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Chapter 46: The Birth of Castle Greyhawk

This is the first novel I have written. I had the idea of ​​writing a book when I was in school, but I never took action. After five years of working, many things are on the right track, and relatively speaking, it is not as good as when I was a grassroots employee.


So I revisited my original idea and wrote a novel to commemorate the days of horseback riding and slashing.

However, I work from 9 to 6, I have to run after get off work, and there are quite a lot of dinners in the beverage industry. I can’t update 10,000 words like others. Please understand and thank you readers who support me! I will work hard to update and strive to have 3,000 words every day. Updated to 4,000 words.

After Balian finished speaking, Mark repeatedly praised: "Master, your house allocation plan is really great. It allows everyone to have a house to live in without getting it for free. It adds a stable income channel to the lord's mansion and at the same time, it also provides

Let these people continue to be grateful for your kindness to them."

"Okay, you don't need to say these flattery words. You still have a lot of things to do. Just do these things well. By the way, I want to talk about the second point, which is to tell you to do some things.

Mark." Balian actually doesn't like flattery from his subordinates, whether it's false or sincere.

"Master, you give your orders." Mark responded respectfully.

"There are some orphans in the territory, both male and female. You gather them all and build two houses next to my official residence. One is for them to live in and the other is for giving them lessons. Both men and women must learn to read.

At the same time, I will assign two soldiers who were injured on the battlefield and left disabled to help you manage the boys and train them according to the military method. As for the girls, you can find a woman who has worked as a servant for the nobles and let them take care of the housework.

, cooking, etc.

I will also take time out every week to personally teach them knowledge. You must make this a priority." Balian said to Mark solemnly.

"Master, why did you do this?" Mark looked confused.

Others also looked at each other in confusion, "Why are you doing this?" "It's so strange!"...

Balian knocked on the table with his wine glass, and then said with a serious face: "These children have no relatives and no support. Not only do I provide them with food, clothing, housing and transportation, but I also care about them and teach them. What do you think they will do to me?"

"Of course I am loyal to you, sir, and I am willing to die for you," Balin said.

"Yes! In addition to everyone sitting here, I also need a group of people who are loyal to me and capable of carrying out my orders to manage the people for me and for you.

Because Fort Norandenburg has more than 80,000 acres of territory. Even if only half of it is cultivated as cultivated land, there will still be at least seven or eight villages with a population of more than 3,000. Can Mark and you four manage it alone? I don’t want to

Like other lords, contracting out tax collection and other matters to tax collectors who only enrich their own pockets has no benefit except making the people complain.

And after several years of study, these orphans can write, calculate, and have certain martial arts skills. I believe that two young people can manage a village. You only need to manage them and supervise them."

"Sir, I think we can collect more male orphans. They can not only do civil affairs and other work, but also join the army.

Young people with such high loyalty, high discipline, and certain martial arts are qualified military officers. As long as they fight with us a few times, they will grow up quickly." Bess said excitedly, hearing what Balian said.

As soon as he said it, he seemed to have opened up a new world.

"I agree with your point of view, and this is what I was about to say. First of all, it is definitely possible for us to collect orphans. My idea is that we can collect male orphans aged eight to thirteen, whether we go to Gaoshan Castle, Ah

Munding should go to the slave traders in Yangweixuo City to buy them, or let the passing caravans collect them for them and just give them money.

Second, when the number of orphans increases, management becomes a problem. If possible, we should build a special school. We can build a castle on the scale of a small castle near Green Hill Village to accommodate orphans.


All the orphan boys must receive at least two years of study and training there. When they reach the age of fifteen, they can choose to join the army or engage in civil administration or blacksmithing and other technical work. You can discuss this and come up with a plan.

Details to come.

Third, these children are orphans. They have no parents. After they come, I, as the Lord of Nolandenburg, will be their father, and you teachers must play the role of good mothers. You must not only teach them knowledge and martial arts, but also teach them knowledge and martial arts.

I also need to care about their lives, and of course I will try my best to do this." Balian told everyone his thoughts in an orderly manner.

After hearing what Bes said, Balian thought about building a militarized orphan school. Like the rulers of the Ottoman Empire in his previous life, he gathered a group of teenagers and continued to learn from their outlook on life and values ​​before they were formed.

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Brainwash and cultivate a group of absolutely loyal and capable subordinates for yourself.

"Sir, you are right. I think not only orphans, but also children from ordinary families can come in if they want to. However, except for some big festivals or special events, they must have the same food and accommodation as everyone else.

