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Volume 1 Forest Knight Chapter 76 Trial by Combat (4)

At this time, Balian, who had arrived at the designated location and took the lance handed over by Bran, smiled to himself. He was a master of cursing in his previous life, and this boy Sog still wanted to take advantage of him. He really found the right person.

However, the next game has nothing to do with showing off one's words. If he was satisfied with his words just now, the blow he will face next will be even more severe.

Sure enough, after the trainee knight who was responsible for giving the order raised the order flag from the ground, Sir Sogg took the lead in riding his horse and sprinted over quickly. Balian also urged his horse to rush forward to fight.

There was only a "bang" sound, and the lances in the hands of the two men hit the shield on the other's left shoulder at the same time. The lances broke and the debris scattered in the air. The bodies of the two people also leaned back at the same time due to the reaction force.


Sir Sauger was very experienced. He leaned back and pressed his body against the horse's back, directly deflecting the powerful impact.

Balian had no experience in lance combat. The impact caused extreme pain to his left shoulder. Half of his shoulder felt painful and numb. Balian gasped in pain. There was no pain in his shoulder. The impact just now almost hurt his waist.

I twisted it, and now I feel a tearing pain in my waist.

Although he had just barely withstood the blow, Balian knew that he would never be able to withstand the next blow. If he resisted Sir Sogg's shot again, he was afraid that not only would he really fall off his horse, but he would also fall off his horse.

There is a high probability that he will become a cripple with no legs like the challenger from Noudaburg.

However, the gritted teeth and resistance just now were also part of Balian's plan. Only by resisting this first blow could Balian confuse Sir Thorg and the onlookers.

I saw Balian pretending to be in pain and asked Bran to hand him the lance with a special number. Then Balian held up the lance and swayed on the horse, as if he would be ready at any time.

Falling off a horse.

When the crowd of spectators saw Balian's performance, they all let out mocking "boos". They didn't expect that Balian was so weak and couldn't compare to the challenger from Noudaburg. This really disappointed everyone.

Sir Thorg opposite Balian saw Balian swaying on his horse as he resisted a heavy blow from him, with a proud look on his face.

He knew that Balian, who was a master of swordsmanship, was very poor in martial arts. If he was hit one more time, Balian would become a cripple with a broken waist and broken legs.

Is there anything more painful than having a knight become crippled and no longer able to mount a horse to fight? Sir Soger thinks that there is no such thing. When the time comes, he can humiliate this knight to his heart's content. At the banquet in the mansion of Viscount Merri,

A guy who loses face in front of the powerful people directly under the county.

"Grey Rhythm!" After feeling the owner's excitement and strong fighting spirit, the war horse under Sir Sog also neighed, as if the trumpet of victory had been blown in advance, with high spirits and high spirits.

After Sir Thorg changed his lance, he did not rest for long. After seeing Balian changing his lance, he decisively rushed over again, and Balian also rushed forward.

Twenty steps... fifteen steps... ten steps, Sir Sog and Balian's lances were lowered at the same time, pointing straight ahead. In everyone's opinion, Balian's impact just now was too violent.

At this time, the lance was already unsteady and wobbly, and it was impossible to lift the lance and aim it forward.

At this time, Earl Gerry, the bishop and other dignitaries on the auditorium, as well as the surrounding audience, all felt that Balian would definitely lose this time. This guy who had won the duel with three tricks from the bard,

Now it seems that it is just a name in vain.

Miss Jesses, who was sitting next to Count Gerry on the auditorium, was extremely nervous. She grasped the armrests of the seat with both hands, gritted her teeth and stared at the center of the competition venue. Although she didn't want to believe it in her heart, she and

Like everyone else, they had already concluded that Balian would lose this trial by combat.

Just when everyone thought the result was clear, they heard the war horse wailing "咴儿咴儿", and then Sir Sog's horse fell to the ground, and Sir Sog was also brought to the ground.

Sir Thorg's lance did not break, but Balian's lance did. It turned out that Balian's lance hit the head of Sir Thorg's horse.

Because Balian knew that he would not be able to defeat Sir Thorg in an immediate battle, he asked the owner of the Double Ring Arms Shop to make him a lance that was one punch longer than a standard lance. This error was also allowed at the knight's tournament.


And Balian pretended to be injured and in pain and couldn't lift his lance, just to aim the lance at the head of Sir Sog's horse. This extra punch length, and the horse's head itself was leaning against the front, made Bellion unable to lift his lance.

Before the two sides collided, Lyon hit Sir Thorg's horse with his lance.

The whole body was covered with man and horse, and the total weight was even more than a thousand pounds. At the speed of the rapid charge, it was very powerful. After the war horse was hit on the head and fell to the ground, it didn't take long for it to stop twitching and was completely killed.


Balian, who had returned to his starting position at this time, looked at the dead horse and felt a little uncomfortable. If it was not a last resort, he would not use such cruel methods on this innocent horse.

But when it came to the lives of himself and Puli, he had no choice but to pray to the God of Fire so that this poor war horse could be reborn as a good owner in the next life.

Balian dismounted, picked up the mace, and walked to the next duel with Sir Thorg.

Because although Sir Thorg fell to the ground and was slightly injured, he still stood up, took out his double-edged ax from the weapon bag on the side of the horse, and charged towards Balian angrily.

The two iron cans collided together very quickly. They were using heavy weapons with great destructive power, and they were fighting with all their strength. The battle scene was very exciting.

