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Chapter 38: Maple Leaf Manor Restoration Battle (4)

Just when Eomer was leading the men to fight with this group of pirates, the soldiers who were climbing the ladder on the east side all retreated. The leading knights and officers on the east side did not join in like they did on the west side to encircle and annihilate the raid.

of pirates.

But after the commander Sir Pippin fell to the ground, he quickly ran away with his soldiers. This way, without the constraints of the siege soldiers, the pirates on the city fired arrows to support the pirates below. Eomer

The soldiers led by Fort Nolanden suffered casualties.

However, there were not many pirates left in the city. After Eomer and the others quickly annihilated this group of pirates, they covered the heavy infantry carrying Sir Pippin and retreated carrying the casualties of Fort Norland.

go back.

Balian wanted to take advantage of the Maple Leaf Manor's gate to open, and lead his men to rush in and occupy the city gate, but these pirates were too cunning. When they saw that their attack plan failed, they immediately closed the city gate.

Before the soldiers of Fort Nolanden could rush to the city gate, they were hit by random arrows and stones. Although most of them were blocked by shields, several soldiers were still injured. Seeing that there was no hope of seizing the city gate,

Balian ordered the retreat with regret on his face.

After returning to the camp, Viscount Merri asked everyone to come over for a combat meeting as usual. Although today's attack killed nearly half of the pirates, their losses were also quite serious.

Commander Sir Pippin was seriously injured and fell into a coma. A leading knight was killed in the battle. His body is now hung on the city wall by the pirates. In addition, a trainee knight and two knight squires were killed in the battle.

Infantry casualties exceeded one hundred.

It was almost the loss ratio of three Brick soldiers for one Toba pirate. This made all the leading knights and officers extremely distressed. Although it was not difficult to recruit county soldiers and peasant soldiers, there were two hundred casualties in these two days.


Except for those who stayed behind in the main camp, almost every leader had less than half of his soldiers who could continue to participate in the battle. They happily brought a group of soldiers over, but in the end they could only lead less than half of them back dejectedly.

No one else would be happy.

Viscount Merry was frightened at the scene today. Fortunately, Balian did not let him escape and embarrass himself in front of everyone. Anyway, Balian did not say anything, and others were not present and did not know about it.

But right now, Viscount Merritt has no time to take care of these face-saving matters. The most important thing at the moment is to decide whether to continue fighting tomorrow or to retreat directly. They can't afford to delay it now. If they lose more than a hundred people in tomorrow's attack, and

Nobles such as the leading knights and trainee knights, as well as Viscount Merry, probably don't have to wait for the palace inspectors to come over. They should just go to Wallombre City to plead guilty.

"In the past two days of fighting, we have all lost a lot of men, but today we have killed half of the pirates, and the results are not bad. What do you think we should do next?" Viscount Merry asked everyone tentatively.

Everyone present began to scratch their heads when they heard Viscount Merri asked their opinions. Although they all wanted to retreat, they saw that Viscount Merri had no clear attitude and they were unwilling to make the first move in case they disagreed with the Sheriff's idea.

Woolen cloth?

Looking at everyone like this, Balian knew that he could no longer be an ostrich with his head buried in the sand. In the past two days, due to the wrong formulation of the battle plan, so many people had been killed or injured. Two soldiers from Fort Nolanden also died in battle today, and three

The person suffered minor injuries.

We have paid such a heavy price, and now we even have the idea of ​​​​retreating. Then our sacrifices will be in vain. Will we have to wait for a while, after the pirate reinforcements arrive, and we will attack the city again with greater casualties? Then we will only

Even if Balian wanted to refuse to be cannon fodder, it would be impossible.

Balian stood up and said decisively: "Master Sheriff, I feel that we must not retreat. If we fight tomorrow, we will definitely win Maple Leaf Manor!"

Hearing Balian's words, the others here were a little angry and thought, are the Tuba pirates so easy to fight? They will definitely capture Maple Leaf Manor tomorrow. How confident does this kid have to say such a thing?

"It seems that our Sir Balian is not only good at cooking, he is also very good at fighting." A middle-aged knight who led the army sarcastically said, because Balian and the soldiers of Fort Norland he brought were treated as a gift to everyone.

A fire-headed warrior for a day, the knight took advantage of this and mocked Balian for not knowing how to fight.

