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Chapter 265 Advent (13)

After the businessman finished speaking, other businessmen also responded and collectively expressed their gratitude to Balian. With that posture, Balian was like a god who saved them.

After leading them to calm down, Balian continued to say with a smile: "Everyone, I was able to provide you with support just now, but this support is conditional. There is no free lunch in the world. My Nolandenburg still needs to develop.

As for the funds, we will naturally not provide these things to you for no reason."

"Yes, we will not let your hard work go in vain, sir. We are willing to give you half of the shares of our respective caravans. We have just said this." A businessman from the Chamber of Commerce stood up and explained to Bellion.


Balian waved his hand, motioning for him to sit down, and then continued: "I don't think it's necessary to ask for shares in your caravan. The caravan is yours, and it belongs exclusively to you. As for me, as long as you

Just sign a loan agreement with me.

Take 300,000 dinars in cash as an example. You do not have to repay interest within five years after borrowing the money. In the first two years, you only need to pay the payment for goods. After the store is built, you have ten years of free use rights.

In addition, your business taxes in Norlandenburg will be reduced or exempted for the first three years, and will be reinstated after three years, giving you enough time to tide over the difficulties.

The support is generous and the conditions are not harsh. Businessmen who borrow from me, or you who collectively borrow money in the name of the Chamber of Commerce, can do it. I allow you to repay it in twenty years. Starting from the fifth year, you must pay me principal and interest every year.

Sixty-six thousand dinars, to be paid every year during the week before Advent until the end of the loan period.”

After listening to Balian's words, the people in the Chamber of Commerce took a deep breath. They looked at Balian in surprise. These people, a young lord like him, could be fooled by these old fritters, but they really didn't expect that,

Balian actually offered them a condition of cooperation that they couldn't refuse.

By borrowing 300,000 dinars, these people can indeed temporarily tide over the difficulties, and the interest rate is not high. In twenty years, it will only triple, and the total interest repayment will be 700,000. For the Weilin continent where loan sharks are rampant,

This kind of interest is very kind.

It also comes with no need to repay any principal or interest for the first five years, free use of the store for ten years, and tax exemption for three years. This is definitely a worthwhile deal.

However, after they agreed, Balian became their creditor and was closely related to them. From now on, their caravan must sell the goods of Fort Norlandenburg and safeguard the interests of Fort Norlandenburg.

Moreover, once they betray Fort Norland, Balian can force them to pay back the money immediately, which is really fatal for merchants whose goods take up a lot of funds.

If it were anyone else, they would have dared to default on the debt or use other means to deny it. However, this was Baron Balian. He not only had a powerful army in his hands, but also had a good relationship with the county governor, Viscount Merri.

Uncle Sir Rudy is also the Sheriff of the direct county.

At present, many of the nobles in power in the city of Amondin are dying and running away. Only Sir Rudy's security team can organize themselves and maintain the stability of the city. If they offend Balian, they are afraid that they will be killed in Amondine.

It's hard to live in the city anymore.

Such a powerful and scheming young nobleman is really not something they can handle casually, but fortunately his appetite is not very big.

After thinking about it, these businessmen finally agreed to Balian's conditions. After all, they went to seek support elsewhere. With their current embarrassing situation, they would probably be eaten by those big nobles and big businessmen.

Not a single scum is left.

After agreeing, they forgot about their private calculations and drank together to celebrate the success of the cooperation.

As for the agreement and contract, let Mark and Gamgee talk to them about it. This is not the time to talk about these over the wine table.

To be honest, the conditions Balian offered them were not excessive. If it were not for the purpose of developing Nolandenburg's economy, he would not let these treacherous businessmen take advantage of him, but people have to take a long-term view.


Moreover, as an excellent leader, you must learn to calculate big accounts instead of staring at small accounts every day and calculating over and over again. Those are meaningless. In my previous life, I have seen many smart bosses of distribution channels. They are very smart, but

It just can’t be done very well.

Why? Because they are too shrewd. They have limited themselves to one-third of an acre and calculated that most people will not get any advantage from him. Who is willing to introduce more friends to him?

What to do?

This kind of person is the one who has set his own path to death. Balian remembers a client in his previous life. How far did he go to scheming? He offended all his relatives and friends, so much so that news spread that he was cooperating with a certain winery.

Later, he offended a close relative who was quite powerful and worked hard to disrupt this cooperation because he didn't want to see you making money.

On the contrary, most people with a big climate really don't care about everything and only look at long-term benefits. In principle, there is no problem, just do it. Win or lose is God's will.

After trying some tricks with the people from the Chamber of Commerce and getting them to honestly agree to their conditions, the people from the Handicraft Guild on the side could see it. These shrewd small businessmen also put away their calculations.

Honestly negotiated terms with Balian.

Most of the people in these craft guilds are craftsmen. Although they are tainted with businessmen's faults, they are still pure craftsmen on the whole. They are also very harmonious when negotiating terms with each other. After talking about it, they quickly reached an agreement.

These people from the Amondin Chamber of Commerce agreed to move their families and workshops to Fort Nolandenburg. This was what they had to do. After all, the city of Amondin was already in ruins.

Balian provided them with food, accommodation, and fixed salary for three years. In return, they helped Balian train craftsmen for free during these three years. In three years, they will train more than 300 craftsmen in various industries.

Three years later, Balian allowed them to take loans to purchase houses and shops in the business district of Norlandenburg, and they could do business. However, their guilds must be under the supervision of Baron Norlandenburg and must not engage in activities that harm Norlandenburg.

activities, including price gouging, etc.

The other Ling Ling bosses all said something, but as for the specifics, let Mark talk about it. When the time comes, just let Huck follow. The head craftsman is very knowledgeable in dealing with craftsmen, so there is no need to think about who is cheating whom.

Generally speaking, Bellian is quite welcoming to people from the craft guild. He would rather suffer a loss. After all, these are technical talents. The carpenters in Nolandenburg can't even make wheels. These people from the craft guild come here.

, which can greatly improve the technical level of Nolandenburg.

Only when technology advances can productivity improve. Their value is much greater than that of businessmen. Of course, the value of businessmen is not small either.

This chapter has been completed!
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