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Volume Two: The Jagged Baron Chapter 210 Private Transaction (2)

Viscount Merritt said he could accept it. After all, he was ready to be arrested and imprisoned by the monarch after having made such a big mistake. It was simply unimaginable that he could still keep his official position and title.

After all, with the title of Viscount and the official position of Sheriff, it is not easy to make money and fiefdom. How much money can be earned by guarding this territory.

Although Balian didn't think highly of the mediocre leader of Viscount Merry, he did have some favors for him after all, and he kicked Viscount Merry away. What if he got someone he couldn't deal with in exchange for it?

For now, it is a matter of maximizing interests for Balian that Viscount Merry continues to serve as the county guard in the direct county. Due to this private transaction, the relationship between the two parties has further deepened. Viscount Merry, who knows that Balian has great abilities,

In the future, I will rely more on Balian for many things, which is also a good thing for Balian.

In addition to these benefits, Balian also received more practical benefits from Earl David. Earl David promised Balian that he would help Balian be promoted to Baron, and he would try his best to win half of Carl, including Raven Ridge.

The Stag Forest on the south bank of the river has all become Balian's private territory.

In addition to this great benefit, Earl David happily agreed to the transaction of pirate heads, and also asked Viscount Merry to subscribe for the heads of 500 Toba pirates, which meant paying Balian 50,000 dinars in cash.


As for whether the number of heads is right or not, that is a matter for Earl David and those palace officials. Balian does not need to worry.

In order to make the cooperation between the two parties last longer, Earl David and Viscount Merry released more goodwill. In addition to allowing Balian's uncle Sir Rudy to expand the farm in the direct county into a knightly territory containing three villages, they also allowed

Balian bought fifty thousand pounds of pig iron every year at a low price.

Pig iron, this extremely important war preparation material, if it can be purchased at a low price of 50,000 pounds a year, it will be really great for the development of Fort Norland. Not only can the manufacturing of weapons and equipment ensure the supply of raw materials, but also agriculture

Raw materials for manufacturing production equipment can also be guaranteed.

On the whole, everyone was very happy after the conversation. The three of them, including Mark, Drew, Gamgee, Sir Rudy, etc., had another cheerful drink in the Sheriff's Mansion to celebrate the cooperation.

After the matter was settled, in just two days, Earl David and the palace officials rushed to Wallombre City with the heads of the pirates. How to win it in front of the monarch? This is Earl David's.

It's time to do something, Balian and the others will wait and see.

While waiting for news from Earl David, Balian asked Mark to count all the seizures from the war. In addition to cloth and food, the seizures from the three wars, plus the money from the head trade, they earned a total of about 400,000.


Throwing away the soldiers' salaries, bonuses, pensions for fallen soldiers, subsidies for injured soldiers, and consumption of weapons, food, etc., after deducting costs, there is still a surplus of more than 200,000 dinars. This battle can be fought well.

Well worth it.

War is like this. The victorious side eats up the resources of the defeated side. The victorious side becomes stronger because of the more power it gains. It is a positive cycle, while the losing side becomes weaker and weaker. After a final defeat, it is no longer powerless.

Stand up, be completely destroyed by the victor, or conquer.

After Earl David left, most of the direct county nobles who completed the transactions in Amundine went home. Those who stayed behind either had something to discuss with Viscount Merry, or had delayed their return due to other matters.

But there is only one exception, and that is Baron Collis. He stayed in the city of Amondine and could not see Viscount Merry, because Viscount Merry suffered this great defeat because of their son-in-law. Now the Lord Sheriff

I don't want to see him anymore at all.

He was not delayed because of his return, but he wanted to meet Balian and discuss in-depth cooperation with Balian. However, he came to see Balian several times, but was politely rejected by Balian's attendants.

Although Balian agreed to him regarding the head transaction, Balian did not want to get involved with this fool. His confused father-in-law and his confused son-in-law caused chaos in the entire direct county, and everyone avoided them.

There's no rush yet.

After several unsuccessful attempts to see him, Baron Corliss returned home in despair. His two daughters asked him about his situation. After he answered truthfully, Sir Emond's wife burst into tears. Not only was her husband's life or death uncertain?

, her family will also be isolated by the entire direct county aristocratic circle.

But Sog's ex-wife, Collis's daughter Tully, had other ideas after listening to her father's words. After giving instructions to her two children, she actually asked an old servant and two guards to send her away.

The city of Amondin.

When Baron Collis found out, he didn't stop her. Although he didn't know what this girl wanted to do, his reputation was already so bad that this girl who had been Sogg's wife could do whatever she wanted.

Mrs. Tully was a noble woman in the northern border of Brick who was just thirty years old. She married Sogg at the age of fifteen, a very prestigious knight in the northern border of Brick at that time, and left him a remaining one.

Although the relationship between the two of them is average towards their children, their lives are going well.

But everything started because of the martial arts competition between Sogg and Balian. Her husband lost his temper in the martial arts competition and took out his anger on their mother-in-law. Especially after failing in the martial arts competition in Yangweixuo County, she really couldn't bear to become disabled.

With her husband having an even weirder temper and her father's arrangement, she took her children and left Sog, who was called "the despicable one" by everyone, and returned to her parents' home.

Later, when she learned that Sogg had betrayed the country and defected to the Toba pirates, she collapsed even more. Apart from being sad, she was thankful that her father had made good arrangements. She and her children had left Bangshui Town early, and stayed in Amundine.

The priest made a public announcement in the city church to dissolve the marriage with Soger.

Such a big change has occurred in her life. She has transformed from a lord's wife to a mother living with her children in her natal family, all thanks to Balian. But now, if she doesn't find a way to ask Balian for help, her family will

She will be isolated by the direct county nobles, and her and her children's lives will be even worse.

After figuring things out, she made up her mind and took her children to the city of Amondin. She wanted to use all the means at her disposal to get Balion out of the way and let him help her and her poor children.

After entering the city of Amondin, Mrs. Tully came to the door of Balian's residence under the night. After identifying herself to the doorman, she waited in front of the door for Balian to let her in. She was originally worried that Balian would refuse her.

Her father also rejected her, but Balian didn't and actually let her in to see him.

This chapter has been completed!
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