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Volume 1 Forest Knight Chapter 60 Catch a Turtle in an Urn

Derek ran back covered in blood. When he saw Cassel, he said with a sad face: "We in the Montenegrin regiment have not suffered such a big loss in many years. The brothers are really miserable. Kassel

Boss Serge, we can't withdraw like this!"

Cassel raised his riding crop and hit Derek on the shoulder, causing Derek, who had already injured his shoulder, to suffer immense pain. Cassel looked at Derek coldly, "Centurion, who told you that I was going to withdraw?"

Already? If we don’t take Sith Town, if we go back like this, the Grand Commander won’t be able to peel off our skins!”

Derek, who was grinning in pain, laughed again when he heard that Cassel would not withdraw his troops, "It's okay if you don't withdraw. On the way back just now, I also wanted to follow your nature and strictly follow the casualty limit of 40%."

As for the rules for withdrawing troops, hey, I underestimated you."

Cassell, who was filled with anger and panic in his heart at this moment, did not say much to this carefree and straightforward centurion.

He turned around and sent a few men to cut down a few logs, and then ordered people to open and distribute the Sarion wine they had robbed from a passing caravan.

After the logs were chopped and dragged over, he raised his wine glass and stood on a big rock on the side of the road. He said impassionedly to the mercenaries of the Black Mountain Regiment who followed him: "Brothers, since I entered the Black Mountain Regiment,

In the past twenty years, firstly, no one dared to refuse to pay back the money they owed the Black Mountain Regiment.

The second reason is that no one allowed the Black Mountain Regiment to lose more than a quarter of its strength in the first battle. However, this time on the mission, our team all encountered misfortune."

Having said this, he paused, looked at the somewhat discouraged mercenaries below, and continued: "Look at each of you, you are so discouraged after encountering some setbacks at a young age, how can you do great things in the future!

Are we going to hang our heads here and let those Brick idiots on the city wall laugh at us?

Could it be that the bones of the fallen brothers were left here and thrown into the wasteland by the Bricks as wild dogs?

Are we going to go back in despair and let the brothers in other regiments laugh at us?"

As Kassel asked a louder question, the mercenaries who had been dejected just now were all angry and clenched their weapons. I don't know who shouted "no" first, and the others

They also shouted.

"We absolutely can't go back like this!"

"We would rather die here than avenge our fallen brothers!"

"Kill all these Bricks!"

Seeing the excitement of his soldiers, Cassel raised his glass and shouted loudly: "Brothers, after finishing this glass of wine, we will rush in and kill every Brick you can see.

Steal every silver coin they have, cheers!"

"Cheers!" Everyone shouted in unison, then drank from the glasses and prepared for a new round of battle.

At this time, the sun was almost setting. For this attack, Kassel did not have anyone build a crash car or a ladder, because that would waste a lot of time. The morale that had just risen now could not withstand the consumption of time.

He personally led twenty shield-carrying heavy infantry, each carrying a log in one hand and a shield in the other, shouting and rushing towards the gate of Sis Town.

When they arrived at the big pit in front of the city gate, there were already three other groups of soldiers in front of them. They put three logs on it to form a simple wooden bridge. Cassell and his team quickly crossed the wooden bridge while carrying the logs.

Bridge, arrived in front of the city gate, and began to use this hitting wood to hit the city gate of Sisi Town.

When they hit the city gate and attacked, the defenders on the city top also kept attacking them. Arrows, rolling wood, thunder stones, etc. were all falling down, which made the mercenaries of the Black Mountain Regiment pay a heavy price.

At the same time, more than a dozen of the defenders on the city wall were killed by the arrows of the elite shooters of the Black Mountain Regiment.

Just when the two sides were fighting anxiously, there was only a "click" sound, and the horizontal pillar of the Sith Town gate was broken. Then the gate, which had lost its backbone, was violently hit by the mercenaries of the Black Mountain Regiment.

It didn't take long for the door to start crumbling, and with a "plop" sound, the door was forcibly knocked down by the mercenaries of the Black Mountain Regiment.

The heavy city gate hit the ground, stirring up a lot of smoke and dust in the city gate hole. Seeing that victory was in sight, Kassel couldn't care less about the size of the smoke and dust. He waved his war hammer and shouted "Kill."

