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Volume 2: The Iron-Blooded Baron Chapter 270: Yang Weixuo's Case-solving Story (2)

However, the matter has come to this. Since the past mistakes have been made, now we can only find ways to make up for it. Everyone is a baron of the same level. Baron Nxima thought that as long as he is enthusiastic enough, Balian will not be able to pursue the previous ones.


Thinking of this, he pulled Balion over and called Bess and Eomer over to personally take the three of them to see the camp where they lived.

This move of Baron Enxima made some of the nearby leading knights who were also preparing to garrison in the camp become envious of Balian. You know, yesterday when a leading viscount came over, Baron Enxima just received him at the door and said

I didn't lead him there myself.

The overall layout of this temporary military camp made of wood is pretty good. It can be seen that the craftsmen who built this camp are not mediocre. Many details such as fire prevention, security, and separation of various areas have been well considered.

It seems that there are talented people in the city of Yang Weixuo. If there is a suitable opportunity, he must recruit all these outstanding talents to Nolandenburg, Balian thought secretly in his heart.

After Baron Nxima took Balian to visit, he took Balian to the garrison area of ​​the Fort Norandenburg Infantry Regiment. On the southeast side of the entire camp, the area was not small, and there were special stables for riding.

War horses rest.

Although they are all wooden houses, and you can still see brand new wood stubble, they are quite clean, and most of the rooms are filled with land. However, the wooden house where Balian lives has a wooden floor, which is considered a privilege.

Ordinary soldiers lived in a house with two rows of large bunks, with a firepit in the middle, which could not only keep warm, but also bake clothes and food.

When Balian, Bess, and Eomer visited, Barret led the soldiers to unload the things on the ship and let the soldiers start moving in.

Seeing the smile on Balian's face, he was very satisfied. Baron Nxima took out a list, briefly corrected it, stamped it with his seal, handed it to Balian, and told Balian that he could let his subordinates hold the list.

Went to collect food and supplies.

Balian looked at the order. Baron Nxima deliberately crossed out the original number, but he could still see it clearly. He just wanted to tell Balian that I was treating you well, so I added a number for you above the prescribed standards.

Less stuff.

"Oh, brother Nxima, you are... so touching. You gave me so many extra supplies. I am so touched.

Thank you, Brother Nxima, otherwise, I will invite you to have a nice drink in the city of Yang Weixuo tonight?" Balian asked Baron Nxima with a grateful look.

Baron Nxima nodded happily, "That's exactly what I meant. Anyway, you have to go see Lord Earl Gerry. Why don't you come back to the city with me soon? Let's have a good meal tonight, and wait until tomorrow, you

Let’s go see the Earl again.”

"Okay! Let me tell you a few words, and we will go have a drink soon." Balian put his arm around Baron Nxima's shoulders and said with a smile.

Baron Nxima responded with a smile: "Okay, you go ahead and do your work first. I'll be in the small building at the entrance of the camp. Just go and find me there when you're done."

After Baron Nxima left, Balian once again warned Bess, Eomer, and Barrett about soldier training and other aspects. Although these things had been discussed once on the way here, Balian was worried about them.

Anyway, I have to say it again.

Balian chose the place where he and Baron Enxima ate, which was the tavern run by Mrs. Mirabeau. Baron Enxima knew this place, and he also knew that Mrs. Mirabeau helped Baron Balian promote toilet soap and painted pottery.


Baron Nxima knew that it was not Balian having an affair with a charming woman like Madame Mirabeau, but Balian seeking help from Count Grie, so he took the path of Madame Mirabeau. In fact, he himself also asked Mirabeau for help.

Mrs. Bo, everyone is the same.

The person collecting the bill in the tavern tonight is Madame Mirabeau's maid. Balian has seen him before, and she has a good memory. She recognized Balian as soon as she saw him.

After seeing Baron Nxima with him, she knew that these two powerful barons had something to discuss, so she personally took them to the second floor, arranged a quiet private room, and personally arrived for them.

Dried flower tea was served.

There are only a few signature dishes of this restaurant. After asking Baron Nxima, Balian asked the maid to serve them directly.

They didn't wait long, and soon the dishes were served. In addition to a few special dishes, there were also some new dishes, as well as complimentary soups. It was very rich and filled the entire table, which made Enxi

Baron Mar said that he was too proud.

Not only was there a lot of food, but the store also brought two bottles of fine Sarion wine, which was so generous and was given to them both for free.

Moreover, in addition, there is also a place to eat for the escorts of Baron Balian and Enxima. Although it is a bit simple, the service is indeed very considerate.

Baron Nxima thought this was because he was too proud. After all, as the police chief of Yangweixuo City, who among the shop owners wouldn't be afraid of him?

Seeing how complacent and constantly showing off he was, Balian didn't tell him the real situation. After all, there was nothing good in offending others.

This is actually the importance Mrs. Mirabeau places on herself. During this time, Balian has distributed profits to Mrs. Mirabeau, and she has received a large commission. Moreover, Balian also asked someone to make a commission.

He gave her the detailed account, letting Madam Mirabeau know that Balian was actually sharing the profits with her as agreed.

In addition to the deep interest ties between the two parties, Mrs. Mirabeau also watched Balian's rapid rise with her own eyes. She increasingly felt that her bet that day was right. When Balian was still a knight,

So I invested in him.

He became a baron at the age of twenty. In the following era of increasing war and turmoil, this young baron will definitely be promoted again. At least he can be promoted to a viscount after the age of thirty, and his fief area will be larger.

They can protect their mother and son.

Baron Nxima naturally had no way of knowing these things. He was very happy at the moment and started drinking with Balian. Balian thought he had a good drinker, but he didn't expect that this guy was a heavy drinker but a weak drinker.

The two of them only drank a bottle of wine. Balian had just reached a tipsy state when Baron Nxima passed out.

In desperation, Balian asked his guards to send the drunken Baron Nxima back. However, the drunken Baron Nxima had a lot of self-respect, and it became even heavier after he was drunk into a puddle of mud.

Fortunately, there was a carriage in the tavern, and the maid asked a carriage driver to take Baron Nxima back. Needless to say, the service was really thoughtful.

This chapter has been completed!
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