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Chapter 33

Balian saw that Bess and Gamlin were both in emotions, and he consoled him: "Bess, Gamlin, I don't want you to follow me, not because I favor Eomer and Barret, but because of the opportunity to make military exploits."

A lot, no rush this time.

But this is your chance to defend Fort Nolandenburg for everyone and train the soldiers well at the same time. Although you two did not go to the battlefield, when the merits are discussed after the war, your achievements will definitely be at the forefront, so you can rest assured."

Hearing what the lord said, Bess and Gamlin were a little embarrassed. Logically speaking, they should be happy that they don't have to go into battle. They are still jealous here. Bess said: "Sir, guarding the home and training troops are very important in themselves.

You leave the matter to the two of us. It's too late for us to be happy, so please don't say that." Gamlin also quickly agreed.

Seeing that the two of them were so sensible, Balian continued to talk about his arrangements, "The second thing is the issue of troop distribution. Viscount Merry only gave me fifty serfs. If I bring fifty soldiers, what will happen next?"

What else could I ask for from him this time? I decided to take twenty standing troops and ten militiamen, a total of thirty soldiers, to report to the city of Amundine.

The remaining five standing troops and fifteen militiamen, led by Barrett, took a boat up the Carr River and arrived near the dock of Maple Leaf Manor first. When the siege begins, you will sneak attack and hijack the pirates' ship. After that,

Just find a secluded place to wait. After we break through Maple Leaf Manor, we will inevitably need to take some things away. Land is not convenient, but it is better to travel by boat, which is faster and more concealed."

"Yes! My lord." Barrett stood up and accepted the order.

"Eomer and I will take thirty soldiers and set off tomorrow to join Sir Pippin in the county. In order to make the march easier, I will take two four-wheeled carriages with me this time to carry tents and other supplies.

We can simply prepare some food. We are going on an expedition this time for the sake of the county governor's political achievements. Viscount Merry told me in his letter that he will arrange the food and grass." Balian told everyone the plan to divide the troops.

Afterwards, everyone briefly discussed the details of the next two marches. After basically confirming them, Balian stood up and said to everyone: "Tomorrow morning, Eomer and I will leave first. We will probably stay in Amondin."

In a day or two, or about the day after tomorrow, Barrett and you guys can set off.

Okay, I won't let you eat today. Go back and clean up quickly, and let the soldiers clean up as well. The battle is coming, and I don't have anything to say. In this battle, we will work together to build the reputation of the men of Fort Noland.

, on the day of triumph, we will hold a celebration banquet for everyone in the newly built castle in Fengyunding! "

"Okay!" After everyone shouted in unison, they went to work.

When Balian led his troops to the city of Amundine, there was no place for garrison in the county, because in addition to a hundred county soldiers, the county governor, Viscount Merry, also intimidated and lured many lords directly under the county.

In addition to Balian, eight palace knights came with soldiers.

Not only that, he also recruited fifty urban infantry who provided their own equipment and set out with the large group. As of today, except for Balian and one knight, everyone else has arrived.

There was simply not enough space for so many soldiers to camp, so the soldiers brought by the lords and the city militia had to be stationed outside the city.

In the past few days, the city of Amundine, which has been flooded with a large number of soldiers, has been in chaos. People were drinking and fighting in the tavern. Two groups of people were fighting over a woman and getting their heads bloody. People were robbing things in the street... Balian

What they saw along the way to the governor's mansion with Eomer, Tuor, and Bran led several of them to the idea of ​​not participating in this battle.

If nothing else, it’s just because this group of quasi-comrades-in-arms of mine seems to be so unreliable. It’s okay to hope that they can fight with the wind, but if the battle goes unfavorably, I’m afraid they will run faster than rabbits. But this is just thinking

Just thinking about it, if Balian really says he quits now, Viscount Merry will definitely not be able to spare him. He has to bow his head under the eaves.

When they arrived at the governor's residence, the guards informed that Viscount Merry had just left the city to inspect the military camp. The four of them had to turn around and leave the city. It seemed that Viscount Merry had not taken the main road in the city just now because he did not want to see these soldiers and bandits causing trouble.


After arriving at the camp outside the city, Viscount Merry and Sir Pippin were about to inspect the Fort Norland camp. Balian quickly asked the soldiers to line up and stand at the gate of the camp, waiting for the inspection of the Lord Sheriff and the commander.

Viscount Merri has been in a bad mood these past two days. The main reason is because these lords are so unreliable. What kind of soldiers have they brought? Looking at the camp outside the city, most of them are old people with gray hair.

