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Chapter 30 Wind and Cloud Top

Riano thought for a while and replied: "Sir, the construction of the castle is developing as a whole. In terms of materials, there are less and less wooden structures and more and more masonry structures. I am fifteen

When Sui Gang was studying with his teacher, I saw from his apprenticeship manuscripts that quite a few of them were wooden castles, built with earth embankments, usually about fifty feet high, with arrow towers and wooden walls built on top of the mounds.

Then trenches were dug and water was brought in, and a wooden bridge or path connected the castle to the outside. The entire castle was like an island. After he became an architect, there were more stone arrow towers, and many castle exterior walls were also made of stone.

Made of stone and brick.

In terms of arrow towers, there used to be arrow towers at the four corners of the city wall, but in the past ten years, the number of arrow towers in some castles has even doubled. I personally think that the increase in arrow towers on the city wall can not only increase attack points

, and can also form a cross area, that is, when the enemy attacks the middle position of the two arrow towers, they will face simultaneous attacks from the two arrow towers, and the defense effect is greatly enhanced." With that, Riano picked up a branch with both hands and placed it on the

A simple picture was drawn on the ground for Balian to make it easier to understand.

"I have seen many castles. The arrow towers of these castles are basically square. Do you think there is anything that can be improved about the square arrow towers?" Balian asked the second question.

After hearing the question, Riano did not answer the question. He erased the sketch he had just drawn. Then he first drew a square and then a circle. This circle happened to wrap around the square. "Look, sir,

Although my drawing is not very accurate, it still shows some truth. The circumferences of this square and this circle are the same, but the area of ​​the circle is larger than the area of ​​the square. This means that when building the castle, the same method is used.

With a large amount of materials, building a circular arrow tower can defend a larger area."

Hearing this, Balian sighed in his heart, we really can't underestimate the ancients. No matter how ignorant the age, there are still smart people. The mathematical qualities of the architect in front of him are rare in this time and space.

Although he was very emotional, Bellian remained expressionless. He gave the third question of the interview, which was an operational question. He asked Riano to design a castle for him and drew a sketch on the ground. Riano

After thinking for a while, he squatted on the ground and started drawing. It didn't take long for him to draw a sketch of a castle. Although it only had squares, circles and some simple lines, everyone could understand it at a glance.

Liano pointed to the picture on the ground and explained to Bellian, "Sir, the idea of ​​this castle is to be built on a hill. The outermost circle is the moat, on which a suspension bridge can be built, and the middle circle is the outer castle.

This circle of city walls surrounds the entire hill and the plains below. The innermost circle is the city wall of the inner castle at the foot of the hill.

Both the outer and inner fort walls have only one gate. The outer fort's gate opens at this position, and the inner fort's gate opens at this position. In this way, after the enemy rushes across the drawbridge, what he directly faces is not the city gate.

, but the city wall. They need to go around half a circle to reach the city gate. After breaking through the outer fort wall, they also need to go around half a circle to attack the inner fort wall. The city gate is the weakest point of a castle and the most important point for the enemy.

Attack, this design can delay the enemy's attack time and allow the enemy to suffer greater casualties.

The layout of the castle is like this. The area between the inner castle and the outer castle can be used to resettle residents and build taverns, blacksmith shops, shops, etc. The inner castle is where the lord and his family live. This layout is the real

The upper city and lower city areas have been upgraded to enhance protection and prevent ordinary people from disturbing the lives of the lord and his family."

After Riano finished speaking, Mark's eyes lit up, as if he had seen a treasure. He was so excited that he wanted to speak but stopped because Balian had not yet spoken, so he had to hold back his excitement and hold back his words.

Balian stood up and said to Mark: "The Riano family doesn't have to live here anymore."

"Ah!" Mark was very surprised when he heard what Balian said.

"There are several wooden houses like this in Nolandenburg. Arrange one for the Riano family. In addition, the food and accommodation for their family must be arranged," Balian ordered.

"Okay, sir!" Mark stroked his chest and felt relieved.

At this time, Liano suddenly knelt on the ground and said to Balian in a choker voice: "Sir, can I ask you something?"

Balian was surprised to see Liano acting like this all of a sudden. He recognized Liano's ability and raised their family's salary. If it were someone else, the kowtow was for gratitude, so why would Liano make further demands?



