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Chapter 243 The Water Bandit Will (1)

After being promoted to baron this time, Balian had one more knight quota and two more trainee knight quotas. Before departure, Balian had allocated them, and Eomer was promoted to his inner palace.

Knight, after all, this old friend who was the first to follow him can be regarded as a man of great merit for his hard work.

As for the two extra trainee knights, Balian gave them all to Mark's civil servants, and promoted Hama, the craftsman, and Liano, the construction officer, to the trainee knights. Without them, Nolandenburg's infrastructure would have been destroyed.

Work and soldiers' weapons and equipment are far behind.

Moreover, Balian also intends to balance the relationship between civil and military forces, and cannot make one side look so strong. Besides, promoting talents without military merit, but with skills, is also a matter of buying horse bones for thousands of dollars, so that new people can join Norlandenburg.

Also take a look, as long as you have the skills, you can stand out in Nolandenburg.

The knighthood of the trainee knight that originally belonged to Eomer was awarded to Gamlin. It was still necessary for the newly appointed head of the Norandenburg garrison to have a noble title.

Except for Eomer, almost all of these people became nobles with titles from commoners, which brought great excitement to the people of Nolandenburg. You must know that in this world, it is almost impossible for commoners to become nobles.

It's possible, but by following Baron Balian, you can get it quickly, as long as you can make military exploits, as long as you have real ability.

With these examples, there is no need to publicize it. After becoming the new people of Norlandenburg, everyone actively joined the army and learned skills. They knew that although they would not be able to do it even if they risked their lives in other places, here with Baron Balian

, as long as you are willing to work hard, you will have the opportunity to get rid of your family's status as a commoner and become a noble.

"Creak, creak, creak", the horse's hoofs stepped on the heavy snow that had just fallen last night, making a sound. The people on the horse were laughing and chatting, and did not notice at all that after the horse's hoofs stepped on them, they left behind muddy and wet bodies.

Horse hoof prints.

"So, your father was so frightened that he fell off his chair when he found out that you had become my inner knight." After hearing Eomer's story, Balion said with a smile on his face.

Eomer nodded, "Yes, you don't know how surprised my parents were. They thought I was going to be a mercenary, and they complained about me. Unexpectedly, I also earned the status of a knight."


"Hahaha! By the way, how is your brother in the palace guard? If you don't get along well, come over. We are also short of people here. I remember that his riding skills are quite good." Balian asked.

"Hi!" Eomer sighed, "I mentioned this to my father, but he was not willing to let my brother go to the north. He said that he was old and needed to keep a son by his side.

No matter what, someone must inherit his small farm."

After hearing this, Balian shook his head helplessly, "There is no way, parents always have their own considerations, and we can't force them to follow our ideas, but they can't make us listen to them in everything."

As he spoke, Balian smiled bitterly, "You don't know, this time when I went home, my mother actually asked me to meet a fat girl. She is the daughter of a viscount whose fiefdom is near the town of Frondo. She wants to

Arrange for the two of us to get married."

"Hey, isn't that great? I like fat girls, not only can they give birth to children, but they also feel good." Eomer said with a smirk on his face.

"Go away! If you like it, I will introduce it to you." Balian scolded.

"Actually, my father also told me about getting married. We are both about the same age. It is normal for my parents to worry about us getting married. But I don't want to ask them to introduce me. If it were all up to them, they might not be able to find one for me.

What kind of crooked melon is this?" Eomer sighed with emotion.

Balian smiled when he heard this and said to him: "When we come back from Terra Province, I will choose a girl in the north for you who will satisfy you."

"Hahaha!" Eomer laughed heartily after hearing this, "My lord, you'd better leave me alone for now. You have to worry about your own marriage. I'm afraid that after we successfully help Earl Rick and the others regain their lost territory, come here

People who propose marriage can line up from Raven Ridge to Blood Wolf Valley."

Balian rolled his eyes at him and scolded with a smile: "You are a bitch, you only know how to make fun of me. When I see my aunt, Mrs. Liv, I will definitely ask her to choose a strict wife for you and treat you well."

A mean-mouthed guy."

"My lord, please don't. If that happens, I would rather not get married." Eomer quickly pretended to beg for mercy.

While the two were chatting and joking, suddenly, a cavalryman came galloping over from a distance. The cavalryman looked anxious. After he ran closer, Balian realized that this was a cavalryman under Greenberg.

Balian knew that something must have happened, so he quickly stepped forward to stop him, and asked anxiously: "What happened? Where is Greenberg?"

When the cavalryman saw that it was Balian, he was so out of breath that he didn't even have time to take a breath and said quickly: "Sir, something serious has happened. Our convoy was robbed by water bandits on the shores of Lake Saint-Martin. Captain Greenberg caught two

A water bandit who didn't escape in time is being interrogated. He asked me to come over and report to you and ask for your opinion."

"Lead the way, I'll go take a look!" After Balian gave the order, he led his men and galloped away.

Martin is the first believer of Vulcan in the Vulcan continent. He is also one of the spokespersons of Vulcan in the human world. It is said that he has helped countless people and done many good things. It is for this reason that in the Vulcan Cult

, he was the first mortal to be canonized.

Lake St. Martin was named in commemoration of Martin's deeds of saving people near the city of Wallombre. This is the second largest lake in the Verin continent and the largest lake in Brick. It was named after a saint.

Well known to people across the continent.

Lake St. Martin passes through the Yining River and is connected to the Aisin River, the largest river in central and southern Brick. You can take a boat directly along the Aixin River to Windholm, the largest city in the south. This city owns Brick

The largest harbor terminal and the richest city in Brick.

Lake St. Martin is surrounded by a fertile plain. Most of the palace nobles who belong directly to the monarch are entrusted here. It is the largest grain-producing area in the Principality of Brick, and its products are also relatively rich. There are also many fish and shrimps in Lake St. Martin, plus the back

It is close to the capital and has convenient water transportation, making it a fairly prosperous area.

However, the development of social economy does not mean that the life of the people at the bottom is very good. The fishermen who rely on Lake Saint-Martin for their livelihood are mostly landless farmers. After losing their own land, they are unwilling to rent the cultivated land of the nobles.

As well as becoming serfs, they made a living by fishing.

Although they have to face price reductions from traders and squeezes from tax collectors, they can still make a living and the family can survive. Most fishermen are still unwilling to become water bandits.

However, in the past six months, more and more fishermen have gone bankrupt, gathered together, and become water bandits, attacking the wealthy farms around Lake Saint-Martin and the passing caravans. This phenomenon is very strange and puzzling.

After all, I haven’t heard that the fish and shrimp resources of Lake Saint-Martin are depleted. On the contrary, you can still eat a lot of large fish and shrimps in the upper town of Valombre. There is no drought this year, and the water area has not been reduced.
This chapter has been completed!
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