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Chapter 197 The Bloody Battle of Amondin (20)

Alongside the infantry regiment and the garrison regiment are the cavalry, the Guards, the reconnaissance team, and the future surface fleet. Of course, there is a long way to go to develop maritime military power, and Balian is just a fantasy now.

The cavalry is under the charge of Rothschild. In the future, with the expansion of the population and territory of Fort Norland, it will become a cavalry company, a cavalry battalion, and even a cavalry regiment of a thousand people.

The Guards are responsible for protecting Balian and the personal safety of his family after Balian gets married in the future. In this dangerous era, although Balian is confident in his martial arts skills, he is not so arrogant that he can ignore all kinds of problems by himself.

In times of danger, it is still necessary to have a guard composed of elite soldiers to protect you.

As for the reconnaissance team, it was still under the management of Bahrain. However, due to the shortage of manpower in the reconnaissance team, Balian did not ask Bahrain to recruit people from other teams. After all, they were not happy. Balian asked Bahrain to recruit a group of qualified people after the war.

Hunter comes.

At the same time, Balian also transferred his squire Huck to Bahrain. Huck has the skills of a master thief, coupled with his agility and agility, as well as his experience in sneaking into theft and observation, he is a very suitable candidate for the sentry.

Moreover, yesterday, Balian and Huck had a special talk alone. Balian asked Huck to help him train a suitable sentry. For this reason, he set a bonus for Huck, as long as Huck trains a Bahrain spy.

When the sentry came out satisfied, Balian rewarded Huck with fifty dinars.

Although little Huck is a man, he is more grateful to Balian. If Balian hadn't helped him, his mother would still be lying in the hospital bed, worrying about him, instead of recovering to health as she is now.

Yes, I am happy every day at work.

Based on these circumstances, Huck did not ask for Balian's bonus. He only wanted Balian to give him and his mother a house when he built a new village. Balian readily agreed to his request.

Bahrain had seen Huck's ability, and he was very happy with Huck's arrival, especially since Huck was willing to help him train new members of the reconnaissance team.

After these things were planned, no one had any objections, so Balian asked Mark to write it down and stamp it with Balian's seal. After the Toba pirates were defeated, this would be implemented.

After the Toba pirates wiped out the coalition forces, they should be marching towards Amundine soon. Balian and the others will also set off in the next two days to participate in the war.

Balian also gave their military operation a code name, "Gold Coin Plan", because they all knew that successfully regaining Amundine and robbing the pirates of supplies and people were as good as earning gold coins.

, after all, it can make Nolandenburg's strength reach a higher level.

After everyone heard this code name, they all expressed their approval. After all, who doesn't like shiny gold coins.

However, what Balian didn't expect was that his prank would be the beginning. From now on, every military operation at Fort Nolandenburg would have a code name. Later, not only military operations, but also more important operations would have code names.

Well, this can be regarded as some humor brought by a person who has traveled through different time and space.

While the "Gold Coin Project" was quietly going on, some interesting things were also happening in the city of Amundine.

"Asshole! Idiot! Stupid pig!" In the most luxurious house in the city of Amundine, a nobleman was hysterically scolding another nobleman who was kneeling on the ground.

The one who cursed was Viscount Merri, the governor of Brick County, and the one who was scolded was Sir Perry, who had escaped and returned after a near-death experience.

When he heard the Sheriff's scolding, Sir Perry's face did not turn red and his heart did not beat. After all, being scolded was really a small scene compared to being almost killed, especially since the Sheriff was not necessarily scolding him now.

It is very likely that after listening to his report, he scolded Sir Aemond and Sir Pippin.

Of course, Sir Perry felt that there was a strong possibility that Viscount Merritt was scolding himself. After all, this defeat was inseparable from his poor strategic vision as the governor of the county.

Who made him not believe what Balian told him, but instead believed in that good-for-nothing named Aemond. As a result, the main defenders of the city were wiped out in the wild, the reinforcements were also wiped out, and there was only one person left in the entire city of Amundine.

More than a hundred soldiers with weak combat effectiveness.

After scolding for a while, Viscount Merry seemed to have lost all his strength. He slumped down on the chair. At this time, he regretted extremely. He regretted not listening to Balian's words, especially since Balian had clearly told him,

The Tuba pirates may lure the main defenders out of the city by feigning defeat.

But there is no use regretting it. Viscount Merry, who had been cautious for half his life, made such a big mistake due to his lack of caution. The cost of this mistake was thousands of lives, as well as the town entrusted to him by the monarch.

As well as his own fate, he paid a heavy price for underestimating his enemies and being gullible.

After Balian heard the news of Sir Aemond's first victory, he immediately wrote a private letter to Viscount Merry. However, after taking one look at it, the confident Lord Sheriff regarded it as coming from Norland Castle.

In front of the messenger, Balian's letter was thrown aside.

After the messenger went back to tell Balian, Balian smiled bitterly and said to Mark and Bess: "The Sheriff is a cautious person. He says he is cautious, but in fact he is timid. But people like them have one characteristic, that is, once

Once you are sure of something, you will definitely go from timidity to the opposite extreme, that is, act boldly without considering the actual situation at all.

If Viscount Merritt could patiently read my letter, then the pirate victory would only be a small victory. But now that he has thrown my letter aside, Sir Pippin and the county soldiers can only slide into the abyss of defeat.


What I can do now is to pray to the God of Fire to let them die less and try their best to go home safely."

I have to say that what Balian said is right. Many people are like this. They dare not do things that are uncertain, but they dare to do things that they feel are certain. If you don't have an accident, who will?

Sir Perry, who was covered in dirt, couldn't think of so much now. He knelt there and tremblingly asked Viscount Merry: "My lord, can I go out first? I haven't eaten yet. I want to have a meal and take a bath.

, change clothes and come to see you."

Viscount Merritt weakly waved his hand and asked him to go down. In Viscount Merritt's eyes, this Perry was also a loser. Although he ran out very fast, his useless appearance was really disappointing.

This made Viscount Merry feel even more that the hope of defending the city of Amundine was slim.

This chapter has been completed!
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