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Chapter 249 Beheading

"Kou Wang, don't be disappointed. The war is about to start, and you have a lot to compete with." Bai Yutian said immediately.

When he was in the main hall, he noticed the tit-for-tat confrontation between Kou Wang and Jing Ling, and knew that Kou Wang took the initiative to join the army just to compete with Jing Ling.

Kou Wang clasped his fists, his whole body filled with belief, "I will not disappoint His Majesty."

The real battlefield between Kou Wang and Jing Ling is in the next war.

In the past few days, the Great Zhou Dynasty has been peaceful, and Ming Gaochi and others are not as active as before, and have been quiet recently.

Bai Yutian did not mention the division of provinces, but he also never mentioned the release of those governors.

As for He Kang and Bai Yuzhan, Bai Yutian often visited them and told them not to be impatient. Deng would be able to let them out after handling some matters.

Compared with Zhang Cun and others, He Kang and Bai Yuzhan's treatment is much better, but this is also the treatment they deserve.

Bai Yutian's premonition was indeed correct. Just five days later, the Nanchuan Army sent two armies to encircle Huaizhou City. The situation was precarious.

Shi Wanqin, on the other hand, was not to be outdone, and directly advanced with an army of 100,000, occupying several cities in Mingzhou.

The war between Dazhou and Dashun Dachuan was finally inevitable.

For a time, the whole Great Zhou was shaken, and people knew that a storm was coming that would sweep the entire Great Zhou.

Kou Wang urgently transferred 50,000 troops from Yingcheng, and set out from Tailin City, heading straight to the north of the Yangtze River.

Deng Yongle also transferred his troops from Mingzhou and marched along the mountains to the two states in Jiangbei.

Jing Zhao and Jing Ling took Fenghuoying to Mingzhou and formed a huge team.

The two sides of the Zhou Dynasty started fighting at the same time, and the situation suddenly became tense.

Bai Yutian issued an order to withdraw one-half of the silver from the treasury to purchase grain, and determined various wartime regulations, requiring the people to obey them.

At the same time, the armies of various states followed the imperial court's orders and formed several grain roads for the transportation of logistics supplies and grain.

In the past few days at court, all discussions were about the war against Nanchuan and Shi Wanqin.

The ministers had different opinions, each had their own opinions, and had their own strategies and plans for both sides.

Finally, Bai Yutian waited for the first good news. Kou Wang led 50,000 Dingbei troops southward and encountered Yu Xiaobei's army, one of the two armies of the Dachuan Kingdom, in Yunling. The two sides started a battle near Yunling.

Hoping for a great victory, Yu Xiaobei's army will be defeated.

Immediately afterwards, another news came that Fenghuo Battalion rushed to the front line. Jing Ling made a sneak attack at night and captured Yancheng, killing nearly 5,000 Dashun soldiers.

Everyone cheered and was excited about Da Zhou's victory.

Winning the first battle undoubtedly greatly boosted Da Zhou's morale.

However, everyone knows that this is just the beginning. There is still a long way to go before Nanchuan and Shi Wanqin can be completely eliminated.

Dashun Kingdom, Yuzhou City, Dashun Palace.

Shi Wanqin chose this place as the capital of the Dashun Kingdom. At the same time, this was also the original site of Shijiabao.

The Shijiabao uprising gathered a large number of followers here and drove the original Yuzhou prefect off his horse, and then his power expanded rapidly.

"Gu Chengxuan, Lin Qi listen to the order!"

Shi Wanqin was at the top of the list and shouted to the civil and military officials below.

After being the emperor for a while, Shi Wanqin also had a bit of the aura of a superior person, with a deep aura.

Although they won the country unfairly and took the territory from the Great Zhou Kingdom, here, Shi Wanqin was popular among the people, and with the help of the Lin family, Shi Wanqin's position was very stable.

The Lin family was a powerful family in the Great Zhou Dynasty and controlled much of the land and economic lifeline east of Longxi. Therefore, Shi Wanqin could rise so quickly.

Of course, there is also the help of Tianjia.

"I'm here!" Two figures stood out among the civil and military officials.

The young figure among them is Gu Chengxuan. At this time, he has a gentle and elegant temperament, and looks even more enigmatic, as if he has everything under control.

The other person is a member of the Lin family, named Lin Qi. This person is brave and good at fighting, and is well-known in the world. Before joining the army, he also had a half-step master level cultivation, and his overall strength is very strong.

"I now appoint Lin Qi as the Marshal of the Conquer Zhou Dynasty, and Gu Chengxuan as the Chief Military Advisor. He will lead an army of 150,000 to aid Mingzhou."

"I obey your decree!" Gu Chengxuan and Lin Qi said almost at the same time.

With the efforts of Tianjia and himself, Gu Chengxuan rose rapidly in the Dashun Kingdom and was highly regarded by Shi Wanqin.

Shi Wanqin liked Gu Chengxuan even more than his own son. If he had not had a daughter, he would have even wanted to recruit Gu Chengxuan as his son-in-law.

This time, Shi Wanqin's eldest son Shi Ziming was worshiped as the vanguard general. Although he quickly made achievements before Da Zhou could react, after Jing Ling arrived, he was inevitably defeated and fled in embarrassment.

In response to this, Shi Wanqin responded quickly and quickly reorganized his army and went to Mingzhou.

Mingzhou is a very important place. If Shi Wanqin wants to threaten Tailin City, he must capture Mingzhou.

An army of 150,000 is currently Shi Wanqin's limit. Their territory already includes six states, so they also need an army to guard it. With the vanguard army included, they barely have many troops left to guard the capital.

Fortunately, the geographical location of Yuzhou City is relatively good, and the Zhou army cannot easily invade.

After the ministers dispersed, Gu Chengxuan and Lin Qi did not leave. They were not waiting for Shi Wanqin's canonization, but for the arrival of a person.

Soon, a figure in white suddenly appeared in the empty hall, with a fang mask on his head.

"See your envoy!" Gu Chengxuan and Lin Qi said respectfully.

Looking at him like that, he was even more respectful than when he faced Shi Wanqin before.

Shi Wanqin didn't show too much dignity in front of this person, and his attitude softened.

He knew that the forces within the Jinjia Sect were very terrifying, and the people inside were ridiculously strong.

Tianjia is headed by a guy called the sect leader. He has four great envoys, and the person in front of him is one of them.

At the beginning, Shi Wanqin disliked the Jinjia Sect very much. He believed that the Jinjia Sect was just a group of gangsters, and only Duan Liaosheng and the Eight Great Vajras were of any use.

However, when he got to know the Jinjia Sect deeply, he realized that he was too naive.

"I wonder if the sect master has any new actions?" Shi Wanqin asked.

The envoy smiled coldly, giving people a very sinister feeling, "Now that Dashun and Dazhou are about to go into full-scale war, the sect leader means that Tianjia no longer needs to hide."

"The Three Northern Kingdoms and the Nanyuan Kingdom are no longer reliable. Now, Dashun and Dachuan will join forces to destroy the Great Zhou Dynasty at all costs!"

"In response, we decided to implement a beheading operation!"

"Behead!" Several people were shocked. If beheading, doesn't it mean that Bai Yutian is going to be killed?

Tianjia's strength is very terrifying. Since they dare to kill Bai Yutian, they may really be capable.

The Fenghuo Battalion all went to the Mingzhou battlefield, while in Tailin City, there was only the City Guard Battalion, so the threat was relatively smaller.

This chapter has been completed!
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