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Chapter 43 Big Change

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Viscount Merri shook his glass and said with a smile: "You are a very good young man who can recognize himself. I have seen many young knights. They are not as pragmatic as you, and their hearts are as high as the sky. As a result, they are broken."

He shed blood and even lost his life because of his arrogance, which is regrettable."

"Thank you for your compliment, my lord." Balian raised the wine glass and toasted to Viscount Merry to thank him. After the two drank for a while, Balian returned to his camp to rest.

Half a month later, this team of more than 400 people finally returned to Fort Nolandenburg. They were delayed for two days in the city of Amundine. In the remaining days, everyone was on the road.

Balian originally did not want to enter the city of Amundine, but at the invitation of Viscount Merry, Balian still led Eomer into the city, received the iron, grain, and silver coins promised by Viscount Merry, and attended the ceremony at the governor's residence.

A grand dinner was held.

As a celebration banquet, the scale of this dinner was much larger than before the expedition, and there were more guests participating. Even representatives of nobles from neighboring provinces and counties came to participate. Balian looked at these people and sighed in his heart: No matter who

In time and space, it is true that there are many people who add icing on the cake, and few people who provide carbon in the snow.

As a key figure in the battle to regain Maple Leaf Manor, Balian gained the closeness of many nobles. Different from the nobles and merchants who shunned him before the expedition, Balian returned victorious and had a reputation as a good fighter. Merry

The Viscount's preference was even more obvious. These nobles and wealthy businessmen knew how to adapt to the changing circumstances. They changed their cold faces before and became very kind to Balian.

When many nobles learned that Balian was still unmarried, they hurriedly introduced their daughters, nieces, nieces and other suitable-age women to Balian and asked him to be their family's son-in-law. Although Balian was not in a good position, he refused directly.

Although he wanted to save face, he declined on the grounds that Nolandenburg was poor and his parents had to make the final decision on the matter.

Looking at the behavior of these people, Balian would not dare to become in-laws with them, otherwise these guys would definitely bring him a lot of troubles and troubles. However, although Balian's refusal was obvious, he still could not stop these people who wanted to marry him.

Because of the relationship, Balion had no choice but to drink several times, get himself drunk, and let Eomer take him back to avoid these people.

When they woke up the next day, Balian, Eomer, and Mark, who had rushed over, purchased some supplies that were in short supply in the territory in the city of Amundine. After a brief rest for the night, they set off back to Fort Norland at dawn.

From the time I left at the end of May to now almost August, Fort Nolandenburg has undergone a lot of changes in two months. When Balian first took over, there was only a wooden outpost, and the rest was woodland and grassland.

Quite different.

Balian looked excitedly at the land that belonged to him, and asked Eomer, Barret, and Mark to take the people back and resettle them. He took Tur and Bran to check out the newly built buildings.

The road connecting Fort Nolandenburg to the Avenue of the Knights has been repaired. Riano followed Bellian's suggestion and raised the roadbed, using gravel and cement to build a road about three rims long and five paces wide, which can accommodate two four-wheel vehicles.

A wide road with horse-drawn carriages running side by side.

The brisk hooves of the three members of Bellion's group stepped on the concrete pavement, and the crisp sound of "ta-da-da" alerted passers-by that someone was riding a horse from behind.

At the end of the road, there is a roundabout. This road becomes three roads. Going straight around the roundabout is Nolandon Castle on the top of the wind. Going left leads to the first enclosed house of Nolandon Castle and the forest lake.

, leading to the right to the second enclosed house that is about to be built.

Balian knew that Liano was building a castle in Fengyunding, so he rushed directly to Fengyunding.

After arriving at the bottom of the mountain, Balian looked up and saw that the main body of the castle was almost completed. He didn't know what the interior looked like now.

Liano commanded people to build a winding mountain road, also made of cement, from the bottom of the mountain. After going around twice, it led to Fengyunding. The journey was not very long. The three of them rode horses and arrived at the gate of the castle in a short while. Liano happened to be there.

Directing the workers to build the city tower, when he saw Balian arriving, he quickly put down his work and came to salute.

Balian helped him up, looked at the mud-covered architect with a smile, and said happily: "Thank you for your hard work, Riano. I came all the way and found that you did a good job. It's been more than half a year."

In time, you have completed the construction of two enclosed houses, and the castle is almost completed, which is very good."

