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Chapter 49 Killing You Within Three Days

Although Gamji was unwilling to do so, the current situation was stronger than his own. He could only call on his men with Grima, take the goods and casualties of the caravan guards, and follow the militiamen of Fort Nolandenburg obediently.

On the other side, Balian and Balin escorted more than 20 bandits and returned to the hunting camp. They took today's prey and returned to Norlandenburg. The five-day autumn hunting activity came to an early end.

Because of the episode where the caravan was robbed, Balian felt that it was unsafe to continue hunting, as he might be attacked by bandits hiding in the forest. In addition, Balian now needed to find someone who had dealt with these bandits to interrogate these people with him.


This man is the second leader of the destroyed Blood Wolf gang, and now the civil affairs officer of Nolandenburg, Lar. He knows very well these bandits who are hiding in the forest and robbing the caravans on the south bank of the Karl River. Maybe this group

Among the bandits, there is one who has collaborated with the Blood Wolf Gang.

After returning to Norlandenburg, Gamgee and his men were all placed in the castle. After the construction of Green Hill Village and Oak Village, most of the residents who originally lived in this wooden castle moved

Going out, there are now many wooden houses for these guests to live in.

Balian asked Mark to entertain them well and let them rest here for a night first. After all, they had just returned from a life-or-death situation on this day, and people with the best psychological quality needed to take a good rest.

Ordinary robbers were tied up and locked up in a long wooden house. The bandit leader was kept alone in a small wooden house. After Balian waited for Lal to return from Oak Village, the two of them interrogated the man together.

Bandit leader.

As soon as the door opened, the bandit leader whose hands and feet were tied couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he saw the person coming. He shouted excitedly: "Brother Lar, I'm Billy! Please save me!"

Lal also recognized this person at this time. When he heard him calling him like this, Lal said with a serious face: "Billy, I am now the civil affairs officer of Fort Norlandenburg, and the person next to me is the civil affairs officer of Fort Norlandenburg.

Lord, knight of the court, deputy sheriff of the county, Sir Balian, the inspector of the county.

I advise you to cooperate with us and say whatever you ask, and the adults will give you a lighter sentence when the time comes. If you don't cooperate and resist to the end, you will only die."

When Billy heard what Lar said, he was furious and yelled: "You stupid guy, how could Boss Quaid and the Blood Wolf gang be wiped out? It turns out there is a traitor like you, please be kind

Be your bitch!

The brothers of the Hound Gang will take revenge on me. When the time comes, Boss Gu Hui Yang will definitely cut off your dog’s head and use your skull as a bowl!”

"Plop!" There was a sound, and Billy, who was standing there whining just now, was kicked to the ground by Lar. Seeing that his old acquaintance, his former colleague was so unscrupulous and even cursing himself, Lar didn't say anything.

What was the old friendship? He raised his leg and kicked Billy directly on the chest. This big flying kick was so big that it didn't even knock off the thread of Billy's clothes.

Before the kick was over, Lal kicked Billy twice more in the stomach. The bandit leader was so painful that he lay bent over on the floor and groaned in pain. It seemed that Lal's two kicks were really enough.


Seeing that Lal wanted to continue fighting, Balian quickly grabbed him and kicked him a few more times. This guy might be dead. He also wanted to interrogate him and get something out of him.

Balian pulled Lal aside, called two guards in, and asked them to take a good look at Billy lying on the ground. Then he took Lal out and asked him what he knew about the situation. After all, at this moment,

Billy, who had just received a severe beating, would definitely not be able to answer for a while.

After coming out, Lal calmed down a little and told Balian everything he knew.

The Stag Forest on the south bank of the Carr River is close to the Knight's Road, the main trade route in the north, so it is active here. There are particularly many bandits who lead robberies. This is why the county guards under the direct jurisdiction of the county have set up outposts and

The reason for the patrol.

After years of fighting and alliances, there are three major green forest bandit forces in the forest on the south bank of the river, that is, the three major gangs. Their respective spheres of influence are divided like this. The Nolandenburg area east of Linjian Lake is a blood-soaked area.

The territory of the Wolf Bandits, now that the Blood Wolf Bandits have been destroyed, the Green Forest Bandits are intimidated by the reputation of Lord Nolandenburg and do not dare to operate in the area east of the Forest Lake.

To the west of Forest Lake to Raven Ridge is Billy's Hound Gang, which is the most powerful and territorial among the three major gangs.

