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Chapter 236 The Enemy Meets (5)

The cold wind howled and the fallen leaves were flying. On the lonely King's Road, a caravan consisting of sixteen four-wheeled carriages was walking slowly. Thirty guards mounted on tall war horses, each wearing iron-inlaid leather armor and wearing iron-inlaid armor.

The helmet looks elite at first glance.

In addition to them, in addition to the driver, each carriage also has a guard. Although this staffing is not high-profile, it is enough to keep most robbers and bandits along the way at a distance.

At this time, in a place called Black Forest outside the city of Wallombre, Boyd and two hundred of his men were waiting there quietly. In the cold wind, many of these bandits, most of whom were wearing thin clothes, had their lips frozen with cold.

Zi, trembling all over.

Boyd wrapped himself tightly in the wolfskin cloak he snatched from the palace farm, took a deep breath, and let the cold air calm his burning fire of hatred. He also knew the disadvantages of hatred. After all,

After seeing what happened to that guy Soger, Boyd didn't want to be like him.

"Boss! Boss! That caravan is coming!" Wyke ran to Boyd panting and reported the situation.

From receiving the news from the sentry to running in front of Boyd, it was actually only a few steps. The main reason why Wyke was panting was because he had been overworked in the Moulin Rouge recently and his body had been drained dry.

"Okay! Let the brothers get ready and seize this caravan so that we can have a happy Advent!" Boyd ordered with a smile. After Wyke received the order from the boss, he immediately led the people

Go get ready.

The caravan guard who was walking in front of the caravan became obviously nervous when he rode to the King's Road in the middle of the black forest, because at this time of the year, all the leaves had fallen, and the bare trees could not block much.

Crows and sparrows were circling over the black forest, but they did not land on the trees in the forest. It seemed that someone was hiding in the forest, so the caravan guard hurriedly rode to report the matter to the caravan behind him.


At this time, after discovering that the caravan guard had realized that something was wrong, Boyd did not let the archers shoot the caravan guard. A smile appeared on his lips because his ambush location was not here at all.

After the caravan guard reported to Rohirr and the others, Rohirr also knew that the road ahead was not smooth and that they did not need to take risks. For now, they should leave here quickly.

After all, even if the robbers are poorly equipped and have weak combat effectiveness, no matter how small the ants are, as long as there are enough of them, they can kill a wolf, so there is no need to take this risk.

As a result, the caravan began to make a U-turn, planning to return to Wallombre and then take a detour to Fort Nolandenburg. Even though it was a somewhat detour, it was safer.

Wyke immediately felt that the fat in his mouth was about to fly, and said anxiously to Boyd: "Boss, the caravan is about to run away, they have discovered us, let's attack quickly."

Boyd looked calm and calm, and said to Wyke: "Okay, you can rush up with your brothers. Remember, drive them into the valley next to you!"

"I got it, little one!" Wyke, who was given command, immediately became energetic. He led the group of thieves yelling and rushed forward, hoping to win the first victory in wiping out the caravan.


These thieves, who had not had enough food for a few days, were generally in poor physical condition. They were surprised that they could not catch up with the escaping caravan.

However, they still successfully drove the caravan into the valley next to the black forest. This valley is not big, and the space inside is also very narrow. Especially the farther you go, the narrower the valley becomes. The front exit is

The four-wheeled carriage couldn't get out at all.

This caravan, which was being chased by bandits, saw that the Taniguchi carriages in front could not get out, so they actually abandoned these carriages and only took the horses away.

The bandits that Boyd asked Wyke to pretend to be caravan guards took advantage of the chaos to hide in a pile of rocks. After the caravan guards had all left, they came out wearing new helmets and new armor, and followed

Meet your brothers.

Boyd came from behind with his men, and at this time his men also arrived. They gathered in this narrow valley, looked at the sixteen four-wheeled carriages, and cheered in unison.

Boyd saw that his men were so excited because of his strange plot. He was also very happy. Not a single man was killed or injured, and he got the money and materials for these sixteen carriages in vain. Who could be unhappy?

Boyd walked to the carriage and patted the tall carriage made of fine wood. He was very pleased. He wanted to open the tarpaulin of a carriage, but it was tied too tightly and there were too many ropes.

He had no choice but to order his men to cut off the ropes on the carriage with swords and axes.

The boss gave the order, and these people started chopping there. The few people led by Wyke were the fastest, and they quickly got a carriage. He excitedly pulled down the carriage cloth, but the contents of the carriage were missing.

He was dumbfounded.

"How is it possible? How could it be wheat straw?" Wyke was completely confused when he saw the things in the carriage. He looked confused and muttered to himself.

Boyd also came to the carriage in confusion and was stunned. He quickly asked his men to pull off the tarpaulins of other carriages, but they were all covered with wheat straw.

The tightly tied wheat straws were placed in piles in the carriage. No wonder they were able to run so fast in the carriage just now. When they were chasing the caravan, the bandits who were sweating profusely sighed secretly.


Many people were wondering and sighing when they heard Boyd shouting: "No! We have fallen into a trap!"

"Ah!" Wyke exclaimed in surprise after hearing what the boss said. He couldn't figure out what the boss meant for a moment, but seeing Boyd's frightened eyes, he knew something was definitely wrong.

Boyd was extremely annoyed and punched the carriage, breaking the wooden pillars of the carriage, but the back of his hand was also pricked by a wooden thorn.

"Go! Get out of here, we've been ambushed by the enemy!" Boyd shouted, and took the lead to run towards the mouth of the valley not far away, which was so narrow that only one man and one horse could pass.

But before he reached the entrance of the valley, he saw someone pushing rocks down from the mountains on both sides, blocking the already narrow exit.

At this time, the two hundred bandits knew that something was wrong. They turned around and ran towards the entrance frantically. After all, not only were sixteen four-wheeled carriages blocking the road ahead, but the exit was also blocked with stones, making it impossible to escape.

Only the relatively wide entrance to the valley has not been blocked, so hurry up and run out.
This chapter has been completed!
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