Hearing Balian's praise, Liano scratched his head in embarrassment, "Sir, I was quite guilty.

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Before leaving, I promised you that when you return in triumph, you can live in the new castle, but I didn't do it. I thought you would punish me, but I didn't expect that I got praise from you."

Balian patted him on the shoulder, "My Brother Liano, in such a short time, plus the refugees have gone back to harvest in the summer and we have opened up wasteland and farmed our own land, it is already very good that you can do this to this extent. I have

What reason is there to criticize you?

Besides, didn’t I tell you at the time? You don’t need to pursue speed. The house you live in should be sturdy and comfortable.”

Hearing Balian's relief, Liano became even more embarrassed. He wanted to say something else, but Balian raised his hand to stop him and told him: "Okay, Liano, you have to do it now."

Yes, you just want to take me to have a good tour of my castle, and then take me to the built enclosed house, and wait until the evening, have a drink together."

Liano chuckled, "Okay, sir, come with me and be careful where you step."

Riano took Balian and Bran and Tour through the tower under construction and came to the castle. In the middle of the castle was Balian's lord's official residence, which was only half-built at present. Riano told Balian that if

The interior needs to be decorated more exquisitely, and I'm afraid it won't be completed until Advent, which is Christmas in this continent, which is equivalent to the end of the year and the New Year.

However, Balian told Liano not to worry and to take his time, as he was not in a hurry to move in anyway.

The style of this lord's official residence was modeled on the manor villa that Balian had seen in his previous life for Riano. It is a Georgian style with red bricks and red tiles. It is three stories high and has more than 20 rooms. In the middle of the first floor is a spacious room.

The high-ceiling Lord's Hall, on the left side of the Lord's Hall is a large banquet hall that can accommodate fifty people for dinner at the same time.

On the right side of the Lord's Hall are two medium-sized banquet halls and three conference rooms. In addition, the large terrace on the second floor can also hold banquets and dances for fifty people.

The left side of the second floor is the large terrace and guest room, and the right side is where the lord and his family live. Of course, in the first two years after it was built, only Balian, two attendants and the butler Mark lived. The third floor is the study, which is confidential.

The room and the place where valuables are stored are designed with separate stairs, and outsiders are not allowed to enter on a daily basis.

Now that the official residence has not been built, Riano cannot show Balian around. He directly leads Balian to the city wall. The inner castle wall is a regular hexagon, with a protruding tower on each of the six corners.

The design of the circular convex-cornered castle is similar to the horse faces on the city wall that Balian saw in the ancient city attractions in his previous life.

When the enemy attacks the city, an intersecting area is formed between each two convex forts. The ground in this position will suffer huge casualties if it is hit by two overlapping attacks. Moreover, these cylindrical convex forts will

The corner fort not only has a larger attack area, but the interior is also a place for soldiers to rest and store weapons.

The wall of the inner castle is about 21 feet high, five steps thick at the bottom, and about four steps wide at the top. The outside is basically a steep cliff, which is difficult to climb up. Not to mention the crenellations on the top are very neat, and there are specially reserved walls.

Down the shooting hole.

At the same time, according to Balian's request, when Riano directed the construction of the city wall, he also reserved a place for equipping large weapons. After Balian and Hama have completed the experiments, these large weapons will be placed on the top of the city and equipped with troops.


The inner side of the city wall is a large house built with the city wall as one side. The five side walls correspond to five houses. These five houses correspond to five uses. They are used as horse pens and vehicle parking areas, as residences for servants, and as warehouses.

, used in craftsmen's workshops and used in prisons.

The soldiers guarding the castle live in the Corner Fort, and the officers and some soldiers live on the tower. During the construction, the Fort and the tower were built with double-decker single wooden beds in mind, and there are special soldier dormitories and officer rooms.

, of course, there will be no double-decker wooden beds in the officer's room. There will be special single beds and wardrobes, etc., but this is a story later.

Standing on the city wall, Liano pointed down the mountain and said to Bellian: "Sir, for a small hill like Fengyunding, the winding road actually only needs to go around once. The reason why I designed it is to go around twice.

On the one hand, it is to slow down the slope and make it easier to walk. On the other hand, when the enemy attacks, by making one more circle, we can kill a few more.

In addition, after the city wall under Fengyunding Mountain is built, I can build more houses along the road and the hillside, but the north side is shady and steep, so the houses can only be built in the southeast and southwest directions."

