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Chapter 12 Kang and Longbow

After the three people loaded the grain and cloth into the cart, Tour was responsible for driving the car. Balian and Eomer led the mules and horses back to Norlandenburg. Although they failed to get weapons and armor, they did not return empty-handed, and they would not return empty-handed.

There is a monthly salary subsidy of twenty dinars for soldiers, three hundred pounds of wheat, five bolts of linen, and one bolt of cotton. Although these are financial allocations from superiors, they are finally the first official income in the territory.

Well, everything is difficult at the beginning, but things will get better gradually, Balian thought.

Early the next morning after returning to the territory, there was a big temperature drop in the north. The already cold winter temperature immediately dropped a few degrees. In Balian's small building, not only did the lord's hall and bedrooms have fireplaces, but there were also thick

Thick fur quilts and carpets, but not for the residents who are crowded in three rooms. It is a drafty wooden house, and they are still lying on the wooden boards covered with straw. How can they not be cold? In addition, they

Many of them are from the south and cannot adapt to such a cold climate.

When Mark reported this matter to Balian, Balian entered the room and took a look, thought about it seriously, and came up with a solution, which was to go directly to the Tukang. When Balian first became a soldier, he was in the Northeast

I stayed at a border post and it was extremely cold in winter, but as long as there was a kang in the house, it would be hot, no matter how cold it was outside. At that time, he followed the squad leader to build a kang several times and learned how to do it, so he decided to

Lead everyone to build a kang.

Thinking of it, he immediately went to work. Balian asked Eomer to take people to bring back some stones and slates from the nearby mountain col. Now there were no bricks, so they had to use stones and mud to build them. At the same time, he asked Mark to take the women to cut some hay and come back.

, let Bess take some strong men outside to dig out more pictures.

Balian first came to the room where women and children lived. He asked the two brothers Balin and Barrett to help him remove the wooden boards used as bed boards in the room. Then after the stones, slates, soil, and hay arrived, he gave them to everyone.

Demonstrate how to build a kang.

Building a kang is not just about using bricks, it is as simple as building a tatami shape with stones. It is a very technical job. It is also about building a kang. If it is built well, it will burn easily and get hot. If it is not built well, it will not only be waste wood.

It's still lukewarm but not hot, and sometimes smoke is poured into it, making the whole room full of smoke.

Balian first dug two holes in the wall diagonally opposite, one for the fire opening and the other for the flue. Then he built the base of the fire pit with bricks and mud. Balian asked Eomer to cut the hay into small pieces and add it to the mud.

It can increase the strength and toughness of soil and mud. This is why the mud becomes stronger the more it is burned, while the cement kang becomes less strong the more it is burned. The stove is also made of grass-covered mud, which becomes stronger the more it is burned, and a slope is also plastered

This will not only help the air to move upward and support combustion, but also facilitate the subsequent removal of ash. After the flue is completed, use the rock board to make the surface of the kang, and then apply mud. This is almost complete. At this time, use

The base of the chimney is made of stone. There is a trick that Bellian learned from the old squad leader, that is, the bottom layer of the kang body is divided into two layers of cavities with rock slabs. The cavity on the bottom layer is a cold wall, which is called a dog in the Northeast.

When the cold wind pours in from the chimney, it first turns around in the base and then gets into the dog hole. It is gradually heated and expanded inside and then squeezed out. This ensures that no matter how hard the cold wind is, it will not blow the firewood out of the burning hole.

Blow it out to achieve a one-way flow of hot air and smoke.

After the bricks were built and the mud was completely dry, Balian asked someone to light the firewood. It didn't take long for the kang to become hot, and the room also became warm. Balian asked a woman holding a child to sit on the kang to try it out. She touched it.

She sat on the kang and tried it again. She was surprised to find that this bed made of mud and stones could actually generate heat. This was amazing. At this time, others hurried forward to touch it, and they were all surprised.

Mark excitedly asked Balian: "Master Balian, what is the name of this bed made of stone and mud? Who gave it to you? It is really a great invention."

Balian hesitated and said: "This thing is called a fire bed. My teacher Sir Logan learned it outside when he was young. He only gave it to me. Now that I have taught you, you must keep it a secret."