"He rushed in with his men, followed closely by Derek and others, who also rushed in shouting loudly.

When they rushed in, it was already dark. Under the light of a few torches on the city wall, they could only clearly see twenty or thirty peasant soldiers in front of them wearing gray cloth cloaks and holding spears.

Although Kassel and the others still have less than a hundred men, they confidently believe that these troops are enough to sweep away the town of Sith. It is also true that they are so proud that they do not realize that this is a bigger trap than during the day.


I saw Cassel rushing in front of the peasant soldiers, swinging his war hammer and hitting a peasant soldier. As a result, he almost dodged his waist, and the peasant soldier was directly hit by him and flew far away. This is definitely not an adult.

With the weight of a man, Cassel ripped off the cloak of another peasant soldier. It turned out that inside was a straw man woven from freshly harvested wheat straw.

Cassel roared angrily and pulled off the cloaks of the other "peasant soldiers" on both sides. Looking at these straw soldiers, cold sweat broke out on his back. He realized that this must be a big trap, so he quickly shouted:

"Quickly retreat! Quickly retreat! There is an ambush!"

But before they could return to the city gate, they heard a "bang" sound, and a wooden gate had fallen. Behind the gate, a large number of stones and logs were suddenly thrown down, covering the entire city.

The doorway was packed to the brim.

Seeing that the escape route had been blocked, Kassel ordered his men to march towards the town. As a result, they found that the area behind the city gate, which was less than an acre in size, was surrounded by a wooden wall.

It was already dusk when the mercenaries of the Black Mountain Regiment attacked. It was already night when they attacked. There was no moon these days. When it got dark, it was so dark that they couldn't see anything clearly. They didn't find those wheat straws.

People and wooden walls are also excusable.

After Cassel discovered that there were wooden walls on three sides and the only escape route was blocked, he was excited not long ago, and his excitement dropped to freezing point. He knew that now, they must have been trapped in this place.

In a small place, even if the defenders of Sith Town were trapped, they would be trapped to death.

These three wooden walls were built by the steward of Sir Balian Jean Tower. Due to time constraints and limited materials, they had to use logs from the lumberyard near Sis Town. Fortunately, the wooden walls were built with these logs.

They are all thick, so there is no need to worry about people trapped inside being smashed with just a few axes.

Just when Kassel was trying to figure out how to get out of trouble and wondering how the enemy would deal with him, suddenly, the light brightened and many torches appeared on the high walls around him.

Then, the people above shouted in unison, asking them to put down their weapons and surrender. But how dare they, who had just massacred the village, put down their weapons immediately? They were still capable of fighting with their weapons, but if they put down their weapons, they would be waiting for them.

The lamb is slaughtered.

Just when they were hesitating, many clay pots were thrown down from the surrounding high walls. These pots filled with liquid broke instantly after falling to the ground, and the liquid inside splashed out and touched them.

Derek, who was almost burned by fire during the day, touched the liquid that splashed on himself, then put his hand to his nostrils and smelled it. He shouted loudly: "Be careful, these Brick pigs threw down oil cans."

, they’re going to set us on fire!”

After hearing Derek's reminder, Cassel and everyone else hurriedly evaded, but it was not that easy to evade. The person throwing the pots above just picked up and threw them where there were people.

After the second round of throwing clay pots, torches were thrown directly in, causing a raging fire in an instant. Several mercenaries of the Black Mountain Regiment who were hit by the oil cans were on fire and screamed miserably.


Cassel and Derek moved their men who were not burned to the area where there was no fire. As they moved, the archers on the four walls took aim and shot at them.

On this narrow ground, Cassel and the others were moving slowly amid the fire, and they were simply living targets. Only the five crossbowmen in Balian's guard shot seven people in a short time, and the bows and arrows summoned by Sir Tower

The soldiers also shot and killed eighty-nine people.

For the mercenaries of the Black Mountain Regiment, it was already miserable to be trapped in the flames and surrounded by people shooting at them with bows and crossbows. But what was even worse was still behind, when rockets were fired from the city wall.

When these arrows are hit by rockets wrapped in grease-soaked cloth, they will immediately catch fire on your shield or armor. But if you dare to move around and try to extinguish the fire, the archers around you will definitely stare at you.

Shoot an arrow.

