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Chapter 14 The Strange Caravan

After Balian finished speaking, six soldiers stood up with their heads lowered. Balian stared at them sharply, "Are the broth and grilled fish delicious today?"

The six of them lowered their heads, but Balian had no intention of letting them go and shouted angrily: "Is it delicious? Everyone raised their heads and answered me!"

The six people raised their heads tremblingly and said, "It's delicious."

"Did you forget your duty as a sentry because it was delicious?" Balian continued to ask.

At this time, one of the six people took a step forward, saluted Balian and said: "Sir, we are ashamed of you. We were indeed negligent tonight. Please punish us as long as you don't drive us out of Nolan."

Dengbao, you can punish us any way you want."

Balian stared at him for a while. He was a young man with red hair, medium height and thin build. Balian asked: "What's your name?"

"Sir, my name is Goba. Everyone calls me Red-haired Goba." He replied.

"I ask you, Red-haired Goba, why would any punishment be fine except not driving you out?" Balian was curious as to why he was afraid of driving them out of his territory.

"Because I have enough food, warm clothes, and a hot bed to live with you, and I have money for training, and I have money for doing meritorious service. You never beat or scold us at will, and treat us as human beings. I can live a prosperous life here with you.

I feel like I am alone," Goba said.

After Balian heard this, a warm feeling surged in his heart. Sure enough, as long as you treat others sincerely, there are still only a few people who will repay kindness with hatred. These people who did not have enough to eat or wear warmly now follow Balian and live a life that he had never dreamed of before.

Days later, I am naturally grateful to Balian.

Balian was silent for a while, looked at everyone and said, "Do you all think so?"

The soldiers present responded in unison: "Yes, sir."

Balian nodded, "Very good. You know that you can live a good life by following me. I'm very happy, but you also need to know that if you follow me, you will be rewarded for your meritorious service, and you will be punished for your mistakes. These six people were negligent during the sentry period.

We must fulfill our duties, and we cannot go unpunished for the catastrophe that almost caused it."

After saying that, Balian asked the six of them to kneel down, then pulled out his sword and said: "I, Balian Tucker, the lord of Norandenburg and the direct county inspector, now announce the punishment for you, each of you."

Twenty lashes!”

After finishing speaking, Balian smiled and said, "Of course, you can plead guilty and serve. Starting tomorrow, you will follow Bahrain and the others to track the wolves. If you can help the hunters and kill at least five wild wolves, I will forgive you."

After hearing this, the six people who had just looked in pain immediately became energetic and knelt down together and said to Balian: "Please rest assured, sir, we will definitely destroy all these wild wolves."

Balian put the sword back into its sheath, asked them to get up, and then said: "Bess, Bahrain, we will stop training tomorrow. Everyone will strengthen the wooden walls and chase the wild wolves. We will be divided into two teams. Bess and I will take fifteen soldiers."

Stay and strengthen the wooden wall. Eomer, Balin, and Barret, you take three hunters and fifteen soldiers to chase the wild wolves. This group of wild wolves must be eliminated, otherwise they will continue to retaliate against us.

." After everyone accepted the order, they prepared to go their own way. Balian, who had been busy for most of the night, also returned to his lord's small building to rest.

The work of repairing the wooden wall was completed very quickly. After lunch the next day, it didn't take long to finish. However, there was no news about the wolf hunting team. After resting for a while, Bellion couldn't help but feel a little worried. Although

Eomer and the others have a large number of people and are well-equipped, but the wolves are cunning after all and can also stage ambushes. What if Eomer, Balin and the others suffer a loss? After thinking about it, Balion felt that he was very funny. He was alone.

People from another time and space actually doubt the ability of a group of senior hunters who make a living by hunting. Since this task has been entrusted to them, they must have confidence in them.

At this time, Balian also realized his problem, that is, he had not completed the transformation of leadership roles. In his previous life, whether he was a soldier or a liquor salesman, he was a "doer" with excellent performance, rather than a person who could manage a team.

A person who came to this time and space has become the owner of a piece of land and is in charge of the fate of nearly a hundred people. He must change his mentality and transform into a successful manager and leader. Thinking of this, Bellian recalled the company in his previous life

A certain leader told him -

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-Those who work hard govern others, and those who work hard govern others. If you just keep immersing yourself in doing things, it will be difficult to get ahead. You must know how to work hard in order to lead the team well.