Balian looked down the mountain and thought that after the second city wall was built, Nolandenburg would be a small commercial town that could accommodate a thousand people. He said with some yearning:

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"I really hope that day comes soon. After it is completed, I will be a real lord."

Balian's words made the three of them laugh, and Bran laughed and said, "Master, when the time comes, will I be able to have a house of my own?"

Balian slapped him on the head, "You little guy, how old are you? You just want to have your own house and a wife?"

Tur sarcastically said: "Bran was thinking about getting a wife, and he has probably already done so now. The daughter of a merchant who came back with the team this time, the one with blond hair, Bran liked it very much and even gave her fruits.


When Bran saw Tur revealing his ambiguous move, he stretched out his hand to hit him, but Tur dodged it. Balian kept saying "tsk tsk tsk", "Oh, I can't think of it. Our little Bran is so powerful.

He will pick up girls."

"I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to see if our horses are thirsty. I'm going to get some water to feed them." Bran was a little embarrassed and found an excuse to run away. The three of Balian and the others looked at Bran.

Lan looked a little embarrassed and laughed even more heartily.

After walking around the city wall, the four of them got on their horses and were led by Liano to the first enclosed house that was built. People were already living in it, including the serf families who had followed Balian in the early days and regained their freedom, and the soldiers who had gotten married and settled down.

Family members, officials from the territory, craftsman families, etc. all live here. These people are either the first to follow Balian, or they are meritorious people. They are the first to move in, so there is no problem.

"Because there is a small hill next to this enclosed house. When summer comes, the whole hill is green, so everyone calls it Green Hill. During the two months when you were not here, we called the area where this enclosed house is located.

For Green Hill Village.

Because there is an oak forest next to the second enclosed house, we call it Oak Village. As for the specific names of these two villages, it is up to you to decide." Riano asked Bellian to name this area.

Balian shook his head, "The names of Green Hill Village and Oak Village are quite good. I think we should call them this. You are already used to the name, and it will be inconvenient to change it." So the first two villages of Norlandenburg were called Green Hill.

This is how Hill Village and Oak Village were born.

After saying that, Balian galloped towards the enclosed house and came to the gate of Green Hill Village. There were two militiamen standing guard at the gate. Due to the hot weather, they stood there wearing single clothes, holding short spears and fighting axes hanging from their waists.

, two unstrung longbows and two pots of arrows were placed on the weapon racks beside them.

When the two militiamen saw the four men approaching on horseback, they quickly pulled the horse over to block the door. When they got close and saw that it was their lord, the two militiamen pulled the horse away and quickly bent down.


"Good vigilance, keep it up." Balian praised the two of them approvingly, and the two brothers' faces immediately became happy.

After the four of Balian entered, they happened to meet Gamlin. After saluting Balian, Gamlin hugged his son Bran excitedly. After all, it was the first time that Bran had been away from him for so long.


Then Gamlin led Balian to visit the enclosed house. As soon as he entered, he saw a wooden frame and thatched roof pavilion in the middle of the enclosed house. Inside were two wells for daily use by the residents. This central square is usually useless.

, it’s also when everyone gathers to announce something.

Every Saturday and Sunday, it is used as a place for militia formation training and combat training. The militia's archery range is outside, mainly because they are afraid of shooting people, especially children running around.

Before Balian left, he set a rule for adult males in the territory to train two days a week, and asked Mark and Gamlin to organize everyone's training.

There is no other way. The population of Fort Norandenburg is too small and it faces many dangers. At the critical moment, all those who can fight must be put up. Rather than letting them go up in panic and die, it would be better.

Train them with daily training and keep them strong in fighting.

In this way, it can not only improve the combat strength of Fort Norandenburg, but also cultivate and select a group of high-quality seed soldiers for the standing army.

Of course, everyone is usually busy five days a week, so they are definitely not willing to participate in militia training on Saturdays and Sundays. However, after Balian asked Gamlin to announce the militia salary standards and the benefits of eating meat every meal, as soon as he heard that there was money

There was still meat to eat, so everyone signed up enthusiastically.

Taking into account the territory's financial situation and the progress of construction and land reclamation, Gamlin recruited the first batch of 300 militiamen after screening. These militiamen gathered at the training ground every Saturday morning after breakfast.

Conduct queue training, fighting training on Saturday afternoon, long-distance running and physical training on Sunday morning, and archery training on Sunday afternoon.

(End of chapter)

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