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Chapter 2 Time Comes

This is not an ordinary piece of gray papyrus. This is a reward notice issued in the name of the court of the Principality of Brick. There are portraits of people on it. The reward is not for others, but the brothers Gray and Ward. The reward notice says

, as long as the two brothers can be captured, regardless of life or death, the Duke of Brick will make the meritorious person a palace knight of the Principality of Brick, and reward them with a hereditary fief.

Balian put down the bounty notice in his hand and searched in his memory. He thought of what his friend Eomer, who was a trainee knight under Sir Logan with him, told him. It turned out that Gray was in the city defense camp of Wallonbrae City.

Although the captain does not have a noble status, he still has some power in his hands. He can extract some bribes from the shops in the city and passing merchants, and he lives a good life.

But Gray is so bold that he dares to have an affair with a secret mistress of the Duke. Although the identity of the Duke's mistress is kept secret and few people know about it, this is already like plucking hair from a tiger's mouth. After all, who

A man allows himself to be a cuckold, but this Gray not only wants to pluck the hair out of the tiger's mouth, but also unites several soldiers from the city defense battalion under his command to conspire with the Duke's mistress to kidnap the Duke and obtain a large ransom. This is really


Although the Duke usually did not arrange for soldiers to guard his mistress's residence, a maid in his mistress's residence was a spy who belonged only to the palace and was responsible for monitoring his mistress's actions. After the maid passed the news on, the Duke was furious and ordered a secret arrest.

Gray and the others, but after Gray discovered that the Duke had not been to his mistress's house for several days, he had a premonition that something was wrong, so he took precautions in advance and arranged a secret sentry near the city defense camp. As a result, when the Duke's court knights entered the city defense camp, they picked up

When the notice came, I ran out.

The angry Duke personally killed his mistress and asked the Minister of Public Security to issue a bounty notice in the name of the palace. He placed a bounty on the heads of Gray, Ward and others for the crime of conspiracy to rebel. He also issued a super bounty of knighthood and hereditary fiefdom.

The amount of money immediately caused a stir among the middle and lower-class nobles and commoners in the principality, hoping to earn a piece of wealth that could be passed down to their families.

The same goes for Balian's teacher Sir Logan. He has two sons. He wants to make this contribution and let his eldest son inherit his title and fief. The second son can inherit the title and fief, giving one to each of his two sons.

Knighthood and hereditary fiefdom, but Sir Logan did not expect that instead of earning wealth and wealth, he would lose his life.

Balian excitedly put down the bounty notice in his arms, carried the bodies of the two Gray brothers into the house, and placed them. In Balian's eyes, the two corpses were not frightening dead people, but knight titles and titles.

Hereditary fiefdom. After finishing his work, in less than two days, Balian, who had experienced so many things, fell asleep by the firepit.

When he woke up the next day, it was already light outside the cave. Balian wanted to leave for Wallombre City as soon as possible. After having a simple meal, he began to count the things left by the bandits. If you don't count, you won't know. Once you count,

I'm shocked that these guys have such a rich family background.

In the wooden cabinet at the innermost part of the cave, there are five money bags, a large money box, and a small money box. There are a total of eight thousand copper coins in the five money bags. When converted, it is only eighty dinars, and the large money box

In the box, Balian counted a total of forty-nine thousand dinars of silver coins. In the continent where Balian is currently located, there are three types of currencies: copper, silver, and gold. Among them, copper coins are directly called soli, and silver coins are directly called soli.

Known as dinars, copper coins and silver coins are the most commonly used currencies. People usually use dinars to calculate the amount of money and wealth. One dinar is equal to one hundred copper coins.

The gold coins are called aiju, and the value of one aiju is equivalent to one hundred dinars and ten thousand copper coins. However, aiju are rarely circulated in the market. They are mainly gifts between nobles and rewards from big nobles.

Subordinates with meritorious service.

Balian never expected that there were three hundred crowns in this small money box, which was a fortune worth thirty thousand dinars. You must know that Balian's father was a lord who owned three villages and a market.

The income is only 10,000 dinars, and this small cash box contains three years of income from the town of Frondo, the fiefdom of the Balian family.

Balian knew that these bandits would not be able to get so many gold coins just by robbing merchants. They probably got them from the Duke's mistress. They might have plundered the Duke's secret treasury, otherwise they would not have let the always stingy Duke open the door.

Such a high bounty.