In the castle, of course, we can charge some fees for their food and accommodation." Mark added.

Eomer smiled and said to Balian: "My lord, you are somewhat of a knight's school, but it is not to train knights."

"Hahaha, we can't call it Knight School. When I went to Green Hill Village last time, I heard that gray eagles can often be seen in the forest next to Green Hill. I think we should call it Gray Eagle Castle. I also hope that these children can be like eagles in the future.


If someone in the territory wants their children to study in Greyhawk Castle, that is also possible, but they must go through my own interview. If I am not here, then they must at least be interviewed by Mark or Eomer. Qualified children can enter Gray Eagle Castle for free.

Eagle Castle Learning.

I think for the first batch, we can just go with the size of two hundred people. The castle can be built a little larger and there should be more students in the future." Balian made the final decision and decided on the name of the school, which would have a profound impact on the future generations of the Weilin continent.

Castle Greyhawk School was born.

Later, Balian told everyone about the county governor Viscount Merry asking him to form an infantry regiment. Anyway, they were preparing to expand their army and prepare for war. They simply changed the name of the standing army to the Fort Norlandenburg Infantry Regiment and the militia to the Fort Norlandenburg People.


In this way, an infantry regiment of 100 people is actually the establishment of a company set by Balian. However, Balian will definitely not develop a standing army based on only 100 people. He will first form the first company and then slowly expand it.


By the end of the year, with the strength of two companies in the name of an infantry regiment, plus hundreds of militiamen who had been trained for more than half a year, Balian was confident of dealing with pirates and other enemies.

Now the Fort Norandenburg Infantry Regiment needs three more teams to be set up before it can be set up. However, with 500 trained militiamen, it is still easy to select 75 qualified soldiers.

Balian left the task of selecting and training new recruits to the Norlandenburg Infantry Regiment to Eomer and Bess. Balian took the post of commander of the Norandenburg Infantry Regiment and appointed Eomer as the first officer.

The company commander and Bess are the first deputy company commanders. They are responsible for the selection and training of soldiers.

Barrett has been appointed as the commander of the first company of the Fort Norandenburg Militia Regiment. The candidate for deputy company commander, Balian, has been found, but it will not be announced until detailed discussions tonight.

Gamlin was appointed as the Sheriff of Norlandenburg, responsible for the security work of Norlandenburg. At the same time, Balian asked him to select ten people from the militia to form a security team.

The security team mainly deals with petty thieves and does not need to be equipped with sophisticated armor and equipment. Balian assigned Gamlin ten sets of leather armor, ten knives, and ten polished wooden sticks.

These are enough to deal with theft and fights.

In addition, Balian expanded his bodyguard from one group to one, with Tour as the captain of the bodyguard.

As for the civil affairs, Mark is still in charge of the overall situation. Mark's deputy, the civil affairs officer of Norlandenburg, Lars, continues to assist Mark in managing the civil affairs of Norlandenburg.

Hama continued to be in charge of the handicraft workshop, and Balian officially appointed him as the craftsman officer. Hama was responsible for all handicraft workshops and other matters in the territory; and Liano was officially appointed by Balian as the construction officer. This was a Balian invention.

After receiving his official position, Riano was fully responsible for various construction works of Fort Nolandenburg.

After discussing these matters with everyone, the sun has already set. However, for several days of banquets, everyone has no intention of continuing to eat and drink. Balian will not let them eat, and let them go back to work quickly. After all, there are so many things.

Waiting to do it, you have to race against time.

After leaving his generals busy, Balian was not idle either. After having a quick bite, he asked a guard to invite Doc, the leader of the city militia he hired.

Doc and his brothers lived not far away, in the wooden house that Balian built for the refugee craftsmen's families. They were very close and they would come over soon.

"Brother Doc, you have lived in Fort Noland for a few days. How do you feel? Are you still used to it?" Balian asked with concern while pouring him wine.

Doc humbly took the wine poured by Bellian with both hands, and then replied: "Thank you for your concern, sir. We have lived well and eaten well these past few days. Especially these two days, we have been drinking every night, which is very...


"That's good, that's good. I have too many things to do these days. If there is any lack of hospitality, don't worry about it." Balian raised his glass and gestured to Doc to drink.

"Sir, it's really great. I haven't been this comfortable and comfortable for a long time. There's endless beer to drink and endless meat to eat. Everyone is enthusiastic and cheerful. Everyone's eyes are shining with happiness. It's really a beautiful place.