After hearing this, Balian smiled slightly and said, "Am I good at fighting? More than half of the thirty pirates who rushed out of the gate today were killed by my soldiers, and we only died two people in battle. Just watching

I can compare this result to someone who led his troops and jumped off the ladder to escape after Sir Pippin was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

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When this middle-aged knight saw Sir Pippin fall to the ground during the battle in the morning, he thought the commander was dead, so he quickly jumped off the ladder and was the first to retreat with his soldiers, which in turn caused others to follow suit.

Balian wanted to kill him directly on the battlefield, but he was a soft-spoken person at the moment and did not have the power. However, this did not mean that Balian would not give this man a little look. I still want to deal with you, so you just bump into him.


When the middle-aged knight saw Balian exposing his shortcomings in public, he was furious. He slapped the table, stood up, and was about to draw his sword to duel with Balian.

But when his hand touched his sword, he realized that the young knight in front of him had easily defeated the Bear Killer Sir Thorg. He was definitely not his opponent, and the result of the fight would only be self-destructive.


After he figured this out, he sat back down, but in order to relieve his embarrassment, he said to himself: "If it weren't for the sake of the governor and all the knights, I would definitely fight to the death with you.


"Hmph!" Balian snorted disdainfully. From the bottom of his heart, he looked down on such a tough-minded person.

"Sir Balian and the soldiers of Fort Noland performed very well in the battle today. They are worthy of being elite soldiers who can destroy the Blood Wolf gang. Their combat effectiveness is very strong. I am working with them to face the pirates. I trust Sir Balian's fighting ability."

"Yes." Viscount Merrill reciprocated the favor and supported Balian in public.

Although he shamelessly hid himself shivering behind the soldiers of Fort Nolanden, he pretended that he and the soldiers were facing a powerful enemy.

With the support of Viscount Merry, Balian continued to explain to everyone why he should persist in fighting.

"Lord Sheriff, Sirs, why I suggest that you continue to fight is because of the following considerations:

First, we still have more than 300 people who can participate in the battle, while only about 40 pirates can continue to participate in the battle. Our military advantage has not been lost. We can continue to bear losses like today, but the pirates

It is absolutely unbearable. In other words, as long as we hit them harder, the pirates will basically collapse;

Secondly, we attacked for two consecutive days and paid a heavy price of more than 200 casualties. If we withdraw our troops at this time, the blood of these warriors will be in vain. Do we have to wait and pay such heavy casualties to regain Maple Leaf Manor in the future?


Thirdly, these Toba pirates usually live in the south and rarely come to the north. Even if they do come, they plunder the coastal areas. But this time they have gone so far inland. Who can guarantee that they will not do anything more.

Big conspiracy?

Who can guarantee that they will not receive reinforcements in the future? Do we want these dirty wild dogs to take root in the territory directly under the Duke? At that time, I am afraid that the Duke will first blame us people, after all, we condone pirates

If they are entrenched here, they might even be labeled as being in league with the Toba pirates.

It is precisely because of these three considerations that I have to stand up and advise everyone to continue the fight, regardless of the small talk of others."

After Balian finished speaking, everyone fell into deep thought, especially the last point. If they don't try their best to regain the Maple Leaf Manor directly under the palace this time, then the Duke will blame them. They are the low-level nobles who were originally sent to the cold north.

, the days to come will definitely be even more difficult, and it is absolutely impossible not to fight.

"I agree with Sir Balian. Maple Leaf Manor must be recovered. Tomorrow, we will try to capture it in one battle!" Seeing that everyone was silent, Viscount Merry made the final decision to continue the attack tomorrow. Balian's words made some

Shaking, he strengthened his confidence to continue the attack.

After deciding to continue the attack tomorrow, it is now a matter of re-selecting the commander. After all, Sir Pippin was seriously injured and is still in a coma.

Someone suggested that Viscount Merritt should take direct command, but Viscount Merritt, who knew that he had neither the commanding ability nor the martial arts and courage to kill the enemy in front of the battle line, decisively rejected this guy's proposal, and called it a disloyalty with his subordinates.

Strive for merit.

If it were an easy battle with a clear war situation, I guess everyone would fight for the position of commander. But now that we have lost twice in a row and suffered heavy losses, no one is willing to take over the position of commander. You push me, I

Pushing you is like pushing a rubber ball, pushing the commander's position back and forth like a hot potato. No one is willing to take over.

Viscount Merri was also angry when he saw his men behaving like this.

