serf families, with a total of twenty people, each family

They all have five people. Although there are children, all families are mainly young and strong. They not only provide strong labor force, but also provide high-quality adult soldiers.

At this time, Balian's team already has seventy-five people. Counting Balian himself, there are a total of forty-five adult males. With such a population base, it is possible to open up wasteland without fear of being attacked by bandits and bandits along the way.

The bandits have robbed. When the territory has reclaimed a certain amount of farmland and the food output is almost self-sufficient, it can recruit some more people, plus the construction of some handicraft workshops and castles that Balian is thinking about, it is estimated that it will take three years.

In five years, Nolandenburg will become a relatively mature lord fiefdom.

After sending everyone to the camp, it was almost dark. Balian took Mark and Eomer back to Frondo Castle to attend the farewell dinner before leaving. According to the old housekeeper, Mrs. Kellan was preparing to

A sumptuous dinner was prepared as a farewell party for the younger son.

After arriving at the Lord's Hall of the castle, a table was already filled with food, including fish steaks, ham, sausages, marinated pork, roast chicken, apple-stewed rabbit, etc. There was also a whole roasted pig in the middle.

This was the one that Eomer had hunted in Ridda Castle. In addition, there were white bread, wine, and ale on the table.

After Sir Orui and Mrs. Kellan arrived, everyone sat down and prepared for the banquet. Before the banquet officially started, Sir Orui held up his wine glass and made a speech, praising Balion as Tucker.

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He expressed his family's glory and other words, and also put forward some expectations, such as being a good knight, a good lord, etc. After Balian stood up to express his gratitude, everyone toasted together and the banquet officially started.

Mrs. Kellan prepared very carefully, and everyone was very happy and had a good time eating and drinking. But at this moment, suddenly, a tall man pushed the door open and came in. It was none other than Balian.

His brother, Sir Sey, is currently the knight squire and heir of Frondo Castle.

Sir Seyi walked in with a serious face. Everyone saw that his face was unhappy and they all stopped talking and laughing. Seeing his eldest son like this, Sir Orui couldn't help but feel a little angry: "Seyi, why did you come back this evening? I'm not a sentient being."

Has anyone gone to deliver a message to you? I'm going to bid farewell to your brother tonight."

"I don't have this younger brother! What he did has brought shame to the Tucker family!" Sir Seyi roared.

"Did you know? He and his dirty men actually poached in Lidabao. Not only that, but after Sir Yellen, the heir of Lidabao, found out and came to argue, he injured him and even robbed him.

He took away his armor and horse. This is not the behavior of a knight, this is clearly a robber!" Sir Sey looked at Balian angrily and shouted angrily.

Balian stood up and said calmly: "Brother, it was a normal duel between me and Knight Yellen. At that time, not only my people, but also several of his attendants, two caravans and a knight were watching. That one

There is a white unicorn on the robe outside the knight's chainmail. You can ask this knight for confirmation."

"Don't call me brother, I feel so disgusted to have a brother like you. Those knights and attendants in Lida Castle are all the same, that is, you not only poached, but also injured people. If Sir Yellen hadn't been so generous, there would have been

I tried my best to deal with it, but they have already started a private war with the Tucker family! Oh, and there are knights watching. It’s really nonsense. There is no family in the Principality of Brick with a unicorn as its emblem. You are not only a rogue, but also a liar.

Shameless person." Sir Sey scolded his own brother angrily.

Dong dong dong, Sir Orui slapped the table hard, and he shouted angrily: "That's enough! You both come to my study, today's banquet is over!" After that, Sir Orui flicked his sleeves and left the Lord's Hall.

, when Balian saw that his father was angry, he quickly followed him to his father's study.

After arriving at his father's study with his brother, Sir Orui's face was still angry. He first asked Balian: "Bailian, what is going on between you and Sir Yellen?"

Balian continued to say calmly: "Father, it is indeed a real duel with him. Just like what I told you yesterday, I can swear to the God of Fire that if I tell even half a lie, I will definitely die after my death."


Hearing his youngest son swearing such a poisonous oath, Sir Orui's heart was half relieved. He asked Sir Seyi again: "Who told you what you heard?"

After Sir Seyi heard his brother's poisonous oath, he became uneasy. He replied nervously: "It was Knight Yellen and his two attendants who told me personally. The three of us drank last night, and he told me

He also said that he originally wanted to instigate his father to launch a private war, but he gave up because of the friendship between the two families." Seyi's voice became smaller and smaller as he spoke, obviously lacking in confidence.

Sir Orui looked at his eldest son, couldn't help but sigh, and said: "You are the eldest son of the family, and you will inherit Frondo Castle in the future. Because of someone else's words at the banquet table, you made a big banquet and made it impossible for your brother to come down.

Even if I can't get off the stage, how can I trust you to hand over Fort Fronto to you?"

"But Balian is only an eighteen-year-old boy, how can he defeat Sir Yellen who is in his twenties?" Seyi still insisted on his point of view.

Sir Orui's face was livid with anger at this time. He pointed at Sir Seyi with trembling hands, "You pig brain! Your brother is the disciple of the Sword of Dawn. How can he kill the bandit leader in the bandit's lair alone?

It’s impossible to defeat Yellen, that playboy who only knows how to drink and play with women?”

"Anyway, I don't think it's possible. Didn't Balian say that a knight saw it? Can't we just find that knight and verify it?" Seyi continued to insist.

Sir Orui took out a parchment that recorded the coats of arms of various families in the Principality of Brick, opened it for Seyi to look at, and then said: "In the Principality of Brick, there is only one person who uses a white unicorn as a coat of arms.

