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Volume 1 Forest Knight Chapter 63 Pretty Girl Knight

However, the most important thing for Balian right now is how to prove that he is himself. This thing that often appeared in social news in his previous life has actually happened to him after time travel. It is really speechless.

Balian smiled and said to the young knight who called himself Sir Andy: "Except from the mouths of bards, there should be no such tall monsters in reality. I just said that I am Balian. How?

How can I make you believe it with proof?"

"I prove it, I prove it." Gan Mji was afraid of offending the big shot because of Balian, so he quickly interrupted and said: "He is really Sir Balian. I can go and get his blood certificate and identity documents now." After saying that, Gan

Mudge quickly ran to find Brilliant's identity documents and other documents to prove his identity.

"Before the documents arrive, we can compete. If you can defeat me and any of my inner knights, I will recognize you as Sir Balian." Sir Andy said aggressively.

Balian also lamented that being famous has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that more people know you and you are famous, which makes it easier to do things in many cases.

The bad thing is that because I am famous for my martial arts skills, I will definitely attract many knights to challenge me in the future. Now I don't have a master like Eomer by my side who can block me.

I saw an inner knight accompanying Sir Andy taking out two training wooden swords from his horse, and handed them to Sir Andy and Balian.

Seeing that Balian was curious about the wooden sword used for training, Sir Andy smiled and said: "I was afraid that if we fight later, you would be hurt, so I used the wooden sword, but you don't have to be afraid, I will try not to fight.

Hurt you."

Seeing this young knight with fair and delicate skin and a feminine smile mocking him like this, Balian was somewhat aroused in his heart. He smiled coldly: "In a moment, if you are hurt by being beaten, don't cry.

Nose puppet.”

Hearing what Balian said about himself, Sir Andy's face turned red, "Humph, stop talking nonsense, let's see who hits whom first!"

Sir Andy uses the window position as his starting position. This position can be used both defensively and offensively. It can block slashes and threaten the opponent with thrusts. However, for novices, because they are not fast enough, they can easily be

The opponent finds a loophole.

Balian looked at Sir Andy's starting position and thought that he must have received guidance from a famous teacher. However, he was too young and not skilled enough. Although his posture was decent, he was definitely a showman.

Before the fight even started, Balian had already thought about how to deal with this brat who didn't know the heights of the world.

When Sir Andy saw that Balian didn't even raise his hand, he just raised his sword and pointed it straight at him, he looked at Balian with even more contempt, convinced that he was just pretending to be Sir Balian without any martial arts skills.

liar, and then he directly attacked with his sword.

Balian held his weapon flat to keep his distance, and Sir Andy had to push his sword away before he could attack at close range. So when Sir Andy rushed over, he held the sword with both hands and tried to push Balian's sword away.

But how could he have imagined that Balian's purpose in doing this was to lure him away from his sword? This was completely within Balian's expectation.

I saw Balian quickly raising his sword. At this time, Sir Andy's body was still rushing forward according to the inertia. At this time, Balian quickly took a step back, and then used the wooden sword to hit Sir Andy's shoulder.

After a blow, although there was not much force, the young knight immediately felt the pain and threw away the sword in his hand.

Then Balian rushed forward quickly, and relying on his taller and stronger body than Sir Andy, he pushed his shoulder into Sir Andy's chest. Sir Andy screamed and fell to the ground.

The whole process only took two or three breaths, and it was very fast. Before the people on the side could see clearly what happened, Sir Andy screamed and covered his chest, lying on the ground with his ears and face flushed with shame.

Balian was also very embarrassed. When he bumped into Sir Andy's chest just now, he clearly felt two soft balls. He had never eaten pork and had never seen a pig run. In addition, he heard this thin and sharp sound.

Screaming, he took the time to understand what was going on. Sir Andy was a woman.

After helping Sir Andy up, the inner knights glared at Balian, which made Balian feel that he had done something wrong. He had no choice but to lower his head and did not dare to say anything.

