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Volume Two: The Iron-Blooded Baron Chapter 199: The Bloody Battle of Amondin (22)

After loading the things into the car, Sir Rudy didn't even stop. He took twenty members of the security team with whom he had a good relationship and set off for Fort Norland. At the same time, he told the old servant who stayed at his home, the maid

Wait, if you encounter a dangerous situation, hide in the cellar he dug and stay there until you come back.

Viscount Merri was quite pleased to see Sir Rudy being so active. Although the Tucker family was a little bit annoying, after receiving the money, their attitude and efficiency were quite good.

However, what Viscount Merrill never expected was that after knowing that the coalition forces had been completely wiped out, Sir Rudy completely believed in Balian's prediction. He knew that the Almond Cart could never be defended, so instead of staying here waiting to be dragged away

If the Pakistani pirates killed you or were captured by them, you might as well run away and reunite with your wife and children in the safety of Nolandenburg.

Shortly after Sir Rudy left the city, when passing by the woods outside the city, he stopped the team and took out the copper whistle that Bahrain gave him. After he blew it a few times, there were more than twenty soldiers from Fort Norland.


The leading man saluted Sir Rudy, showed his identity, and then headed to Fort Norland with Sir Rudy and the others, carrying six four-wheeled carriages full of supplies.

On the way forward, after hearing what the captain said, Sir Rudy knew that this group of soldiers from the Fort Norland Guard Regiment was specially sent by Balian to meet and protect Sir Rudy. After hearing this, Sir Rudy

He was still a little moved in his heart, even though he knew that his nephew sent soldiers here to protect mainly these six carts of supplies.

After Sir Rudy and the others arrived at Fort Norlandenburg, they only saw Mark and Barrett. Balian had already led two companies of the Fort Norlandenburg Infantry Regiment, plus a company of the Guards Regiment, to cooperate with the cavalry and reconnaissance teams.

Let's go to the battlefield together.

Just when Balian and everyone were about to arrive at their destination, Bahrain's reconnaissance team sent intelligence. After nearly a thousand Toba pirates arrived at the city, the defenders of Amundine gave up resistance and ran away, leaving this city with

The town with its tall and solid walls and thousands of residents inside was abandoned to the brutal Toba pirates.

After the pirates entered the city, they burned, killed, and looted. The entire city of Amundine suddenly became a hell on earth. People were lying dead on the streets, and women were wantonly abused by the pirates. There were fires and wailings all over the place.

The whereabouts of important nobles such as Viscount Merri and the Treasurer are unknown. It is not known whether they escaped with the first group of people out of the city or were killed or captured by pirates. However, according to the predictions of the members of the reconnaissance team, the Sheriff

Probably still alive.

After Balian listened to his report, he had nothing to say. Anyway, it was all expected. At present, only by winning the next battle can this group of pirates suffer heavy losses and withdraw from the direct county as soon as possible.

, no longer harming people in other places.

The target of Balian's attack is not elsewhere, but the territory of Bingshui Town, the fourth wolf lord under Count Escalade, Sogg. This old opponent must not have thought that Balian would directly attack here. They would only think about Balian or

Either stay in Norlandenburg or go directly to rescue Amundine.

But in major wars, what should be considered is the strategic goal, not what should or should not be. How to achieve the strategic goal is the most important.

Balian's strategic goal is to drive back the pirates with minimal losses and regain the city of Amondine. In order to achieve this strategic goal, the pirates must withdraw from the city of Amondine, and at the same time, after mobilizing the pirates, wait for opportunities.

Fight a big war of annihilation.

In his previous life, Balian was familiar with the classic war cases of the Taizu of the dynasty. He was very clear about the tactics of concentrating his forces to fight a war of annihilation and consuming the enemy in motion. Therefore, he decided to attack Bangshui Town in the first battle.

Bangshui Town is just a small town with a thin wooden exterior wall. There are not many people, and there are not many Toba pirates stationed here. After all, the pirates have just won a big victory here. They don't believe that there are still people who dare to come here.


Moreover, the pirates are sending the captured prisoners to their transfer station in Yangweixuo County. Many pirates have been sent to escort the captured prisoners. People are also needed to drive the ships. How many pirates can there be in Bangshui Town now?

Woolen cloth?

Moreover, before departure, the members of the reconnaissance team had disguised themselves as residents of Bangshui Town and went in for investigation. After dragging the main pirate force to attack Amundine City, there were less than fifty pirates in Bangshui Town. In addition, there were also

There are still more than 20 pirates at the dock. Their job is to guard the dock and guard the five or six captured ships that were not used to transport prisoners.

In addition to the Toba pirates, there are only more than a hundred gangsters recruited by Sir Sog in Bangshui Town. These people were selected by Asedan and could only stay in Bangshui Town in the name of garrison.

You can't go to the city of Amondin to burn, kill, and loot.

And Balian dispatched 300 soldiers with acceptable combat capabilities this time. He was confident that he could annihilate these enemies in Bangshui Town in one fell swoop. When the time comes, the pirates will see that their retreat has been eliminated, and they will definitely rush back.

At that time, Balian can calmly withdraw from here and head to the city of Amundine by another route, regain this city that was destroyed by the Toba pirates, and annihilate the Toba pirates who stayed here.

"Huhuhu", the biting cold wind hit his face, making people feel painful. Balian broke away from his thoughts and asked Bran next to him. He knew that he had reached the outskirts of Bangshui Town at this time.


"My lord, would you like to come and take a look?" Balin came to Balian and asked.

Balian was very curious and asked him: "What is it? It is so mysterious. Could it be that the pirates made the altar?"

Bahrain smiled bitterly, "You'd better come and take a look. I also suspect that it's an evil and cruel sacrificial ritual performed by the Toba pirates."

Balian frowned, and then went to take a look with Balin. Under the bright moonlight, he could clearly see more than two hundred heads of Brick soldiers stuck on sharp wooden stakes in this open land.

Posed like a pig.

"These beasts! The followers of the evil god are so cruel!" Balian cursed angrily after seeing the terrifying scene.

Bahrain was silent for a while, then shook his head, "At first, I thought the detective's words were exaggerated. But looking at it now, these pirates are really cruel, and the coalition's defeat was really miserable!"

"After all the enemies in Bangshui Town are wiped out, we will use the heads of the pirates inside to avenge the dead coalition soldiers and comfort their souls." Balian said firmly.

Balin nodded and responded: "When the time comes, stick all their heads in and let those beasts see what we can do."

This chapter has been completed!
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