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Land." Doc's words were not entirely meant to compliment Balian, this was indeed what he thought in his heart.

During the years he worked as a mercenary, he passed through the fiefdoms of countless lords. In most of the villages under the lords' rule, the people were ragged, poorly fed, and had empty eyes. When people saw them, they felt that it was a lifeless land.

Hearing what Doc said, Balian smiled slightly. He stood up, came to the window, looked at the full moon that had just risen outside the window, and said to Doc: "Brother Doc, would you like to accompany me?"

Go for a walk outside."

Doc was stunned for a moment, then replied: "Okay, sir."

Following the four guards, the two walked outside the castle. Originally, Balian didn't want to bring guards. After all, his own martial arts skills were not bad, but since Balian and the others killed Sir Sac and robbed Baron Raul's house

After the cargo ship, Mark and Eomer asked Balion to travel alone or at night, and he must be accompanied by a guard.

Because the enemy has a certain degree of power, there is no guarantee that he will assassinate Balian. If Balian has an accident, all the things Nolandenburg has done in the past year will be meaningless. Mark and Io

Mo's desire to rise up the social ladder will also be dashed.

As a last resort, Balian had no choice but to agree to the two of them. Who would let him bear the fate of so many people on his shoulders now?

Balian and Doc walked side by side along the cement road on a midsummer night. Although the summer in the north was hot, it was still very comfortable to be outdoors with the cool breeze. The two of them walked along the road toward Fengyunding.

Walking in that direction, there are now militiamen stationed there. At night, braziers and torches are lit on the city walls, making it look like a castle already occupied by lords and soldiers.

After Bellion walked slowly for a while, he suddenly asked Doc: "Brother Doc, do you know why I haven't agreed to let you join Fort Noland?"

"Uh..." Doc was a little at a loss. He thought for a while and said sincerely: "I don't think the adults can trust us, but they think we can't fight."

Balian shook his head, "A qualified soldier can be sharpened after rigorous training and experiencing fighting on the battlefield. No one is born to fight. Just take these four brothers who are following us.

Come on, what do you think of them?"

"They are calm, quiet, and follow orders. They are first-class strong soldiers." Doc replied decisively, "They are also in good physical condition. They can stand upright for a long time without moving. They can also stand in front of people on the battlefield.

Hold your ground when attacking the enemy."

After hearing Mark's words, the four guards could not help but puff up their chests, although they did not show any happy expressions on their faces, fully displaying their pride.

Balian continued: "Do you know how long they have been following me?"

"Uh...well, I don't know." Doc answered truthfully.

"You can guess." Balian asked him to guess.

"It will take at least three years. I guess they are professional soldiers sent to your family by your father, Sir Orry, specifically to protect you." Doc expressed his opinion.

"Hahaha!" Balian laughed loudly, "The four of them were serfs who were rewarded to me by the king at the farm directly under the palace outside the city of Valombre last winter. They stayed with me for less than a dozen times.


"Ah! This is impossible!" Hearing what Balian said, Doc was surprised. In his understanding, an elite armed infantry must go through at least three to five years of training, plus many actual battles.

It takes experience to hone it, but Balian was able to train four serfs into such powerful soldiers in less than a year. How is this possible?

"Zhuo Guo, tell Brother Doc, how long have you been a soldier under me?" Balian called a guard over and asked him to tell Doc personally.

"Sir, Captain Doc, I was originally a serf at the palace farm. After following your Excellency to Fort Noland last year, I received military training in early December and became a sword and shield soldier. I have experienced the Night of the Hungry Wolf.

, robbers attacked, destroyed the lair, and recovered Maple Leaf Manor in four battles. He served as a soldier for more than eight months." Zhuo Guo replied.

Balian has given fixed names to the battles after Balian came to Norlandenburg, so that everyone can remember them easily. For example, the Night of the Hungry Wolf was the sneak attack by wolves.

Drogo, the sword and shield soldier who answered the question, is considered a veteran at Fort Norland. He has experienced almost all the battles. He has been serving under the lord's escort led by Tour. During Balian's free time during the march, he also handed over

These guards learned to read and write, and they were taught some knowledge about marching and fighting.

Balian did this because he wanted to cultivate the guards around him into qualified officer seeds, so that when the army expands, they can serve as captains and deputy captains, which can not only solve the problem of the lack of officers, but also

Increase your control over the army.

(End of chapter)

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