But those few inner knights had no intention of bypassing Balian. Sir Sandyman even pulled out his sword and slashed at Balian.

Although you did something wrong, you were the ones who made trouble first. What happens now? You still want to kill people and silence me. A heavily armed inner knight attacked me with a sharp steel sword.

When Balian thought this, he suddenly felt that there was nothing to be ashamed of. Instead, he became angry. This guy disguised as a man and these knights from the Earl's Palace were obviously bullying others. He couldn't get used to it.

Hold them.

After Sir Sandiman rushed over with his sword, he swung his sword and slashed at the left side of Balian's body. This sword was very powerful, and almost used all of Sir Sandiman's strength. If Balian had used his own hand,

If he had a head-on confrontation with his wooden sword, it was very likely that his wooden sword and his body would be chopped off by him.

Balian quickly moved to the right, narrowly avoiding Sir Sandiman's powerful sword, and then while Sir Sandiman advanced forward, he moved sideways diagonally forward and began to attack the opponent's center line.

At this time, Sir Andiman used all his strength to strike a sword but was dodged by Balian. He could no longer regain his strength. Maintaining his forward charging posture was tantamount to leaving Balian undefended.

Before Sir Sandiman had time to adjust, he was hit by Balian's sword at the base of his neck. Fortunately, there was armor there, and Balian did not use all his strength. Otherwise, if the sword hit Sir Sandiman's

The neck may be broken.

However, although Balian showed mercy and Sir Sandiman's neck was not broken, the heartbreaking pain at that moment made him cry out in pain after lying on the ground.

At this time, the few remaining knights in the inner palace saw that Sir Sandiman, the bravest of them all, was knocked down by this man's move. They also panicked, drew their swords one after another, and stared at Balian warily.

But he didn't dare to attack, for fear of becoming the second Sir Sandyman to fall.

However, Balian had no interest in going forward to knock them down at this time. After all, although he had some martial arts skills, he only had a wooden sword when he was alone. If he were to fight with others like this, if he was not careful, he would be

Being hacked to death by random swords is not worth it.

Just as Balian was confronting these inner knights, Gamgee and Brendan and Broda arrived after hearing the news. Gamgee saw this posture and said to Balian sadly: "My

Sir Balian, why can't you wait? Why are you fighting? We can't afford to offend such a big shot as Lord Grey's knights can accompany him."

Balian gave a helpless smile and said, "I don't want to fight them either. They insist on fighting me. By the way, have you brought my identity document and bloodline certificate?"

Bran nodded, and Balian asked him to deliver it to Sir Andy opposite. Sir Andy took the document from Bran's hand, read some of it, and then walked over respectfully and handed it to Balian with both hands.

, he said in a gentle voice: "Sir Balian, we are blind, please forgive me."

This sudden change in attitude caught both Balian and Gamgee off guard. Balian responded in surprise: "No, it's okay. We don't know each other without fighting."

At this time, Sir Sandiman also got up from the ground. He covered his neck and said to Balian: "Actually, even without looking at the certification documents, we believe that you are Sir Balian. Just now you not only defeated me with one move, but also killed your subordinates."

Show mercy.

I have fought against many knights, but there are very few knights with such high martial arts skills and good conduct as you." His words revealed his sincere admiration and appreciation.

This sudden change in attitude made Balian and Gamgee feel like they were on a roller coaster. Fortunately, Gamgee reacted quickly. He quickly said: "We don't know each other until we fight. In this way, I will have people prepare for tonight's meeting."

For the bonfire dinner, let's open two barrels of fine Sarion wine.

Then we still have a lot of delicious food in the caravan, let’s have some fun together and have a good drink to settle the old grudges, what do you think?”

Sir Andy and the others ignored Gamgee, the slippery businessman, and saw Sir Andy approaching Balian with a smile on his face, "Sir Balian, if possible, I would like to invite you to a dinner in our camp."

After Sir Andy said this, she bit her lip and added: "You don't have to worry about your own safety. I swear to the God of Fire, if you are harmed personally in my camp, I will fall into the dark hell.