Just grown

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The grown-up young men were either wearing old and moldy armed uniforms or wearing old and venerable torn leather armor.

Some held a spear made from a small tree bent like a dog's leg, some tied a rusty sword without a scabbard to their waists, and some even cut firewood at home.

The axes were brought. Seeing their appearance, Viscount Merry thought that the equipment of the robbers and robbers might be better than theirs. It was probably impossible to expect these people to fight.

It turned out that in addition to ordering Balian, Viscount Merry also ordered these eight palace knights with fiefdoms to each lead at least twenty soldiers to join his expedition team. However, the fiefdoms of these lords were only one or two villages, and the fiefdoms of these lords were only one or two villages.

There are only a few hundred people, and now that the busy farming season is about to come, there are simply not enough strong men to come together.

They had no choice but to use the old men and young men to make up the numbers, plus five or six light infantrymen from their own private army. They didn't expect to achieve any military exploits anyway, and they just had to be able to cope with the errands assigned by Viscount Merritt.

Sir Pippin's pessimism was even more serious than that of Viscount Merry. After all, he was the commander of the reconquest. The county gave him one hundred county soldiers and fifty recruited city militiamen. These one hundred county soldiers

Although the equipment is acceptable, it is usually neglected to train, and it is used to levy excessive taxes in the county and bully the good.

The fifty urban militiamen who provide their own weapons all provide their own equipment. These urban craftsmen, the second sons, third sons, and illegitimate sons of merchant families who are not qualified to inherit the family business have pretty good equipment. Basically everyone has one.

They wear iron leather armor and iron helmets, and their weapons are relatively standard, which are large shields and spears. With the addition of close combat weapons such as short swords or war hammers, they can be regarded as heavy infantry.

But these urban militiamen are self-contained. They fight to make money. Without sufficient profit motivation, they will never undertake the task of attacking fortifications. When encountering danger, they will be the first to retreat. Compared with taking enough money, they will

Not as good as a mercenary who gets things done.

It was precisely because of this that Sir Pippin had no choice but to place his hopes on the lords for the main attack. However, he did not expect that these lords, who were palace knights, would beat their chests one by one when they agreed, and finally took out their hands.

The troops are so powerful that they can't even compare with the city militia and county soldiers. How can we expect them to fight?

Viscount Merry and Sir Pippin inspected the messy territories of these eight lords with disappointed expressions, and had little hope for the troops from Fort Norland. However, when they arrived at the station of the soldiers from Fort Norland,

But I was surprised to find that this campground was extremely clean and quiet.

A chest-high wall made of sharpened wooden stakes formed a small camp with a circumference of forty paces. There were six light green canvas tents, four war horses and four pack horses neatly pitched inside.

The two four-wheeled carriages were also arranged in an orderly manner, and thirty soldiers were neatly lined up in three teams, standing in the open space in the camp, waiting for the review.

Seeing the arrival of Viscount Merry and Sir Pippin, Balian quickly stepped forward and bowed to salute, "Dear Lord Sheriff, Lord Commander, Inspector Balian Tucker led thirty soldiers from Fort Norland to report.

, please two adults to review."

After Balian finished speaking, Tour began to beat the drum, and Bran began to play the flute. This was modified by Balian based on the "Grenadier March" played during the march of the British Isles in his previous life. Bailey, who had a rough understanding of music, began to play the flute.

Lyon first taught two of his attendants, and then asked them to train drummers and flutists.

The sound of drums and flutes sounded, and the thirty soldiers behind them all put their weapons on their left chests, then raised their heads and looked straight ahead to welcome the review of Viscount Merry and Sir Pippin.

After the two adults reviewed, the sound of drums and flutes stopped, and the soldiers put down their weapons and still stood neatly on the spot. Viscount Merry looked at the soldiers of Fort Noland, the disappointment on his face was wiped away affectionately, and he was excited

Said: "Sir Balian, your soldiers are very good. I saw the right person. With your elite soldiers, we will definitely be able to successfully regain Maple Leaf Manor."

"Thank you Lord Sheriff for your affirmation. We, the Norlandenburg people, will naturally do our best in this battle, but we mainly rely on your strategizing, Lord Sheriff, the leadership of the Commander, and the concerted efforts of all the lords." Balian didn't want to think about himself.

The hard-trained soldiers were used as the main force to attack the enemy, so as soon as Viscount Merritt opened his mouth to praise, he quickly blocked his mouth with words.

