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Volume 1 Forest Knight Chapter 57 The Village That Was Slaughtered

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Five days later, a team of more than 70 people entered the territory of Kubrum County in Yangweixiao Province. This team was composed of Gamji's caravan and Balian's guard. After five days of long journey,

They have already traveled nearly half of their journey, and they will reach the city of Yangweixuo in five or six days.

Not long after the team entered the boundary of County Coolum, Gamgee rode up to Balian's carriage and told him where to rest for the night.

At this time, Balian was sleeping in the four-wheeled carriage that Hama had built for himself as a RV. After being modified, this four-wheeled carriage could not only carry some cargo, but also had a bedroom with a single bed and a desk.


There are many cabinets and drawers in the carriage that can be stored, so it is quite comfortable for one person to live there. Along the way, Bellian spent most of the rest of the carriage in this carriage, except for riding through places where the road conditions were bad.

Gamgee rode alongside the carriage. After knocking on the window, Balian opened the curtains and saw it was Gamgee. He asked with a smile: "Is it time to camp? Gamgee."

"I was just about to tell you this, sir. We don't have to live in the wilderness tonight. Not too far ahead, we'll reach Siss Town. It's a large walled town with taverns, inns, and a blacksmith shop.

Everything is there.

Let's stay here tonight and have a good rest. By the way, the lamb in the tavern in the town is particularly delicious. When we get there, I will take you to have a taste." Gamji replied.

Balian was also very happy when he heard that there was a prosperous town. Although he had a comfortable carriage, his guards had been setting up tents in the wild these days. He nodded happily, "Okay, Gamji, that's it.

It's up to you."

After Gamgee left, Balian got down from the carriage. He asked Bran to bring his horse over, and he rode for a walk and looked at the scenery along the way.

At this time, there was still about an hour before the sun set, the sunlight was no longer strong, and the autumn wind felt a bit cool on my body.

Balian wrapped himself in his cloak and looked up at the sky. The birds had already begun to return to their nests. As the sun set, flocks of them quickly flew across the sky, leaving the plains embracing the majestic beauty of the setting sun.

Looking at the scenery that he had almost no time to appreciate in his previous life, Balian crossed his legs and dismounted the horse. The horse understood the master's intention, trotted a few steps, and ran towards the front of the team.

As soon as Balian arrived at the head of the team, before he could say hello to Gamgee, who was at the head of the team, he saw a caravan guard on horseback rushing towards him. He looked panicked and hurriedly said to Gamgee: "Boss, no.

Okay, the village in front was massacred, there are corpses everywhere, it’s so miserable!”

After hearing this, Gamgee was shocked, "Ah! How is this possible?"

At this time, Balian drove his horse forward and said, "Could it be a private war between the lords, or a bandit?"

Ganmgji shook his head, "Sir, both of the things you said are probably impossible."

"Oh, why?" Balian asked.

"The village in front is within the territory of Sir Tower of Sith Town. Sir Tower is a kind and low-key man. It is impossible for him to have enemies with other nobles. Naturally, it cannot be a private war between lords.

The area around Sissi Town is all plains, with no mountains or woodlands for bandits to hide in. Except for small groups of bandits, there are unlikely to be large-scale bandits like the three major gangs on the south bank of the Karl River.

Moreover, Sir Tower makes a lot of money every year relying on Sis Town, a prosperous town on the trade route. Although his troops are not large, they are very elite. They take the initiative to eliminate banditry every year. It cannot be the work of bandits.

." Gamgee explained to Balian.

"No matter who did it, this journey must be risky. We must rush to the town of Sis as soon as possible." Balian said.

Gamgee nodded and agreed. He quickly urged the leader of his caravan guard to urge everyone to hurry up. Balian took Bran and three horse caravan guards to the village to see if it was there.

No clues can be found.

Before reaching the entrance of the village, Balian and the others smelled the unpleasant smell of burning and rotting corpses from a distance. After Balian smelled these smells, he stopped his horse and pulled out the dagger from his waist.

He cut off the hem of his coat and tied it on his head to cover his mouth and nose, and asked Bran and others to do the same.

Because we don’t know how many days these people have been dead. Rotting corpses are most likely to breed germs. If they are infected with any serious germs, in this era of backward medicine, they may be dead.