Now the mercenaries of the Black Mountain Regiment were in dire straits. They had to choose between being burned alive by the fire or shot to death by random arrows.

Sir Tower and Balian stood side by side. He looked at the embarrassed Black Mountain mercenaries below and was in a good mood. He slapped the wall and laughed and said: "These guys deserve it. Who asked them to slaughter the villagers under my rule and burn them to death?"

They deserve to die, let these beasts go to hell to atone for the sins of my dead people."

Seeing that the Baron, who had been anxious two days ago because the Black Mountain mercenaries were coming to attack the city, was in such a good mood, Balian was also filled with emotion. Sure enough, humans are all real animals.

The current environment determines his mood, but it's good for him to do so. Balian's commission should not be reduced.

He could only endure being beaten, but could not fight back. Seeing the familiar brothers around him, these veterans who had been through the sand city staring with unwilling eyes and being shot by the peasants and soldiers on the city wall, Derek, a man with a hot temper, felt in his heart


Cassel next to him was even more heartbroken, but heartache was heartache, and he had to quickly find a way to keep his brothers alive, which was the most important thing.

Cassell knew that the money would definitely not come back now, and people should at least take back a few more.

Suddenly, Balian and Sir Tower heard someone from the Black Mountain mercenaries shouting loudly, "Stop fighting, we are willing to lay down our weapons and surrender."·

When Balian heard this, he ordered to stop firing arrows. When Sir Tower saw that Balian would not continue shooting, his joyful mood suddenly changed.

He said to Balian unhappily: "Sir Balian, why did you stop? Keep shooting arrows and kill them all! I want to avenge my people!"

Balian smiled slightly and said, "Sir Tower, you want to eliminate the dozens of Black Mountain mercenaries below, avenge the dead villagers, and then wait for the Black Mountain Group to send more and more elite warriors to take revenge.

Or do you want to resolve the conflict between you and the Black Mountain Group once and for all? In this way, from now on, you will no longer be responsible for that stupid debt."

Hearing Balian's question, Sir Tower was startled, and then smiled happily, "Balarian, my good brother, I know you have a good idea. My brother will listen to you. As long as it can make me finish it completely, I will follow you."

You can do whatever you want to do with these bastards."

After saying this, Sir Tower thought for a moment, and he told Balian: "Good brother, as long as you can completely separate me from the mercenaries like the Black Mountain Regiment, I am willing to pay you an additional five thousand dinars.

of remuneration.

Moreover, you will also gain the friendship of myself and my family. If you or Nolandenburg encounter any difficulties in the future, I will not stand by and watch."

Seeing the serious promise on his face, Balian nodded seriously, "Don't worry, Sir Tower."

Later, Balian asked Sir Tower to stand on the wall and speak, asking the Black Mountain mercenaries to put down their weapons and surrender.

Originally, Derek would rather die than surrender. He even put his battle ax on Cassel's neck to make him withdraw his order to surrender.

But Cassel's words broke his guard, "Centurion, are you willing to let more brothers die miserably like this? Only by living can we avenge our brothers!"

Then Cassel, Derek, and their Black Mountain mercenaries threw away their weapons, took off their armor, and threw them to the ground.

Then Sir Ander led people down to collect their armors and weapons. After completely disarming them, he opened the secret door under the wooden wall and let the armed infantry of Sith Town kill the mercenaries of the Black Mountain Regiment one by one.

Escorted out.

The soldiers of Sith Town, who were originally afraid of these Black Mountain mercenaries, now looked at these people who were known as the top combat power in the Weilin continent, with contempt in their eyes and mocking smiles on their lips.


The mercenaries of the Black Mountain Regiment saw this and dared not speak out. They were very unconvinced. They felt that although the people in Sith Town won, they did not rely on the strength of real swords and guns, but because they could not stand on the stage.

They were captured by these cowardly and despicable peasants and soldiers due to conspiracy and conspiracy. It was really aggrieved.

But no matter what they think, war only depends on the result. If you win, you are the winner, and whatever you say is right; if you lose, as a loser, no matter how you emphasize your strength,

How strong, how stupid your mistakes were, how likely you were to win the battle...

No one will listen to you or believe you, because you are a loser. Those who lose the war only deserve the rolling eyes and abuse from others. This law of human society is universal and effective no matter in which world it is.

This chapter has been completed!
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