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Volume Two: The Iron-Blooded Baron Chapter 168 Complete Victory (9)

Thanks to Mu Yinglei for the tip! Thank you!

However, the actual situation and the anxious mentality of his men did not allow Asedan to hesitate, let alone give him time to think calmly.

They stopped to form a shield wall at Arthedain. When Arthedain hesitated for a moment, the archers from the south and east were already approaching, and the two hundred defenders of Fort Nolanden on the north side had also descended the mountain.

If Asedan did not give the order decisively, after the four parties surrounded them, more than 500 Brick soldiers who were waiting for work would besiege their tired army of less than 300 people.

Thinking of this, Asedan gritted his teeth and roared: "Brothers, you have also seen that these Brick bastards are going to surround us and annihilate us!

I know you are very tired, but if we can't fight to the death and open the passage to the west, then we will all die here!

Brothers, even if we die, we will die on the way to charge!

Come and fight with me! Kill them all! Let’s go home!”

Inspired by Asedan's impassioned words, and also because they were in a very critical situation, these drag pirates were inspired to fight. They roared loudly and headed in the direction of the Fort Nolandenburg Infantry Regiment.

The formation rushed over.

There was no need to form a shield wall even if they charged desperately. These pirates held shields in their left hands and waved weapons in their right hands. They roared strange words like mad cows and headed towards the phalanx of the Norlandenburg Infantry Regiment.

He rushed over, his life-threatening energy was really touching.

After seeing the enemy charging, Bess directly ordered to fire arrows. The twenty crossbowmen were divided into two teams and took turns to shoot. At a distance of more than a hundred steps, they could shoot four or five rounds of arrows.

While the crossbowmen were firing arrows, Bes shouted loudly: "Brothers, these dirty Toba Island wild dogs have come to invade our homeland. What should we do?"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" the soldiers replied in unison.

"Captain Barrett's militia group has eliminated more than two hundred pirates. Can we lose to the militia group?" Bess continued to ask.

"No! No! No!" One hundred soldiers of the Nolandenburg Infantry Regiment replied in unison.

Bess, who was staring closely at the pirates who were getting closer and closer, continued to ask: "The men of Fort Noland are all warriors blessed by the God of Fire. Brothers, let's kill them all together! Kill them!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" The soldiers collectively shouted kill again.

Before the last round of "kill" was shouted, the pirates rushed to the front of the phalanx about twenty paces away. Then they saw the halberdiers and sword and shield soldiers in front of them, and threw the throwing axes and javelins in their hands.

The pirate forwards, who had been hit by three rounds of crossbows on the way to attack, had lost about ten people and were already very angry. They did not expect that after rushing forward, they would be hit by two rounds of throwing weapons.


Ten soldiers of the Fort Norandenburg Infantry Regiment, in a few breaths, each threw an average javelin and a throwing axe.

The damage of weapons thrown at close range is much greater than that of bows and arrows. These two rounds of javelins and throwing axes directly knocked down about ten pirates in the front row to the ground, because most pirates' shields are quite strong.


In this way, the pirates who were eager to open a road to escape collided with the soldiers of the Nolandenburg Infantry Regiment who were desperately trying to prevent their escape.

On one side, it is a fight between trapped beasts. They try their best, leave no way out, and go forward one after another. They are determined to fight to the death to find a bloody way out so that they or their companions can escape.

One side has been waiting for work for a long time, and after the friendly forces with a lower status than itself have achieved major military exploits, they are holding back their energy to show off the style of their team.

These two teams fought with all their strength. Not long after the encounter, they felt the same tenacity and good fighting power of the other party. While secretly praising their opponents, they themselves were also more careful. After all, you have to be cautious when dealing with powerful opponents.


As for the Toba pirates, although they suffered consecutive defeats and their morale was greatly affected, under the strong desire to survive, they roared and fought to the death, just like lone wolves shot by hunters in the forest.

He grinned, trying to kill or bite the hunter who hurt him, and then escape.

Moreover, their fighting skills are very superb. After all, they have been trained for nearly ten years. After the fight, the soldiers of the Fort Norandenburg Infantry Regiment felt the pressure brought by the elite warriors.

As for the Norlandenburg Infantry Regiment, although their combat skills are not as good as those of the pirates who have been trained for many years, they are well-equipped and have tacit cooperation between different arms. The pirates are not fighting a soldier of the Norandenburg Infantry Regiment.

, but fighting with the entire Norandenburg Infantry Regiment.

A pirate's ax struck at him, but the swordsman's shield blocked it. The pikeman blocked the pirate's companion, and the halberdier took the opportunity to chop down and kill the pirate.

In this way, nearly 300 pirates and 100 soldiers of the Norlandenburg Infantry Regiment fought together. A group of elite soldiers had a duel with a group of high-level soldiers.

Personal bravery and fighting skills are personal matters. Although there are many pirates, they spread out everywhere and attack individually. It is not possible to respond to the battle as an organization and a system like the Norandenburg Infantry Regiment.


Sure enough, not long after the battle, Asedan realized that there was not much going on. It was originally their side who took the initiative to rush forward and suppress the Bricks, but now the Bricks' phalanx not only did not move towards

After retreating, they advanced dozens of steps forward, and were still surrounded by them, killing many pirates, but their own losses were not great.

This is not only because when the pirates fled in a hurry, they lost many weapons for melee combat. As a result, these pirates who are good at using brute force and two-handed weapons to break through the formation were unable to gain an advantage.

The more important reason is that the degree of organization is different. No matter how the pirates fight with the soldiers of the Norlandenburg Infantry Regiment, they are fighting a group of soldiers. However, no matter how they fight the soldiers of the Norlandenburg Infantry Regiment, they are fighting against the pirates.

, it is a group of warriors fighting one or two pirates, the result of such a battle can be imagined.

One of the groups of two wolves became fierce and rushed forward with a roar, trying to break a gap in the phalanx. However, after they were entangled by pikemen and halberdiers, they were quickly attacked by crossbowmen and crossbowmen who fired cold arrows.

The sword and shield soldier was killed.

If one or two pirates want to kill a spearman or sword and shield soldier, they must not only guard against the halberds that can be chopped down at any time, but also against the crossbow arrows fired from unknown places, as well as the spears and spears that are stabbing them.

The slashing sword.

This chapter has been completed!
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