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No, he picked up the copper wine glass and slammed it on the table several times. After everyone calmed down, he said sternly: "Okay, the quarrel will never end, right? Just use this force when fighting!" Everyone looked at it.

Whenever Viscount Merritt got angry, he lowered his head and remained silent.

Viscount Merrin glanced at everyone present with cold eyes, and finally set his sights on Balian. "I propose that Sir Balian be our commander. In today's battle, I witnessed Balian with my own eyes."

With Sir's fighting skills, I believe he will be able to lead everyone into Maple Leaf Manor."

After Viscount Merry finished speaking, the others clapped quickly and falsely congratulated Balian on his appointment as commander. He affectionately called Balian "Commander" and said that he would follow the command of the commander.

The lewd smiles of these people made Balian very uncomfortable, but now was not the time for an attack. Balian dealt with these people with a smile, and then asked Viscount Merry with a serious face: "My lord, you choose me to be your commander.

Does that mean I have the right to deal with those who disobey orders on the battlefield and who do not fight well?"

"Of course, I will give you the sword that the Duke gave me, and I will also give you five knights and ten heavy infantry to protect me. If anyone dares to disobey your orders, you can deal with them for me." Merry

Since the Viscount chose Balian, he gave Balian a high level of trust and support.

Because he also understood that the one who could take on the big responsibility now and help him regain Maple Leaf Manor was Balian, and no one else could count on him.

Balian stretched out his hands and respectfully took Viscount Merry's sword, then held the sword in his arms and looked at everyone with a serious face, "Before the war officially starts tomorrow, I want to give everyone a chance to withdraw from the battlefield, because

Tomorrow's battle may be like today's, with a lot of bloodshed and a lot of deaths. Those who are afraid of death and unwilling to contribute can now propose to withdraw from the ranks of combat troops and go to garrison camps, is it okay?"

Seeing no one answered, Balian continued with a serious face: "Okay, since everyone is a true man who is not afraid of death, then I will announce the wartime regulations! First, after going to the battlefield, anyone who does not obey orders will be killed! Second

Second, during battle, anyone who escapes from battle will be killed! Third, if anyone fails to return to camp on time before dark, he will be killed!"

They could still understand the first two of Balian's three-kill order, but the third one was obviously too specific to them. The battle had not gone well these two days, whether it was the leading knights, officers, or ordinary soldiers.

When we got to the camp, we went straight to the caravan that accompanied the army, where they lived and drank, men and women having sex.

Not only because of the pressure of the battle, but also because the battle situation is so tragic. You don't know when you may die in battle, so why not take advantage of it now? These guys who were drained of their bodies by drinking and sex at night went to the battlefield the next day.

It's strange that their legs are weak, this is one of the reasons why they are not effective in combat.

Several leading knights and officers looked at each other. After all, they had just collectively stated that "the commander will obey the orders". Now they cannot object to Balian's first order just after he issued it. That would be a slap in the face.

Balian looked at what they were doing and smiled coldly, "There is still some time until dark. I will lead the soldiers to inspect the camp later. Anyone who has not returned before sunset, whether they are with status or without status, will be punished.

They want to be beheaded! Sirs, after the meeting is over, quickly send someone to bring your men back. Have a good rest today and fight well tomorrow!"

All the leading knights and officers of the county soldiers had bitter looks on their faces. After Viscount Merritt announced the breakup of the meeting, they hurriedly took people to the camp of the caravan to pull back their men. These people also knew

, Balian is different from Sir Pippin, he can do what he says, and he will kill even if he says to kill, there is no need to fight against him.

Before dark, Balian asked Eomer to lead the soldiers of Fort Noland to guard various positions in the camp to prevent anyone from jumping in while it was dark. Balian personally escorted Viscount Merry's knights and heavy infantry to guard the camp.

Waiting at the gate of the camp to see who dares to ignore military orders and come back after sunset.

Balian and his men waited at the gate until after dark, then ordered people to close the camp gate, and then led his troops to surround the camp of the caravan accompanying the army.

Balian and Eomer separated into two teams. Balian personally led people to search the camp of the caravan, and Eomer led people to search the woods next to the camp, looking for those who got into the small woods to carry out the Great Harmony of Life movement with the wandering warblers.

Guy. After a careful search, they captured a knight's attendant, two captains of the county soldiers, and four conscripted peasant soldiers.

(End of chapter)

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