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Volume Two: The Iron-Blooded Baron Chapter 185: The Bloody Battle of Amondin (8)

On the other side, Fort Nolandenburg also received the details of the battle between the reinforcements and the Toba pirates one day later.

After Balian read the information that Balin had braved the cold and danger to spy on, he handed it to Mark, Bess, Eomer, and Barret to pass it on.

After Mark read it, he handed the letter to Bess and said to Balian with a smile: "Sir, it seems that Baron Corliss and Sir Emond, the husband-in-law, are going to lose their pants this time.

It’s all gone.”

"Hahaha!" Everyone in the study laughed at the same time when they heard this.

"Yes, my lord, the pirates have given them such a great victory. The pit ahead is destined to be large and deep. Sir Pippin has worked so hard to train the county soldiers, as well as the battle brought by their father-in-law."

The whole regiment should be annihilated." Bess said with emotion.

Balian nodded, expressing his approval of their point of view. Anyway, these were things that they had anticipated in advance. Although he had been mentally prepared, when things really went as he imagined and slid towards the abyss, he would still think about it.

A feeling of regret arose, maybe because the owner of this body had too deep feelings for his beloved Brick Principality.

Doing great things requires some feelings, but if you want to do great things, don't be fettered by feelings. Balian understands this truth deeply, although he knows that after the county soldiers and reinforcements in Amundine City were completely wiped out, Brick was

How great is the impact of human military power.

However, in the face of practical interests and based on longer-term considerations, there is no need for him to fight to the death to stop it. After all, everyone has their own destiny. Even if there are thousands of families with deceased people in the direct county this winter, it has nothing to do with him.


"It's their business to die, and we have nothing to do with it. However, since things develop in the direction we expected, let's prepare quickly. After the father-in-law and son-in-law win for the second time, we will proceed as planned

Send troops!" Balian ordered.

"Yes, my lord!" the military attaches stood up and responded.

After giving this order, Balian suddenly thought of something. He said to the sentinel: "By the way, I will write you a letter. You ask Bahrain to send someone to the city of Amundine and give it to me.

's uncle Sir Rudy."

"Yes, sir!" the sentry detective responded happily. After all, in his eyes, the superior lord personally came to him to do things. This undoubtedly gave him a lot of face. After he returned, he could talk to other members of the investigation team.

And I brag to my family and friends for a long time.

Just like in Balian's previous life, many bosses would occasionally command lower-level subordinates to help them with small tasks. Although it increased the workload for this person, it could keep him excited for a long time.

This is because, in a pyramid-shaped organizational structure, people at the middle and lower levels have almost no interaction with people at the top. Therefore, they are eager to communicate with people at the top and will regard this as an honor.

Of course, Balian would usually disdain to use these small tricks, but today he was really too engrossed in his thoughts and forgot about this, so he directly gave the order to the sentry. Normally, he would ask Huck

Or Bran does these things.

"Sir, are you worried about the safety of Sir Rudy's family?" After hearing what Balian said, Mark asked curiously.

Balian nodded, "Yes, I want their family to escape in advance."

After saying this, Balian suddenly thought of something and continued to say to Mark: "In the empty room in my castle, you have arranged three bedrooms in advance for my uncle and his family to live in, as well as mattresses and other daily necessities.

And be ready."

"Hahaha!" Mark said with a smile: "Master, don't worry, I will definitely make Sir Rudy, Mrs. Liv, and their children feel like they are home."

Balian showed an expression of approval and nodded with a smile. He thought to himself, "Mark is really great. Why didn't I realize that he was a genius before?"

After they all exited the study, Bellion thought about it and finally figured it out. As a boy without inheritance rights in the family, Mark had always had low self-esteem and sensitivity, although he was favored by his father because he was smarter and smarter.

What's more important is that the tavern in the town did not give him the opportunity to display his talents at all. Anyway, the people who came to drink were just those people, the regular merchants, the soldiers in the castle, and a handful of people from the town of Frondo.

several rich farmers and craftsmen.

Mark just needs to greet them with a smile. Anyway, when these people come here, they just drink a few glasses of ale, eat a few slices of pickled pork and two sausages. Mark sees people coming in, so he just serves them like this. There is nothing else he can do.


But as a person with a lively mind and a love of thinking, after Mark came to Norlandenburg and became Balian's butler, the matters he had to manage became obviously much more complicated. As a person who desperately wanted to prove himself, Mark's intelligence naturally made him

has been implemented.

In fact, many of the people Balian met in his previous life were the same. When they were not in that position and on that platform, they looked confused. But as long as these people are given a suitable stage, they can become outstanding actors.

While the main force of the Toba pirates and Nolandenburg were watching the development of the battle and making full preparations, the city of Amon was also very lively.

Baron Collis piled the captured pirate heads on the carriage in a high-profile manner, hung the captured pirate armor, weapons, flags, etc. on several carriages, and also asked his soldiers to shout "Annihilate 600 enemies".

chant, entering the city of Amundine with a high profile.

His high-profile behavior made the nobles, wealthy businessmen and ordinary people in the city think that they had defeated the Toba pirates besieging the city. They braved the severe cold of early winter and walked out of their homes to watch on the streets.

Although it was learned from the county soldiers that the pirates had not left yet, after learning that Baron Collis and his son-in-law Sir Emond fought with the main force of 1,500 Toba pirates outside the city for a day, they annihilated Toba.

After the pirates numbered six hundred and suffered less than a hundred casualties, they cheered excitedly.

Amidst the high-spirited cheers of the people on both sides of the street, Baron Collis quietly ordered his men to slow down. They walked slowly towards the Sheriff's Mansion. Along the way, Baron Collis stopped several times.

He got off his horse and said hello to the nobles he met.

Subsequently, people who came from other parts of the city brought flowers that were still blooming in early winter. These flowers were made into garlands, and then the girls of Amondine personally presented them to the guests, including Baron Collis.

The Brick Warriors.

Baron Collis's face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile. He had never been so prosperous in his life, and he never thought that he could be worshiped as a hero by everyone, but the flowers and applause in front of him told him that this

This is not a dream, this is reality. He has indeed become the great hero who saved Amundine.

This chapter has been completed!
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