Thinking of this, Balian punched the crenellation on the wall with his fist, raised his eyes and looked outside, the sunset was slowly setting. This cold winter day echoed the black wilderness, and there was actually a kind of magnificence like a plain embracing the sunset.

When Leon was sighing, he suddenly saw a man and a horse heading towards Fort Nolandenburg. After seeing the man, he hurried over quickly, as if there was something important.

The visitor's name is Grove, and he is the deputy captain of the second squadron of the Free Company. The squadron he is in is the group of mercenaries hired by Balian to garrison Norandenburg. The reason why Grove came in a hurry is not

Because there was something important, but because their squadron was delayed for two days on the road due to some things. At this time, it was already twenty-one days since Balian separated from the Free Company. They had not arrived yet, and Grover was worried about Balian.

The employer thought that they had broken the promise and canceled the cooperation, so he rode a fast horse to tell Balian that their squadron would arrive at Fort Noland before tomorrow evening, and would extend the garrison time for three days without pay as a token of appreciation.


Balian was in the lord's hall. After listening to Grove's explanation, Balian gave him a refill of ale and said with a smile: "Grove, with your sincere attitude and handing over the territory to you for garrison, I am ten thousand people."

rest assured."

As he spoke, Balian had a drink with him, "It's freezing cold, so it doesn't matter if it's a day or two late. I can understand that. In fact, as long as you arrive tomorrow, we can just talk about it. There's no need for you to work so hard to come here.


Grover smiled bitterly, "Sir Balian, there are not many reasonable lords like you. Most lords don't regard us mercenaries as human beings. They wish we were late and deducted our wages."

Hearing this, Balian smiled. He also knew these things.

Grove continued: "Besides, although we mercenaries value money, we pay most attention to commitments and contracts. After accepting other people's money, we must help others complete things. This is the foundation for mercenaries to survive. If a mercenary

If the team cannot do this, then they will definitely not be able to develop."

Listening to Grove talking about the spirit of contract, Balian sighed in his heart. People in the Middle Ages were more concerned about the spirit of contract than modern people. Grove and his gang of mercenaries who licked blood with their swords and earned hard-earned money, themselves

He may die in battle at any time, but he always wants to keep his promise and fulfill the contract. In his previous life, when he was in sales and signed contracts with customers, he would often agree to seal the contract, only to go back on his word, and still have to sign the contract.

Re-revision or repentance, the moral realm of this person is not necessarily directly proportional to the degree of social civilization.

"With officers like you who pay attention to the spirit of contract, the Free Company will definitely develop well." Balian praised his words and deeds, "Since you are here tonight, maybe you can participate in our wolf meat feast tonight."

"Wolf meat feast???" Grover was a little confused.

Balian laughed twice and gave him a rough overview of the situation. After hearing that Balian sent his men to hunt wolves, Grove looked at Balian with admiration, "Sir Balian, you are such a good lord.

, you know, I have helped countless lords fight, but they are not willing to clean up the wolves in their territories, just so that they can still hunt wolves in the coming year, completely ignoring the attacks of wolves on ordinary people in their territories out of revenge.


While they were talking, someone on the wooden wall cheered, "They are back! They killed a lot of wolves!"

Balian and Grove smiled at each other, and Balian said: "Let's go, my friend, let's go and see together."

As soon as Balion and the others walked out of the Lord's Hall, Eomer, Balin and the others entered the castle. Most of them had blood on their bodies, and some had wounds on their bodies, but all of them were very excited.

After the meeting, Eomer reported to Balian. They went out in the morning and searched for a long time before they found the wolf den. Because although some of the wolves that escaped last night were injured, they were cunning and tried their best to hide it.

It also left some confusing traces, which took them a lot of effort to track, but in the end, due to the haste of escaping, blood trails were left behind, and Bahrain and the others found the wolf den by following the blood trails.

The wolf den is not deep in the dense forest, but in a small col in the forest near the Karl River. The wolves suffered heavy casualties last night.

