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Volume Two: The Iron Baron Chapter 220: The Journey to Vallombure (4)

However, except for the coachman, his alertness reduced the danger a lot. At the same time, he was only hit by an arrow in the shoulder during this chaos and was not fatally injured. Fortunately, Balian gave him a reward.

When Bellian was just quiet, in the study of a mansion in the official residence area of ​​Valombre City, a father was scolding his son.

"Asshole! Why didn't you consult with me when you led someone to assassinate Balian? Do you know how much trouble you caused?" the father yelled angrily.

The father who cursed was none other than Balian's old enemy, the Baron of Lydburg. He could no longer be called a baron. He had become a court viscount. He should now be called the respected Viscount Raul, Lord of Lydaborg.

Seeing his father's angry look, Sir Yellen said nonchalantly: "Aren't we just going to kill a poor baron from the north? What's the big deal?"

Before he could finish his words, Viscount Raul kicked him in the stomach and knocked him to the ground. Seeing his son holding his stomach and moaning on the ground, Viscount Raul was still furious. He knew that he was so stupid.

My son, you have really caused a huge disaster.

After a while, Sir Yellen recovered. He struggled to stand up, still reluctantly looked at Viscount Raul, and asked: "Father, if you don't kill Balian, wait until he is promoted to baron, and let him

Next, we succeeded in the war with the Valenti people, and our lives became even more miserable.

Moreover, some time ago, I received a letter from the defector Sogg. He said that the two ships of our belongings in Bangshui Town should have been robbed by Balian, a scumbag..."

"Enough!" Viscount Raul scolded Sir Yellen loudly.

Then I saw Viscount Raul pointing his finger at Sir Yellen and scolding: "You beast, do you want to trap our entire family? Do you think Balian is still the little knight you can bully at will?"

He is now the deputy prime minister, Count Loire, the right-hand man of Sheriff Count Alpine Castle, and an important partner of that old fox, Count David. If you touch him now, you are going against the entire northern aristocratic force and the centrist aristocratic force!

Do you think you and I have the ability to fight against these two major forces? You are still staring here, do you know how much trouble you have caused? You still have to let me wipe your ass, you bastard!


Viscount Raul's words woke up Sir Yellen. He was very frightened and asked: "Father, what should we do now? I didn't think so much at the time. I was just angry that this guy who made me lose face became a

A baron, I am furious..."

"Okay!" Viscount Raul interrupted Sir Yellen's ramblings again and asked: "Are all the people you took out today back?"

Sir Yellen nodded quickly, "Except for the three losers who were killed, everyone else is back."

After finishing speaking, he seemed to have thought of something, and quickly added: "From the people who were killed, it is absolutely impossible to tell that it was our people from Lidabao who did it. The bows and arrows used in the operation were all from Wallombre.

I bought them at the Salted Fish Market and they are absolutely safe. I also bought new clothes from them and asked them to burn them when I got back. They will never let them find out about us. Father, you can rest assured about this."

After hearing what he said, Viscount Raul nodded happily and said with a smile, "Fortunately, you are not a completely brainless guy, and you still know how to hide it."

"Hehe!" Sir Yellen laughed when he heard his father praising him, "After all, this is a big thing. I wouldn't dare to do it without a certain plan."

Viscount Raul stood up, walked a few steps in the study, and said to Sir Yellen: "As long as they can't find out who assassinated him, there will be no problem. There are so many people who hate Balian, especially the southern faction, and there is no suspicion.

It’s on us.”

"Father, if you say that, does that mean we are not in any danger at all?" Sir Yellen asked.

Viscount Raul shook his head, "You are overthinking. The southern faction will immediately jump out and clear out the suspicion. They are all the main nobles of the principality. It is impossible for them to use such despicable and shameless methods. The Minister of Public Security also


Hearing that his assassination was defined by his father as a "despicable and shameless method", Sir Yellen's face suddenly looked a little ugly. He lowered his head, stared at his toes and said: "Then let's just ignore it and let this happen."

Go check it for the bastard, it won’t be found on us anyway.”

"Whether we are found or not, these people you brought out today cannot stay!" Viscount Raul said sternly.

After he finished speaking, he looked at his astonished son and said sternly: "With so many people, a lord who didn't even bring a guard couldn't kill him. Instead, he was killed by three others. And your record is just one horse."


Tell me, is it necessary to keep alive these losers who have too little to eat and too much work to do? Keeping them alive will increase the risk of our exposure."

"I understand, father, I will get it done as soon as possible." Sir Yellen nodded, saying that he would do it well.

"In addition, I will go with you to visit the prestigious Baron Balian tomorrow, and you can prepare some expensive gifts." Viscount Raul ordered.

"What?" Sir Yellen's eyes widened when he heard this, and he asked in confusion: "Father, why is this? Are we going to visit this bastard Balian to let him humiliate us? It's easy to let him

People doubt it.”

Viscount Raul had a look of hatred on his face, and he explained patiently: "Everyone knows that our two families have conflicts, but the fact that we dare to visit openly shows that we are not the perpetrators of the assassination.

Moreover, the purpose of our visit is in the name of repairing the relationship. After all, it is understandable to everyone that we are willing to put aside the past feud and reconcile with a rising new aristocrat, do you understand?"

"Understood." Sir Yellen replied, "But I really don't want to see this arrogant guy. He has embarrassed me in the entire Brick aristocratic circle. I'm afraid that when I see him, I want to

Kill him with the sword."

Viscount Raul raised his hand and slapped him on the head, and then cursed: "I don't care if you, a bastard, can hold it back, you must show a sincere attitude tomorrow so that no one can doubt our sincerity.

Also, don’t just think about revenge with the sword, but also use your brain! Didn’t you say that Balion’s brother Sir Sey has a bad relationship with him? So why should Sir Sey do it to deal with Balion?

Let these two brothers fight each other."

This chapter has been completed!
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