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Chapter 187 The Bloody Battle of Amondin (10)

After Viscount Merry talked to Sir Pippin, the Sheriff, the Financial Officer and others about Baron Collis's suggestion, their attitudes were not very clear. Although they also wanted to make meritorious deeds, they also doubted whether the Tuba pirates were like this.


After everyone discussed it, there was no result. Viscount Merri had no choice but to let everyone go back to their homes. He planned to wait for two days and then think about it himself. At the same time, he would also look at the changes on the battlefield before making a decision.

And just in these two days, Sir Aemond, the "unparalleled god of war in the Principality of Brick," once again won a great victory.

The second day after Baron Corliss reported to the city of Amundine, and the third day after Sir Amond's victory in the first battle, a team of more than 500 Tubu pirates approached the camp of Sir Amond's war group.


Seeing that these pirates who care about food but not fighting dare to challenge themselves, Sir Emond naturally chooses to lead the attack. This battle is similar to the previous battle. The people who were arranged in the front rows

The pirates collapsed at the first touch, and the hundreds of elite pirates behind them quickly fled the battlefield.

Sir Aemond only commanded more than 200 soldiers, and he achieved great achievements in beheading a hundred and capturing 20. The reason why he captured so few prisoners was mainly because Sir Aemond beheaded many prisoners in order to show his military exploits.


As for the other pirates, they ran too fast. Sir Aemond's soldiers only ate two meals a day, and only one was full. They had no energy to catch up and could only watch the pirates run away.

Running wildly.

Although so many pirates were let go, a lot of supplies were seized. This time, there were five carts of grain, and a carriage filled with cloth. Moreover, the carriage also had two cash boxes, one containing enough

There were more than 30,000 dinars, and the other one was full of precious items such as gems and pearls.

After winning such a huge victory, his father-in-law had not returned from the city to report the victory. Sir Emond was thinking that he could not just let the old man Baron Corliss take all the good things, but he also had to go to the city to enjoy it.


So, without informing his father-in-law, Sir Aemond took the decision without permission, took a hundred pirate heads, escorted the prisoners, and swaggered into the city to report his victory.

This time, Sir Emond was also very careful about the seizure. He kept all the box of silver coins. As for the jewelry that was not easily liquidated, he kept more than half of it and put the rest in a small box.

He also brought it into the city with him. He wanted to use these valuable jewelry to attract Viscount Mery to be willing to go out to fight in the city.

The last victory of Baron Collis, who wiped out 600 enemies, shocked the people in the city of Amondine. They felt that the city of Amondine could be rescued from the siege.

But this time, Sir Emond's victory of wiping out 400 enemies again made the people in the city feel surprised and excited. They thought that the county directly under the jurisdiction of the city had produced an unparalleled god of war. After all, he defeated two pirates in three days and wiped out one enemy.

Thousands, but his own strength was only five hundred, and the casualties were very small. This is simply unbelievable.

It is precisely for this reason that Sir Aemond's victory in the city this time received more flowers, more applause and cheers than Baron Corliss did at that time. This made Sir Aemond deeply intoxicated by the enthusiasm of everyone.

In holding.

After meeting Viscount Merry and Baron Collis, Sir Emond took out the small box of jewelry and bluntly said that it was captured on the battlefield, and also brought a prisoner in custody. Through the prisoner's words,

Tell Viscount Merry and the nobles with real power in the city of Amundine at the scene.

After seeing the piles of heads again, people including Viscount Merry, Sir Pippin, Sir Rudy, etc. basically reached a consensus, that is, the pirates are so easy to fight, and if they don't go out to fight, they will They were all wiped out by Ser Aemond.

The current situation is that a young Balian in the west defeated more with less and annihilated 500 Toba pirates. A Sir Emond in the north also defeated more with less and annihilated 1,000 Toba pirates. And they, the leading nobles who were directly supported by the palace, were actually besieged in the city by pirates.

If the monarch knew about this, what good could they do? Even if the monarch did not punish them, the nobles who had issues with them would scold them so hard that they could not hold their heads up.

Therefore, faced with this situation, Viscount Merrit decided that he must go out of the city to fight the pirates. Even if the results were worse, he would exaggerate a little when reporting to the palace. The result would be the leader of the entire county. The nobles, under the leadership of the county governor, Viscount Merri, destroyed the pirates who invaded the county directly under their jurisdiction.

Coupled with the excitement of a box of gems, Sir Pippin, the Treasurer, and Sheriff Sir Rudy were all tempted. Everyone knew that this group of pirates had plundered without taking money, and they would not go. Take it away, it would be a pity to just take away these weak pirates.

Therefore, the main force of Amundine's garrison, the county soldier battle group led by Sir Pippin, with everyone's unanimous consent, will officially leave the city tomorrow, form a coalition with the battle group led by Sir Emond, and go to Bangshui Town. Launch an attack on the Toba pirate camp and annihilate the Brick people led by "Despicable" Sogg who betrayed the Brick Principality.

The reason why they did not dare to call it the Legion but the Alliance Army was because the legion was usually commanded by an earl, and the highest officer in the direct county, Viscount Merri, was only a viscount, so they did not dare to take the risk of overstepping the mark.

After confirming the plan to fight out of the city, everyone was very happy, as if it was a foregone conclusion to eliminate the invading Toba pirates and seize countless money and food.

So, they held a sumptuous carnival banquet in the governor's mansion. Most of the nobles in the city of Amundine, including Viscount Merri, drank and had fun here. A wealthy businessman in the city even brought Amundine to the house. The girls from the largest entertainment venue in Munding City were all sent to the governor's mansion.

The wealthy businessman said that this was a purely spontaneous act, mainly to reward the heroes who defeated the pagans. Although what he said was high-sounding, insiders knew that because of this generous act, the wealthy businessman received a reward for his son. He received the title of apprentice knight.

Of course, after counting the victory in the Fort Nolandenburg defense, the Brick people, who had won three battles and three victories, were extremely confident. They firmly believed that once this army of a thousand people came out, the invading Toba pirates would definitely flee. .

With this confidence, the ordinary people in the city also reveled, raising their glasses crazily to celebrate the past three victories, as well as the upcoming fourth and final decisive victory.
This chapter has been completed!
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