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Heavy, there were only twelve adult wolves and six wolf cubs left in the wolf den today. After finding the wolf den, Eomer first arranged for people to block the two exits of the mountain col, and then asked everyone to shoot two rounds of arrows. Finally,

, a group of people blocked the remaining five wolves, the wolf king and the wolf cubs into the cave. The wolves could not come out, and Iommo and the others did not dare to go in rashly. Finally, after they confirmed in Bahrain that there was no other exit from the cave, Iommo

Mo asked people to pile firewood at the entrance of the cave to prevent fire, and smoked out the wolves.

The dying wolves knew that they would die. They jumped out of the hole in flames. Although they were quickly killed by everyone, they still scratched three people. Fortunately, before they set off, Balian gave priority to equipping the armor in the territory.

The three of them were not seriously injured, they were just scratched by the wolf's claws. They just needed to clean the wounds and bandage them.

This time, Eomer and the others brought back twelve adult wolves. Although three of them were covered with wounds from spears and axes, and the wolf skins could not be sold at a high price, the six young wolves were smoked to death in the cave.

The cub's fur is intact and can be bought at a good price.

Balian was still satisfied with the results of this hunting. According to Bahrain's understanding of wolves, after eliminating this group of wolves, there should be no other wolf groups within a radius of fifty rims. They are now clearing them for territorial development.

Threat, and another batch of development funds was harvested.

That night, in order to celebrate the two days of hunting results and welcome the arrival of Grove, a bonfire dinner was held in Fort Noland. The main food was roasted wolf meat, although the meat quality of wolf meat was not as good as that of pig, beef and mutton.

In this way, it is relatively rough, but the advantage is that the meat is often leaner and the meat is still strong. Everyone drank ale, ate meat, gathered around a few bonfires, ate, drank and sang on the cold winter night, and had a pleasant time.


When I got up early the next morning, there was no need for Balian to assign tasks. Apart from the hunting team and the injured, the others should go fishing and train, especially after experiencing the fight with the wolves.

There is no resistance to training anymore. The soldiers realize the benefits of training and become more active in training.

Balian simply drank a bowl of broth left for him in the kitchen for breakfast. After eating, he climbed onto the wooden wall and first checked the sentry post. After the last night attack by wolves, Balian began to investigate the sentry post.

Pay attention to it, and go check it out whenever you have nothing to do, not only for checking, but also to remind everyone to pay attention to sentry and vigilance.

After completing a patrol, the mercenary Grove also came to the wooden wall. This strong man had been drunk a lot last night, and he was still a little confused until now. He and Balian stood side by side on the wooden wall.

He looked at the soldiers who were being trained below, and from time to time he communicated with Balian about training matters and combat skills.

While the two were talking, they suddenly saw a small team emerging from the edge of the forest. There were two carriages in the team, with a total of seven or eight people, slowly walking towards Fort Noland. Balian was a little curious after seeing them.

At that time, the weather in the north was very cold, and many caravans had stopped doing business. Why did this small caravan still come out? Besides, there were so few of them, and they dared to pass through the Stag Forest where bandits were infested. They were really bold.

The caravan arrived at the gate of Fort Norlandenburg, and Balian and Grove walked down the wooden wall to meet them. The leader of the caravan was a middle-aged man in his thirties, wearing a black turban.

He wears a hat and wears simple clothes. Although he is not tall, he looks very strong. This is different from the caravans that Balian usually sees. Most of the caravan leaders are slightly fat and their clothes are also biased.

It should be more gorgeous. After all, businessmen belong to the high-income group in most time and space. It is normal to eat well and dress well.

After the caravan leader heard the guard introduce Balian's identity, he quickly saluted respectfully, "Dear Lord Balian, I am Lar, the grocer from Yang Weixuo. I want to deliver two carts of ale to Alpine Castle. I am passing by.

The weather here is too cold. I want to go into the castle to have a rest and buy some hot food. Of course we will pay the entrance fee."

As he said that, he took out a money bag and took out a silver coin, "I don't know if one dinar is enough, my dear Lord Balian."

Balian smiled, "My friend, you are the first caravan that came to Norlandenburg after I became the lord of Norlandenburg. This payment will be waived. You can come to Norlandenburg more often in the future and give it to us."

Just bring some cheap goods."

When Lal heard this, he was very happy and said, "The God of Fire will bless you, my dear Lord Balian."

(End of chapter)

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