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Just say it, I will allow whatever is reasonable." Balian responded.

"After helping you build the castle, you can kill me immediately, but please save the lives of my family and don't kill them." Riano said these words almost crying.

"You are such an outstanding craftsman, why should I harm you?" Balian was confused by what Riano was doing, and then he pulled Riano up and asked him to explain it to him.

An architect like Riano, no matter where he goes, as long as he shows his skills, he will never starve himself and his family, but why would he rather be a yeoman than do the work he is good at? It turns out that ten

Years ago, after Liano and his teacher built a castle for a lord in the Principality of Orion, the lord ordered them to be killed in order to prevent them from building a better castle for others. Liano was lucky because

He went to the toilet because he had an upset stomach and escaped death. All his teachers and classmates were killed.

After having this experience, Riano ran back to his hometown and became a low-key farmer. He usually did some masonry work to earn some money to support his family. He no longer dared to be an architect. This time, if his family hadn't forced him to

There was no way, he would not reveal his identity as an architect. It was for this reason that after realizing that Balian recognized his ability, Liano was afraid of making the same mistake as his teacher, so he knelt down and begged Balian to let him go.

's family.

After hearing this, Balian sighed, "It's easy to kill an architect, but it's difficult to train an excellent architect. I won't kill you, let alone hurt your family."

At this point, Balian stared at Liano and said: "But when you say this, I am not only worried that you will design a better castle for other lords, but also worried that you will leak the secret of my castle."

When Balian said this, Liano closed his eyes in pain, as if anticipating what would happen next.

"In order to prevent this from happening, I have no choice but to leave your family in Norlandenburg. You must not only be loyal to me, but also be responsible for the construction of the castle under me." Balian left his thoughts behind in Lia.

The Nuo family expressed their thoughts.

Hearing Balian's words, Liano couldn't believe his ears. He knelt on the ground excitedly and swore to Balian: "I swear to the God of Fire and swear allegiance to Balian Tucker, the master of Norandenburg.

Sir, if you break this oath, you will fall into hell."

"I, Balian Tucker, accept the allegiance of the architect Liano, and provide him and his family with shelter to protect their safety." As he spoke, Balian helped him up.

On the night when the Liano family moved into Nolandenburg, Balian also organized a welcome dinner. Liano was indeed a little flattered. In order to relieve his nervousness, at Balian's signal, everyone took turns to drink. In the end,

The drunken Riano was carried back by Tur and Bran.

After lunch the next day, Balian took Mark and the sober Riano, accompanied by the two attendants of Tours and Bran, and came to Nolandenburg, about 1,500 steps west.

At the foot of a hill, it is said to be a hill, but it is actually a small hill with a circumference of 500 steps and a height of about 100 steps.

From Tur, Bran took the sword and cut through the obstacles in front to clear the way. The five people quickly climbed to the top of the mountain. Balian pointed to the architectural ruins left on the top of the mountain and said: "During the empire period, this was a building that could station two hundred elite infantry.

The outpost has a very domineering name, Fengyunding. The top of the mountain where we are is where the Fengyunding outpost is located. These are the remains of the outpost two hundred years ago. My library at Valombre Cathedral

In the library, I saw a book about the Western Outpost from the Empire period. The Western Territory of the Empire is our Brick Principality. It contains information about Fengyunding. Because the name is very good, I was very impressed by this place.

The top of the mountain is a ten-acre piece of flat land, which can be used to build a good lord's official residence. There is also a deep well from the Empire period, which can draw water directly from the mountain. From the foot of the mountain to the middle of the mountain, there are several flat areas where houses can be built.

, there is also a small lake of more than 300 acres at the foot of the mountain, which can be used as a water source and can also be diverted to fill the moat.

The most important thing is that Fengyunding is the only mountain within a radius of 5,000 steps and is the highest point. I think this place is the most ideal place to build a castle in Norlandenburg."

After listening to Balian's words, Liano and Mark stood on the top of the wind and clouds and looked into the distance. In the distance was the Stag Forest, and nearby were shrubs and grass with some large trees sparsely growing in the middle.

"What your Lord is saying is that this place is a very ideal place to build a castle. It is not only easy to defend but difficult to attack, but also

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It is very convenient to control the surrounding villages and land." Riano said here, paused, and added: "The village of the future."