I saw Sir Sog using all his strength to slash from the sky. Balian knew he couldn't resist, so he dodged. The ax hit the wooden barrier in the middle of the competition venue with a thick axe.

The wood was cut off at once.

Balian looked at the broken piece of wood and couldn't help but think that if it were to hit him, no matter how thick the armor he wore, he would be crushed to death on the spot.

Balian took advantage of Sir Sog's strike in the air and quickly swung his mace to hit Sir Sog's back. Sir Sog also nimbly dodged. Balian's hammer struck the air and hit the target.

There was a wooden box for people to stand on. The wooden box was smashed on the spot, and wood and debris flew everywhere.

Next, the two men each danced the double-edged ax and mace in their hands, and they fought fiercely.

Each of them wore armor weighing fifty pounds. With such a heavy load and such a fierce fight, the two men were sweating profusely in a short while, and their faces in the bucket helmets were already sweating profusely.

But at this time, neither of the two dared to relax. This was a trial by combat in which the outcome was determined by life and death. If you were not careful, you would die and lose the trial by combat.

There was only a "dong" sound, and the handle of Balion's mace and the handle of Sir Sog's double-edged ax collided together. The wooden handles of the two weapons were directly broken by the huge force. The double-edged ax

The ax and mace heads fell to the ground.

Balian threw away the remaining half of the wooden handle in his hand and punched Sir Thorg in the chest, and Sir Thorg also used the same trick. Sir Thorg only wore iron-lined leather armor and chain mail, and was

After punching him with all his strength, he took a few steps back and felt his chest was tight, as if he couldn't breathe.

Although Balian also took several steps back, because the outermost layer was a cloth armor made of iron sheets, and there was a thick linen armor inside, the power of Sir Sogg's punch was weakened layer by layer.

It was only after a few seconds that he hit the body, and the injuries suffered were much lighter.

At this time, the spectators in the arena were shocked by this sudden change. They couldn't believe that Sir Sog, who was about to win, was hit by his horse and fell to the ground. He could only fight with Bei.

Lyon engages in foot combat that his opponent is good at.

When Miss Jesses saw this reversal, her little heart that was about to jump into her throat finally dropped. She took a deep breath and lay down on the back of the chair. She no longer held on to the armrests of the chair.

My hands were slightly red and swollen because I was nervous and grabbed the armrest of the chair too hard.

Earl Gerry, who was sitting next to her, heard the sound of breathing out. He looked at his only daughter with concern and asked with a smile: "Isn't this kind of fierce fighting exciting?"

Jesses nodded and replied: "Yes, father, it is so nerve-wracking. This is really a game only the brave can participate in."

When Earl Grie heard what his daughter said, he smiled and did not continue to say anything, but turned his attention to the competition field.

At this time, in the arena, Sir Thorg's squire and Balian's squire Bran both brought up the shields and swords of their respective lords. How could the contest between the two knights be without weapons?

Balian, who holds a shield in his left hand and a sword in his right, knows that his plan has not only succeeded, but has also developed in a direction that is beneficial to him. If he can defeat Sir Thorg once with swordsmanship, he can defeat him twice. This time, he will definitely

You have to make this enemy lose face.

After receiving the sword and shield from the attendant, Sir Sog obviously lacked confidence. He knew that when it came to using the sword, he was definitely no match for the master of the Sword of Dawn, just as Balian's attainments in horseback spearmanship were no match for his own.

Than the same.

But there is no way out now. Unless he really kneels down and admits defeat, he will have no choice but to fight to the end.

But for a champion like him who has defeated Brick and Orion for three consecutive years, as well as countless knights of the Three Kingdoms of Valenti, to kneel down and beg for mercy from a young knight who comes from a low-level knight family, it is really better to kill him directly.

He couldn't lose face at all. Sir Thorg speculated based on his own thoughts that if he begged Balian for mercy, Balian would definitely try his best to humiliate him in public. Instead of living with endless humiliation, it would be better to keep working hard.

After fighting once, maybe he can beat Balian.

Thinking of this, Sir Thorg decisively protected his body with his shield, and rushed forward in small steps to fight Balian to the death.

When Balian saw him like this, he threw away the shield in his hand, raised an insulting middle finger with his left hand, and insulted Sir Thorg in public.

Seeing Balian's arrogance, Sir Sogg, who was filled with hatred, roared angrily, and then strode forward, but he didn't know that this was what Balian had shot him.

Trap, anger him first, then defeat him!

I saw Sir Thorg rushing to Balian. He swung his sword and stabbed Balian in the neck. Because both men were wearing at least two layers of thick armor, using a sword would not hurt anyone unless it hit a vital part.


Balian nimbly turned around and dodged, raised his leg and kicked Sir Thorg's shield. At such a close distance, Balian kicked with all his strength, and the bones in Sir Thorg's left hand holding the shield broke.

Sir Thorg clearly heard a "Gaba" sound, and then a heartbreaking pain came. He knew that several of the fingers on his left hand had been broken by Balian's kick.

His left hand was hit hard and the pain was so great that Sir Thorg could no longer hold the shield. Although he tried several times, the pain in his left hand doubled as soon as he grabbed the belt behind the shield, forcing him to give up using it.


During this period, Balian watched the whole process and did not come up to attack. He was just like a cat teasing a mouse. I can kill you at any time, but if I don't, I will play with you!

This chapter has been completed!
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