To the west of Raven Ridge, all the way to the edge of the forest and at the junction with Yangweixo Province, this area is covered with bluebells and is called

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page)

The place where Wind Chimes is located is the sphere of influence of the Grizzly Bear Bandits. The Grizzly Bear Bandits are the most brutal of the three forces.

They are murderous. When they rob caravans, they not only rob the property, but also kill all the people. They also plunder villages. After they invade the villages, they burn, kill, loot, and rape women.

They commit all kinds of evil, which makes the other two gangs despise being associated with them.

After all, the Blood Wolf Bandit and the Hound Bandit rarely kill too many people. They usually only rob property and capture businessmen in exchange for ransom. As long as the ransom is paid, they will release people immediately and they will not be tortured during their detention.

As for the small businessmen and caravan guards who were unable to pay the ransom, they either joined the bandits or were sold into slavery and lived a miserable life. From this point of view, it did not seem to be much better for the poor.

But at least the Blood Wolf Bandit and the Hound Bandit will not rob farmers who don’t have much money or food in the first place, because many of them are bankrupt farmers and escaped serfs, and they know that these people who farm the land are nothing.

There is no point in snatching valuable things from what little they have.

Lal said that the Hound Bandits and the Blood Wolf Bandits usually avoid the Grizzly Bear Bandits, and sometimes even join forces to deal with the Grizzly Bear Bandits' transgressions.

In addition, the two families usually work together to deal with the encirclement and suppression by the lords and county soldiers. The relationship between the two families is reasonable. The main leaders of the two families are also familiar with each other. Sometimes they get together to eat and drink together, although they are not close to each other.

It's so ironic, but it's still reasonable.

Balian nodded after hearing this. After hearing what Lar said, he knew the bandits under his nose very clearly. At the moment, all he had to do was come one by one and eliminate the hound gangsters in Raven Ridge first, and then kill them.

Once the brutal Grizzly Bear Bandits are eliminated, the trade route on the south bank of the Carr River will be stable.

"How many people are there in the Hound Gang? What is the name of their boss, Gu Yang, and what kind of person is he? The name sounds quite interesting." Balian asked Lal.

"Sir, the Hound Bandits are actually similar to the Blood Wolf Bandits, except that they have more soldiers." Lal replied, "Their boss Gu Huiyang is a ruthless man, and his experience is legendary."

"Tell me about the legendary life of Gu Huiyang. I'm very interested." Balian said with a smile.

Lal also smiled, "Gu Huiyang was originally the son of a farmer in a village outside the city of Amundine. Because of his strong body, he was spotted by the lord of their village, an old knight. In this old town,

Serve as an armed infantryman in the knight's castle.

He fought several battles with this knight. Gu Huiyang fought bravely and was highly regarded by the knight. He also promoted him to be the captain of the infantry and the chief instructor of the peasant soldiers, and taught him to read and write.

Originally, according to this development, Gu Huiyang's life must have been a stable life under the hands of an old knight, and then he would marry a wife and have children. His son might become a knight's squire, or even a knight.

But Vulcan likes to tease people so much. During a battle, the old knight was hit by a cold arrow and died on the spot. After the old knight died, his eldest son inherited the castle and village.

This young lord was a bit lecherous. One day, while drunk, he wanted to rape the sister of Gu Huiyang, who was working as a maid in the castle. The little girl, who was less than fifteen years old, was strangled to death on the bed by him during her resistance.

Even after death, he still has not escaped his tainted fate.

At this time, Gu Huiyang was sent out to escort the lord's mother back to her parents' home and was not in the castle. However, after waking up, the lord felt that Gu Huiyang would not let him go so easily after he came back, so he simply sent Gu Huiyang's parents as well.

He killed him and ordered his soldiers to arrest Gu Huiyang immediately after he returned.

After Gu Huiyang returned to the castle, he was caught by the lord's guards, beaten up, and thrown into a prison. In the prison, he heard what happened to the guards from his village. Gu Huiyang, who knew the reason, immediately became angry.


He escaped while the guards were changing. The escaped Gu Huiyang left a piece of paper on the castle gate, which said that within three days, he would kill the lord who killed his whole family and give him his ashes.

It was spilled.

After the lord saw the strip of cloth left by Gu Huiyang, he didn't pay much attention. He didn't believe that an armed infantryman with no weapons and a peasant background could enter the heavily guarded castle and kill him. However, even though he didn't believe it, he still stepped up


As a result, on the night of the third day, a fire broke out in the warehouse in the castle. After the lord sent people to put out the fire, Gu Huiyang came to his bedroom and cut off the lord's head with a sickle.