"Hahaha!" Balian laughed, "The castle will have it, and the village will have it too."

When Mark and the three of them heard this, they also laughed, because when Balian urged them to work, he often said: "Work hard, and there will be bread and milk." Although it is the same sentence structure today, but

Things have changed.

Balian asked Liano to come to him. He pointed to the foot of the mountain and said: "Riano, I plan to build the new Fort Nolandenburg in three phases. In the first phase, a masonry structure will be built on Fengyunding.

A small castle with a circumference of about 400 steps was built, and a road was built from the bottom of the mountain to the mountain that could accommodate two four-wheeled carriages passing side by side. After the construction, important places such as the lord's residence, workshop, granary, and armory were moved in first.


The second phase is to build a city wall at the foot of the mountain to surround the entire hill where Fengyunding is located. At the same time, build a group of residences in the places where houses can be built on the mountain and distribute them to the officers and you working people. At the same time,

Move the workshop out of the Wind and Cloud Summit, separate it from the residence and the lord's official residence, and place it separately.

The third phase is to extend five hundred steps outward from the inner fort wall at the foot of the mountain to build the outer fort wall. The vast land between the outer fort wall and the inner fort wall is not used to grow food, but to attract businessmen to live and live.

As a businessman, I believe that within my lifetime, Norlandenburg will become Norlandon City, and a new city will appear in the south of Buckswood."

Mark, Tur, and Bran were all shocked by the city picture described by Balian. They had never thought that such a big city would appear in this desolate land.

"Extending five hundred steps from the foot of the mountain, the length of the outer city wall is about 3,600 steps. The land between the inner and outer castles is almost 1,500 acres. It is really a big city, sir.

In our Brick, I am afraid that except for Valombre, Janviccho, and Windholm, there will be no city bigger than Norlanden." Riano silently calculated the situation after the construction of the fortress wall described by Balian.

some data.

"Riano, the data you calculated are very accurate." Balian looked at Liano in surprise. His mental arithmetic speed impressed Balian with admiration. The data was almost the same as what he calculated on the papyrus.

After saying this, Balian raised his eyes and looked outside, "This third phase of the plan may still be far away for us. We need to wait for Nolandenburg to grow stronger. What we urgently need to do now is Fengyunding."

The building of castles and the building of villages.”

"Master, I believe that under your leadership, it won't take long. Maybe my son can be born in Nolandon City." Mark said with confidence.

"Hahaha!" Mark's words made the four of Bellion laugh.

With the addition of Riano, an outstanding architect, the construction of Castle Nolandenburg and the construction of the village, two important matters ranked before reclamation, were finally officially launched. At this time, the reclamation team led by Mark had already reclaimed the land.

More than 400 acres of arable land have been created, but good things don't come late. Once formal construction begins, progress will be rapid.

Before the construction of Fengyunding Castle, the road must be repaired first, otherwise the building materials will not be available at all. Riano asked fifty young men from Mark to build a winding mountain road from the foot of the mountain to Fengyunding. Road construction

The matter is not complicated. After Liano has arranged it, Mark will send someone to supervise the work. Liano will arrange the work every morning and check it in the afternoon.

The work that Riano devoted himself to during this period was the construction of the first village of Norlandenburg. Due to the turbulent social environment in this time and space, and because there are many hills, woodlands, and wild animals near Norlandenburg, Balian

Drawing on the earth buildings seen in previous lives, we built a circular enclosed house in this time and space. After discussion, Bellian and Riano jointly formulated a plan for an enclosed house. This circular enclosed house has a diameter of about sixty steps and a circumference of two hundred steps.

, covering an area of ​​more than four acres, with an open space in the center, which is a place for water collection and daily gatherings of villagers. There are 60 independent houses. Each household has two floors. The first floor is a kitchen and a room for storing sundries. The second floor is a kitchen and a room for storing sundries.

The first floor is a room for food storage and living. All the windows open inward. In the yard, livestock sheds and poultry nests can also be built. Such a yard is enough for a family of seven to live.

Such an enclosed house can accommodate a village of more than 300 people. Not to mention that the third floor is fully connected and is used for guarding and attacking incoming enemies. The village militia is responsible for daily guarding. There is only one door in the entire enclosed house.

With the help of a team of militiamen and villagers, it is still no problem to surround the house and deal with a small group of enemies.

(End of chapter)

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