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Volume 2 The Iron Baron Chapter 153 The Battle of Nolandenburg (27)

Although there were no casualties, this really frightened Barrett. He quickly sent a subordinate to pass the order, asking Gamlin and others to pay attention and stop shooting their own people.

Gamlin had been staring at the trajectory of the arrows. When he saw that the arrows had hit his own head, he quickly asked the fifty militia soldiers to rest. He was also frightened to death. Don't forget that his comrades were not killed by the enemy.

But he was accidentally killed by his own people, that would be so funny.

After Gamlin and his friends stopped firing, the elite pirate archers below the city didn't shoot a few more rounds. They couldn't do it anymore and had to rest first.

Archery is not only a technical job, but also a physical job. Even elite archers cannot shoot many arrows continuously, because the heavy bows used on the battlefield require a lot of strength every time they are drawn.

With strong arm strength, it is impossible to pull the bow hard and shoot many times in a row without resting.

Moreover, at this time, the pirates' elite bows and arrows could no longer continue shooting, because at this time, many of the pirates attacking the city were about to climb to the top of the city. If they continued to shoot, they would accidentally injure their own people.

After both sides stopped the collective shooting of archers, the castle top of Nolandenburg fell into an anxious melee. At this time, the golden soup prepared on the top of the city had been poured out. After all, although there were so many people in the castle, they were very capable of excretion.

However, no matter how hard you try, the quantity is limited, and what can be used to make golden soup is even more limited.

After the biological and chemical weapons were used up, the defenders on the city could only use stones and knives and guns to drive away the pirates. However, although the defenders had the advantage of being in a commanding position, they had no choice but to deal with these pirates with their fighting skills.

A skilled pirate, but still somewhat powerless.

However, due to the command of Barrett and the relative numerical advantage at each crenel, the overall offensive situation of the pirates was still able to be suppressed. Barrett brought five or six elites with him to provide support at any time in case of danger.

garrison group.

At this time, Gamlin also came back, and he also brought a group of militia soldiers. Although they could no longer draw their bows and shoot arrows, they could still come to support the front.

The addition of more than 20 fresh troops gave the defenders on the front more confidence and attacked the pirates more fiercely. Although the javelins and throwing axes thrown by the pirates would still kill the defenders.

But the soldiers of the Norlandenburg militia who stood on the top of the city have become more confident after yesterday's battle, and the soldiers who have been baptized by the fire of war have become more decisive and resolute. They are no longer like fighting against the pirates.

Just like during the fight, I was a little panicked, but I became calm and focused on killing the enemy, not thinking about other things.

War changes people quickly. Between life and death, witnessing brutal killings, arousing one's desire to survive and hatred of the enemy, can quickly change a person. These farmers who only dared to kill chickens and ducks before,

After a day of fighting, they have begun to transform. Although this transformation is not very big, the soldiers who have seen blood are completely different from those who have not seen blood.

Barrett and Gamlin were very pleased to see these militia soldiers who were much less worried than yesterday. They had enough confidence to believe that after the defense battle of Fort Noland, although their militia soldiers were not

As for how elite it becomes.

But at least compared to those county soldiers who were laxly armed, they could be said to be strong and courageous soldiers who were able to undertake more important battles.

Just when Barrett and Gamlin thought that today's battle would be the same as yesterday, that the pirates would retreat after being unable to bear the casualties, a big change occurred at the city gate.

A loud explosion was heard, and a fire broke out at the city gate of Fort Noland. The flames shot into the sky and were as high as the tower, burning several militia soldiers guarding the crenellations of the tower.

Two militia soldiers who were on fire accidentally fell into the city after catching fire.

Barrett and Balin were frightened by the sudden fire. They hurried to the city tower and looked down. The fire was soaring in front of the city gate. The city gate must have been burned. What was worse was that there was also thick smoke billowing from the city gate.

The entire Nolandenburg was filled with black smoke.

The defenders on the top of the city were also confused by the sudden fire and black smoke. Especially the black smoke, which made the defenders closer to the city gate shed tears, which greatly affected their attack on the city.

of pirates.

As soon as Barrett smelled the black smoke, he knew what was going on. He slapped his thigh, yelled in annoyance, and said to Gamlin: "These scumbag guys used us to attack No.

Landenburg's method was to burn the city gate with oil. If they wanted to burn the city gate, they could attack directly."

"Ah!" Gamlin exclaimed, and then quickly said: "Quick! I'll have people pour water down there now!"

As he spoke, Gamlin turned around and was about to go to the city tower. He wanted to immediately organize the defenders to pour water to put out the fire. After all, there were a lot of buckets prepared on the city wall, but Barrett grabbed him. He was just about to do it.

When I asked Barrett, I saw Barrett yelling: "Never use water! The fire will be more intense if you use water!"

As soon as Barrett finished speaking, there was a boom, and the fire at the city gate became more intense. It turned out that the soldier who was guarding the city picked up a bucket and poured it down. The water collided with the burning grease, and the fire could

Not big.

At this moment, the explosive fire once again devoured the lives of the two soldiers guarding the city. Barrett asked Gamlin to hold on to his post for him, while he himself ran to the city tower and tried to put out the fire.

But he was pulled by Gamlin. Gamlin looked at him seriously and said: "You are the commander of the Nolandenburg garrison. You can't take risks. If you are injured or killed, Nolan

We lost the castle! How can we be worthy of your lord!

You stay and I go. I have a way to put out the fire without using water. Don't worry, Brother Barrett, go and command the battle. Otherwise, the pirates will be in big trouble if they climb to the top of the city. Go quickly, hurry up.


Gamlin grabbed Barrett. After saying these words, he hurriedly ran towards the tower. Barrett did not stop him because he knew that Gamlin was right. He gritted his teeth and turned back, leading his men.

The elites resisted the pirates who attacked the city.

When Gamlin arrived at the city gate tower, the fire that had been ignited had subsided, but the flames were still very high. It was extremely hot on the city tower. Gamlin could feel it when his leather boots stepped on the city bricks under his feet.

To hot feet.

The defenders at the city gate tower were either burned to death or ran away. At this time, there were only Gamlin and the two militia soldiers who followed. Gamlin took advantage of a gust of autumn wind to disperse the black smoke and glanced at the gate tower.

place, and then his eyes lit up, and he knew he had found a good thing to put out the fire.

This chapter has been completed!
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