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Chapter 252 The Water Bandit Will (10)

Lake Saint-Martin, close to the city of Valombre, has a waterside castle and a water village next to it, which is the location of the Valombre water patrol camp.

Because it is close to the largest inland water area in the West, as early as the empire period, there were water troops to manage fishermen and eliminate the tradition of water bandits. After the empire split, the Principality of Brick established its capital in Wallombre City, and also retained the water force.

Patrol camp.

The commander of this water patrol battalion is usually a baron. It has a daily strength of 300 troops and nearly 100 large and small ships. It is considered a strong water force. In addition, they have been fighting water bandits for a long time, so their combat effectiveness is not bad.


However, after Baron Sowell took over the management of such a water force, its combat effectiveness suffered a large decline, because Baron Sowell only focused on making money and nothing else. He even used sailors and ships from the water camp to do freight.


Under such circumstances, in just over half a year, the water patrol camp that was able to let the water bandits escape before has now suffered losses at the hands of the water bandits many times.

However, although the combat effectiveness has declined, various benefits have increased. The previous commander worked hard to train troops and strictly managed the soldiers, so that the soldiers could only receive daily wages without much extra money, and their lives were tight.

But after Baron Sowell came over, everyone's income increased a lot, and they were able to bully fishermen and small caravans on a daily basis. Their lives were very comfortable. Many middle-level military attachés were able to buy houses in Valombre.

The income is evident.

Under the premise that everything is focused on money, the military discipline of the Water Patrol Battalion is particularly poor. Even the city defense battalion, which is hated by everyone, is a bit better than them.

"No!" In the water village of the water patrol camp, a delicate girl trembled and cried, trying to push away the wretched middle-aged man who was rushing towards her like a wolf or a tiger.

This middle-aged man was none other than Baron Sowell. This time, he surrounded and suppressed the water bandits in Weir and captured many family members of the water bandits, among whom there were indeed several beautiful girls with good looks and figures.

"For a female horse!" Baron Sowell cursed, and then slapped the girl on the face, showing no mercy at all.

After the beating, he grabbed the girl's long hair, pulled her to his side, waved his fist, and punched the poor girl several times in the abdomen until the girl curled up on the bed in pain.

"Bitch!" Baron Sowell cursed, "If you don't be honest and let me have sex with you, I will throw you out and let the dirty sailors outside take turns to destroy you and make your life worse than death.


After saying that, he threw himself on the girl, ran his right hand through her long maroon hair, and after sniffing the fragrance a few times, he started to peel off the girl's clothes with his left hand.

At this time, the girl who had been beaten up and threatened no longer dared to resist. After her brother was taken away, she, her mother, and her brother were imprisoned in this water village. He knew that those people

The brutality of the sailors.

I can't satisfy this big shot today. I'm afraid that I and my mother will be thrown out tomorrow and be tortured by the sailors. That would be too horrible. I might as well die, but I am still young.

My younger brother, if they all die, I'm afraid this younger brother won't survive either.

Thinking of this, she took the initiative to cater to him, which greatly excited Baron Sowell.

While Baron Sowell was giving vent to his animalistic desires, the soldiers in the water village, the castle, and the water patrol camp were not at all polite to the families of the water bandits and fishermen who had not yet been sold to slave traders.

Some fishermen watched their wives and daughters being taken away, but were unable to do anything. Some water bandits, because their bodies were chained, could only watch their wives and daughters being bullied by the sailors. They were so angry that they vomited blood on the spot.

There are many people there.

Just when everyone was in despair, suddenly, the gate of the water village suddenly opened. I don't know when, the gate of the water village, which was usually closed tightly at night, was opened, and the gate of the castle nearby was also opened, and the sentry on duty was wiped out.

Neck, blood sprayed everywhere.

Then, I heard shouts and saw the light of many torches. Then, countless angry fishermen broke in through the gate with harpoons and other weapons. They killed the soldiers of the water patrol camp when they saw them.

While killing the enemy, they also did not forget to release the imprisoned fishermen and water bandits. These men, who had watched their wives, daughters and sisters being raped, took up arms and attacked the sailors.

A water patrol battalion military attache who was still doing exercises on a certain fisherman's wife heard the shouts of killing outside. Before he could pull up his pants, the husband who had violated the woman came in. The furious fisherman looked at his naked body on the bed,

And the wife was beaten black and blue.

His eye sockets were about to burst. He picked up the harpoon and pierced the heart of the military attache. It hit him to the core. After stabbing him to death, it was not enough. The fisherman picked up the ax in the room and destroyed the military attaché.

The military attache who killed his wife was cut into pieces.

Scenes like this happened many times in the water village and the castle.

Although Balian promised Will to help him rescue his family, Balian could not directly send troops to attack the water patrol camp. This was near the capital. If Balian really did this, he would not be able to hide the news.

He was afraid that just after he rescued Will and his family, he would be captured by the knights of the Palace Knights and questioned. After all, attacking the capital garrison was a serious crime that could be beheaded in any country at any time.

It is precisely for this reason that Balian formulated a strategy for angry fishermen to attack the water patrol camp and let Will take the lead in doing this. Not only did he avoid his own side, but he also cut off Will's group.

The only way out is to follow your own path to the dark side.

Balian gave Will a lot of money and food, and asked him to lead his men to persuade the fishermen who were oppressed by Baron Sowell, as well as the water bandits who had families and subordinates captured by Baron Sowell.

These fishermen and water bandits originally had a deep hatred for Baron Sowell, and after hearing what happened to Will and the others, they became even more furious. Moreover, they also had money and food sent by Will, so they decisively agreed.

In the end, Will gathered five to six hundred people, and they were able to start a rebellion together, rush into the water village and the castle, rescue his own people, and kill all the water patrol battalion soldiers who oppressed them.

In order to prevent the news from leaking out, Balian continued to use the method of Leader Duer and used the name of Dick the Hulk to eliminate the two water bandits who had taken refuge with Baron Sowell. After all, everyone knew that Balian's convoy was killed by the water bandits.

After being robbed, Balion took revenge wildly and no one said anything.

These two teams of water bandits came to the branch of the river where Will and his companions were captured last time. They happily waited for the arrival of Dick and the others. They thought it was a big business, but it turned out to be a disaster.

This chapter has been completed!
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