"Hahaha, Sir Balian is too humble. As long as you cooperate with Sir Pippin to successfully regain Maple Leaf Manor in this battle, you will definitely receive the credit and rewards." Viscount Merry continued to hint.

"Yes, Ser Balian, when the battle is over, I

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You must report your military exploits impartially, you and I also understand each other, and it is your contribution that should be yours, so don’t think too much about it." Sir Pippin also helped.

He originally thought that this battle was over, but after seeing Balian's troops, his confidence recovered a little. He knew that if you want people to sacrifice their lives, you have to promise them benefits in return, otherwise who would be a fool.

"That's it, that's it. I will definitely assist Sir Pippin and all the other knights in this battle and regain Maple Leaf Manor." No matter how many strategies you have, I have certain rules, and Balian will never let go.

Seeing Balian like this, Viscount Merry couldn't continue to persuade him. He and Sir Pippin looked at each other and said to Balian: "Hahaha, let's talk about the war later. Tonight, you and Eomer both

Come to my official residence for the welcome dinner. In addition, I will send someone to bring beer and food to the camp. Let’s relax today and set off tomorrow.”

"As you wish, my lord." Balian agreed, and then Viscount Merry and Ser Pippin returned to Amundine.

After the county guard and commander left, Balian announced the disbandment of the team and let the soldiers who had set up camps and tents after a day's journey go to rest. This was not only because Balian knew how to sympathize with the troops, but also because he knew that nothing in this world is without reason.

There is no hatred for no reason, no love for no reason, and no loyalty for no reason.

If you want to make your subordinates loyal, you have to give them enough practical benefits, and you have to win over them psychologically. It is best to have a banner of idealism erected. With a three-pronged approach, most people can get it done.

After the soldiers all went to rest, Balian and Eomer sat down somewhere in the camp. Tur and Bran thoughtfully served them two glasses of ale. Eomer took a sip of the ale and looked.

Looking at Balian, he said: "Balarian, is it possible for us to win this battle? Look at those soldiers, I think one toad pirate can defeat ten of them."

Balian nodded, "It is absolutely impossible to win against people like them, but we must be clear about the purpose of our battle."

"Oh, isn't it to perform a meritorious service and take back some goods and food?" Eomer was curious about what Balian's purpose was.

"This is just a superficial goal, or a goal that can be told to everyone to motivate everyone, but the real goal is not these. After all, war achievements can be made at any time, and there is no shortage of opportunities to fight, wealth and food right now.

What's more, there is not a shortage of Noradenburg now, but there will be too many valuable things, which will attract people with ulterior motives to come and snatch them." Balian rejected Eomer's speculation.

Eomer shook his head helplessly, "I'm stupid and can't understand. Since you came back from injury last time, I think your whole person has changed. You no longer look like a boy under twenty years old.

He looks more like a person in his thirties or forties."

"Hahaha, maybe it's because of that big change that made me want to understand a lot of things." Balian explained with a smile.

"This time there were three to four thousand refugees who came to Fort Nolandenburg to work, but in the end only more than five hundred were willing to stay. Why is this? Because the benefits I gave them were not enough? No, in the entire northern border

, I can’t find a more generous lord than me, but why are they unwilling to stay?

The main reason is that there is no sense of security. It has been more than half a year since Norlandenburg was established. I am an unknown knight and I don’t have many soldiers under my command. How can these refugees be willing to follow such a lord?

We eliminate wild wolves and green forest bandits, which are just trivial things. The most important thing is to fight a few battles to build our reputation, so as to attract more people. Without people, the territory cannot develop.

." Balion explained to Eomer.

"Of course, it's not just for this. Only after I have achieved military exploits can I be promoted. Only when I am promoted can I be promoted to you. Brothers, follow me. I will not only ensure that you have enough food and clothing, but also give you a promotion class to escape from.

Opportunities for civilian status.

Also, as you know, I am now a member of the northern faction in the palace. Now I am just a small role. If I want to attract the attention of the big shots and let them promote me and take me seriously, I also need practical military exploits.


By the way, there is also self-protection. The father and son of Lidabao must be holding back bad ideas to deal with us. The more battles we win, the less confident they will be when dealing with us, and the safer we will be.


After hearing what Balion said, Eomer suddenly realized, "How could I have thought of this if you didn't tell me, hahaha! You are right, in order to live a better life and be safer, we must fight more and win more battles."

(End of chapter)

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