In addition to these coins, the goods in the cave are basically some food, drink and a little cloth. After the bandits have robbed the goods, they usually quickly hand over the goods to the businessmen who are related to them, and let them trade them in the black market.


(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page)

, easy to carry, so there are basically no valuable products in the cave.

However, Balian found in a small cave in the cave enough weapons and armor to arm a knight's territory. Gray and his gang of bandits were from the city defense camp, and they themselves carried armor and weapons. In addition, they had been robbing passing caravans for more than a year.

From what they robbed, as well as the cavalry that ambushed Logan Knight, they got a lot of armor and weapons.

Balian checked and found that the weapons included were fifteen spears, seven maces, ten one-handed swords, six knives, ten fighting axes, six round shields, five hunting bows, and feather arrows.

Sixty pieces; and the armor included one set of full-body chain mail, one visored helmet, which was ripped off from the Knight of Logan, three sets of chain mail shirts, five sets of iron-inlaid armor, and nine sets of hard leather armor.

There were four nose helmets and six chainmail hats. After counting the number of these weapons and equipment, Balian thought that this was enough to raise an elite city defense force of about twenty people.

Not only are there weapons, there are also three horses in the larger cave next door. These are the horses of the cavalry team of Knight Logan and Balian. Apart from the lost ones, injured ones and killed, these three horses are the only ones left.

.Now it seems that the great god of time has blessed Balian and prevented him from carrying all three corpses back.

The discovery of gold and silver coins and weapons and armor made Balian give up the idea of ​​setting off today. He took three money bags, one containing one hundred copper coins for daily pocket money; the other contained three hundred dinars.

When you go to the city of Wallombre, you will definitely have to spend money to take care of things; there is also a small purse with fifty pieces of gold in it, which is packed close to the body for emergencies.

In addition to the money, Balian packed up Knight Logan's chainmail and visor and took it away. Knight Logan had been very kind to him over the years, and he had an obligation to give his armor to his family, and Balian found it.

Balian took out his own set of iron-lined leather armor and nose helmet, and also took a one-handed sword and a leather buckler as his weapons. Balian put the other weapons and money into the hollow.

And sealed the cave with stones. After finishing this work, it was already dark and it was impossible to walk today, so we should have a good rest and set off early tomorrow morning.

The location of the cave is not far from the mountain col where Balian and the others were ambushed. The next day, after Balian checked the terrain from a high place, he quickly came to the col from the cave and quickly passed through here to the road and here.

Balian knows how to get to the city of Valombre.

Before hurrying to Valombre, Balian turned his head and looked at the mountain col behind him. He was confident that no one would discover the cave within three or four months. It turned out that Balian looked at a lot of branches before leaving, blocking the way.

He stayed at the entrance of the cave, and the location of the mountain col and cave was very hidden. Normally, no one would find him in a short period of time. Besides, Balian would be back to collect these things within a month at most.

One person and three riders, from morning to evening, almost drove all day long and finally arrived at the city of Valombre. Balian, who had been riding for a day, although tired, finally saw the dawn of victory. He looked at the city gate and urged

The horse walked inside, and when he came to the city gate, he was stopped by the soldiers from the city defense camp guarding the city gate.

"Hey, what are you doing? Get off your horse quickly and accept our inspection." A soldier from the city defense battalion holding a spear stopped in front of Balian's horse.

Balian was a little angry, but he still said calmly: "I am the palace guard, Balian Tucker, the knight squire of Sir Logan. I have something important to do. I have to go to the palace to see the Duke. This is my identity document.


As he spoke, Balian took out the document proving his identity and handed it to the city defense battalion soldier. After seeing the document, his attitude immediately became respectful, but he still did not let him go. Instead, he asked Balian to wait here for a while.

He is going to report to his superiors.

Not long after, the city defense battalion soldier led a hurried middle-aged man over. As soon as he saw the middle-aged man, Balian quickly dismounted his horse happily. The middle-aged man came over and hugged Balian.

"Good boy, I thought something had really happened to you. Your father and I were extremely worried, and the family was trying to find a way to raise a ransom for you," the middle-aged man said.

"Uncle Rudy, the Tucker family is not captured so easily. Not only was I not captured this time, I also killed Gray and Ward, the two deserters for whom the Duke had put a reward, and took back the body of Knight Logan.

." As he spoke, Balian turned his head and looked at the two horses behind his mount. Balian's uncle Rudy Tucker immediately understood what he meant.