After seeing everyone covering their mouths and noses, Balian told them not to touch them randomly after entering the village. Then Balian rode his horse to a high slope and took a condescending look.

In the center of the village is a large drying ground used for drying grains. Almost all the houses in the village were built around the drying ground. Now it seems that most of the houses have been destroyed. There should be no ambush. Balian led them inside.


As soon as they entered the village, they saw a miserable scene. The charred wooden beams in the burned house collapsed to the ground. Several headless corpses were lying on the roadside. Broken pottery and wooden fragments could be seen everywhere.

Looking at the tragic situation in front of them, the five people rode forward slowly. Suddenly, a caravan guard walking on the edge kicked his horse into a round thing on the side of the road. The thing rolled after a few steps.

, stopped, took a closer look, and screamed out in fright, "Ah! Human... human head!"

Balian and the other three people quickly looked over and saw a human head with dried blood on the ground. It looked like a middle-aged farmer. From his wide eyes and frightened remains, one could imagine that the group was killing them.

How fierce and cruel the people are.

The large blood stains on the walls on both sides of the village's main road also prove this. They should be stained red by the plasma that was rapidly ejected from the aorta after the head was chopped off.

Balian sighed. He asked the three guards to form a team, and he and Bran to search separately to see if there was anyone alive or anything found. Then everyone gathered in the sunbathing field in the center of the village. If they encountered any unexpected

Report the situation and blow the horn to contact us.

Not long after they separated, Balian and Bran suddenly heard the sound of a horn coming from the sunbathing yard in the center of the village. Balian felt nervous and hurriedly rode over with Bran. Since the village was not big, they arrived at the center of the village in a short time.

Drying area.

After arriving, seeing the horrific scene in front of him and smelling the smell of human decay, Balian vomited it out. The other four people were not much better. Bran, the youngest, vomited on the spot.

There was also a puddle of vomit under the horses of the three caravan guards. After smelling such a strong smell of death, the horses under the five people's crotches paved the ground with their hooves anxiously.

After vomiting, Bellian calmed down and looked up. In the middle of this small drying area, there were densely packed human heads with the words "Debt Collection" written on them. These heads were male, female, old and young.

, looking at the number, I'm afraid almost the entire village had their heads chopped off.

Next to the inscriptions on human heads, decapitated corpses were piled up haphazardly. A group of wild dogs were tearing at these corpses. The internal organs and intestines were torn everywhere by these animals. A large area of ​​the ground was soaked with blood and water and then dried in the sun.

turned black.

When these wild dogs saw Balion and his companions approaching, instead of being afraid, they stared at them with eyes that had become scarlet from eating too much human flesh, bared their teeth and growled at them in a threatening manner.

Bran looked at this group of hateful wild dogs angrily, took out the hunting bow next to the saddle, and with a "swish" sound, he shot the frontmost wild dog through the belly with an arrow and nailed it to the ground.

The ground screamed "Woo-Woo", and when the other wild dogs saw this, they immediately ran away.

Bran urged the horse to take a few steps forward, and shot another arrow through the head of the wild dog. In a moment, the village returned to the quietness just now, but this quietness was not a comfortable silence, but a terrifying one.

of dead silence.

Balian urged his horse to come to Bran. He patted the shoulder of the young man who was shaking with anger and said with relief: "Okay, there are some things that we cannot change. Let's go. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time."

The three caravan guards also nodded and wanted to leave this place quickly. The sun was almost setting at this time. You need to have enough courage to stay in this village where all the villagers were brutally dismembered.

Bran pointed to the two corpses not far in front and said with some choking: "Sir, look, these are two pregnant women. They and their unborn fetuses died so tragically. I can't imagine it."

, what kind of person can do such a cruel thing!"

Balian and the other three looked in the direction that Bran pointed. There were two female corpses with big bellies. The belly of one of them had been bitten open by a wild dog, and a small foot was exposed. Balian only took one look and closed his eyes.

With eyes closed, he grabbed Bran's reins, turned around and led them away. He didn't want to look at such a miserable situation for a second.

On the way out of the village, the five of them were silent. Returning along the road, they soon met a group of people who were speeding on their way. When Ganmuji and the others saw that the faces of the five people were all bad, they guessed that the scene in that village was very serious.

It was miserable, so I didn't ask any questions and hurried to Sis Town, where it was safer.

