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Chapter 229: The Journey to Vallombre (13)

After Balian respectfully received the command from Count Loire, he said with great gratitude: "The Minister of War trusts Balian Tucker so much that Balian Tucker is willing to die for you!"

"Hahaha!" Count Loire smiled and patted Balian on the shoulder, "I don't want you to die. I want you to win this battle. You don't have to eliminate these bandits. As long as you can defeat them, that's it.

Great job, that old boy Earl Windholm just lost!"

Balian nodded solemnly, "Sir, don't worry, I will definitely succeed. With your help, there's no need to worry about defeating those bandits who only know how to burn, kill, and rob pigs."

The next day, Balian took Eomer and others to obtain enough weapons and equipment to equip a hundred people from the armory of Wallonbrae City, and also received food, cloth, and five pieces of clothing from palace officials.

Military pay of one thousand dinars.

It's more of a bounty than military pay. After all, it doesn't cost that much to hire the people in Balian's hands. It seems that the monarch himself still hopes that Balian will win. Also, if Balian, the leader he established,

The role model of the military aristocrat lost face, which also made his face tarnished.

Taking these physical equipment, as well as several blacksmiths, carpenters, Balian and his own bodyguard arranged for him by the Count of Loire, he headed to the palace hunting camp outside the city.

After arriving, Balian and the others discovered that what they said was a camp was actually a large wooden castle, with a group of thirty armed infantry garrisoned inside.

After Balian handed over to the garrison officer, the garrison in the camp withdrew, and Balian and the others moved in. After a short meeting, they began to take action for this bet that was related to honor.

In an open space outside the gate of Valombre City, Balian's guards surrounded a small recruitment camp with wooden poles and began to recruit soldiers. Since I am not allowed to hire mercenaries and borrowed soldiers, then I will recruit those who are willing to fight.

Common people.

"Come and see, Baron Balian from the north is recruiting soldiers. As long as you can enter the camp to participate in the selection, you will be given a pound of black bread and a bowl of wheat porridge, regardless of whether you can be selected or not!

However, if you are selected, I can only congratulate you, because you will receive a settlement allowance of ten dinars and a weekly salary of no less than one dinar! Your family can also live in Noan

Settled down in Denburg.

By the way, I forgot to mention one thing, that is, Baron Balian is very generous. Any soldier who has served him for more than three years will be rewarded with at least three acres of cultivated land! If I die in battle, my descendants can inherit it!" A loud-sounding promise

The Landenburg soldier stood on a tall wooden box, shouting to everyone, and preached the recruitment policy of Landenburg.

After everyone heard this, they were really shocked. They didn't expect that there would be such a generous lord. Usually the lords would give you two meals a day. It would be great if they allowed you to take away part of what was captured on the battlefield. How dare you expect rewards?

What about land?

In fact, this is the soldier's salary mechanism that was reworked by Balian after discussing with everyone after the battle with the Toba pirates. In this way, an ordinary infantry regiment spearman, even if he does not fight for a year, excluding vacation time, etc.

The annual income is fifty dinars, enough to buy an acre of farmland or build a house.

Stable high salary, continuous victory and land can enable soldiers to have no regrets in daily cruel training and maintain a strong will in battle.

After all, in this era, even if Balian fights against the pagans, it will be difficult for the soldiers to work hard if they cannot pay enough.

This time, after raising the salary which is already not low, it can basically ensure the loyalty and stability of an absolutely large number of soldiers.

However, maybe the conditions were too high and people couldn't believe it. They thought it was a scam to trick people into selling them into slavery. No one was willing to try it.

At this time, a Nolandenburg soldier pretending to be a refugee emerged from the crowd. He laughed and said loudly: "Since everyone is so hesitant, I will give it a try. Anyway, I am selected and I have ten dinars to settle down."

Even if you don’t choose, you can still have a full meal.”

At this time, another Nolandenburg soldier who was pretending to be a refugee helped him: "That's right. Go explore the road quickly. We'll be waiting for you here."

I saw him striding to the gate of the recruitment camp, and then under the inspection of the screening personnel, they made sure that he had sound limbs and was not a fool, and then let him in. However, after he entered, in the first link of the strength test

At that time, he failed to lift a fifty-pound stone ball and was eliminated.

After being eliminated, he received a pound of black bread and a large bowl of wheat porridge with minced meat amidst the boos of the onlookers. Then he ate and drank on the sidelines. While he was eating and drinking, he was responsible for cooking.

The soldier who made the wheat porridge added a basin of minced meat into the pot.

In an instant, the smell of meat filled the entire recruitment camp, making everyone outside drool. After all, in this era, most ordinary families do not see any meat all year round, and there were a few who were starving on the way to escape.

Young men came to apply, and two of them passed the test and were selected.

While those who failed went to eat black bread and porridge, the two who passed received a real settlement fee of ten dinars, and their families were able to follow them to live in the palace hunting camp, and they also ate on site.

When they arrived, they had bread and porridge, but the two people who passed were given two more glasses of ale.

With them as an example, after everyone knew that the recruitment was real, the crowd immediately rushed forward and signed up enthusiastically, almost overwhelming the screening table. Finally, they were forced to line up under the sticks of the soldiers from Fort Noland.

Many things are like this. Even if it is true, when everyone is watching, naturally no one dares to go. But as long as one person tries and succeeds, it will immediately cause a sensation and create a swarm effect.

People who were watching just now will immediately rush forward, fearing that they will not get this thing that they have been doubting just now.

After a day of recruitment, Bellion and the others successfully recruited a hundred quasi-soldiers who were strong and had families.

Their families also followed them and were sent to the hunting camp. There were quite a lot of rooms here. The reason why they chose to go with their families was mainly because having a family makes people more stable and practical.

After getting them to sign the agreement, these people now belong to the people of Fort Norlandenburg in the full sense. They enjoy the rights of the people of Fort Norlandenburg, and naturally they also have to undertake military service. Under the communication between Eomer and the others,

, after these recruits knew that even if they died in battle, their families would live a good life, their loyalty was immediately established.

Balian planned to train them for ten days. After the training was completed, he would take them directly to fight against the bandits who were fleeing for robbery.
This chapter has been completed!
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