That is Sir Charles, heir to the Carolingian Dukes."

After saying that, he glanced at Balian and continued: "I believe that your brother Balian did not lie. As for whether you believe it or not, in less than half a month, the caravan will spread the word, and Sir Charles will also tell everyone that when he arrives,

Then you will know the authenticity.”

Balian couldn't help but be surprised when he heard that the knight watching the battle that day turned out to be the heir of the Duke. However, a person like him who was born with a golden key in his mouth was destined not to have much interaction with Balian, and Balian didn't think about anything else.

I just hope that he can tell everyone the true situation of this duel.

After experiencing this episode, Balian no longer wanted to live in the castle, so he bid farewell to his parents and came to the camp to live with everyone.

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The family arrangements were very good. Balian's team was arranged in a large barn, which was very spacious and sheltered from wind and rain. The food was also abundant and abundant. This was something to be gratified about.

Early the next morning, Balian's team of more than 70 people had lunch early and set off. The winter morning was very cold, but Balian's blood was boiling. In his previous life, he was just a soldier.

He is an ordinary laborer. In this life, he is already a lord who holds the power of life and death in a land. As long as he works harder, it may not be impossible to fight for the world.

Not long after leaving Frondo Castle, two fast horses caught up with them. On the horses were Ser Orre and the old steward. Balian saw them and quickly dismounted with Mark and Eomer to salute.

Sir Orui didn't say much, he just told Balian not to take what happened last night to heart. His brother Sei was just deceived. After everyone knows the truth, it will be nothing.

In addition to the words of advice, Sir Orui also gave Balian ten gold coins as a farewell gift. After all, Balian used to open up wasteland and suppress bandits, and there were many places to spend money in the early stage. Balian was a little moved after receiving the gold coins.

, he hugged his father and said thank you. Such a sincere gesture made Sir Orry feel quite awkward.

On the other side, the old butler first told Mark to take good care of himself and try his best to help Master Balian do things. After that, he handed Mark a small box, which contained two thick stacks of gray papyrus, three quills and a bottle.

Ink is a gift package provided by senior butlers to novice butlers.

Then, under the watchful eyes of the two old fathers, Balian led the group away and slowly walked into the distance.

After a week of stop and go, Bellian and his group finally arrived at the midpoint of the trip, Norma Castle. This is the county seat of Norma County, the jurisdiction of the Minister of Public Security, Count Alpine Castle.

The minister's letter, his response to Balian's arrival, shows the enthusiasm among friends of the same camp.

A manor was specially arranged outside the city for Balian's team to rest, and the financial officer was asked to accompany Balian's butler Mark to purchase the corresponding supplies. Balian did not make the people's hard work in vain, and gave the county governor three hundred dinars.

Thanks to his hard work, the governor's favorability towards Balian has skyrocketed, and he wishes Balian could stay a few more days.

However, Balian was also anxious to go to his own territory, so he did not stay any longer. He purchased a batch of tools, grain, cloth and other materials for land reclamation, and rested for three days before continuing on the road. This time, they had just left Norma Castle.

, and met Bass’s former mercenary team, the Free Company.

Under the guidance of Bess, Balian met with the commander of the Free Company and had a brief communication. Balian learned that their hiring price was not very expensive, and the weekly commission for each mercenary was only four dinars.

Well, it’s just a requirement to share one-fifth of the spoils obtained on the battlefield. This requirement is not too high.

Balian knew that his current team had not been trained. Not only would it be difficult to exterminate all the green forest bandits, but it would also be difficult to protect themselves now. It would be best to ask mercenaries for help. Balian asked them if they were willing

Willing to take on the task of garrisoning.

Dulin, the leader of the Free Company, said: "Sir Balian, we are willing to accept the garrison task. After all, we are not going to fight. Although the money is less, we can rest and rest. But our company is going to the Alpine Castle now, and there is an employer who hires two of our men.

A squadron escorted the goods for his caravan. After finishing the work, I have only one idle light infantry squadron with thirty soldiers. If you need it, I will have them arrive at Nolandon in about twenty days.

Fort reports to you."

Balian nodded, "How much is the salary for the garrison? It's just to help me guard the castle. As you can see, my soldiers still need a month or two of training to grow up."

Dulin laughed and said: "You are the lord of my old friend Bess. I will not ask you for more money, and if you are only stationed in the castle, the ordinary soldiers will receive two dinars per week, and the captain will receive every Friday."

dinars, ten dinars per week for the squadron leader, and in addition, food and accommodation must be provided.”

Balian looked at Bess, who nodded and said: "The price given by Commander Dulin is indeed a preferential price. Normally, the lords are stationed in the castle, but ordinary soldiers have to pay dinars every Wednesday. In addition, they have to pay extra to the middle class.

A management fee for the captain.”

Yes, after all, it is just a light infantry squadron. Except for the squadron leader and squad leader, they all wear leather armor and leather helmets, and the weapons are mainly spears, swords and shields. If you hire heavy infantry or cavalry, the price may be higher.

Several times.

Balian nodded, took out a money bag, counted out fifty dinars and handed it to Commander Dulin, "Commander Dulin, this is my deposit. After the soldiers enter the castle and start working, I will give the first

The fees are settled every week and will be settled every Sunday afternoon thereafter.”

After Dulin collected the silver coins, he said with a serious face: "Thank you for your trust, Sir Balian. The Free Company will not let you down. I will get them to Fort Noland as soon as possible after completing their mission at Alpine Castle.

"Then Balian and the others bid farewell to the Free Company and headed for Fort Norland.

(End of chapter)

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