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Chapter 154 The Great Zhou Peak Fifty States

Bai Yutian only felt distracted and had no intention to think about anything else.

Both Tianjia and Fuzhou are potential threats to Dazhou.

However, Bai Yutian's current understanding of these two organizations is too little to make an effective counterattack.

The next day, Bai Yutian left here. Before returning to Tailin, Bai Yutian decided to go to Hidden Sword Villa again.

Hidden Sword Villa also lost a lot of manpower this time, which made it even worse for Hidden Sword Villa, which was already greatly weakened.

"By the way, Di Ke, what's your sister's name? Maybe I can help you find your sister." Bai Yutian asked casually on the way.

"My sister's name is Di Miao. Actually, I came to Xiangcheng this time just to find my sister. I heard that she is also in Xiangcheng. Unfortunately, I didn't find her." Di Ke said in despair.

Bai Yutian touched Di Ke's head and said, "Don't worry, I will help you find her. Tell me if your sister has any characteristics."

Features! Di Ke frowned and thought hard.

"By the way, she is very beautiful."

"There's more."

"Also, she has two eyes, a nose, and a mouth, and her hair is very long."

Bai Yutian patted his head. Whether this Di Ke was really stupid or pretending to be stupid, it was impossible to say.

Soon, they arrived at Hidden Sword Villa.

As soon as they arrived at the foot of Tianyang Mountain, they met the person Shen Yusheng arranged to come to meet them.

Under the leadership of these people, Bai Yutian came to Hidden Sword Villa again.

And Shen Yusheng had been waiting here for a long time. He knew that Bai Yutian would definitely pay a visit to Hidden Sword Villa before leaving.

"The changes in Xiangcheng are really unexpected." Shen Yusheng said bitterly.

He has already learned about what happened in Xiangcheng. Almost all the sects in the world have suffered losses. Fortunately, forces like the Lingyun Sect at least know the truth behind it.

However, most of the small and medium-sized Jianghu forces had quite a lot of complaints against the Great Zhou royal family, and many of their brothers died tragically at the hands of the Great Zhou army.

Moreover, this is something that is irrefutable. The day before yesterday, Xiangcheng almost became a purgatory on earth, with corpses everywhere. Countless people witnessed all this with their own eyes.

Coupled with the rumors deliberately spread by the Tianyi Army, the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty became even more evil in the hearts of everyone.

In fact, this rumor has affected a lot of Dazhou's vigilance and is a huge challenge to Dazhou's stability.

Since the Five Kingdoms chaos in the Zhou Dynasty, Bai Yutian moved the capital and came under the control of Gu Taizhong. Countless aristocratic families and cities have had independent ideas and are not under the control of the Zhou Dynasty.

Some people proclaimed themselves kings, like the Nanchuan Wolf Army, the governor of Nanchuan Prefecture, proclaimed themselves kings and openly opposed the imperial court.

There were also some people who ostensibly obeyed the imperial court, but actually acted against it and ignored the Zhou imperial court.

At the peak of the Great Zhou, there were fifty states, but now only a dozen states are truly controlled by the Great Zhou. Even so, there are still many places where natural and man-made disasters have occurred.

As the current owner of Hidden Sword Villa, Shen Yusheng is very loyal to the Great Zhou Court, which allows the entire Hidden Sword Villa to stand better with the Great Zhou Court.

"Now, rumors are spreading all over the Great Zhou Dynasty, saying that Your Majesty is a tyrant who kills innocent people indiscriminately and is ruthless. Moreover, there should be mysterious forces behind this to further ferment the rumors." Shen Yusheng turned his wheelchair and said helplessly.

"The mysterious force should be Tianjia or Fuzhou." Bai Yutian replied angrily.

These two names were very unfamiliar to Shen Yusheng. Seeing this, Shen Yumiao explained Duan Liaosheng's confession to Shen Yusheng.

After listening, Shen Yusheng understood the meaning of Tianjia and Fuzhou.

"So that's it. Fuzhou has always appeared in the form of a local gang and has never claimed to be Fuzhou to the outside world. Tianjia controls the Jinjia Sect and was born from the Jinjia Sect, so we can't investigate it." Shen Yusheng said solemnly. said.

The confidentiality of these two organizations is so complete that they now don't even know the number and strength of their internal personnel, which is very scary.

"Master Shen, I need you to train the second batch of dragon guards. When I return to Tailin, I will select new personnel." Bai Yutian said.

Shen Yusheng's face was solemn, "Your Majesty, please rest assured. I will do my best to share your worries."

"However, Your Majesty, now that rumors are spreading, shouldn't we curb them?" Shen Yusheng continued.

Sometimes, rumors can kill someone.

Bai Yutian nodded. No matter what, he could not let this matter continue to ferment, otherwise it would be more and more detrimental to Dazhou.

He was not afraid of being criticized, but the situation facing Zhou Dynasty was very serious now, and Bai Yutian could not let these rebel forces continue to grow.

Next, Bai Yutian took out the divine sword again.

Their biggest goal this time was to seize the Divine Sword. As a result, now that they have obtained the Divine Sword, it cannot play a key role.

Bai Yutian doesn't think that there will be many Jianghu forces on his side.

Shen Yusheng had only heard about the Divine Sword, but had never seen it before, and he didn't even know the secrets inside.

After some research, Shen Yusheng returned the divine sword to Bai Yutian.

"By the way, Master Shen, I still want to talk to you about something."

"Your Majesty, please speak."

Bai Yutian took out the ancestral homepage obtained from the ancestral mausoleum and placed it on the table between the two of them.

The ancient books are not very thick, but they are all-encompassing and record almost all the inheritances that were extinct at first.

"The Shaman God of Shanu once said before he left that he used air-bending techniques. Air-bending techniques are also recorded in ancient books. It is a secret technique that can change a person's appearance. Originally, The warriors of the Great Zhou Dynasty created countless secret techniques and possessed all kinds of incredible methods."

"However, nowadays, there are almost no such methods in the world of Dazhou. However, many people with ulterior motives have obtained these inheritances. It is harmful to Dazhou but not beneficial."

Shen Yusheng nodded. Hidden Sword Villa still retains some inheritance, such as the art of disguise, the art of mechanism, etc., but compared with more than 400 years ago, it is only a tenth.

Not to mention other Jianghu forces, according to what is known, except for Tianjia Fuzhou, I am afraid that no force has a heritage of more than 400 years ago.

However, the Shanu Kingdom has these inheritances. Not only that, it also dealt a heavy blow to Zhou in this competition for the divine sword.

Even if Bai Yutian finally gets the divine sword, it still doesn't count as a victory.

The four major tribes of Shanu Kingdom already had tribal secrets, and now that they have these inheritances, their strength is even more terrifying and the threat to the Great Zhou Dynasty is even greater.

This chapter has been completed!
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