Balian did not dare to tell the truth, otherwise the people would think he was possessed, and he would most likely be arrested and tried by the Inquisition, so Balian passed the blame to his late teacher, who would die without proof anyway.

In order to prevent them from asking further questions, Balian sent them to the other two

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Build a fire bed in this house, after all, this winter will not end for at least two months.

They were busy until night, and all the fire pits in the three houses were built. It was a cold wind outside that night, and the house was steaming. Not to mention how happy the people of Balian were. They had enough to eat and clothes to wear. Now

What's not to be satisfied with living in such a warm room? This is much better than the old days.

Winter will not end for at least another month and a half. Now that we can't open up wasteland, Balian can only arrange for the people in the territory to cut down some trees, which can not only be used as firewood, but also clear the place for the start of spring. In addition, it is the adults in the territory.

Men must receive military training every day. In view of their current situation, Balian and Bess worked together to develop a training method for them, which mainly focused on queueing and physical training, while also assisting in practicing spear and knife and ax fighting skills.

Through communication with Bess, Balian discovered that although the mainstream mercenary groups at that time still valued individual martial arts and combat effectiveness, they had begun to realize the important role of discipline and cooperation between different arms in actual combat. Bess was in the Free Company

In the past twenty years, he has experienced nearly a hundred battles, large and small. His understanding of military training is consistent with that of Balian, a veteran from advanced time and space. This makes Bess very happy. There have been lords who wanted to win over him before.

He promised him the title of knight's squire and even a knight, but in the end due to inconsistent ideas, Bess gave up. Bess now faced Balian, who was more than 20 years younger than him, and felt that he had met Balian too late.

After Balian told Bess the advanced experiences he had learned in his previous life, he and Bess summarized a set of military training regulations that are in line with the current era of cold weapons. They focus on forging soldiers' sense of discipline and obedience, strengthening physical training, and at the same time

Let soldiers only train basic weapons such as spears and axes. It is enough to practice these basic weapons well. The purpose of fighting is to kill more enemies. As long as this goal is achieved.

In addition, Balian thought of the famous English longbowmen in the history of his previous life. With the help of these longbowmen, the Atlantic island countries have fought countless battles on the European continent with very few troops, and it was also the longbowmen.

Achievements in hundreds of years have made British officers focus on long-range strike power. After the advent of muskets, those lobster soldiers carrying muskets have fought all over the world with few defeats. It is precisely for this reason that Balian decided to also let his territory

Adult male citizens in the country can practice longbows every day, just like England organized everyone to practice bows and arrows every Sunday, forming a custom of practicing archery among the people.

Balian was lucky. The former head of the outpost left a lot of wood that could be used to make longbows in the firewood warehouse. Although the best raw material for making longbows is yew, elm and oak are also ideal.

Raw materials. After Balian retired from his previous life, he was a cold weapon enthusiast, especially bows and arrows. He made several longbows by himself and knew the making methods of longbows well. With the help of two carpenters, he made them on the first day

He brought out two longbows. Although Balian's speed was not slow, it was not as good as those English bowsmiths in previous history who could make a longbow in two hours.

The next day, after Balian asked Eomer to arrange the archery target, he brought the two longbows and a pot of arrows to the shooting range with the two brothers Balin and Barrett, and asked his two brothers to try it out.

These two longbows.

Balin picked up a long bow. He pulled it first. He felt that the bow was very powerful. It was a good strong bow. He picked up an arrow, put it on the bow, and then shot it into the sky.

, I saw the arrow fly almost a long way before landing on the ground. Eomer measured the distance personally on the spot, and the arrow flew nearly three hundred steps. You must know that in this time and space, even the crossbow used in the army, at most

With a shooting range of only 150 to 200 steps, the bow that Balian made in just one day was so powerful. Everyone was shocked by how terrifying it was.

Balin was so excited that he stroked the bow in his hand. He drew the bow and shot an arrow at the target a hundred steps ahead. Thanks to his superb shooting skills, the arrow hit the red heart, and everyone shouted "Hello" in unison.

When Balian and the others walked into the archery target to check, they found that the target, which was made of two inches of pine board, had been shot through. Eomer exclaimed: "God of Fire bless you, if this is on the battlefield,

Isn’t it possible to shoot an arrow through chain mail within a hundred steps?”