Scorched by poisonous fire for eternity.”

Hearing Sir Andy uttering such a poisonous oath, Sir Sandiman, who had just climbed up, quickly said: "Miss, what are you doing..."

Before he finished speaking, Sir Andy glared at him fiercely, "What did I tell you before we left the city? Outside, you are only allowed to call me Sir Andy, and you are not allowed to call me miss."

"Yes, as you command, Sir Andy." Sir Sandyman lowered his head and said submissively.

Sir Sandiman is Count Grey's knight in the palace, and this female knight is the lady he talks about. Could she be Count Grey's daughter? Balian couldn't help but wonder.

But now is not the time to speculate. There is a girl waiting for him to accept the invitation. Balian nodded, "I believe you, Sir Andy, you are definitely a good knight worthy of trust."

Hearing what Balian said, Sir Andy immediately became elated, as if she had not received such recognition for a long time. She was very excited. She was as happy as a child and looked at Balian for a while with her big shining eyes.

Then I thought it was very rude.

She blushed shyly, and then said softly: "Sir Balian will clean up later and come and dine with us. I hunted a big wild boar today. You are welcome to come and taste it." After saying that, he raised his whip and

The horse under her crotch kicked off its hooves and ran back quickly.

Watching the female knight leave, Balian looked at it with a sense of fascination. He had no experience in dealing with women in his previous life, and suddenly a strange feeling passed through his heart. Then he quickly shook his head,

What are you thinking about?

Not to mention that the other person looks three or four years younger than me. With her status, there is no way I can climb up to him. Besides, I am too straight. The girl shows a little kindness.

He just has random thoughts, he is really a straight man.

After returning to the camp, Balian, who was thinking wildly, carefully scrubbed his body with hot water, and then changed into a clean and neat aristocratic dress. After all, he was going to someone else's dinner party, so he had to be more formal. After all, in the evening, people would see him.

The way he was dressed, one might have thought he was a farmer.

After packing up, Balian took Bran to the banquet. Although Gamgee was not invited, he still insisted on sending Balian there and asked his subordinates to bring three barrels of Sarion wine. Although he

You can't get in, but your gifts must go in. This is Gamji's plan.

Balian had nothing to do with his businessman friend, so he had to speed up while mumbling, and rush to the camp opposite. Balian didn't want to listen to his chattering here at all.

An Inner Knight respectfully led Balian to the bonfire. The entire camp was heavily guarded along the way. Not only were five or six Inner Knights following him, but there were also a dozen light cavalry and more than thirty armored men.

Tough and elite armed infantry, ordinary bandits, even if they have more than a hundred people, will have no choice but to run for their lives when encountering such a team.

After arriving at the bonfire, Sir Sandiman and several other inner knights had been waiting here for a long time. There were three maids on the side responsible for grilling food. After greeting each other, Balian asked Bran to follow another leading knight.

Together, we opened one of the three barrels of Sarion wine donated by Gamgee, and then a maid was responsible for pouring the wine.

Balian was a liquor salesman in his previous life, and he was very good at making new friends through drinking. Before Sir Andy came out, Balian had become very familiar with these inner knights through three rounds of drinking.

Sir Sandiman, who was not very drunk, even put his arm around Balian's shoulders and said drunkenly: "A disciple of the Sword of Dawn, you are indeed amazing, I am convinced! You, Sir Balian, are indeed worthy of your name. You are an amazing knight. I admire you."


Let me tell you, there are not many people I admire in my life. Although we have not known each other for a long time, you are definitely the only person I know who is younger than me and whom I admire greatly. Come on! Cheers!


As Sir Sandiman spoke, he drank a large drink with Balian. As soon as the two of them put down their glasses, they heard a light cough from behind. Balian turned around and saw a man in a plain dress with a belt.

The noble girl with golden hair ornaments stood under the moonlight, like a female angel descending to earth. Not only Balian, but also the inner knights were stunned.

This chapter has been completed!
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