Fortunately, the journey was not very far. Before dark, they reached the town of Darcy. After paying the tax, everyone entered the town to rest.

Sis Town is a small town surrounded by a wooden wall, with a circumference of about 300 paces. The outer wall is five meters high, with crenellations on the top. There are also five archery towers designed to allow archers to tower over each other.

A small stone castle with a circumference of a hundred paces, it is the official residence of Sir Tower, the owner of Sith Town and surrounding villages.

Although it was already dark, the town was still quite lively, and torches were lit on both sides of the main road for pedestrians and caravans passing by to watch the road.

The blacksmith shops, carpentry shops, pottery shops, bakeries, cloth shops, etc. in the town are still open, and oil lamps are also lit in the shops. It seems that they are preparing to stay open until late at night.

The only tavern in the town was now bustling with people, many people were drinking and laughing inside, and it was very lively.

Since there is a special camping area for merchants in the town, Ganmuji brought his caravan here first. Since he was a frequent visitor, Ganmuji did not even pay the overnight fee, so he found a place for his relatively large caravan.

It can be sheltered from the wind, close to a well, and is a camp on a stone floor. Then the group begins to set up camp.

While his men were setting up camp, Gamgee told Balian that after everyone set up camp, except for a small number of people who stayed behind to watch the camp, others could go out to play. He also suggested that Balian give his brothers in the guard a holiday.

, finally came out and let the brothers have a good time.

Balian heard what he said and nodded in agreement. He asked Bran to call Broda, the deputy captain of the guard, and asked him to lead everyone to set up camp and leave a group of people to guard the camp. The other brothers could go to the town.

Looking for fun here.

Of course, Balian also warned them not to stay up late at night or to drink and cause trouble in the town, otherwise there would be no good juice to eat.

On this side, Balian had just finished arranging arrangements for his subordinates. On the other side, Gamgee led a man dressed as a knight. He saw Balian wearing a heraldic robe and being surrounded by people. He knew that this must be what Gamgee said.

Ser Balian could not stop praising him.

He quickly bowed and saluted, "Sir Balian, Sir Tuor, the knight under Sir Tower, salutes you and welcomes you to Sith Town. On behalf of my lord, Sir Tower, I invite you to attend tonight's banquet at his mansion.


"Thank you Sir Tower, and thank you Sir Tuor for your hard work. I'll change my clothes and be ready soon." Since he wants to fulfill his duty as a landlord, Balian can't retreat. There are many friends and many paths, and there are always not many acquaintances.


Balian put on his formal knight's uniform, and then asked Bran to bring a set of painted pottery drinking vessels and two soaps as gifts. Together with Gamgee, they followed Sir Tuor to the lord's mansion for the dinner.

The lordship of Sissy Town is one level higher than that of Balian, and he is the lowest-ranking baron among the nobles with titles. However, even though he is just a baron, Balian and his family have not produced one for five generations, and they are still among the knights.

Stay in the hierarchy.

Although they can be honored as knights, in the eyes of the upper-class nobles, the knights who work hard to fight still belong to the labor class and cannot be regarded as nobles.

At the very least, a baron must be a baronet and have the right to confer several knighthoods in his name before he can belong to the aristocracy. Although a baron is still a knight, he cannot be called a certain baron or a certain viscount like the baron and above titles.

, Count XX.

But even so, based on the principle of respect, Balian still prepared two gifts. Otherwise, according to his stingy character, it would be interesting enough to bring two bars of soap.

After Balian and Gamgee entered the door, they found Sir Tower waiting for them at the door. When Balian was surprised, Gamgee went directly to him and gave him a bear hug. It turned out that Sir Tawl turned out to be Gamgee.

’s uncle.

After Sir Tower met with Balian, Gamgee explained to Balian that it turned out that Sir Tower had only been promoted from knight three years ago. He found the military minister Count Loire through his connections.

After paying a high price of 30,000 dinars, he got his title of baronet, and out of the 30,000 dinars, 10,000 dinars were lent to him by Gamji.

Although Gamgee is a businessman, he comes from a powerful viscount family in the north. Gamgee naturally reached the knighthood. After becoming good friends with Sir Tower, who was still a knight, with wealth, knighthood and the family behind him, Gamgee

, married his sister, and the two families became relatives. Ganmoji also helped his elder uncle with money and business.

This chapter has been completed!
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