Balian nodded in agreement, wondering what chain mail was.

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Well, steel plate armor can be penetrated by a longbow, but plate armor has not yet appeared in this time and space. When Balian has a blacksmith, it can be made.

At that moment, Balian proposed that Balin and Barrett organize the adult men in the territory to practice archery for at least two hours before dinner every day, which was unanimously agreed by everyone. In order to let the two carpenters complete it as soon as possible, Balian asked the Balin brothers to

The men and their three hunter brothers joined the team of making longbows. As for the sheep intestines used to make the bow strings and the tung oil used to coat the bow body, Balian asked Eomer and Tur to take care of them.

Take a coachman and two serf soldiers to Amondin for purchase, and ask them to purchase as many feathered arrows as possible. If it is difficult to buy feathered arrows, then buy more arrowheads. After all, arrow shafts and feathers are easy to find.

Three days later, there were forty qualified longbows in Nolandon Castle. At the same time, Balian directly named this longbow the Nolandon Longbow. I believe that in the near future, the reputation of the Nolandon Longbow will be certain.

can reverberate throughout the world.

Professional matters are left to professional matters. The daily training of the longbowmen is taken care of by Balin and Barrett. Balian only gives them one goal, that is, qualified Nolandon longbowmen must be able to compete in thirty

He accurately aimed and fired twelve arrows within his breath, and was able to hit the target at a distance of more than 150 steps.

After this goal was issued, the thirty adult men who were reserve soldiers in Balian's territory suffered. After they got up early and had breakfast, they were first led by Bess and Tur's uncle and nephew and stood in line in the cold wind for an hour.

, and then started running around Fort Nolandenburg for an hour. After lunch, they were given an hour of rest, but after the rest, there was another hour of queue training. After the queue training, thirty people were divided into long gun teams.

The training with the sword and ax team lasted another two hours, and it wasn't over yet. After these poor people put down their spears and swords and axes, they had to continue practicing archery for at least two hours.

Not only did they have to face a busy day of training, but they also had to face the beatings and scoldings of the instructors. The recruits from Fort Noland almost collapsed, but why haven't they collapsed yet? That night, they took over from the butler Mark.

The spearman Tuke, who was paid twenty copper coins this week, sat down opposite his fellow villager Zhuo Guo, the current shield axeman, with a bowl in his hand. He complained: "I really don't understand, our lord brought us here."

Didn’t you come here to open up wasteland? Why are we being trained as soldiers now? God of Fire, bless me, I have never seen any lord train his peasant soldiers like this. Do you want to train us as knights?"

"Shut your mouth, big Tuke. Not only do you get paid every week for participating in training, but you also have meat to eat every day, and a warm fire bed to sleep on at night. What else are you thinking about? The God of Fire must not want to bless you.

Although the life of such a greedy guy is harder now, it is still much better than wearing tattered clothes and hiding with your family in a leaky thatched house with hungry stomachs." Zhuo Guo soaked the bread in a bowl.

In the broth, I ate it with a spoon and scolded Tuke.

Tuke muttered aggrievedly: "I'm not greedy, I'm just complaining." As he said that, he broke the bread and soaked it in the broth.

"I feel that we brothers must have met a good lord. Although he is young, he is very skilled in martial arts and can win over people.

The most important thing is that he is very kind to his subjects. Following him will definitely be much better than following those stupid lords who use us as livestock." Zhuo Guo said, grabbing the grilled fish on his hand,

took a bite.

Zhuo Guo ate grilled fish and continued: "Besides, training is hard, and I feel it is good for us. Have you noticed that after more than a week of training, you obviously feel stronger, and whether it is your spear

It’s our axes, or the bows and arrows we practiced before dinner. They are all very important skills. If you practice them well, you will not only be appreciated by Sir Balian, but you can also protect yourself better. Maybe you can also make military exploits and be knighted.

This is the lowest rank of apprentice knight, so that future generations will have the opportunity to work hard towards the aristocracy."

Tuk couldn't help but laugh when he heard what he said. He knew that although Zhuo Guo was joking, it was undeniable that Sir Balian was indeed a very different lord. After getting along with him for nearly a month, he still believed in his heart

Follow Ser Balian and you will surely live a good life.

(End of chapter)

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