"Good boy, you are worthy of being a descendant of my Tucker family. I will take you to the palace to see you now."

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." With that said, Rudy Tucker got on his horse and took Balian to the palace of the Principality of Brick.

On the way there, the uncle and nephew had a chat, and Balian realized that the reason why his uncle, a trainee knight, came to the city defense camp was because of the dead Gray, who, as the captain of the city defense camp, dared to commit an act to murder the principality.

The matter of the monarch caused the Duke to lose confidence in the officers of the city defense camp. The Duke demoted the viscount in charge of the city defense camp to a baron, and at the same time placed the reliable knights and trainee knights among his palace knights in the city defense camp.

In the positions of captain and squadron leader, nobles loyal to him were allowed to guard the city defense of Valombre.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the palace gate. Sir Rudy was a guard who had served in the palace for many years and was familiar with everyone. Balian was also a guard of the palace. After a brief inspection by the guard, they were let in.


Sir Rudy led Balian directly to the office of the Minister of Public Security. At the same time, several palace guards carried the body in. When the Minister of Public Security saw it, he quickly stood up and came closer. He squatted down and took a look.

When Logan was knighting, he checked the portraits again. After the corpses of Brother Gray and Ward were correct, he stood up, smiled and patted Balian on the shoulder, "Young man, that's great. I want to hear about your heroic experience."


Balian knew that this was the Minister of Public Security interrogating him. After all, it was somewhat incredible that a knight's squire who had reported that he had been captured two days ago could come back with the body of the bandit leader today.

Balian bowed and saluted the Minister of Public Security, and said: "Dear Sir, the cavalryman who brought me and Knight Logan back with our swords has told everyone about our being ambushed and defeated. I will tell you what happened next.


Balian saw everyone staring at him, smiled, and said: "During the battle, I was hit on the helmet by the enemy and passed out. When I woke up, I found that Sir Logan and I were captured by the enemy. However,

After these bandits saw that Sir Logan was dead, they thought that I was also dead when I was in a coma, so they didn't tie me up with a rope. It was precisely because of this that I was able to escape quickly after I woke up.

When I killed a bandit and escaped with his one-handed sword, I did not choose to return to the city because the body of my master Sir Logan was still in the hands of these bastards, so I followed these bastards in the dark night.

Traces of bandits came to their temporary camp.

It was very dark at that time. Except for one bandit who was on sentry duty, all the other bandits were asleep. I rushed in and hacked the sentry to death first. Then I hacked at the sleeping bandit on the ground and was killed in his sleep.

There were two bandits I killed, including Ward. After Gray and his men woke up, the bandits thought the army was coming and ran away. Only Gray didn't leave after seeing his brother was killed. He wanted to kill me.

I wanted to avenge his evil brother, but his weapon was not with me and he was easily killed by me.

After this I cut off the heads of both his brothers, and laid Sir Logan's body upon a horse, and their heads upon a horse, and I rode a horse myself, and rode round the col.

It only took a day to get out, and after I got out, I hurried back to Valombre."

After listening to Balian's words, the Sheriff felt that although some parts were not very reasonable, the overall sound did not sound like he was making it up. Besides, these corpses were obvious, so there was no need for him to pursue them to the end and make them clear, anyway.

It's time to report to the Duke.

You know, in the past year or so, he has been urged by the Duke to arrest these two bad guys who cuckolded the Duke, and he has been driven crazy. Today, he has finally been relieved of this burden. Thinking of this, the Minister of Public Security said:

Balian felt good about him, and he said to his servant: "Come here, put the bodies of the two traitors. I will go to see the palace minister later. In addition, I will arrange a meeting for Sir Balian in my courtyard."

Give him a rest room and let him eat and drink well."

After telling the servants, the Minister of Public Security said to Balian: "You go back to your residence to take a bath and change clothes. How can you meet the Duke and the Prime Minister when you are covered in blood and smell like a horse?"

After hearing the arrangements made by the Minister of Public Security, Balian saluted again to express his gratitude. After the Minister of Public Security left, Sir Rudy also left. After all, city defense was a major matter and he was not allowed to leave for too long. Balian had a simple meal at the Minister of Public Security's place.

After taking his things, he returned to the palace guard dormitory located inside Wallonburg. There happened to be hot water in the kitchen of the dormitory area. He took a hot bath, changed into clean clothes, and then went to the office of the Minister of Public Security.

Waiting inside.

(End of chapter)

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