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Volume Two: The Iron-Blooded Baron Chapter 272: Yang Weishao's Case-Solving Story (4)

Seeing that Balian's face was gloomy and he did not answer her immediately, Mrs. Mirabeau straightened up and waved her hands, pretending to be indifferent.

"I have nothing to do with your affairs. Just treat my sister well. However, I am just worrying about this. Looking at the speed of the reconstruction of Bangshui Town, I know that you must not have treated her badly." Mrs. Mirabeau


Balian shrugged helplessly, which meant, you can say whatever you like, I don't care about you.

Seeing Balian's appearance, Madam Mirabeau also knew that there was no point in talking about their relationship, so she started talking about today's important matters.

"By the way, I'm keeping you because I have something important to discuss. This is a big trouble, and it's of great importance. I have no one I can trust in the city of Yang Weixuo, so I have to look for you." Mirabeau.

The lady said seriously.

Balian could not help but frown when he saw her serious look. He knew that if a woman comes to you because she is in trouble, she must be in big trouble.

Moreover, the complexity of this big trouble is directly related to the woman's own status, so this is why Bellion frowned when he heard her say that.

Madam Mirabeau, a woman who could have countless people willing to break their legs just by her words in the city of Yangweixiao, was a big trouble that even she had to take seriously. It was definitely not an ordinary big trouble. There was a high probability that she would be in trouble.

I can't figure it out at all...

However, you should listen to her first. If you refuse without listening, you will offend her. The consequences of offending the mistress of a big shot are more terrible than offending the big shot directly.

Balian made up his mind and asked tentatively: "Who does this big trouble of yours have to do with?"

"Who else could it be, Count Grieve?" Madame Mirabeau said calmly.

Balian felt very bitter at this time. He looked at Madam Mirabeau and thought, Sister, you really think highly of me. How can a little baron like me stand up to Count Grie?

Just as Balian was about to say something, Mrs. Mirabeau continued to explain: "Actually, it is not a trouble for us. If we deal with it well, it will be a help.

You know about Earl Gerry’s infertility, right?”

At this time, Balian, who had already prepared for the worst, nodded slightly to show that he knew.

"Hi!" Mrs. Mirabeau sighed, "Actually, it's not that he is infertile, but someone doesn't want him to have children. I only found out about it in the past two days."

"Ah!" After hearing the news, Balian exclaimed in surprise. He looked at Madam Mirabeau with an incredible expression.

Madame Mirabeau nodded firmly, and then she said to Balian: "I am not the only mistress of Count Grie, there are several others in the city, two of them are also familiar with me, and we often travel around during normal times.

Two weeks ago, I went to see Lady Nia to watch the opera. When I went there, I happened to meet Count Gerry at her place. The two of them must have just... just finished something.

After Earl Gerry left, Lady Nia changed her clothes and was about to go out with me. One of her servants stopped her and asked her to drink the bowl of dark brown water. Lady Nia was originally unwilling to drink it.

The servant actually glared at Mrs. Nia.

Mrs. Nia, who was a little afraid of this servant, drank the bowl of water obediently, and then went out with me to watch the opera."

"Dark brown water? You mean there is dark brown liquid in the water glass?" Balian looked questioning.

Madam Mirabeau nodded and said to Balian: "Don't worry, just listen to me and you will understand."

Balian also nodded obediently, indicating that he would never interrupt casually again.

Seeing that Balian stopped interrupting her, Mrs. Mirabeau continued: "Actually, I drink that dark brown liquid every time after talking to Count Grie. There will also be a servant beside me to urge me.

Drink it and don't let me tell anyone, including Earl Gerry.

As long as it is revealed, the safety of us and our families will not be guaranteed.

You don't know, it's not that easy for us to be the mistress of a big shot. We don't just need to satisfy him in bed. We also accept his surveillance, and these servants are sent by him to monitor us.

If we go behind Count Grie's back, have sex with other men, or do anything detrimental to him, these servants will arrest us immediately.

I originally thought that the medicines we drank were medicines to increase the probability of pregnancy, but in fact, they were not at all.

Every time we slept with Count Gerry, the glass of water the servants gave us to drink turned out to be water boiled from the dried roots of purple gold roses!"

After Balian heard this, his pupils dilated. Isn't this the family secret that Mrs. Tully told him some time ago? The root of this purple and gold rose is used for contraception.

"You know what this thing does, right? Tully should have told you." Madam Mirabeau asked after seeing Balian's reaction.

"Yes, Madam Tully told me." Balian nodded, and then asked solemnly: "This seems impossible? Was Earl Grie deceived by his servants like this?"

After asking, Balian asked several more puzzled questions, "Why are these servants doing this? It's not good for them. Could it be that someone instigated them? And who is this person? What is his purpose?"

Woolen cloth?"

Suddenly, Balian seemed to have remembered something. He stared at Mrs. Mirabeau with sharp eyes and asked: "Since there are servants watching you, why are you still here talking to me about this?"

Mrs. Mirabeau smiled, then sighed, and then slowly replied: "Because the servants around me who are responsible for monitoring me are all drunk, and I asked people to mix you in the wine they drank.

They drank the distilled liquor they were given and turned it into mud, and now they sleep like dead pigs in their pig house."

"What a good trick, Madam Mirabeau." Balian was wary in his heart, but he still praised her.

Later, Balian asked her: "Have you ever given birth to a child before?"

Mrs. Mirabeau nodded, "Of course, Count Grie has always wanted a son, but he doesn't want such a rich inheritance to go to his son-in-law after his death.

Therefore, the mistresses he finds are all women who have given birth to children, especially those who have given birth to sons before, just like me."

Hearing this, Balian could only click his tongue. Count Grie's desire to have a son is understandable. However, how do you feel that this Earl Grie in this time and space has such hobbies as Cao Mengde in his previous life? This

Is he a heroic figure?

These messy thoughts flashed away, and Balian continued to ask: "Does Lady Mary drink?"

Madame Mirabeau shook her head, "This is exactly what I want you to inquire about."

This chapter has been completed!
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