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After escaping with the lord's head, he burned the head into ashes and sprinkled it in front of the castle door, making his words of killing people and scattering the ashes within three days a reality.

Because of this incident, Gu Huiyang became famous and was called the "bloody sickle". When people mention him, they will say the sentence "I will take your life within three days, and the broken bones and ashes are not empty words."


Later, he took some escaped serfs and established themselves in the Stag Forest, and continued to recruit people to form the Hound Bandits. It has been almost six or seven years now."

After hearing what Lar said, Balian really had a good impression of Gu Huiyang. According to a certain famous book he read in his previous life, he was a hero who was forced to go to Liangshan. However, there is no Liangshanbo in this time and space, only stags.


Thinking of this, Balian suddenly asked Lal: "Brother Lal, do you think it is possible for me to conquer this Gu Huiyang?"

"Ah!" Lal was startled when he heard this, and then said in a dumbfounded voice: "Sir, Gu Huiyang has hated the nobles since his family was killed by the lord, and he is here in Raven Ridge.

The bandit is doing well and has a small kingdom of his own. It should be impossible to surrender him."

Balian smiled thoughtfully, "Let's talk about this later. Let's go in and talk to Billy first."

Billy was tough at first and unwilling to cooperate, but after Balian covered his mouth and nose with several pieces of wet paper, he gave in within a short time.

According to the information he gave, they usually arrange secret sentries on both sides of Knight Avenue. After the secret sentries find targets that can be robbed, they send people back to Raven Ridge to report. Then the boss Gu Huiyang will send one of his subordinates to lead people to rob.

The goods will be sold to the underground black markets in Yangwei Shuocheng, Amondin and other places. There is a mature model of robbery and selling stolen goods.

Their Hound Bandit Gang now has more than 150 bandits who can serve as combatants, but after today's battle, the number of remaining troops is only less than 100. They have a wooden mountain stronghold in Raven Ridge. Normally, they and

The leader and his family all live there.

As for the other details, it was up to Lal and the others to learn about them in detail, and Balian stopped asking. He now wanted a good strategy that could not only get rid of the two major gangs, but also minimize the casualties on his side. It would be best if he could also

Collect and surrender the ancient Hui Yang.

After interrogating the bandit leader Billy, it was already very late, so Balian went back to rest early. He had been hunting and sleeping outdoors for the past few days. Although it was fun, living in a tent in the wild was accompanied by mosquitoes.

, it was always better than lying on a soft, spacious bed. After drinking a few glasses of beer, Balian fell asleep quickly.

When he woke up early the next morning and had just washed up, Bran came over to tell Balian that the merchant Gamgee they rescued yesterday wanted to see him, and he also brought a small, exquisitely decorated box with him.

When Balian heard this, he knew that Gamgee was a little anxious and wanted to spend money to ward off the disaster. Balian directly asked Bran to take him to the Lord's Hall and give him breakfast. I guess this guy must be anxious.

I probably didn't bother to have breakfast, so we just happened to have it together here.

Seeing Balian come out, Gamgee, who was restless, quickly stood up and saluted, "Dear Sir Balian, good morning."

"Good morning, my friend, how did you sleep yesterday? Are you used to it?" Balian responded kindly.

"Very well, my lord, thank you for your thoughtful arrangement." Ganji replied with a smile on his face.

After Balian sat down, the servant brought breakfast. When Balian saw Gamgee still standing there, he quickly greeted him: "Please sit down, Gamgee, my friend, you probably haven't had breakfast yet."

, just in time to have something together.

This pork chop is the meat from the wild boar we just hunted yesterday. These wild boars eat acorns and pine nuts in the woods all year round and often run around. The meat is of very good quality. You may not be able to eat it in Amundine. Try it now.


After hearing this, Gamgee quickly picked up his knife and fork and cut a small piece. After tasting it, he praised: "Sir, this pork chop is so delicious. I have never eaten such a delicious pork chop."

Hearing what he said, Balian, who was drinking milk, almost laughed out loud. The cook who has been in charge of the kitchen has been busy moving in the past two days and has not been here. Today's breakfast was made by Bran and Tur, although it was not difficult to say.

It's edible, but it's definitely not delicious.

Balian complained a little in his heart that these two boys were wasting good ingredients. Hearing what Gamgee said, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Some people are really born actors, and their performances are just like real people.

(End of chapter)

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